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岩浆型矿床一般认为是岩浆分异的产物,因为这类矿床通常缺乏强烈的近矿围岩蚀变。蛇绿岩中的豆荚状铬铁矿被认为是一种典型的岩浆型矿床,流行的成因模型包括岩浆通道模型和熔体-岩石反应模型。深部晶体群的大量发现,表明铬铁矿成矿系统不是一种理想系统,而是至少由两类子系统组成的复杂性动力系统。因此,流行模型不再适用,必须构建能够整合新证据的成因模型。这类矿床的典型地质特征是具有从方辉橄榄岩围岩经包壳纯橄榄岩到铬铁矿石的分带,且包壳纯橄榄岩与铬铁矿之间为渐变接触关系,包壳纯橄榄岩与方辉橄榄岩之间既可以为渐变接触关系,也可以为截然接触关系或侵入接触关系。因此,阐明纯橄榄岩的成因是理解豆荚状铬铁矿形成机制的关键。西藏雅鲁藏布江缝合带中罗布莎和泽当两个代表性超镁铁质杂岩体的新观察揭示:(1)包壳纯橄榄岩的出露宽度变化于厘米级到百米级,但岩石具有均匀的细粒结构,流行模型难以解释;(2)包壳纯橄榄岩可以划分为至少两种构造类型:块状纯橄榄岩和片理化纯橄榄岩,暗示了纯橄榄岩形成过程的多阶段特点;(3)包壳纯橄榄岩主要由变晶橄榄石组成,仅含有少量由熔体或流体析出的橄榄石晶体;(4)与方辉橄榄岩相比,包壳纯橄榄岩中的橄榄石具有高MgO、Cr2O3、CaO和低MnO、Al2O3的特点,展示了矛盾的晶体化学特征;(5)邻近铬铁矿体的纯橄榄岩中常见反豆状结构,类似于多相稀释流体流体制中紊流产生的中尺度结构。上述看似矛盾的证据表明包壳纯橄榄岩的形成过程有大量深部流体的参与,因而流体过程可以作为构建一个新的整合模型的基础。据此,文中提出一个熔体-流体流模型,其基本机制是溶解-沉淀反应Opx+Fluid→Ol±Sp±Cpx±Pl±SiO2(fluid),而基本前提则是深部还原流体的持续供给和熔体-流体流的快速上升。此外,文中还表明,依据火成岩地质学、岩石学和名义无水矿物晶体化学证据也可以再造岩浆系统的流体过程。  相似文献   
We apply a forward-modeling approach to high-quality arrival time data from 23 deep earthquakes greater than 400 km depth to investigate the detailed structure of the subducting Pacific slab beneath the Japan Sea. Our results show that a finger-like anomaly exists within the subducting Pacific slab below 400 km depth, which has a P-wave velocity 5% lower than the surrounding slab velocity (or 3% lower than that of the normal mantle), suggesting the existence of a metastable olivine wedge (MOW) in the slab. The MOW top and bottom depths are 400 and 560 km, respectively. The MOW is estimated to be about 50 km wide at 400 km depth and close to the slab upper boundary. At 560 km depth the MOW is located at about 25 km below the slab upper boundary. Most of the deep earthquakes are located in the MOW. Our results favor transformational faulting as the mechanism for deep earthquakes.  相似文献   
The aluminum-rich (>10 wt% Al2O3) objects in the CH carbonaceous chondrite North West Africa (NWA) 739 include Ca,Al-rich inclusions (CAIs), Al-rich chondrules, and isolated mineral grains (spinel, plagioclase, glass). Based on the major mineralogy, 54 refractory inclusions found in about 1 cm2 polished section of NWA 739 can be divided into hibonite-rich (16%), grossite-rich (26%), melilite-rich (28%), spinel-pyroxene-rich (16%) CAIs, and amoeboid olivine aggregates, (AOA's, 17%). Most CAIs are rounded, 25–185 μm (average=70 μm) in apparent diameter, contain abundant, tiny perovskite grains, and typically surrounded by a single- or double-layered rim composed of melilite and/or Al-diopside; occasionally, layers of spinel+hibonite and forsterite are observed. The AOAs are irregularly shaped, 100–250 μm (average=175 μm) in size, and consist of forsterite, Fe,Ni-metal, and CAIs composed of Al-diopside, anorthite, and minor spinel. One AOA contains compact, rounded melilite-spinel-perovskite CAIs and low-Ca pyroxene replacing forsterite. The Al-rich (>10 wt% bulk Al2O3) chondrules are divided into Al-diopside-rich and plagioclase-rich. The Al-diopside-rich chondrules, 50–310 μm (average=165 μm) in apparent diameter, consist of Al-diopside, skeletal forsterite, spinel, ±Al-rich low-Ca pyroxene, and ±mesostasis. The plagioclase-rich chondrules, 120–455 μm (average=285 μm) in apparent diameter, are composed of low-Ca and high-Ca pyroxenes, forsterite, anorthitic plagioclase, Fe,Ni-metal nodules, and mesostasis. The isolated spinel occurs as coarse, 50–125 μm in size, subhedral grains, which are probably the fragments of Al-diopside chondrules. The isolated plagioclase grains are too coarse (60–120 μm) to have been produced by disintegration of chondrules or CAIs; they range in composition from nearly pure anorthite to nearly pure albite; their origin is unclear. The Al-rich objects show no evidence for Fe-alkali metasomatic or aqueous alteration; the only exception is an Al-rich chondrule fragment with anorthite replaced by nepheline. They are texturally and mineralogically similar to those in other CH chondrites studied (Acfer 182, ALH85085, PAT91467, NWA 770), but are distinct from the Al-rich objects in other chondrite groups (CM, CO, CR, CV). The CH CAIs are dominated by very refractory minerals, such as hibonite, grossite, perovskite and gehlenitic melilite, and appear to have experienced very low degrees of high-temperature alteration reactions. These include replacement of grossite by melilite, of melilite by anorthite, diopside, and spinel, and of forsterite by low-Ca pyroxene. Only a few CAIs show evidence for melting and multilayered Wark-Lovering rims. These observations may suggest that CH CAIs experienced rather simple formation history and escaped extensive recycling. In order to preserve the high-temperature mineral assemblages, they must have been efficiently isolated from the hot nebular region, like some chondrules and the zoned Fe,Ni-metal grains in CH chondrites.  相似文献   
As a pilot study of the role of water in the attenuation ofseismic waves in the Earth's upper mantle, we have performeda series of seismic-frequency torsional forced-oscillation experimentson a natural (Anita Bay) dunite containing accessory hydrousphases, at high temperatures to 1300°C and confining pressure(Pc) of 200 MPa, within a gas-medium high-pressure apparatus.Both oven-dried and pre-fired specimens wrapped in Ni–Fefoil within the (poorly) vented assembly were recovered essentiallydry after 50–100 h of annealing at 1300°C followedby slow staged cooling. The results for those specimens indicatebroadly similar absorption-band viscoelastic behaviour, butwith systematic differences in the frequency dependence of strain-energydissipation Q–1, attributed to differences in the smallvolume fraction of silicate melt and its spatial distribution.In contrast, it has been demonstrated that a new assembly involvinga welded Pt capsule retains aqueous fluid during prolonged exposureto high temperatures—allowing the first high-temperaturetorsional forced-oscillation measurements under high aqueousfluid pore pressure Pf. At temperatures >1000°C, a markedreduction in shear modulus, without concomitant increase inQ–1, is attributed to the widespread wetting of grainboundaries resulting from grain-scale hydrofracturing and themaintenance of conditions of low differential pressure Pd =Pc – Pf . Staged cooling from 1000°C is accompaniedby decreasing Pf and progressive restoration of significantlypositive differential pressure resulting in a microstructuralregime in which the fluid on grain boundaries is increasinglyrestricted to arrays of pores. The more pronounced viscoelasticbehaviour observed within this regime for the Pt-encapsulatedspecimen compared with the essentially dry specimens may reflectboth water-enhanced solid-state relaxation and the direct influenceof the fluid phase. The scenario of overpressurized fluids andhydrofracturing in the Pt-encapsulated dunite specimen may havesome relevance to the high Q–1 and low-velocity zonesobserved in subduction-zone environments. The outcomes of thisexploratory study indicate that the presence of water can havea significant effect on the seismic wave attenuation in theupper mantle and provide the foundation for more detailed studieson the role of water. KEY WORDS: seismic wave attenuation; water; dunite; hydrous mineral; shear modulus; viscoelasticity; olivine; grain-scale hydrofracturing  相似文献   
In order to derive the distribution of olivine and pyroxene in Crater Copernicus,we compute two band ratios(950/750 and 2 000/1 500 nm) ,percent content of elements(Al%,Ca%,Mg%,FeO%) and maturity(Is/FeO) based on Clementine UVVIS and NIR image data.The central peaks of Copernicus,which are known to be olivine-rich or pyroxene-rich,are chosen as ground truth and ROIs used to derive the distribution of olivine and pyroxene with a decision tree and spectral angle mapper(SAM) .Additionally,we compared previous ...  相似文献   
It has been hypothesised that seismic and electrical anisotropy at the base of the lithosphere are caused by strain-induced lattice-preferred orientation (LPO) of olivine [100] axes parallel to present-day plate motion. This would imply that seismic and electrical anisotropy observations can provide geodynamicists with fundamental information for characterising mantle flow. The qualitative agreement between the fast direction of SV-waves and direction of maximum electrical conductance modelled deeper than 150 km below the North Central craton of Australia appear to support a common alignment mechanism, and the observed, anisotropic electrical conductances can be generated by hydrogen diffusivity in a water-poor (<1000 ppm H/Si) olivine mantle. A quantitative test is proposed for the hypothesis that electrical anisotropy is generated by anisotropic hydrogen diffusion rates (D) in olivine. Electrical anisotropy factors are computed using random resistor network models assuming that D[100]≈20×D[010]≈40×D[001]. Electrical and seismic anisotropies calculated from olivine LPO angular distribution functions modelled for a range of shear strains under a simple shear deformation demonstrate that the intensity of olivine [100] alignments (and associated shear strains) that would be required to explain the electrical anisotropy in the mantle below central Australia are significantly greater than predicted by Rayleigh wave anisotropies. The poor agreement between the observed electrical anisotropies and the electrical anisotropies that would be predicted from the Rayleigh wave anisotropies indicates that either (i) electrical anisotropy in the upper mantle below central Australia is not generated by hydrogen diffusivity alone or (ii) the seismic anisotropy is underestimated. The orientation of the olivine [100] axes maxima is inferred to be ∼30° rotated relative to the direction of present-day absolute plate motion (APM) that is determined relative to the hotspot reference frame (HS2-NUVEL1). Both the APM direction that is determined relative to a reference frame defined by requiring no-net rotation of the lithosphere (NNR-NUVEL1) and GPS-derived plate motion vectors fit the geophysical observations of upper mantle anisotropy better. This may support the contention that hotspots are not stationary relative to the deep mantle.  相似文献   
The NASA Ames HIFOGS spectrometer observed comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) at epochs including 96 Oct 7–14 UT (2.8 AU), 97 Feb 14–15 UT (1.2 AU), 97 Apr 11 UT (0.93 AU), and 97 Jun 22, 25 UT (1.7 AU). The HIFOGS 7.5–13.5 μm spectrophotometry (R = 360 - 180) of the silicate feature at 2.8 AU is identical in shape to the ISO SWS spectra of comet Hale-Bopp (Crovisier et al., 1997); the strong 11.2 μm peak in the structured silicate feature is identified as olivine. Upon close passage to the sun, the HIFOGS spectra at 1.2 AU and 0.93 AU reveals strong peaks at 9.3 μm and 10.0 μm. The post-perihelion 10 μm silicate feature at 1.7 AU is weaker but has nearly the same shape as the pre-perihelion spectra at 1.2 AU, reverting to its pre-perihelion shape: there is no change in the dust chemistry by close passage to the sun. The appearance of the strong peaks at 9.3 μm and 10.0 μm at rh ≲ 1.7 AU is attributed to the rise in the contribution of pryoxenes (clino-pyroxene and orthopyroxene crystals) to the shape of the feature, and leads to the hypothesis that the pyroxenes are significantly cooler than the olivines. The pyroxenes are radiating on the Wien side of the blackbody at 2.8 AU and transition to the Rayleigh-Jeans tail of the blackbody upon closer approach to the Sun. Composite fits to the observed 10 μm silicate features using IDPs and laboratory minerals shows that a good empirical fit to the spectra is obtained when the pryoxenes are about 150 K cooler than the olivines. The pyroxenes, because they are cooler and contribute signficantly at perihelion, are more abundant than the olivines. The perihelion temperature of the pyroxenes implies that the pyroxenes are more Mg-rich than the other minerals including the olivines, amorphous olivines, and amorphous pyroxenes. The PUMA-1 flyby measurements of comet P/Halley also indicated an overabundance of Mg-rich pryoxenes compared to olivines. Comet Hale-Bopp's pyroxenes are similar to pyroxere IDPs from the ’Spray‘ class, known for their D-richness and their unaltered morphologies: Hale-Bopp's Mg-rich pyroxenes may be pristine relic ISM grains. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
金川铜镍硫化物矿床是世界第三大岩浆型铜镍硫化物矿床,其成因机制一直备受争议。主要成矿模型有以下两种:(1)岩浆通道堆积模型;(2)深部熔离-多次贯入模型。目前,二者均不能较好解释矿区中存在的各种地质现象。本文重点研究矿区橄榄石的特征,借此来探讨"硫化物矿浆"的迁移方式与侵位能力。本次研究在金川矿床中发现了两类橄榄石:LREE亏损型(Ⅰ型)与LREE富集型(Ⅱ型)。其中,Ⅰ型橄榄石为岩浆正常结晶的原始颗粒,常见复杂的成分环带,由原生橄榄石与晶间硅酸盐熔体/不混溶硫化物熔体发生物质交换所形成,继承了玄武质岩浆稀土含量低的特征,广泛分布于各类超基性岩石与矿石中;Ⅱ型橄榄石常见包裹斜方辉石的反序列包含关系,以稀土含量高(~2个数量级)且相对富Mg而显著区别于前者,为辉石堆晶颗粒经流体触发不一致熔融后再结晶形成的橄榄石,多见于硫化物矿石中。金川矿床硫化物矿石中广泛发育的原生富Cl含水矿物(金云母、角闪石、磷灰石)与Ⅰ型橄榄石边部活动性元素含量的剧增,暗示金川矿体形成过程受富Cl流体影响显著。实验岩石学与动力学模拟的新研究进展表明流体的加入可有效推动高密度硫化物的迁移,流体的加入可能是金川硫化物矿浆上侵运移的主要机制。结合硫化物Cu/Ni西高东低的空间演化规律,橄榄石Fo值西高东低的空间变化趋势与晶体粒度西细东粗的分布特征可以推测,金川铜镍硫化物矿床岩浆通道的前进方向为自西向东。  相似文献   
吉林省大石河橄榄石矿床的产出特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉林省大石河玄武岩规模小,并受敦-密大断裂控制。玄武岩中构成宝石的橄榄石产于二辉橄榄岩包体中和少量的捕虏晶中。矿床为碱性玄武岩,以位于大断裂次级构造上为特征。  相似文献   
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