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Geografisk Tidsskrift—Danish Journal of Geography 110(2):175–200, 2010

The GeoArk project conducted interdisciplinary studies between 2003 and 2008 to investigate the Thule culture (c. 1400 AD until c. 1850 AD) in the Wollaston Forland- Clavering Ø region (74°N). Faunal remains of recent excavations and re-analyses of previous excavations of Thule culture seasonal features, winter houses and middens are presented, with an emphasis on the two winter sites of Fladstrand and Dødemandsbugten. The faunal assemblages showed ringed seal (Phoca hispida) to be the key game species, although, with important contingents of narwhal (Monodon monocerosj and caribou (Rangifer tarandus) Thule subsistence was highly dependent on having a well developed procurement system and the sea- and landscape was used differentially during the annual cycle. Hvalros Ø, located at the recurring Sirius Water Polynya, was used as a seasonal aggregation site especially for hunting walrus (Odobenus rosmarusj) throughout the entire Thule culture era. Being a predictable source of meat and blubber, the walrus was of fundamental importance to the Thule Inuit in order to cope with a harsh high arctic environment. The site locations of the study area revealed a continued similar usage of the sea- and landscape for centuries and the analyses documented only minor temporal changes in subsistence patterns.  相似文献   
The diet of the Barn Owl (Tyto alba) is well known in different habitats but a lack of data persists for arid and subarid environments. We provide preliminary information on food selection of barn owls in Tunisia by the analysis of the composition of pellets. The diet consists largely of rodents and the three-toed Jerboa (Jaculus jaculus) that accounted for more than 50% of total prey biomass. Results suggest that barn owls show a nonrandom tendency toward rodent species especially small and young individuals.  相似文献   
Entanglement records for seabirds and marine mammals were investigated for the period 2001-2005. The entanglement records were extracted from databases maintained by seven organizations operating along the west coast of the United States of America. Their programmes included beach monitoring surveys, rescue and rehabilitation and regional pinniped censuses. Records of 454 entanglements were documented in live animals and in carcasses for 31 bird species and nine marine mammal species. The most frequently entangled species were Common Murres, Western Gulls and California sea lions. The entanglement materials identified were primarily fishing related. Entanglements were recorded every year suggesting that although the incidence level differs annually, entanglement is a persistent problem. It is recommended that each programme records details in standardized categories to determine entanglement material sources. Numbers of entanglements observed during these surveys are likely to be a conservative view of the actual entanglement rate taking place at sea.  相似文献   
This study employs Structural Equation Models (SEMs) to systematically analyze the components of a multi-stakeholder negotiation in an applied setting. It characterizes participant perceptions of a multi-stakeholder, consensus-based negotiation process used to reduce harmful interactions between marine mammals and fishing gear in U.S. waters (marine mammal Take Reduction Teams). From April to July 2013, 234 current and former participants of eight Take Reduction Teams received a survey with 15 questions about the negotiation process, outputs (Take Reduction Plans), and outcomes. The SEMs depict relationships among the latent variables of social capital and shared learning, fairness, stakeholder satisfaction with the Take Reduction Plans, and their perceived outcomes. The SEMs also explain the influence of independent predictors of team identity and age, geographic region, and stakeholder affiliation on the latent variables. Results indicate that stakeholder views of fairness significantly influenced their satisfaction with the Take Reduction Plans, which in turn, significantly affected their opinions of the outcomes. While the majority of participants believed the plans were at least slightly successful at reducing marine mammal bycatch, this varied among teams and was significantly influenced by stakeholder affiliation, region, and Take Reduction Team age.  相似文献   
This study aimed to identify the occurrence and spatial distribution of cetaceans in Mauritanian waters (eastern Atlantic). A geophysical survey was conducted over 92 days between September and December 2012. Over 967 km was surveyed, with 1 017 h of observer effort recorded. Visual watches for marine mammals resulted in 228 cetacean sightings of 16 different species, including 12 odontocetes and 4 mysticetes. The short-finned pilot whale Globicephala macrorhynchus was the most frequently encountered odontocete, followed by the Atlantic spotted dolphin Stenella frontalis. Of the mysticetes, the sei whale Balaenoptera borealis and blue whale B. musculus were encountered most frequently. We used generalised additive models and generalised linear models to examine the relationships between environmental factors and cetacean distribution. The results showed depth had a significant influence on presence of the short-finned pilot whale, which preferred waters deeper than 1 800 m. The model for mysticetes identified bathymetry as a significant environmental predictor, whereas slope of the ocean floor had a positive effect but was not significant. This study contributes to our understanding of cetaceans in Mauritanian waters, using data from a platform of opportunity.  相似文献   
The wet-sieving of sediments on the tonne scale has been used, probably since the mid-1800s, to search for Mesozoic mammal teeth and other microvertebrate fossils. Unfortunately, more sediment can usually be washed than can be searched, because of the very laborious nature of hand-picking non-enriched sediment residues.Such residues can be enriched cheaply and effectively using Interfacial Methods, which exploit differential wetting phenomena. Placed in a suspension of kerosene in water, microvertebrate fossils become wetted preferentially with the kerosene, which then allows them to adhere to granules of paraffin wax; these are removed and melted to release the fossils.One experiment is described where 8.92 kg of a quartz-rich residue (from 13 tonnes of raw sediment) was processed using apparatus centred on a cement mixer.Smaller scale ‘low tech’ apparatus designed for use in the field and improvised from various items of household waste, etc., were used to enrich various sediment residues weighing between 500 g and 1582 g.Theoretical aspects of the process were investigated experimentally with an eye to their practical significance.  相似文献   
A fossil-bearing locality near Padhri village, Dhok Pathan, 55 km away from the tehsil Dina, Jhelum District, in the Potwar Plateau, Middle Siwaliks, Punjab, northern Pakistan, is significantly rich in mammalian fossils. This site has provided an abundant mammalian fossil fauna of Late Miocene age from the Dhok Pathan Formation (Fm.). The recovered material belongs to four families: Equidae (horses), Rhinocerotidae (rhinos), Bovidae (cows), and Suidae (pigs). We discovered a new skull of hipparionine Hipparion theobaldi from this locality along with 22 specimens from the associated assemblage of fossil mammals. The recovered material includes seven other species: the aceratheriine Chilotherium intermedium, boselaphines Tragoportax punjabicus, Selenoportax vexillarius, Pachyportax latidens, the antelope Gazella lydekkeri and suinine Propotamochoerus hysudricus. The specimens are isolated teeth, fragments of maxilla, mandibles and horn cores. The Dhok Pathan Fm. is generally composed of claystone, siltstone and sandstone beds and, based on the mammalian fauna, the Padhri fossil locality is dated as Late Miocene. Thi99s formation was deposited in a subtropical paleoenvironment and the predominance of fossil bovids indicates extremely moist conditions with small but frequent standing water bodies.  相似文献   
In recent years, several species of marine mammals and birds have been affected by uncommon diseases and unusual mortalities. While several possible causative factors have been attributed for these events, a prominent suspect is exposure to man-made toxic contaminants. Particularly, some of these man-made chemicals can disrupt normal endocrine physiology in animals. At CMES, our studies focus on exposure and toxic effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals, particularly organochlorines, in higher trophic level wildlife. Endocrine disrupting chemicals, such as organochlorine insecticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, organotins etc. are found in tissues of a wide variety of wildlife. Extremely high concentrations have been found in animals afflicted with diseases and/or victims of mass mortalities. Elevated contamination by organochlorines has been found in open sea animals such as cetaceans and albatrosses, which seemed to be attributable to their low capacity to metabolize toxic persistent contaminants. Significant correlations between biochemical parameters (serum hormone concentrations and cytochrome P450 enzyme activities) and residues of endocrine disrupting chemicals were found in some species of marine animals, which indicates that these chemicals may impose toxic effects in animals even at the current levels of exposure. In general, water birds and marine mammals accumulated the dioxin-like compounds with much higher concentrations than humans, implying higher risk from exposure in wildlife. The future issues of endocrine disrupting chemicals in humans and wildlife will have to be focused in developing countries.  相似文献   
The north and south China faunas are subdivided along the line of Huaihe River-Qinling Mountains- Hengduan Mountains-Himalayas, to the north is the Palearctic Region, and to the south is the Oriental Region, which is the result of long-time evolution. Hundreds of Quaternary fossil localities have been known up to now, more than 60 of which contain warm-adapted elements which can be referred to 20 species. Among the warm-adapted elements appearing in north China, Hystrix, Macaca, Palaeoloxodon, Dicerorhinus and Bubalus are the most frequently recorded genera. There are three kinds of causal explanation about the frequent appearance of warm-adapted elements in north China: The first hy- pothesis attributed them to the dispersal events of warm-adapted mammals from the south during warm stages or warm seasons; the second scenario thinks that these warm-adapted mammals in north China were once derived there in situ and subsequently emigrated to the south with the cooling down of the global climate; the last hypothesis believes that these warm-adapted elements were not real warm-climate animals at that time. This study shows that almost none of the warm-adapted mammals in north China was recovered in the loess, and also almost all of the fossil localities which bear warm-adapted mammals fall within the warm temperate zone of nowadays. In fossil assemblage, those warm-adapted elements rarely co-exist with the cold-adapted mammals. All these evidences mentioned above indicate that the warm-adapted mammals in north China represent warm climate, but not hot one. Because all these warm-adapted mammals are widely distributed oriental elements, some of them even still exist north of the Huaihe River today. Up to now, no typical oriental elements have ever been re- covered in north China, such as pangolin, primitive primates (e.g. loris and tarsier), big apes (e.g. Gi- gantopithecus, Pongo and Hylobates), etc. The Late Pleistocene lasted a relatively shorter time, but the appearance of warm-adapted mammals during that span were the most frequent and most widespread. It means that the climate of the Late Pleistocene experienced the most frequent fluctuation over the whole period of Quaternary.  相似文献   
The study of British Pleistocene mammal faunas has been hampered by the difficulty of telling the difference between the postcranial elements of the often abundant remains of the large bovids Bos primigenius Bojanus, 1827 and Bison priscus Bojanus, 1827. Here I present qualitative and morphometric criteria whereby Bos primigenius and Bison priscus radii, metacarpals, tibiae, astragali and metatarsals can be told apart using British Pleistocene material.  相似文献   
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