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郭旭光 《地质与勘探》2015,51(3):592-598
岩石的脆性是非常规油气藏勘探开发中需考虑的关键岩石力学参数之一。岩石脆,压裂过程中易产生缝网,从而有效改造储层,达到提高单井产量的目的。基于岩石弹性参数的归一化杨氏模量和泊松比方法,是当前广泛采用的可用于地震预测的岩石脆性评价技术,但其结果受归一化参数取值的影响较大,适用性受到影响。利用杨氏模量和泊松比的商作为脆性评价指标,并用大量岩石力学实验刻度,大大提高了岩石脆性判别的可信度。利用地震叠前弹性参数反演,开展吉木萨尔凹陷二叠系芦草沟组致密油岩石脆性预测,指导水平井部署。为保证更好的储层改造效果,在水平井轨迹设计过程中不但考虑了储层物性,还充分考虑了岩石脆性。在优选的有利区钻探水平井,并实施了体积压裂,微地震监测结果显示压裂产生了缝状网,储层改造效果理想。该水平井试油获得了稳定高产工业油流。  相似文献   
平缓地区地形湿度指数的计算方法   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
地形湿度指数( topographic wetness index) 可定量模拟流域内土壤水分的干湿状况, 在流域 的土壤及分布式水文模型等研究中具有重要的意义。但现有的地形湿度指数计算方法在应用于 地形平缓地区时会得到明显不合理的结果, 即在河谷地区内, 地形湿度指数仅在狭窄的汇水线上 数值较高, 而在汇水线以外的位置则阶跃式地变为异常低的地形湿度指数值。本文针对此问题对 地形湿度指数的计算方法提出改进: 以多流向算法MFD- fg 计算汇水面积, 相应地以最大下坡计 算地形湿度指数, 再基于一个正态分布函数对河谷平原地区内的地形湿度指数进行插值处理。应 用结果表明, 所得地形湿度指数的空间分布不但能合理地反映平缓地区坡面上的水分分布状况, 并且在河谷地区内地形湿度指数值也都比较高, 其空间分布呈平滑过渡, 因而整个研究区域的水 分分布状况得到了比较合理的反映。  相似文献   

利用MICAPS常规气象资料、ERA-Interim 0.25°×0.25°再分析数据、地面区域气象站逐小时观测数据、FY-2G卫星云图和榆林CR/CB雷达产品,对2017年7月25日20时—26日08时陕西北部持续强降水过程进行综合分析。结果表明:(1)这次降水过程呈东西向带状分布,雨强大、范围小、移动慢、持续时间长,降水主要集中在夜间,大暴雨区具有典型的β中尺度特征;(2)西风槽的快速东移南压以及副高的稳定维持有利于槽前正涡度平流的加强及低层低值系统的发展,850 hPa新生的河套低涡和东南低空急流成为这次强降水过程的直接影响系统;(3)河套低涡是一个浅薄的热低压系统,它的发生发展可分为三个阶段,初始阶段低涡形成于弱的锋区中并具有不对称的暖心结构,成熟阶段和旺盛阶段低涡转变为对称的暖心结构,强降水产生在低涡发展成熟阶段,在低涡旺盛阶段降水达到最强;(4)河套低涡直接影响并控制着地面β中尺度低压的发生发展,β中尺度低压稳定在榆林西部,中尺度低压的西部和东部分别形成冷性辐合和暖性辐合,不断触发γ对流单体生成,不同中尺度对流云团的合并导致了降水的强烈发展。

昆明城市气候水平空间分布特征   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:9  
以昆明城市为研究对象,对城市西南-东北剖线的实测资料比较研究,从气温、水汽压、相对湿度、风速、风向等方面分析了昆明城市气候特征、变化规律及城市热岛效应。研究表明:在昆明存在热岛效应,以夜间最为明显,其最强度效应可达5.0℃,出现时刻(3时)与国内外多数研究结果(傍晚)有所不同;昆明城市昼间呈现明显的干岛效应。所得结论可为探讨昆明城市气候特片和形成机制,城市环境污染防治及建筑规划、设计等提供依据。  相似文献   
The reproductive biology of Acanthopagrus butcheri has been studied in the permanently open Swan River and intermittently open Moore River estuaries on the lower west coast of Australia (31--32 °S) and in the permanently open Nornalup Walpole and normally closed Wellstead estuaries on the southern coast of Western Australia (34--35 °S). Trends exhibited by gonadosomatic indices, gonadal maturity stages and the sizes and developmental stages of the oocytes demonstrate that A. butcher typically spawns in spring and early summer. However, spawning occurred in salinities ranging from as low as 3.5-8 g L–1 in the Moore River Estuary to as high as 41-45 g L–1 in the Wellstead Estuary. Furthermore, water temperatures during spawning were greater in the two northern estuaries (19.7--28.5 °C) than in the two southern and cooler estuaries (17.5--23.4 °C). Histological studies strongly indicate that A. butcheri spawn more than once in a breeding season and demonstrate that the development of its oocytes exhibits group synchrony sensu de Vlaming (1983). The ages and total lengths at which, on average, female and male A. butcheri both first attain maturity in the Swan River Estuary were ca 2 years and ca 215 mm. However, the age at which individual fish in that system reach maturity was influenced by body size. This suggests that the attainment of first maturity at an older age but smaller length in the Moore River and Nornalup Walpole estuaries than is the case in the Swan River Estuary is a consequence of the slower growth rates of A. butcheri in those estuaries. The combination of the young age (ca 2 years) but small length (ca 145 mm) at which maturity is first attained in the Wellstead Estuary could have resulted from selection pressures brought about by high mortality rates and/or heavy fishing pressure in this estuary. The mean fecundity of A. butcheri, based on the combined number of yolk vesicle and yolk granule oocytes found in ovaries just prior to the onset of spawning, was 1580 × 103. The significance of the sizes at first maturity, minimum legal length for capture, mesh selectivity data and closure of certain regions of estuaries to fishing for the management of the recreational and commercial fishery for A. butcheri is discussed.  相似文献   
Immature crude oils are a kind of unconventional petroleum resources. They are generated through early low-temperature biochemical/chemical reactions of some specific organic matter. Their geological reserves explored are as high as several hundred million tons in China. Based on a detailed organic geochemical study, five genetic mechanisms of immature oils have been proposed in this paper for early hydrocarbon generation from suberinite, resinite, bacteria-reworked terrestrial organic matter, biolipids and sulphur-rich macromolecules respectively.  相似文献   
Following Early Cretaceous nappe stacking, the Eastern Alps were affected by late-orogenic extension during the Late Cretaceous. In the eastern segment of this range, a Late Cretaceous detachment separates a very low- to low-grade metamorphic cover (Graz Paleozoic Nappe Complex, GPNC) above a low- to high-grade metamorphic basement. Synchronously, the Kainach Gosau Basin (KGB) collapsed and subsided on top of the section.Metamorphism of organic material within this section has been investigated using vitrinite reflectance data and Raman spectra of extracted carbonaceous material. In the southern part of the GPNC, vitrinite reflectance indicates a decrease in organic maturity towards the stratigraphic youngest unit. The remaining part of the GPNC is characterized by an aureole of elevated vitrinite reflectance values and Raman R2 ratios that parallels the margins of the GPNC. Vitrinite reflectance in the KGB shows a steep coalification gradient and increases significantly towards the western basin margin. The observed stratigraphic trend in the southern GPNC is a result of deep Paleozoic to Early Cretaceous burial. This maturity pattern was overprinted along the margins by advective heat and convective fluids during Late Cretaceous to Paleogene exhumation of basement rocks.During shearing, the fault zone was heated up to ca. 500 °C. This overprint is explained by a two-dimensional thermal model with a ramp-flat fault geometry and a slip rate of 1 to 1.5 cm/year during 5 Ma fault movement. The collapse basin above the detachment subsided in a thermal regime which was characterized by relaxing isotherms.  相似文献   
随着能源消耗的增加,中国能源缺口不断扩大,原油进口依存度也随之攀升,实施进口来源多元化战略的重要性日益突出,而多元化战略应该确立在总体把握石油进口地域格局的基础之上。本文以1997~2008年间中国原油进口源地分布入手,分析了此时间段内进口原油的地域格局、原油进口格局的演变特征及演变轨迹,探讨了影响原油贸易地域格局的主要因素与原油贸易空间格局的形成与演进机制,为进一步探索其演化趋势,更好地实施进口多元化战略奠定基础。  相似文献   
不同游客吸引半径景区国内旅游交通碳排放特征比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
包战雄  袁书琪  陈光水 《地理科学》2012,(10):1168-1175
旅游交通是旅游业碳排放的最重要环节。选择具有不同游客吸引半径的福州国家森林公园、太姥山山岳景区、武夷山风景名胜区为研究对象,通过对游客交通的问卷调查,探讨不同景区国内旅游交通碳排放的基本规律。研究表明,随着游客吸引半径增加,人均碳排放量显著增加,表现为福州森林公园<太姥山<武夷山。虽然每人每公里碳排放量亦表现为福州森林公园<太姥山<武夷山,但人均旅行距离的增大则是人均碳排放量增加的最主要因素。在350 km以内,每人每公里碳排放量和人均碳排放量随距离增加变化不明显或略微下降;而350 km以上,两者均随距离增加而急剧增长,这与距离对交通方式选择的影响有关。从旅游交通碳排放特征看,350 km大致可作为中途和长途旅行划分的界线。3个景区的年碳排放总量大小顺序为:武夷山>太姥山>福州森林公园,平均碳排放密度则表现为武夷山>福州森林公园>太姥山。各景区长途旅游者和乘坐飞机旅游者均占景区旅游交通碳排放的大部分,且其比例随景区游客吸引半径的增加而增多。因而减少长途旅行和乘坐飞机次数是降低景区旅游交通碳排放量的重要途径。  相似文献   
潮汐调和分析的一种算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文在常规潮汐调和分析方法的基础上,提出了一种由高低潮资料进行潮汐分析的算法。具体计算表明,该算法与现今通用的常规算法(即等间隔最小二乘法)相比,既可大大减少所需原始样本量,在相同记录长度内,是常规算法的三分之一还少,同时减少样本处理的前期工作量;又能保证潮位拟合的精度和预报的可信度,两者精度相当,结果一致。该算法原理简单、实用有效,对于局部样本缺损较易处理,具有实际应用价值。  相似文献   
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