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We measured total selenium and total mercury concentrations ([TSe] and [THg]) in hair (n = 138) and blood (n = 73) of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) from California to assess variation by geography and sex, and inferred feeding relationships based on carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur stable isotopes. Harbor seals from Hg-contaminated sites had significantly greater [THg], and lesser [TSe] and TSe:THg molar ratios than seals from a relatively uncontaminated site. Males had significantly greater [THg] than females at all locations. Sulfur stable isotope values explained approximately 25% of the variability in [THg], indicating increased Hg exposure for seals with a greater use of estuarine prey species. Decreased [TSe] in harbor seals from Hg-contaminated regions may indicate a relative Se deficiency to mitigate the toxic effects of Hg. Further investigation into the Se status and the potential negative impact of Hg on harbor seals from Hg-contaminated sites is warranted.  相似文献   
Diet composition and trophic levels of marine mammals   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
For more than a decade, interactions between humans and Hawaiian spinner dolphins in their resting bays have been a concern for members of the general public, managers, scientists, policymakers, and tour operators. Hawaiian spinner dolphins are the target of a large wildlife tourism industry due to their predictable daytime resting behavior and presence in coastal areas. Using results from passive acoustic monitoring between January 2011 and March 2013 on the Kona coast of Hawai‛i Island, USA, the relative importance of four known Hawaiian spinner dolphin resting bays, the contribution of anthropogenic noise including vessel noise to the four bay soundscapes, and the dolphins' response to human activities were assessed. Here the findings are summarized and visualized and recommendations are provided for action to regulate directed dolphin watching and ensuing unauthorized takes under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972. These findings and recommendations have implications for the federal government's ongoing efforts to implement rules that protect Hawaiian spinner dolphins in their resting bays.  相似文献   
This paper examines Canadians' willingness to pay to recover the populations of three marine mammal species found in the St Lawrence Estuary. The valuation approach utilized a stated preference tool that is somewhat a hybrid between contingent valuation and a choice experiment with multiple species recovery program options and choices framed as referenda. Program options involved the use of a marine protected area and restrictions on whale watching and shipping industries. The estimated willingness to pay (WTP) for different levels of marine mammal recovery ranged from $77 to $229 per year per household and varied according to the species affected and the recovery program effort. A series of tests revealed that people would be willing to pay more for programs that contribute to greater increases in marine mammal populations, but the additional value of programs that improve a species status beyond the “at risk” threshold is relatively small.  相似文献   
The Çal Basin formed in the late Miocene as an orogen-top rift hosting terrestrial sedimentation. The initial array of alluvial fans in a half-graben basin was replaced by an axial meandering-river system during the late Tortonian. Palaeomammal taxa indicate a mid-Turolian age of the deposits and a grass-dominated steppe ecosystem. Isotopic data from pedogenic carbonates indicate a warm, semiarid to arid climate. Subhumid to humid climatic conditions prevailed in the Pliocene, with a palustrine environment and savannah-type open ecosystem, recording a regional response to the marine flooding that terminated the Messinian ‘salinity crisis’ in the Mediterranean. Pleistocene saw re-establishment of a fluvial system in the basin with the development of an open steppe ecosystem in warm, semiarid to arid climatic conditions. The sedimentary facies analysis of the basin-fill succession, combined with biostratigraphic data, render the basin a regional reference and help to refine the Neogene tectono-climatic history of SW Anatolia.  相似文献   

En Languedoc central, la cartographie des sédiments formés lors de la crise messinienne et de ceux de la séquence pliocène, ainsi que les données patées paléontologiques nouvelles (Aigues-Vives et Servian) permettent de proposer une reconstitution du tracé messimeli des rivières actuelles (Orb et Hérault) transformées en rias à la suite du relèvement eustatique pliocène. L’Hérault messinien se singularise par une incision beaucoup plus faible que celle des autres rivères. En effet, la nature karstique de l’arinère-pays immédiat permet un enfouissement des eaux météoriques au profit d’aquifères profonds sous-jacents au drainage aérien du réseau hydrographique messinien. Le Languedoc central illustre, entre Roussillon et Rhône, le modèle géodynamique messino-pliocène de Clauzon. © Elsevier, Paris  相似文献   
福建南部沿海的江豚   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在闽南厦门至漳浦沿海获22只江豚,根据背部棘状小结节的数量与分布,可明显分为两个亚种,即指名亚种(N.P.Phocaenoides,81%)和北方亚种(N.P.Sunameri,19%),表明本海域是几个亚种的混栖地带,分析了这些江豚的外部形态和种群结构,测定了脂肪层及各内脏的重量.  相似文献   
This paper is part of a comprehensive review of the oceanography of the eastern tropical Pacific, the oceanic region centered on the eastern Pacific warm pool, but also including the equatorial cold tongue and equatorial current system, and summarizes what is known about oceanographic influences on seabirds and cetaceans there. The eastern tropical Pacific supports on the order of 50 species of seabirds and 30 species of cetaceans as regular residents; these include four endemic species, the world’s largest populations for several others, three endemic sub-species, and a multi-species community that is relatively unique to this ecosystem. Three of the meso-scale physical features of the region are particularly significant to seabirds and cetaceans: the Costa Rica Dome for blue whales and short-beaked common dolphins, the Equatorial Front for planktivorous seabirds, and the countercurrent thermocline ridge for flocking seabirds that associate with mixed-species schools of spotted and spinner dolphins and yellowfin tuna. A few qualitative studies of meso- to macro-scale distribution patterns have indicated that some seabirds and cetaceans have species-specific preferences for surface currents. More common are associations with distinct water masses; these relationships have been quantified for a number of species using several different analytical methods. The mechanisms underlying tropical species–habitat relationships are not well understood, in contrast to a number of higher-latitude systems. This may be due to the fact that physical variables have been used as proxies for prey abundance and distribution in species–habitat research in the eastern tropical Pacific.Though seasonal and interannual patterns tend to be complex, species–habitat relationships appear to remain relatively stable over time, and distribution patterns co-vary with patterns of preferred habitat for a number of species. The interactions between seasonal and interannual variation in oceanographic conditions with seasonal patterns in the biology of seabirds and cetaceans may account for some of the complexity in species–habitat relationship patterns.Little work has been done to investigate effects of El Niño-Southern Oscillation cycles on cetaceans, and results of the few studies focusing on oceanic seabirds are complex and not easy to interpret. Although much has been made of the detrimental effects of El Niño events on apex predators, more research is needed to understand the magnitude, and even direction, of these effects on seabirds and cetaceans in space and time.  相似文献   
由于湖北建始龙骨洞洞穴沉积地层年代存在疑问,对建始龙骨洞沉积剖面的154块样品进行了磁性地层学再研究,并建立了磁极性序列,结果显示龙骨洞沉积地层记录了单一的反极性序列,仅在距顶部0.93m处存在一个短期的正极性事件。将龙骨洞剖面极性柱与国际标准极性柱对比,反极性序列应对应于松山反极性时,正极性事件可对应于Cobb Mountain或者留尼旺正极性事件。如果龙骨洞沉积中的哺乳动物年代偏向早更新世,后一种对比方案可能更合理。由此龙骨洞哺乳动物群年龄为1.945—2.581Ma,古人类化石年龄为2.148—2.581Ma。  相似文献   
福建海洋兽类及其分布   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
李树青 《台湾海峡》1997,16(4):479-485
通过对在福建沿海地下发掘出土的海兽骨骼,古文献比较分析研究,提出了福建省古代7种海兽分布名录;依据采集和调查到的现生海兽标本,提出了福建省18种海兽的种类和分布。  相似文献   
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