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The carbon cycle and biogeochemical dynamics in lake sediments   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:27  
The concentrations of organic carbon (OC) and CaCO3 in lake sediments are often inversely related. This relation occurs in surface sediments from different locations in the same lake, surface sediments from different lakes, and with depth in Holocene sediments. Where data on accumulation rates are available, the relation holds for organic carbon and CaCO3 accumulation rates as well. An increase of several percent OC is accompanied by a decrease of several tens of percent CaCO3 indicating that the inverse relation is not due to simple dilution of one component by another. It appears from core data that once the OC concentration in the sediments becomes greater than about 12%, the CO2 produced by decomposition of that OC and production of organic acids lowers the pH of anoxic pore waters enough to dissolve any CaCO3 that reaches the sediment-water interface. In a lake with a seasonally anoxic hypolimnion, processes in the water column also can produce an inverse relation between OC and CaCO3 over time. If productivity of the lake increases, the rain rate of OC from the epilimnion increases. Biogenic removal of CO2 and accompanying increase in pH also may increase the production of CaCO3. However, the decomposition of organic matter in the hypolimnion will decrease the pH of the hypolimnion causing greater dissolution of CaCO3 and therefore a decrease in the rain rate of CaCO3 to the sediment-water interface.  相似文献   
从地洼成矿作用看中国某些优质锰矿的成因与远景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究发现中国某些优质锰矿,属复成矿床,它们都是地洼成矿作用的产物。福建连城锰矿就是典型实例,类似矿床特别是复成风化锰矿,还见于闽西南-粤东北及湖南。滇东南一些锰矿,例如著名的斗南锰矿与白显锰矿的成因,也可能与地洼成矿作用有一定联系。分析对比了一些优质复成锰矿和一些较贫的复成锰矿的成矿地质条件。从地洼成矿作用可以看出中国某些优质锰矿的成因与远景。提出在中国东南地洼区、南北地洼区南端及云贵地洼区某些地方,寻找优质复成风化锰矿与复成菱锰矿—硫锰矿矿床是较有希望的。  相似文献   
广西荣华锰矿位于三叠系百逢组,在该地层中发现的工业锰矿床尚未见报道。通过对该矿区大比例尺地质填图,并结合地质工程和测试分析等手段,对矿床地质背景、沉积环境、矿体和矿石特征、沉积演化等进行分析研究,推测荣华锰矿为沉积-淋滤锰帽型矿床,矿体顺层分布于靠近罗楼组碳酸盐岩的百逢组第一段泥岩、泥质粉砂岩中,严格受地层和构造控制。矿石主要由偏锰酸矿、软锰矿等组成,矿石品位偏低,伴生Co等金属元素。百逢组之下的碳酸盐岩和百逢组第一段浊积砾岩层可作为该类锰矿上下界线典型的找矿标志。中三叠世桂西北处于盆包台构造格局,中晚古生代富含锰的台地在三叠纪遭受风化剥蚀,成矿元素被带入弧后盆地。随着特提斯洋闭合,挤压作用使盆地面积变小,水位加深,氧化还原界面波动,在百逢组第一段锰元素初步富集。后右江盆地抬升露出水面遭受剥蚀,风化淋滤作用最终形成该区顺层分布的氧化锰矿床。桂西广泛出露百逢组地层,其第一段具有良好的找矿前景。  相似文献   
贵州东部及邻区南华纪锰矿层中的黄铁矿产出形态多样,为了研究它们的成因标志,通过野外和镜下观察发现黄铁矿主要呈浸染状、条带状和结核状产出,并以草莓状和自形-半自形粒状结构为主。硫同位素测试结果显示含锰岩系中黄铁矿具有异常高δ34S值的特征,介于+37.9‰~+62.6‰之间(平均52.7‰),呈塔式分布,峰值在+46‰~+59‰之间,沿同一矿体剖面从下到上逐渐减小,不同矿床间差异大。结果表明沉积盆地的封闭性和冰川事件使海水硫酸盐浓度降低并富集重硫同位素,随后形成的硫酸盐最低带进一步减小了硫同位素的分馏,使黄铁矿的δ34S达到异常高值。随着沉积盆地逐渐变开放,矿层由下而上黄铁矿的δ34S值逐渐减小,而不同矿床黄铁矿的δ34S值差异则是因为沉积盆地封闭性的差异。因此,封闭的局限沉积盆地是锰矿床形成的重要地质背景条件,而渗流热卤水或火山锰源可能是矿床的主要锰质来源。  相似文献   
Manganese mineralisation in the Oakover Basin is associated with Mesoproterozoic extension, basin formation and deposition of the Manganese Group. The underlying basement architecture of the Oakover Basin (a local half-graben geometry), inherited from the Neoarchean rifting event, plays an important role on the distribution, style and timing of manganese deposits. Fault-hosted manganese deposits are dominant along the ‘active’ faulted eastern margin, whereas flat-lying sedimentary deposits are dominant along the western ‘passive’ margin reflecting differences in ore-forming processes. The large number of significant manganese deposits in the Oakover Basin, previously thought to reflect a spatial association with Carawine Dolomite, more likely reflects the restricted nature of the Mesoproterozoic basin and development of a large reservoir of Mn2+ and Fe2+ in an anoxic zone of a stratified basin. Low O2 conditions in the basin were caused by a paleotopographic high forming a barrier to open ocean circulation. The western margin sedimentary deposits formed later than the fault-hosted hydrothermal deposits along the eastern margin, once a significant reservoir of Mn2+ and Fe2+ had developed, and when there was sufficient subsidence to allow migration of the redox front onto the shallow shelf, with Mn precipitation on and within the seafloor sediments. The sedimentary manganese deposits are not uniformly distributed along the western edge of the basin; instead they are concentrated into discrete areas (e.g. Mt Cooke–Utah–Mt Rove, Bee Hill, Skull Springs and the Ripon Hills districts), suggesting a degree of structural control on their distribution. Fault-hosted manganese is observed beneath and adjacent to many of the sedimentary deposits. Marked geochemical differences are observed between the Woodie Woodie hydrothermal deposits and the sedimentary deposits. Woodie Woodie deposits display higher Ba, U, Mo, As, Sn, Bi, Pb, S and Cu than the sedimentary deposits, reflecting the composition of the hydrothermal fluids. The Al2O3 values of the Ripon Hills and Mt Cooke deposits are much higher than the Woodie Woodie deposits, reflecting the composition of the dominant host rock, as Al2O3 is typically <5 wt% in the Carawine Dolomite, but is >10 wt% in basal shale units of the Manganese Group. Highly variable Mn:Fe ratios (?5:1) in the hydrothermal manganese at Woodie Woodie reflects rapid deposition of Mn in and around fault zones. In contrast, slower accumulation of Mn oxides on and within the seafloor to form the large sedimentary deposits results in Mn:Fe ratios closer to 1:1 and elevated Co + Ni and REE values.  相似文献   
大洋锰结核(壳)中南极底流活动的矿物学与地球化学记录   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
总结了大洋锰结核(壳)的形态、构造、矿物组合、元素富集特点,以及区域分布和南极底流活动的关系,采用ICP-MS测试手段对中太平洋海山区17个锰结壳样品和1个基岩样品的稀土元素进行测试,结果表明,富钴结壳的REE含量很高,平均为1716.66×10-6,轻稀土明显富集,LREE/HREE平均为4.82,锰结壳样品中除MID06样品有轻微的Ce负异常外,其余样品均具明显的Ce正异常,基岩MKD01呈明显的Ce负异常。不同区域锰结核(壳)中稀土元素的对比研究表明,南极底流活动区和非活动区Ce/La值有显著差异,但不能通过Ce/La值确定底流的迁移路径。这一成果将有助于全面认识大洋成矿作用与海洋环境变迁的内在联系。  相似文献   
《Geofísica Internacional》2014,53(2):199-210
Geophysical methods are widely used in mineral exploration. This paper discusses the results of geological and geophysical studies in supergene manganese deposits of southern Brazil. Mineralized zones as described in geological surveys were characterized as of low resistivity (20Ω.m) and high chargeability (30ms), pattern found also in oxides and sulfite mineral deposits. Pseudo-3D modeling of geophysical data allowed mapping at several depths. A relationship between high chargeability and low resistivity may define a pattern for high grade gonditic manganese ore. Large areas of high chargeability and high resistivity may result in accumulation of manganese and iron hydroxides, due to weathering of the gonditic ore, dissolution, percolation and precipitation.  相似文献   
230Th, 232Th and 234Th were analyzed in sinking particles collected by moored and drifting sediment traps in the NE Atlantic Ocean (POMME experiment) in order to constrain the phase(s) carrying Th isotopes in the water column. It reveals a contrasted behaviour between 234Th and 230Th. 234Th is correlated to the particulate organic carbon suggesting that it is primarily scavenged by organic compounds in the surface waters. 230Thxs is correlated with Mn, Ba and the lithogenic fraction that are enriched in small suspended particles and incorporated in the sinking particulate flux throughout the water column. The lack of correlation between 230Thxs and CaCO3 or biogenic silica (bSi) indicates that CaCO3 and bSi are not responsible for 230Th scavenging in the deep waters of this oceanic region. 230Th is generally correlated with the lithogenic content of the trapped material but this correlation disappears in winter during strong atmospheric dust inputs suggesting that lithogenic matter is not directly responsible for 230Th scavenging in the deep waters or that sufficient time is required to achieve particle–solution equilibration. MnO2 could be the prevalent 230Thxs-bearing phase. The narrow range of Kd_MnO2Th obtained for very contrasted oceanic environments supports a global control of 230Thxs scavenging by MnO2 and raises the possibility that the 230Th–231Pa fractionation is controlled by the amount of colloidal MnO2 in seawater.  相似文献   
广西东平锰矿半氧化带中的菱锰矿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
结合矿床地质背景,从时间空间分布,晶体形态,显微镜鉴定,X射线衍射曲线,电子探针分析和化学成分等方面对碳酸盐锰矿半氧化带中的菱锰矿进行了比较详细的研究。  相似文献   
新元古代后期地球经历了至少两次全球规模的冰川期,分别为Sturtian冰期和Marinoan冰期。鄂西走马地区南华系古城组与南沱组分别属于Sturtian和Marinoan冰期沉积,大塘坡组代表间冰期沉积,同时,大塘坡期是我国重要的成锰时期。本文通过对走马地区ZK702钻孔岩心古城组、大塘坡组、南沱组底部细碎屑岩样品元素地球化学的研究,计算了CIA、CIW、PIA、Al/Ca、Rb/Sr、V/Cr、U/Th等特征值,探讨了该区南华纪冰期至间冰期的古气候和古氧相演化过程,结合岩石学证据认为:古城冰期气候寒冷干燥(CIA值从底部的69. 2过渡至57. 8,均值为62. 2),大塘坡间冰期早期气候依然寒冷(CIA值介于54. 3~62. 7,均值59. 7),大塘坡中晚期气候恢复温暖湿润并趋于稳定(CIA值介于70. 2~81. 1,均值75. 8),南沱冰期气候又转向寒冷干燥(CIA值由78. 6降低至61. 9),CIW、PIA、Rb/Sr值等指标反映的古气候演化过程与CIA值反映一致,Al/Ca值的变化也反映了陆源碎屑输入量随着古气候波动;V/Cr、U/Th、Ni/Co等比值反映出研究区古海洋古城期-南沱早期总体处于氧化环境,其中大塘坡早期处于弱氧化环境,古城期、大塘坡中晚期和南沱早期处于氧化环境;研究区大塘坡锰矿形成于间冰期早期寒冷气候下的弱氧化环境,气候转暖后锰矿停止沉积,锰矿成矿与古气候和古氧相具有耦合关系。  相似文献   
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