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1. Introduction It is well-known that the state of ocean plays very important role in the climate change. But there is a paucity of the ocean observation data. The data distri- bution in the space, time and different components is very inhomogeneous, even in some areas, there are no any observation data. Hence, it brings some diffcul- ties to the scientists to study many problems relevant to ocean. This situation has been being changed since ARGO (Array for Real-time Geostrophic Oceanogra-…  相似文献   
This study assesses the historical climate trends of surface air temperature(SAT), their spatial distributions, and the hindcast skills for SAT during 1901– 2000 from 24 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5(CMIP5) models. For the global averaged SAT, most of the models(17/24) effectively captured the increasing trends(0.64°C/century for the ensemble mean) as the observed values(- 0.6°C/century) during the period of 1901–2000, particularly during a rapid warming period of 1970–2000 with the small model spread. In addition, most of the models(22/24) showed high hindcast skills(the correlation coefficient, R 〉 0.8). For the spatial pattern of SAT, the models better simulated the relatively larger warming at the middle-to-high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere than that in the Southern Hemisphere and the greater warming on the land than that in the ocean between 40°S and 40°N. The simulations underestimated the warming along some ocean boundaries but overestimated warming in the Arctic Ocean. Most of the coupled models were able to reproduce the large-scale features of SAT trends in most regions excluding Antarctica, some parts of the Pacific Ocean, the North Atlantic Ocean near Greenland, the southwestern Indian Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean. The outgoing longwave radiation(OLR) and incoming shortwave radiation(ISR) at the top of the atmosphere(TOA) and the downward longwave(LW) radiation and sensible heat flux at the surface had positive contributions to the increasing trends in most of the models.  相似文献   
蒸散发是水圈、大气圈和生物圈中水分循环和能量交换的纽带。在全球尺度上,蒸散发约占陆地降水总量的60%;作为其能量表达形式,潜热通量约占地表净辐射的80%。随着通量观测技术的发展,全球长期持续的观测数据得以获取和共享,近年来基于数据驱动的蒸散发遥感反演方法取得了较好的研究进展。本文针对数据驱动的蒸散发遥感反演方法和产品,从经验回归、机器学习和数据融合3个方面展开,对现有的研究进展进行了梳理、归纳和总结,并从驱动数据、反演方法、已有产品等方面指出目前仍存在的问题和不足。未来仍需开展数据驱动的高时空分辨率的蒸散发遥感反演方法的研究,有效考虑地表温度和土壤水分等可以指示地表蒸散发短期变化的重要信息,同时加强基于过程驱动的物理模型与数据驱动的模型的结合,使两类模型能互为补充、各自发挥所长,共同推动蒸散发遥感反演研究水平的进步。  相似文献   
本文依据C.M.Criss和J.W.Cobble的“离子熵对应原理”,对1978年D.Langmuir给出的铀物种形成常温热力学数据进行了高温值的处理,得出了一套较全面而系统的高温热力学参数,以供参考使用。  相似文献   
随着我国能源勘探及地球深部探测等向深部发展,深井越来越多,地层温度、压力越来越高。保证高温高压状态下钻井液流变性能的稳定是深井安全钻进的必要前提,测定钻井液高温高压流变性是评价和优选钻井液体系最基础的工作。依托国家科技部重大仪器设备开发专项,通过对压力控制系统、温度控制系统、剪率控制系统、粘度检测系统等方面技术难题的攻关,研制成功了国内首台超高温高压流变仪。该仪器可在高温高压及低温高压条件下对钻井液、完井液、压裂液等样品的流变性进行高精度测量。  相似文献   
Net mass balance has been measured since 1958 at South Cascade Glacier using the 'direct method,' e.g. area averages of snow gain and firn and ice loss at stakes. Analysis of cartographic vertical photography has allowed measurement of mass balance using the 'geodetic method' in 1970, 1975, 1977, 1979–80, and 1985–97. Water equivalent change as measured by these nearly independent methods should give similar results. During 1970–97, the direct method shows a cumulative balance of about −15 m, and the geodetic method shows a cumulative balance of about −22 m. The deviation between the two methods is fairly consistent, suggesting no gross errors in either, but rather a cumulative systematic error. It is suspected that the cumulative error is in the direct method because the geodetic method is based on a non-changing reference, the bedrock control, whereas the direct method is measured with reference to only the previous year's summer surface. Possible sources of mass loss that are missing from the direct method are basal melt, internal melt, and ablation on crevasse walls. Possible systematic measurement errors include under-estimation of the density of lost material, sinking stakes, or poorly represented areas.  相似文献   
近50年火山喷发和太阳活动对我国气候影响的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
贾朋群  石广玉 《高原气象》2001,20(3):225-233
利用特征向量分析与时序叠加分析和谱分析相结合的方法,分析了近50a来我国地面气温和降水场中火山喷发和太阳活动的气候信号,强烈的火山喷发导致全国大部分地区降温,喷发1a多以后降温最明显,并能持续约半年。除这个主信号以外,青藏高原、东南沿海和东北地区都可能出现较为复杂的温度变化,温度变化与太阳活动之间的联系更多地反映在二者的振荡关系上。在降水场中的火山信号较弱,表现为火山喷发后的秋冬季节南方地区降水偏多。在青藏高原积雪和深层地温的变化中,没有发现火山和太阳活动信号。  相似文献   
以新疆塔城基准站自动气象站2006年11月—2010年3月积雪深度≥0cm的451天为样本,对0cm地面温度、雪面(草面)温度、气温及云量、日照时数、雪深进行统计分析,找出不同积雪深度下地面温度、雪(草)面温度与气温的关系,结果显示:雪(草)面温度在积雪期,变化趋势与气温一致,受云量及日照时数影响明显,平均雪温低于平均气温;地温随雪深变化有20cm和50cm两个分界点,雪深≤20cm时,地温受雪深、气温影响较大,变化趋势与气温基本一致,地温高于气温,雪层较薄时,受云量和日照影响较明显。雪深超过20cm时,地温变幅趋向定值,地温变化仅受长时间温度变化影响,且不低于-5℃;雪深超过50cm时,地温趋于定值(-1℃)。  相似文献   
南海西部东方13-1气田D7H井为国内海上第一口高温高压水平井,储层物性以中低渗为主,使用高固相含量的钻井液易堵塞油气泄流通道造成储层伤害,加之海上完井方式制约,高密度钻井液在井眼滞留时间达10 d以上,不可避免地会加剧储层伤害程度。为充分保障该井储层保护效果,室内开展了大量的优选评价实验,优选出适合海上高温高压小井眼水平井钻完井储层保护油基钻井液,分析了高密度钻井液污染储层的机理,研究了返排压差、返排时间与岩心渗透率恢复结果的关系,提出了增加返排压差、延长返排时间提高储层保护效果的措施。实验结果表明:高温环境下高密度钻井液污染岩心后,初始渗透率恢复值约85%,当污染时间达到15 d时,渗透率恢复值骤降至30%,表明钻井液在储层滞留时间越长储层污染现象越严重;相同驱替条件下,渗透率恢复值随时间的延长而提高并趋于稳定;增加岩心返排时的压差有利于提高渗透率恢复值,返排压差达到12 MPa时,钻井液体系的渗透率恢复值可提高到80%以上。现场应用表明,D7H井试井机械表皮系数为0,清喷产量6.0×105 m3/d,超出配产产量近3倍,储层保护效果良好,为后续海上高温高压气田实施水平井进行规模化开发提供了宝贵的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
采用低温电镀工艺生产PDC石油全面钻头对金刚石无任何热损伤,对喷咀进行组合设计,在两口井中进行试验,取得了很好的经济效益和社会效益,并分析了钻头的特点及存在的问题。  相似文献   
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