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Advective mass transfer is a pore scale mass-transfer process that affects fluid and solute movement between pore domains such as fracture and matrix in a structured porous medium. Mechanistically similar to advection in the advection-dispersion of solutes in non-structured porous medium, it redistributes solutes by moving solute and solvent simultaneously between pore domains. While there is much research on diffusive mass transfer that is often referred to as matrix diffusion, there is a lack of information and study for advective mass transfer in the literature. The objective of this research is to study the effects of advective mass transfer on fluid and solute movement between pore domains. First, field hydraulic measurements at a waste disposal site in fractured rock at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Tennessee, USA, are used to calibrate a fracture-matrix, two-pore-domain groundwater flow model. Latin-hypercube sensitivity analysis suggests that the uncertainty of the calibrated model parameters is small and the calibrated flow model is nearly the optimal. Fracture spacing thus obtained is used to calculate diffusive mass transfer coefficients. The individual effects of advective and diffusive mass transfer on solute movement are then quantitatively evaluated. The calculations indicate that pore structure conceptual models may significantly affect the role of advective mass transfer in field and pore-scale mass transfer. In the particular ORNL field site and with a fracture-matrix pore structure model, contribution of advective mass transfer to solute mass movement is about three to eight orders of magnitude smaller than that of diffusive mass transfer.
Resumen La transferencia de masa advectiva es un proceso de transferencia de masa en escala intersticial que afecta el movimiento de fluido y soluto entre ámbitos porosos tal como fractura y matriz en un medio estructurado poroso. Este proceso, mecánicamente similar a la advección en la dispersión-advección de solutos de medios porosos no estructurados, redistribuye los solutos mediante el movimiento simultáneo de soluto y solvente entre ámbitos porosos. Mientras que existe bastante investigación en transferencia difusiva de masa que frecuentemente se conoce como difusión en matriz, existe falta de información y estudio de transferencia advectiva de masa en la literatura. El objetivo de esta investigación es estudiar los efectos de la transferencia advectiva de masa en el movimiento de fluido y soluto entre ámbitos porosos. Primero se utilizaron mediciones hidráulicas de campo en un sitio de depósito de residuos en roca fracturada en el Laboratorio Nacional Oak Ridge (ORNL), Tennessee, USA, para calibrar un modelo de flujo de agua subterránea de ámbito de dos poros fractura-matriz. Análisis de sensitividad hipercúbico-latino sugieren que la incertidumbre de los parámetros del modelo calibrado es pequeña y que el modelo de flujo calibrado es aproximadamente el óptimo. El espaciamiento de fracturas así obtenido se utiliza para calcular los coeficientes de transferencia de masa difusiva. Luego se evalúa cuantitativamente los efectos individuales de transferencia de masa advectiva y difusiva en el movimiento de soluto. Los cálculos indican que los modelos conceptuales de estructura porosa pueden afectar significativamente el papel de transferencia de masa advectiva en escalas de campo e intersticial de transferencia de masa. En el sitio de campo específico ORNL y con un modelo de estructura porosa de matriz-fractura, la contribución de transferencia de masa advectiva al movimiento de masa soluto es aproximadamente tres a ocho órdenes de magnitud más pequeño que la contribución por transferencia de masa difusiva.

Résumé Résumé Le transfert advectif de masse est un processus de transfert de masse à léchelle du pore qui affecte les mouvements du fluide et du soluté entre les différents domaines de pores, tel les fractures et la matrice dans un milieu poreux structuré. Mécaniquement similaire à ladvection dans le concept advection-dispersion de solutés dans les milieux non structurés, ce transfert redistribue les solutés simultanément avec le fluide entre les différents domaines poreux. Alors que de nombreuses recherches portent sur les transferts de masse par diffusion, se référant généralement à une diffusion par la matrice, il y a un grand manquement dinformations et détudes sur les transferts de masse par advection dans la littérature. Lobjectif de cette recherche est détudier leffet du transfert advectif de masse de fluide et de soluté entre les différents domaines poreux. Premièrement, les mesures hydrauliques de terrain sur la décharge en milieu fracturé du laboratoire national dOak Ridge ORNL, Tennessee, USA, sont utilisées pour calibrer un modèle hydrogéologique à double porosité fracture-matrice. Lanalyse de sensibilité latin-hypercube suggère que lincertitude sur les paramètres du modèle est faible et que le calibrage est pratiquement optimal. Lespace de fracture résultant permet de calculer les coefficients de transfert de masse par diffusion. Les effets individuels de ladvection et de la diffusion sur les mouvements de solutés sont dés lors évalués. Les calculs indiquent que le modèle conceptuel de la structure des pores peuvent significativement affectés le rôle du transfert advectif de masse à léchelle du pore et du terrain. Dans le cas du site de lORNL et avec un modèle structuré fracture-matrice, la contribution de ladvection au transfert de masse est de lordre de trois-huitième du transfert de masse par diffusion.
Among hygric properties of stone material, the sorption behaviour is of essential importance because of the permanence of the processes involved. New results from static sorption experiments performed by standard techniques and by a new tool are reported for six different building stones. Furthermore, an example of dynamic sorption behaviour under continuously changing humidity is presented. For the static equilibrium sorption measurements a close relation to the stone type, its pore properties, such as specific inner surface, pore volume, pore size distribution as well as capillary water uptake and water saturation, is drawn. The comparison of the different data allows us to retrieve correlations between material features that are crucial for weathering processes. The sorption–desorption processes respond spontaneously on even small humidity changes as shown by the dynamic sorption experiment. A permanent breathing-process of the material is imposed.  相似文献   
This paper reports on the characterization of hydraulic properties of regional rock aquifers carried out within a groundwater resources assessment project in the St. Lawrence Lowlands of south-western Quebec. To understand the aquifer behavior at both the fracture level and at field scale, hydraulic investigations were carried out using various aquifer tests. The groundwater flow at the local scale is controlled mostly by the fracture system. Results of the constant-head injection tests show a weak decreasing trend of hydraulic conductivity with depth indicating that a major part of the groundwater flow occurs in the first meters of the rock sequence. At the regional scale, the equivalent porous media approach is applicable. The hydraulic conductivity measurements were correlated to the scale of the aquifer tests expressed with the investigated aquifer volume. A simple interpolation procedure for the hydraulic conductivity field was developed based on the distance between field measurements and the tested aquifer volumes. The regional distribution of the hydraulic conductivity for the major fractured aquifer units indicates that dolostone is the most permeable whereas sandstone and crystalline rocks are the least permeable units.
Resumen Este artículo trata de la caracterización de las propiedades hidráulicas en acuíferos regionales rocosos, la cual se llevó a cabo dentro del proyecto de evaluación de los recursos de agua subterránea en St. Lawrence Lowlands al suroeste de Quebec. Para entender el comportamiento del acuífero tanto a nivel de fractura como a escala del campo, se ejecutaron investigaciones hidráulicas usando varias pruebas de acuífero. El flujo del agua subterránea a escala local está controlado principalmente por el sistema de fracturas. Los resultados de las pruebas de inyección con cabeza constante muestran una tendencia decreciente débil de la conductividad hidráulica con la profundidad, indicando que la mayor parte del flujo de agua subterránea sucede en los primeros metros de la secuencia rocosa. A escala regional se puede aplicar la aproximación equivalente de medios porosos. Las medidas de la conductividad hidrálica fueron comparadas con la escala de las pruebas del acuífero, expresadas con el volumen investigado del acuífero. Se desarrolló un proceso de interpolación simple para la conductividad hidráulica de campo, con base en la distancia entre las medidas de campo y los volúmenes probados del acuífero. La distribución regional de la conductividad hidráulica, para las unidades acuíferas fracturadas mayores, indica que la dolomita es más permeable mientras que la arenisca y las rocas cristalinas son las unidades menos permeables.

Résumé Larticle présente les propriétés hydrauliques dun aquifère régional rocheux qui ont été mesurées dans le cadre dun projet concernant lestimation de la ressource en eau de la plaine de St. Lawrence située dans la partie sud-ouest de Quebec. Affin de comprendre le comportement de l› aquifère tant à l› échelle de fracture qu› à l› échelle régionale on a mené des investigations hydrauliques en utilisant des essais differents. À l› échelle locale lécoulement est déterminé en principal par le système des fractures. Les résultats des essais dinjection au niveau constant ont montré une tendence de décroissance de la conductivité hydraulique avec la profondeur ce qui indique que l› écoulement ait lieu en principal dans les premiers mètres de la structure rocheuse. À l› échelle règionale on peut appliquer lapproche de milieux poreux equivalent. Les mesures de conductivité hydraulique ont été corrélées avec l› échelle des essais de pompage exprimée en termes de volume investigué de l› aquifère. On a mis au point une méthode simple dinterpolation pour le champ de la conductivité hydraulique basée sur la distance entre les essais in situ et les volume investigués de l› aquifère. La distribution règionale de la conductivité hydraulique montre que pour la majorité des unités de roche fracturé les plus perméable sont les roches dolomitiques alors que les grés et les roches cristalines presentent la plus faible perméabilité.
Matrix permeability of the confined Floridan Aquifer,Florida, USA   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The Upper Floridan Aquifer of peninsular Florida retains most of its depositional porosity and, as a result, is a multi-porosity aquifer: double porosity (fractured porous aquifer) downdip where the aquifer is confined, and triple porosity (karstic, fractured porous aquifer) in the updip, unconfined region. Matrix permeability in the confined region varies in the range <10–14.4–10–11.1 m2, as determined by 12,000 minipermeameter measurements on 1,210 m of slabbed core. Limestones divide into 13 textural classes and dolomites into two. Depositional facies (textural class) strongly correlates with matrix permeability. As a result, the facies architecture of the Eocene and Oligocene carbonates that compose the confined portion of the aquifer controls the lateral and vertical distribution of its matrix transmissivity. The most-permeable facies are grainstones (median k, 10–12.4 m2) and sucrosic dolomites (median k, 10–12.0 m2). Together, they are responsible for ~73% of the matrix transmissivity of the logged cores, although they constitute only ~24% of the thickness. Examination of the flow equations of fractured porous aquifers suggests that the permeability of these two facies is large enough that matrix permeability cannot be discounted in modeling the hydraulics of the double-porosity system. This conclusion likely applies to most, if not all, Cenozoic double-porosity carbonate aquifers, as average matrix and fracture permeabilities in the Floridan Aquifer are similar to other Cenozoic carbonates from around the world.
Resumen El Acuífero Superior de Florida conserva gran parte de su porosidad deposicional y, como resultado, se comporta como un acuífero multi-poroso: de doble porosidad (acuífero poroso fracturado) a favor del buzamiento, donde se halla confinado, y de triple porosidad (acuífero poroso fracturado y kárstico) en sentido opuesto, en la zona en que se comporta como libre. La permeabilidad de la matriz en la región confinada está comprendida entre menos de 10–14,4 y 10–11,1 m2, según determinaciones hechas a partir de 12.000 medidas de mini-permeámetro en 1.210 rodajas de testigos. Se ha distinguido quince clases texturales de calcita (n=2.298) y dos de dolomita (n=983), y las facies ejercen un gran control en la permeabilidad de la matriz. Como consecuencia, la arquitectura de las facies de los carbonatos Eocenos y Oligocenos que forman la zona confinada del acuífero controla la distribución lateral y vertical de la transmisividad de la matriz. Las facies más permeables son grainstones o grano-soportadas sin matriz (mediana de permeabilidad de 10–12,4 m2) y dolomitas sacaroideas (10–12,0 m2). Ambas son responsables de aproximadamente el 73% de la transmisividad de los testigos ensayados, aunque sólo constituyen el 24% de su espesor. El examen de las ecuaciones de flujo en acuíferos porosos fracturados sugiere que la permeabilidad de estas facies más permeables es lo suficientemente elevada como para no poder despreciar la permeabilidad de la matriz en la modelación hidráulica de dichos sistemas de doble porosidad. La proyección de la estratigrafía regional y de las tendencias de las facies en la parte del acuífero ubicado en sentido contrario al buzamiento, que tiene carácter de libre y está más karstificado, predice que las permeabilidades mayores son debidas al incremento de los porcentajes de grainstones y dolomitas sacaroideas. Por tanto, es probable que la transmisividad de la matriz deba ser tenida en cuenta en el sistema de triple porosidad de la región.

Résumé Laquifère floridien supérieur de la péninsule de Floride contient plus que sa porosité de dépôt et, par conséquent, est un aquifère à porosité multiple: double porosité (aquifère fracturé poreux) en aval-pendage, là où laquifère est captif, et triple porosité (aquifère karstique et fracturé poreux) en amont-pendage, dans la région où il est libre. La perméabilité de matrice dans la région captive est comprise entre moins de 10–14,4 et 10–11,1 m2 daprès 12.000 mesures par miniperméamètre sur 1.200 m de carottes. Quinze classes texturales de calcaires (n=2.298) et deux classes de dolomies (n=983) ont été reconnues; il existe un fort contrôle du faciès sur la perméabilité. En effet, larchitecture des carbonates de lEocène et de lOligocène qui constituent la partie captive de laquifère contrôle la distribution latérale et verticale de la transmissivité de la matrice. Les faciès les plus perméables sont les grainstones (k médian, 10–12,4 m2) et les dolomies saccharoïdes (10–12,0 m2). Ces deux faciès rendent compte de 73% environ de la transmissivité dans les carottes étudiées, bien quils ne contribuent quà 24% environ de lépaisseur. Lexamen des équations découlement en aquifères fracturés poreux suggère que la perméabilité de ces faciès les plus perméables est assez importante pour que la perméabilité de matrice ne puisse pas être écartée dans la modélisation de lhydraulique de ces systèmes à double porosité. Si lon projette ces tendances de la stratigraphie régionale et des faciès à lamont-pendage, la partie non captive et karstifiée de laquifère laisse prévoir de fortes perméabilités dues à des pourcentages croissants de grainstones et de dolomies saccharoïdes. Il est donc très probable quil sera nécessaire de prendre en compte la transmissivité de matrice dans un système à triple porosité dans cette région.
Despite a number of geotechnical investigations that have been carried out in the Busan new port area of South Korea, the local practicing engineers have been unable to deduce successfully the geotechnical properties of the clays due to their spatial variation. In the area, clay deposits, so-called Pusan clays, are unusually thick, varying from 20 m to 70 m in thickness. For this study, comprehensive geological and geotechnical investigations were carried out with sophisticated sampling techniques, in situ and laboratory tests as well as geological analyses at an additional three locations. As a result of the investigations, it was found that depositional environments are closely related to the relative changes in sea level and have different features depending on location and depth. The clays consist of soft and stiff clays in the upper and the lower layers, respectively, which are classified as normally consolidated and cemented clay. Moreover, most of the geotechnical properties undergo small changes due to their depositional environment. Information about these effects would be quite helpful to understand the spatial variation of geotechnical properties as well as the effect of sample disturbance. Some correlations which reflect the geological history of the deposts were conducted for physical indexes and mechanical properties.  相似文献   
The hydrodynamic properties and the capability to measure sediment-water solute fluxes, at assumed steady state conditions, were compared for three radically different benthic chamber designs: the “Microcosm”, the “Mississippi” and the “Göteborg” chambers. The hydrodynamic properties were characterized by mounting a PVC bottom in each chamber and measuring mixing time, diffusive boundary layer thickness (DBL thickness) shear velocity (u∗), and total pressure created by the water mixing. The Microcosm had the most even distribution of DBL thickness and u∗, but the highest differential pressure at high water mixing rates. The Mississippi chamber had low differential pressures at high u∗. The Göteborg chamber was in between the two others regarding these properties. DBL thickness and u∗ were found to correlate according to the following empirical formula: DBL=76.18(u∗)−0.933. Multiple flux incubations with replicates of each of the chamber types were carried out on homogenized, macrofauna-free sediments in four tanks. The degree of homogeneity was determined by calculating solute fluxes (of oxygen, silicate, phosphate and ammonium) from porewater profiles and by sampling for porosity, organic carbon and meiofauna. All these results, except meiofauna, indicated that there were no significant horizontal variations within the sediment in any of the parallel incubation experiments. The statistical evaluations also suggested that the occasional variations in meiofauna abundance did not have any influence on the measured solute fluxes. Forty-three microelectrode profiles of oxygen in the DBL and porewater were evaluated with four different procedures to calculate diffusive fluxes. The procedure presented by Berg, Risgaard-Petersen and Rysgaard, 1989 [Limnol. Oceanogr. 43, 1500] was found to be superior because of its ability to fit measured profiles accurately, and because it takes into consideration vertical zonation with different oxygen consumption rates in the sediment. During the flux incubations, the mixing in the chambers was replicated ranging from slow mixing to just noticeable sediment resuspension. In the “hydrodynamic characterizations” these mixing rates corresponded to average DBL thickness from 120 to 550 μm, to u∗ from 0.12 to 0.68 cm/s, and to differential pressures from 0-3 Pa. Although not directly transferable, since the incubations were done on a “real” sediment with a rougher surface while in the characterizations a PVC plate simulated the sediments surface, these data give ideas about the prevailing hydrodynamic condition in the chambers during the incubations. The variations in water mixing did not generate statistically significant differences between the chamber types for any of the measured fluxes of oxygen or nutrients. Consequently it can be concluded that, for these non-permeable sediments and so long as appropriate water mixing (within the ranges given above) is maintained, the type of stirring mechanism and chamber design used were not critical for the magnitude of the measured fluxes. The average measured oxygen flux was 11.2 ± 2.7 (from 40 incubations), while the diffusive flux calculated (from 43 profiles using the Berg et al., 1989 [Limnol. Oceanogr. 43, 1500] procedure) was 11.1 ± 3.0 mmol m−2 day−1. This strongly suggests that accurate oxygen flux measurements were obtained with the three types of benthic chambers used and that the oxygen uptake is diffusive.  相似文献   
大亚湾表层沉积物性质及其对海水养殖的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
根据文献和2001年4月19个站位的分析结果,研究了大亚湾表层沉积物颗粒、孔隙、有机质、通透性等性质对海水养殖的影响因素和机制,提出一些措施供养殖管理部门参考。  相似文献   
采用分类方法,对从两起石鲽(Kareius bicoloratus L.)细菌性败血感染症病例的病(死)鱼中分离到的相应病原菌,进行形态特征、培养特征、自凝性、色素产生情况及生理生化特性等较系统的表观分类学指征鉴定及代表菌株DNA中(G C)%的测定等研究。结果表明,分离菌为杀鲑气单胞菌的新亚种(subsp.nov.)并定名为杀鲑气单胞菌杀鲽亚种(Aeromonas salmonicida subsp.flounderacida subsp.nov.)。经血清型检定,表明60株菌均为同种血清型。选择代表菌株做对健康石鲽、牙鲆、鲤、鲫及泥鳅的人工感染试验,表明了相应的原发病原学意义及较强的致病作用。药敏试验结果表明,对供试37种抗菌药物中的青霉素G等6种耐药,对头孢噻肟等25种高敏,对多黏菌素B、利福平2种敏感,对头孢唑啉等4种在株间存在一定敏感性差异。该研究结果能较全面地反映出该菌的主要生物学性状。  相似文献   
A bucket wheel dredge (BWD) for offshore tin mining is part of the long term plan of PT Timah Tbk to identify new dredging technologies for mining in greater than 50 m water depths. Measured tin-ore physical properties are used in a new BWD computer model to investigate deep water tin mining. The model simulates the cutting and hydraulic transport of submerged tin-ore. The results show that hydraulic tin mining beyond water depths of 50 m is feasible. It is best to employ hydraulic transport for lifting the tin-ore from the ocean floor to the surface and to use barges to transport the tin-ore to land processing plants.  相似文献   
An automated, PC-based logging system has been developed to investigate marine sediment cores by full waveform transmission seismograms. High-resolution P-wave velocity and amplitude attenuation profiles are simultaneously derived from the transmission data to characterize the acoustic properties of the sediment column.A pair of ultrasonic, piezoelectric wheel probes is used to generate and record the transmission signals travelling radially through the sediment core. Both unsplit and split cores are allowed. Mounted in a carriage driven by a stepping motor via a shaft the probes automatically move along the core liner, stopping at equidistant spacings to provide a quasi-continuous inspection of the core by the transmission data. The axial travel distance and the core diameter are determined by digital measuring tools.First arrivals are picked automatically from the transmission seismograms using either a threshold in the seismogram's envelope or a cross-correlation algorithm taking the zero-offset signal of both wheel probes into account. Combined with the core diameter these first arrivals lead to a P-wave velocity profile with a relative precision of 1 to 2 m s–1. Simultaneously, the maximum peak-to-peak amplitudes of the transmission seismograms are evaluated to get a first idea on the amplitude attenuation along the sediment core.Two examples of gravity cores taken during a recent cruise of R.V. METEOR in the Western Equatorial Atlantic are presented. They yield that the P-wave profiles can be used for locating strong and fine-scale lithological changes, e.g. turbidite layers and slight variations in the sand, silt or clay content. In addition, the transmission seismograms and their amplitude spectra obviously seem to reveal a correlation between the relative amount of low-frequency spectral components and the sediment grain size, and thus provide a tool for the determination of additional, related physical or sedimentological parameters in future investigations.  相似文献   
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