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陕西黄龙铺地区多处出露有花岗斑岩体和辉绿岩。花岗斑岩斑晶主要为石英和钾长石,基质为钾长石、石英、斜长石、黑云母等。岩石具高硅、富碱、过铝质特征,属碱性花岗斑岩。岩石具中等Eu亏损(δEu=0.36~0.68);大离子亲石元素Ba、K、Sr及高场强元素Ta亏损,Th、U、Zr、Hf等富集的特征。碱性花岗斑岩的岩石地球化学及铅同位素组成特征与区内含钼花岗斑岩相似,暗示它们可能源于下地壳部分熔融。辉绿岩主要由普通辉石、斜长石、角闪石组成;岩石的SiO2含量变化于48.78%~48.92%;稀土元素配分曲线呈较一致的平滑右倾模式,无明显Eu异常;微量元素亏损高场强元素Zr、Hf、Ta、Nb、Ti,及大离子亲石元素K、Rb、Sr,此外,Ba表现明显的富集特征。辉绿岩的(87Sr/86Sr)ⅰ值介于0.718~0.762,εNd(t)值的范围为-19.53~-19.69,其高初始Sr、低εNd值的同位素特征揭示其可能来源于富集地幔。碱性花岗斑岩和辉绿岩SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄分别为(131±1)Ma和(129±2)Ma,形成于早白垩世,构造环境判别分析表明,两类岩体均形成于大陆板块内部伸展环境,与此时东秦岭岩石圈发生大规模减薄作用相耦合。  相似文献   
A Re–Os isochron age is reported for massive sulfides from near the basal contact of the Radio Hill layered mafic‐ultramafic intrusion in the west Pilbara Craton, Western Australia. The isochron age is 2892 ± 34 Ma (mean square of weighted deviates = 1.06) with an initial 187Os/188Os = 0.1265 ± 0.0028. This age is in agreement with the ages of other nearby layered mafic intrusions that are considered to have a similar geological evolution to the Radio Hill Intrusion.  相似文献   
The Proterozoic Soldiers Cap Group, a product of two major magmatic rift phases separated by clastic sediment deposition, hosts mineralised (e.g. Pegmont Broken Hill‐type deposit) and barren iron oxide‐rich units at three main stratigraphic levels. Evaluation of detailed geological and geochemical features was carried out for one lens of an apatite‐garnet‐rich, laterally extensive (1.9 km) example, the Weatherly Creek iron‐formation, and it was placed in the context of reconnaissance studies of other similar units in the area. Chemical similarities with iron‐formations associated with Broken Hill‐type Pb–Zn deposit iron‐formations are demonstrated here. Concordant contact relationships, mineralogy, geochemical patterns and pre‐deformational alteration all indicate that the Soldiers Cap Group iron‐formations are mainly hydrothermal chemical sediments. Chondrite normalised REE patterns display positive Eu and negative Ce anomalisms, are consistent with components of both high‐temperature, reduced, hydrothermal fluid (≥250°C) and cool oxidised seawater. Major element data suggest a largely mafic provenance for montmorillonitic clays and other detritus during chemical sedimentation, consistent with westward erosion of Cover Sequence 2 volcanic rocks, rather than local mafic sources. Ni enrichment is most consistent with hydrogenous uptake by Mn‐oxides or carbonates. Temperatures inferred from REE data indicate that although they are not strongly enriched, base metals such as Pb and Zn are likely to have been transported and deposited prior to or following iron‐formation deposition. Most chemical sedimentation pre‐dated emplacement of the major mafic igneous sill complexes present in the upper part of the basin. Heating of deep basinal brines in a regional‐scale aquifer by deep‐seated mafic magma chambers is inferred to have driven development of hydrothermal fluids. Three major episodes of extension exhausted this aquifer, but were succeeded by a final climactic extensional phase, which produced widespread voluminous mafic volcanism. The lateral extent of the iron‐formations requires a depositional setting such as a sea‐floor metalliferous sediment blanket or series of brine pools, with iron‐formation deposition likely confined to much smaller fault‐fed areas surrounded by Fe–Mn–P–anomalous sediments. These relationships indicate that in such settings, major sulfide deposits and their associated chemical sediment marker horizons need not overlie major igneous sequences. Rather, the timing of expulsion of hydrothermal fluid reflects the interplay between deep‐seated heating, extension and magmatism.  相似文献   
Sea dikes are of crucial importance for the defense systems of low-lying coastal areas in countries such as Germany, The Netherlands, Denmark, etc. As sea dike breaching induced by storm surges is regarded as one of the main causes of coastal flood disasters, reliable predictions of both the breach initiation, formation and breach development is urgently needed. Although a simple preliminary model for the simulation of sea dike breaching initiated from the seaside was developed (Stanczak et al., 2006), its limitations showed the necessity for further research and for the development of a more detailed model. This paper therefore provides a summary of the results of laboratory experiments on the erosion of grass and clay revetment of a sea dike induced by breaking wave impact and describes the new detailed computational model, including an uncertainty analysis.  相似文献   
胶东北部碱性超基性脉岩地球化学特征及环境和成因探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
胶东地区脉岩属碱性超基性岩系(Na2O+K2O=4.67%~5.43%;SiO2=36.70%~39.99%),岩性为单一的橄榄辉石岩。从主量元素(包括CIPW标准矿物组成)和过渡元素组成来看,该岩系近似原始岩浆组成。电子探针结果显示:橄榄石为富镁质橄榄石(贵橄榄石)(Fo=71~90),单斜辉石为透辉石(次透辉石为主)。岩石富集大离子亲石元素(K、Rb、Sr、Th和Ba),但不具有高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Zr和Hf)的亏损,表明岩石形成于大陆板内环境,为地幔橄榄岩低度部分熔融(3.4%)的产物。同时,它具有大陆边缘弧的特性,暗示其为一种滞后型弧岩浆作用的产物。稀土元素特征显示,岩石强烈富集LREE,而相对亏损HREE,暗示了源区的富集特性。Eu/Eu*=0.89~1.00,总体不表现明显的负Eu异常,暗示斜长石不是主要的分馏矿物相。结合板内碱性岩石的矿物结晶顺序认为,本区岩浆分馏以较弱的橄榄石分馏为主。  相似文献   
青城子矿集区印支期岩浆作用形成岩基状双顶沟岩体及岩脉状石英二长斑岩等,双顶沟岩体根据其岩相学特征可划分为主体相和中心相两个岩相带,主体相内含有大量暗色微粒包体,并常见矿物不平衡结构,显示岩浆混合的特征。在岩石地球化学方面,包体与寄主岩石的主要氧化物之间具有良好的线性关系,寄主岩石和包体的稀土元素配分曲线和微量元素蛛网图形态相似,指示寄主岩石与包体在岩石形成过程中发生过成分交换及均一化,也显示岩浆混合特征。双顶沟岩体主体相具有高Ba-Sr花岗岩特征,可能为加厚下地壳部分熔融形成的熔体与富集地幔岩浆混合作用的产物,中心相则为主体相经过长石、角闪石、黑云母等的分离结晶作用而形成。石英二长斑岩脉可能为双顶沟岩体演化的浅成相,两者具有相同的源区和成因,矿集区内铅锌、金银矿床的形成可能与岩浆混合作用演化形成的石英二长斑岩相关。  相似文献   
Since the formation of the primal nucleus at 3.8Ga[1], the North China had underwent the multi-cycle geologic processes such as arc accretion[2—4] andrift[5—7], and finally accomplished the craton[8] aroundat 1.8 Ga[2,3,9]. Paleozoic Fuxian kimberlites (LiaoningProvince) contain not only abundant peridotitic butalso mafic xenoliths. The investigation on peridotiticxenoliths indicted that the North China Craton hadcold and thick lithospheric root in the middle Ordovi-cian. The deep part o…  相似文献   
Nicolas  A.  Ildefonse  B.  Boudier  F.  Lenoir  X.  Ben Ismail  W. 《Marine Geophysical Researches》2000,21(3-4):269-287
Mafic dikes and dunite veins are observed in the mantle section of the Oman – United Arab Emirates (O-UAE) ophiolites, as well as diabase dikes and hydrothermal veins in the crust section. They have been systematically measured during the mapping of this ophiolite and are represented by their trajectories in the folded map 3 in the back of this volume, and by local stereoplots included in this study. Mafic dikes in the mantle section correspond to basaltic melt being injected at decreasing temperatures from above or at peridotite solidus, down to below 450°C. Hydrothermal veins associated with dioritic dikes issued from hydrous melting of host gabbros are observed down to the base of the crust, bearing evidence for sea water penetration into basal gabbros at or above 900°C, that is very close to the ridge axis. Dike orientations record the stress field at the time of their injection. In most places, all types of dikes are dominantly parallel to the general trend of the nearest sheeted dike complex; thus the stress field has not visibly changed from melt injection in the asthenosphere below the ridge of origin to injection in a lithosphere up to a few Myr old, at distances beyond 100 km from the axis. Local preferred orientations, when they are considered in the frame of the paleo-ridge system of O-UAE, result in a coherent model throughout the belt: the sheeted dike complex dips moderately away from the presumed ridge axis and the mantle dikes, toward this axis. These opposite directions are explained by the presumed effect of subsidence toward the axis for the sheeted dikes and by the central feeding from an asthenospheric uprise for the mantle dikes.  相似文献   
There are four deposit types related to a Permian mafic complex in northern Xinjiang, i.e., copper-nickel sulfide deposit, vanadic titanomagnetite deposit, magnetite (-cobalt) deposit and Cu-Ni- VTiFe composite deposit. The deposits are distributed spanning tectonic units with close and consecutive metallogenic ages. A transitional deposit type can occur among the end-member deposits. Trace elements of host rocks show that they can derive from similar source area. Hence, they constitute a particular metallogenic series related to a mafic-ultramafic complex that is also a symbol series of the post-collisional stage of the Central Asia Metallogenic Province (CAMP). The metallogenic ages of the series are between 260 Ma and 300 Ma throughout the Permian. Unlike mineralization from a mantle plume, the metallogenic period of this series spans at least 40 Ma. Compared with related deposits of the Emeishan mantle plume, the North Xinjiang series has a similar ore-forming element assemblage but has preferably developed Cu-Ni sulfide deposits rather than vanadic titanomagnetite deposits. In concomitance with this series, North Xinjiang area has developed a set of syntectonic Au-Cu-Mo metallogenic series related to a felsic volcanic-intrusive complex, which might indicate that there is no direct relationship with mantle plume activity. From early to late, i.e., the sequence of copper-nickel sulfide to magnetite (-cobalt) to vanadic titanomagnetite deposit, the host rock series evolves from mafic-ultramafic and tholeiite series to mafic and alkalic series, the ~REE content tends to increase with increasing of REE fractionation, and some of the trace elements (particularly LIL) also show an increasing tendency. The above evolutionary regularity possibly reflects a course where the magma source deepens and thermal interface moves down, energy gradually exhausts, and neo-continental crust forming in the postcollision stage tends to stabilize.  相似文献   
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