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随着气象业务系统的集约化程度越来越高,“云”+“端”的业务构建模式将成为主流,省级气象部门新的业务系统构建直接基于“天擎”作为数据和算力支撑,“天镜”提供统一实时业务监控的模式开展。而原来研发的气象业务系统则要通过“云化”改造融入“天擎”“天镜”。本文通过分析融入“天擎”“天镜”技术要点,总结贵州前期系统融入过程中的经验,为今后各单位业务系统顺利融入提供借鉴和指导。  相似文献   
在整理、分析云南大理至瑞丽拟建铁路沿线及其邻区现今地温场分布特征的基础上,进一步总结前人的资料,综合研究、探讨了该区地温场与岩浆活动、活动构造、地震活动、区域深部构造的关系。结果表明,该区中高温温泉(中高地温场)的空间分布与地表岩浆岩的出露、地表主要活动断裂带的分布都具有较好的对应关系。综合研究后认为,该区的中高温温泉可归结为岩浆热源型、断裂深循环型和岩浆热源叠加断裂深循环作用型3种基本成因类型。同时还发现,该区的温泉分布与区域地震活动空间上也存在密切的关系,并据此将区内划分为4个地震区带。研究结果表明,本区地表温泉分布所反映出的地温场特征对本区的工程稳定性评价具有重要的指示意义。  相似文献   
评花岗岩的哈克图解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哈克图解是研究岩浆岩地球化学必用的图件,许多结论就是根据哈克图解做出的。哈克图解只是一个逻辑推理的工具,它所推出的结论是否正确,不是由图解本身决定的,而是由实践决定的。岩浆演化的理论是对的,岩浆演化的理论是从研究层状侵入体得来的,它仅适用于玄武质岩浆,而不适用于花岗质岩浆。实践是检验真理的唯一标准,由哈克图解得出的结论没有经过实践的检验是不能成为真理的,这是最基本、最简单的道理。  相似文献   
随着同位素测试技术的发展,高温下重同位素分馏逐渐运用到地球化学领域.为了探索岩浆演化过程中是否会发生Cu同位素分馏,文章对西藏驱龙斑岩铜矿床同来源、不同演化阶段的两套岩浆岩(闪长岩包体和花岗闪长岩)进行了Cu同位素测试.测试结果显示,闪长岩包体的δ65Cu值集中在+0.08‰-+0.35‰之间,平均值为+0.25‰,花岗闪长岩的δ65Cu值为+0.42‰~+0.87‰,平均值为+0.60‰.△65Cu花岗闪长岩-闪长岩包体≈+0.4‰,并且δ65Cu值与样品w(SiO)变化存在一定的正相关性.结合地质学及同位素方面考虑,花岗闪长岩和闪长岩包体的Cu同位素组成差异可能是岩浆演化过程中发生了Cu同位素分馏所致.在驱龙矿区中新世岩浆演化过程中,随着岩浆去气作用,63Cu随HS-、Cl-等挥发分优先进入气相,导致残留岩浆熔体相对富集65Cu.此外,两者的Cu同位素组成差异也可能与岩浆演化过程中斜长石、角闪石、黑云母等矿物的不断结晶分离有关,矿物结晶分离时,基性矿物富集63Cu,而残余熔体则富集65Cu.  相似文献   
杜乐天  王文广 《地质论评》2012,58(6):1017-1022
笔者等研究发现山东栖霞和浙江西垄两地新生代玄武岩中分别产有奇特的富钾霞石质和富透长石质熔体玻璃地幔捕虏体,而且它们与寄主玄武岩之间有强烈的混染反应.表明玄武岩浆不是一元系岩浆,而是不同期多元系岩浆.多元系所占比例差别很大,决定了玄武岩浆成分的多样性.另外,此玄武岩成分也很特别:①不见斜长石,主要是铬透辉石(Mg质太多);②含有较多霞石;③全岩SiO2低,37% ~39%.此玄武岩应称为透辉石岩.  相似文献   
《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1435-1449
Recent research has identified an early to late Carboniferous magmatic arc that extends from Suzuo Qi to Xiwu Qi in Inner Mongolia, China, but the eastern extension of this arc is unknown. Understanding the relationship between this arc and the Hegenshan ophiolite belt and Xilamulun Solonker suture zone is important to our understanding of the tectonic evolution of the late Palaeozoic Palaeo-Asian Ocean. Here, we present new zircon laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry U–Pb and geochemical data for the Maoliger quartz monzodiorites within the Jalaid Qi area. The Maoliger quartz monzodiorites formed at 329 ± 2 Ma, are low-K and tholeiitic, and have geochemical signatures indicative of formation within a magmatic arc. These rocks are large-ion lithophile element (e.g. Rb, Ba, and Sr)-enriched and high-field-strength element (e.g. Nb and Ta)-depleted. Combined with previously published researches, it is suggested that the quartz monzodiorites within the Jalaid Qi area formed contemporaneously with and are geochemically similar to quartz diorites of the Xiwu Qi area and the Baolidao pluton in the Suzuo Qi area. This indicates that the early to late Carboniferous magmatic arc in this region extends eastward to the Jalaid Qi area. This arc is located in an area parallel to a southerly early Permian magmatic arc, suggesting that the Palaeo-Asian Ocean subduction zone migrated south between the early Carboniferous and early Permian. The new data show that the Palaeo-Asian Ocean closed after the late Carboniferous.  相似文献   
Granitoid plutons are often difficult to radiometrically date precisely due to the possible effects of protracted and complex magmatic evolution, crustal inheritance, and/or partial re-setting of radiogenic clocks. However, apart from natural/geological issues, methodological and analytical problems may also contribute to blurring geochronological data. This may be exemplified by the Variscan Karkonosze Pluton (SW Poland). High-precision chemical abrasion (CA) ID-TIMS zircon data indicate that the two main rock types, porphyritic and equigranular, of this igneous body were both emplaced at ca. 312 Ma, while field evidence points to a younger age for the latter. This is in contrast to the earlier reported SIMS (SHRIMP) zircon dates that scattered mainly between ca. 322 and 302 Ma. In an attempt to overcome this dispersion, at least in part caused by radiogenic lead loss, the CA technique was used before SHRIMP analysis. The 206Pb/238U age obtained in this way from a sample of porphyritic granite is 322 ± 3 Ma, ~16 Ma older than the untreated zircons; another porphyritic sample yielded a mean age of 319 ± 3 Ma, and the mean age was 318 ± 4 Ma for an equigranular granite sample – all three somewhat older than the age obtained by ID-TIMS. Older SIMS dates of ca. 318–322 Ma might indicate either faint inheritance or that zircon domains crystallized during earlier stages of Karkonosze igneous evolution. The ID-TIMS results have been used to re-assess the whole-rock Rb–Sr data. Excluding a porphyritic granite with excess radiogenic 87Sr, it appears that isotopic homogeneity was achieved for most samples during the 312 Ma event, as shown by a pooled 21-point isochron with an age of 311 ± 3 Ma and an initial 86Sr/86Sr of 0.7067 ± 4. Local crustal contamination by stopping of metapelitic material might account for the more radiogenic Sr isotope signature observed in biotite-rich schlieren. A critical re-evaluation of all available SHRIMP data using the ID-TIMS age of 312 Ma as a benchmark suggests that the observed scatter may be partly attributed to analytical and methodological problems, in particular failing to distinguish subtly discordant spots from truly concordant ones, which is a serious limitation of the microbeam analytical approach. Other likely pitfalls contributing to geochronological scatter are identified in the published Re–Os ages on molybdenite and the 40Ar/39Ar data on micas. A scenario postulating a 15–20 milliion year evolution of the Karkonosze Pluton cannot be established on the basis of available geochronological data, which rather supports a brief igneous event, although a more protracted pre-emplacement evolution is possible. A short timescale for crystallization of large igneous bodies, as suggested by the ID-TIMS data from the Karkonosze Granite, is in line with models of transport of granitic magmas through dikes to form large plutons.  相似文献   
Most of the known large gold deposits in Iran are located along the Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone, western Iran, which hosts a wide range of gold deposit types. Gold deposits in the belt, hosted in upper Paleozoic to upper Mesozoic volcano‐sedimentary sequences of lower greenschist to lower amphibolite metamorphic grade, appear to represent mainly orogenic and intrusion‐related gold deposit types. The largest resource occurs at Muteh, with smaller deposits/occurrences at Zartorosht, Qolqoleh, Kervian, Qabaqloujeh, Kharapeh, and Astaneh. Although a major part of the gold deposits in the Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone are related to metamorphic devolatilization, some deposits including Muteh and Astaneh are related to short‐lived disruptions in an extensional tectonic regime and are associated with magma generation and emplacement. The age of gold ore formation in the orogenic gold deposits is Late Cretaceous to Tertiary, reflecting peak‐metamorphism during regional Cretaceous–Paleocene convergence and compression. The Oligocene to Pliocene age of most intrusion‐related gold systems is consistent with the young structural setting of the gold ore bodies; these deposits are sequestered along normal faults, correlated with Middle to Late Tertiary extensional tectonic events. This relationship is comparable to the magmatic‐metallogenetic evolution of the Urumieh‐Dokhtar magmatic arc, where the number of different types of gold‐copper deposits and the magnitude of the larger ones followed development of a magmatic arc. The appropriate explanation may be related to two different stages of gold mineralization consisting of a first compressional phase during the Late Cretaceous to Early‐Middle Tertiary, which is related to orogenic gold mineralization in the Qolqoleh, Kervian, Qabaqloujeh, Kharapeh, and Zartorosht deposits, and the extensional phase during the Eocene to Pliocene that is recognized by young intrusion‐related gold mineralization in the Muteh and Astaneh deposits.  相似文献   
周春景  吴中海 《地质通报》2012,31(203):326-336
在整理、分析云南大理至瑞丽拟建铁路沿线及其邻区现今地温场分布特征的基础上,进一步总结前人的资料,综合研究、探讨了该区地温场与岩浆活动、活动构造、地震活动、区域深部构造的关系。结果表明,该区中高温温泉(中高地温场)的空间分布与地表岩浆岩的出露、地表主要活动断裂带的分布都具有较好的对应关系。综合研究后认为,该区的中高温温泉可归结为岩浆热源型、断裂深循环型和岩浆热源叠加断裂深循环作用型3种基本成因类型。同时还发现,该区的温泉分布与区域地震活动空间上也存在密切的关系,并据此将区内划分为4个地震区带。研究结果表明,本区地表温泉分布所反映出的地温场特征对本区的工程稳定性评价具有重要的指示意义。  相似文献   
为了满足厦门市城市规划、设计和建设的需要,2009年厦门市国土资源与房产管理局组织实施了厦门市1∶2000比例尺地形图测绘及空间数据库建设Ⅱ期项目。该项目涵盖了多坐标系、多比例尺、多类别的共计17种产品。本文主要就厦门市1∶2000比例尺数字栅格图的生产方法做一些技术上的探讨。  相似文献   
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