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Abstract End-member, continuous and degenerate reactions are derived for the multisystem with the six components Na2O, CaO, (Mg/Fe)O, Al2O3, SiO2, H2O among the phases plagioclasess, garnetss, amphiboless, cpx, opx, olivine, spinel, quartz and an aqueous fluid. The chemography of this system is degenerate due to the co-linearity 2Opx = Ol + Qtz. This co-linearity has its implications both on reaction space and phase equilibria. From a total of 28 reaction systems, reaction space is derived for nine subsystems (phases in parentheses are absent): Case A1: (Cpx,Ol) (Cpx,Opx) and (Cpx,Qtz), Case A2: (Spl,Ol) (Spl,Opx) and (Spl,Qtz), Case B: (Ol,Opx) (Ol,Qtz) and (Opx,Qtz). In the absence of either cpx or spl (case A), three reactions form an invariant point, either [Cpx] or [Spl], where the co-linear phases olivine, opx and quartz coexist on the transformation line 2Opx = Ol + Qtz. Changing mineral compositions force invariant points to move along the line with the different reaction curves changing their relative position according to Schreinemakers’rules. Zero contours, i.e. the location where (a) phase(s) disappear(s) in reaction space correspond to singular points in phase diagrams. Two types are distinguished; singular points of indispensable and of substitutable phases. In the first case the phase disappears from the entire bundle while in the second it disappears from a single reaction. In the specific case where the substitutable phases are also the co-linear ones, two of the three co-linear phases disappear simultaneously. Two of the three reaction curves coincide. In the system including Cpx and Spl (Case B) three reactions, (Ol,Opx) (Ol,Qtz) and (Opx,Qtz), oppose three invariant points, [Ol], [Opx] and [Qtz]. Invariant points no longer move along the line 2Opx = Ol + Qtz. The coincidence of the zero contours of all three co-linear phases in reaction space-the result of the chemographic degeneracy-causes the respective singular points to coincide in the phase diagrams. This is the location where curves must be rearranged in a bundle to conform Schreinemakers’rules. The reaction Grs1Prp2= 2 Ol + An is fourth order degenerate and part of all nine subsystems (cases A and B). It can be used to relate the different phase diagrams to one another.  相似文献   
For the purpose of investigating the influence of metastable olivine (MO) phase transformations on both deep seismicity and stagnation of slabs, we constructed a 2-dimensional finite element thermal model for a 120 Ma-old 50o dipping oceanic lithosphere descending at 10 cm/yr with velocity boundary layers, which would mitigate the interference of constant velocity field for the slab. The resulting temperatures show that most of intermediate and deep earthquakes occurring within the Tonga slab are occurring inside the 800oC and 1200oC isotherm, respectively. The elevation of olivine transformation near ~410 km and respective persistence of metastable olivine and spinel within the transition zone and beneath 660 km would thus result in bimodal positive, zonal, negative density anomalies, respectively. These results together with the resulting pressure anomalies may reflect the stress pattern of the Tonga slab: (i) slab pull force exerts above a depth of ~230 km; (ii) MO existence changes the buoyancy force within the transition zone and facilitates slab stagnation at a depth of 660 km; (iii) as the subducting materials accumulated over 660 km, deepest earthquakes occur due to MO transformation; (iv) a flattened ‘slab’ may penetrate into the lower mantle due to the density increment of Sp transformation.  相似文献   
来自华北克拉通山东省中生代镁铁质岩石及地幔包体的橄榄石氧同位素组成显示,早白垩世岩石圈地幔主要受到了来自俯冲的华南陆壳不同组分的改造作用,包括镁铁质下地壳和长英质上地壳组分以及少量的海相沉积碳酸盐岩,而晚白垩世的岩石圈地幔则受到了来自俯冲的太平洋板块的改造。早白垩世受俯冲陆壳改造的岩石圈地幔橄榄石相对正常地幔高δ18O (6.0‰~7.2‰),而晚白垩世被俯冲洋壳改造的局部地幔则相对正常地幔低δ18O (4.1‰~5.3‰)。板块俯冲作用是导致华北克拉通岩石圈地幔破坏的重要深部机制,三叠纪华南陆壳深俯冲导致了华北克拉通地幔强烈富集相容组分而转变为易熔的岩石圈,早白垩世大规模幔源岩浆的侵位很可能与俯冲大陆板片的整体断离或拆离作用相关;晚中生代以来的太平洋俯冲作用则引发了岩石圈地幔的置换和增生作用,形成了目前新、老地幔共存的格局。  相似文献   
Two natural dunites were annealed at pressure P=300 MPa, temperature T=1373, 1473 and 1573 K, and fO2 within the stability field of olivine. The starting materials contained small amounts of hydroxyls in the form of minor phases of hydrated minerals, which released an aqueous phase during the experiments. A detailed analytical transmission electron microscopy (ATEM) investigation of these materials revealed that small quantities of two types of silica-rich glass formed during heat treatment. The first type of glass, found at triple junctions as rare partially crystallized glass pockets, results from melting dehydration reactions involving the hydrous phases. The second type of glass is found as pure silica precipitates (0.1–0.5 μm in size, for a total of a few 0.1 vol%) within the olivine grains of specimens heated to ≥1473 K. From considerations of the kinetics of the precipitation at 1473 K, we interpret this silica precipitation as resulting from the condensation of olivine metallic vacancies promoted by increasing fluid fugacities during the runs. Our observations, thus, demonstrate that metastable silica can precipitate in olivine from dunites experiencing rapid changes in their thermodynamical environment.  相似文献   
王梦玺  王焰 《矿床地质》2012,31(2):179-194
扬子地块北缘~635 Ma周庵超镁铁质岩体是一个新发现的含铜镍硫化物矿化的隐伏岩体,主要由二辉橄榄岩组成。文章通过研究周庵岩体中橄榄石、铬铁矿和辉石的矿物成分变化探讨了岩浆演化过程和含矿岩体成因。根据岩石的矿物组合和蚀变程度,岩体从上到下分为3个部分:上部绿泥石-蛇纹石化二辉橄榄岩相带、中部二辉橄榄岩相带和下部绿泥石-角闪石化二辉橄榄岩相带。根据岩体中部带橄榄石和铬铁矿的成分,计算得到母岩浆的Mg#值为0.63,MgO/FeO摩尔比值为1.72,w(Al2O3)为10.2%~11.7%,w(Ni)为476×10-6,说明其为高镁玄武质岩浆;岩体中部带原生铬铁矿和粒间相铬铁矿核部的Cr2O3和Al2O3呈正相关关系,说明铬铁矿与粒间硅酸盐熔体发生了平衡交换,铬铁矿的高w(TiO2) 和Cr#值与拉张环境中层状岩体的铬铁矿特征一致;根据辉石温压计得到岩体中部单斜辉石和斜方辉石的共结温度为1 017~1 077℃,压力为(3.6~4.5)×108 Pa,暗示形成岩体的浅部岩浆房深度约为12 km。岩体上部和中部带的橄榄石Fo值大部分集中在80 mol%~85 mol%,w(Ni)介于2 255×10-6~4 455×10-6,说明这些橄榄石是从没有经过强烈分离结晶和硫化物熔离的岩浆中结晶出来的。岩体下部带橄榄石的Fo值(67 mol%~68 mol%)和w(Ni) (1 500×10-6~2 000×10-6)都低于岩体上部和中部带的橄榄石相应值,说明岩体下部带的橄榄石可能形成于演化程度较高、并经历了硫化物熔离的岩浆。因此,笔者认为周庵岩体是由相对原始的和演化了的高镁玄武质岩浆两期侵位形成的。  相似文献   
辽宁东部早元古宙辽河群变质岩系底部硼矿床,是我国已知的大型热液矿床.通过对矿床地质、矿物岩石特征研究表明,辽东硼镁矿是层控热液交代矿床.其基底混合花岗岩强底劈上涌作用,促使其近接触带的矿物岩石产生热液交代作用,地层中的电气石分解重组,硼酸根交代蛇纹石、镁橄榄石、大理岩,形成硼镁矿,这一成矿化学反应特征的发现,为辽宁东部...  相似文献   
Abstract Melting experiments have been carried out on an olivine andesite of Mt Yakushi-Yama from the Miocene Setouchi volcanic belt in northeastern Shikoku, Japan. This andesite has been characterized by a low ratio of FeO*/Mg° (= 0.78). Phase relations have been determined within the pressure range of 2.8 to 19.3 kbar at 1000-1300°C under anhydrous and water-saturated conditions. At pressures less than 8.8 kbar, olivine is a liquidus phase. Orthopyroxene appears on the liquidus at 9.3 kbar under the anhydrous conditions. The multiple saturation point rises up to 17.5 kbar for water-saturated experiments. The andesite melt coexists with olivine and orthopyroxene just below the liquidus at 8.8–9.3 kbar and 1230°C for dry conditions, and at 17.5 kbar and 1060°C under water-saturated conditions. These experimental results indicate that the Yakushi-Yama olivine andesite magma could coexist with a harzburgitic mantle at depths between about 30 and 60 km, and at temperatures between 1060 and 1230°C. Experimental data also suggest a possibility that a high magnesian andesite magma would be generated by a direct partial melting of the uppermost harzburgitic mantle under anhydrous conditions.  相似文献   
利用冲击波进行的动高压实验对研究超高压下的物质性质也是十分有效的.本文报告了对大麻坪采集的橄榄石进行压力在10~45 GPa范围的冲击波动高压实验结果.结合前人等温冷压实验结果,确定了实验过程的温度,对于冲击波实验压力从10 GPa变化到30 GPa时,温度在摄氏几十度到摄氏800多度之间.测量了岩石超高压下密度变化,在3.627~4.009 g·cm-3之间.通过回收实验和确定的温度,表明小于30 GPa压力实验条件下,没有发生相变过程.同时也确定了状态方程的参数.最后,指出了实验结果在上地幔地球内部物质运动过程的含义,即冷板块中的亚临界橄榄岩可以存在地幔转换带中.  相似文献   
地幔主要矿物橄榄石[(Mg0.89Fe0.11)2SiO4]的相变与深源地震的解释以及俯冲带和周围地幔的相互作用相关. 其中,形核率和长大率是刻画其相变动力学的两个重要参数. 因为实验技术的原因,目前人们还没有基于实验数据给出橄榄石的形核率. 本文首先通过对挤碰物理图像的分析,对边界形核情形的相变动力学理论中表征挤碰程度的无量纲参数进行了修正. 在此基础上,根据已有的实验资料,首次对橄榄石相变的形核率进行了估计. 通过对形核率数据的拟合,可以得到形核率参数K0和γ1/3. 得到两个形核率参数的变化范围分别为K0=5.5×1021~8.7×1027s-1·m-2·K-1,γ1/3=0~0.20 J·m-2,最佳拟合值为:K0=6.9×1024s-1·m-2·K-1,γ1/3=0.16 J·m-2.  相似文献   
橄榄石的含水量对上地幔的物理化学性质具有重要影响。傅里叶变换红外光谱(简称FTIR) 是目前最常用的测量名 义上无水矿物含水量的方法。由于矿物中红外光谱的吸收系数是各向异性的,理论上应使用偏振光来测量橄榄石的含水 量,但是该方法需要把橄榄石颗粒分离出来进行定向,非常费时。前人大多使用非偏振光来测量薄片中多个橄榄石的含水 量,并使用Paterson (1982) 的校正方法计算样品中橄榄石的平均含水量。非偏振光的使用忽略了颗粒定向造成的影响,会 低估橄榄石的含水量。上地幔橄榄石常发育晶格优选定向,为快速准确地获得橄榄石的原位含水量,该文将电子背散射衍 射技术(EBSD) 与FTIR 相结合,提出测量薄片中橄榄石含水量的新方法。首先使用Bell 等(2003) 的红外偏振光实验结 果,通过橄榄石[100]、[010]和[001]方向的含水量吸收系数建立一个椭球体。然后使用EBSD 测量某一颗粒在薄片中的取 向,根据欧拉角计算该方向的含水量吸收系数Ws,再根据Beer-Lambert 公式获得该颗粒的含水量。对加拿大Slave 克拉通 Muskox 金伯利岩携带的石榴橄榄岩中橄榄石的含水量研究表明,该方法可用于测量显微尺度的橄榄石原位含水量分布,为 橄榄石含水量与组构关系的研究提供基础资料。  相似文献   
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