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不同压实度荆门弱膨胀土的一维膨胀-压缩特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周葆春  张彦钧  汤致松 《岩土力学》2014,35(5):1275-1283
为探讨压实膨胀土的体变行为,以荆门弱膨胀土为研究对象,借助高压固结仪对6种制样压实度下的膨胀土试样进行了一维无荷载膨胀和含一次卸载-再加载循环的压缩试验。基于膨胀试验结果,构建了膨胀时程方程,通过参数分析,明确了方程参数的物理意义,并建议了膨胀时程曲线3阶段的划分方法。基于压缩试验结果,探讨了固结屈服应力、压缩指数Cc、回弹指数Cs、膨胀力与制样压实度、土体结构性、膨胀势、孔隙比的相关关系。试验结果及其分析表明,膨胀土体积变化是膨胀势与外部荷载、湿度变化的耦合作用结果,且具有强烈的水-力路径依赖性。  相似文献   
文中利用分布在鄂尔多斯块体及其南部周缘地区的53 个宽频带地震固定台站的连续波形记录,采用双台互相关计算 方法由背景噪声提取瑞利波格林函数,经时频分析获得相速度和群速度频散曲线,并分别计算了汾渭地堑、秦岭北缘、鄂 尔多斯块体内部和六盘山地区4 个不同构造区的平均频散曲线,进而反演了各构造区的地壳上地幔一维横波速度结构。结 果显示:地壳厚度在汾渭地堑为34 km,在秦岭北缘地区和鄂尔多斯块体均为40 km,在六盘山地区最厚,达49~50 km;相 应的上地幔顶部横波速度分别为4.20,4.2,4.30 和4.15 km/s;地壳内结构浅部特征差异最大,在地壳中部六盘山地区的速 度较低,下部地壳不同地区的波速较一致。  相似文献   
青海季节性冻土地区工程建设受冻融循环作用和黄土湿陷性的双重影响,工程上常采用石灰与黄土拌和作为垫层材料以满足工程要求,但冻融循环作用依旧对地基土体的性能有所影响。为探究青海季节性地区气候变化对地基土所带来的不利影响,采用3种温控曲线(1#、2#和3#温控曲线)模拟了青海季节性冻土地区气候变化规律,通过无侧限抗压强度试验和SEM等微观试验,分析不同温控曲线对2∶8、3∶7灰土强度和微观结构的变化规律。结果表明3∶7和2∶8灰土的应力-应变关系均呈现应变软化型,0~6次冻融过程中试样的无侧限抗压强度随着冻融循环次数的增加逐渐降低,继续增加冻融循环次数后其强度有所上升;冻融循环6次时灰土内部孔隙分布相较于冻融20次时多,且随着冻融循环次数的增加颗粒间接触方式由点-点、点-面接触向面-面接触转变;1#温控曲线的微观定量参数较2#、3#温控曲线变化明显,经历1#曲线时试样内部孔隙更为圆滑,结构排列疏松,1#温控曲线对试样结构和强度的影响程度相对较弱。  相似文献   
紫色土水分特征曲线室内测定方法的对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为探寻全吸力范围内土壤水分特征曲线的可靠测定方法,采用沙箱排水法、Hyprop仪蒸发法、压力膜仪排水法和露点水势仪蒸发法分吸力段测定盐亭紫色土耕地表层2~7 cm和亚表层7~12 cm土壤的水分特征曲线,对比测定结果的方法间差异,并分析其原因。结果表明:对于表层和亚表层土壤,低吸力段(h >-100 cm)水分特征曲线的沙箱法和Hyprop仪法的均方根误差ERMS (θ)均较小,在0.026~0.082 cm3/cm3范围内,确定系数R2均大于0.962,说明这两种方法测定结果之间差异不大。高吸力段(h <-330 cm)的压力膜仪法与露点仪法测定结果之间的差异较大,ERMS (θ)为0.062~0.097 cm3/cm3,R2较低,为0.775~0.952。因此,全吸力范围内水分特征曲线测定方法的选择与组合应考虑土壤孔径分布特征和研究目的。  相似文献   
边坡变形和失稳受本身地质条件和外部环境等多方面因素的影响,由于这些因素的复杂性、多样性及其变化的随机性导致不同的边坡的位移和变形趋势有可能存在较大的差异。在分析总结边坡变形规律的基础上,针对边坡的典型位移-历时曲线需经历初始变形、稳定变形和加速变形3个阶段,呈反“S”型的特点,根据边坡位移的实测时间序列资料建立边坡变形的成长曲线反函数变权重组合的时变预测模型。通过与工程实例的对比分析表明,各单项预测方法是基于已知样本的固定模型,能大致反映边坡变形的发展趋势,但仍存在较大误差,而所提出的方法能充分考虑不同模型的优点,有较高的精度,适用于实际工程中边坡的变形预测及失稳的预警。  相似文献   
In this paper, with the spatial analysis functions in ArcGIS and the county-level census data of 2000 in China, the population density map was divided and shown by classes, meanwhile, the map system of population distribution and a curve of population centers were formed; in accordance with the geographical proximity principle, the classes of population densities were reclassified and a population density map was obtained which had the spatial clustering characteristic. The multi-layer superposition based on the population density classification shows that the population densities become denser from the Northwest to the Southeast; the multi-layer clustering phenomenon of the Chinese population distribution is obvious, the populations have a water-based characteristic gathering towards the rivers and coastlines. The curve of population centers shows the population densities transit from the high density region to the low one on the whole, while in low-density areas there are relatively dense areas, and in high-density areas there are relatively sparse areas. The reclassification research on the population density map based on the curve of population centers shows that the Chinese population densities can be divided into 9 classes, hereby, the geographical distribution of Chinese population can be divided into 9 type regions: the concentration core zone, high concentration zone, moderate concentration zone, low concentration zone, general transitional zone, relatively sparse area, absolute sparse area, extreme sparse area, and basic no-man's land. More than 3/4 of the population of China is concentrated in less than 1/5 of the land area, and more than half of the land area is inhabited by less than 2% of the population, the result reveals a better space law of China’s population distribution.  相似文献   
地层不整合结构的量化判识是油气藏,特别是地层不整合油气藏成藏研究的关键问题。针对断陷盆地覆盖区不整合结构研究相对局限、量化判识不够的现状,研究了济阳坳陷第三系不整合纵向结构的发育特征,将不整合结构划分为Ⅰ1,Ⅰ2 和Ⅱ三种类型,它们可通过实验室岩芯样品的分析测试量化判识。由于不整合各层结构在测井曲线上都有一定的响应,因而根据多种测井曲线构建了综合分层曲线,并用最优分割法确定了地层中不整合面的位置。在此基础上,根据GR,AC和SP 曲线建立了主成分曲线,并综合岩芯地质和分析测试研究成果,提出了量化判识不整合结构的量化标准图版。该方法应用于济阳坳陷地层不整合油气藏勘探中,取得良好效果。  相似文献   
介绍了对滇东寒武系进行层序地层学研究所采用的方法、层序的基本特征及取得的主要成果。确定有10个层序,其时限为1~10Ma,其中下寒统武有6个,中、上寒武统各2个。此外还划分出次层序27个、组合层序2个。此项研究工作对本区寒武系地层划分与对比、界线的确定具有重要意义:(1)沧浪铺阶生物地层的争论,是由于滇东存在两个Ⅰ型层序边界,乌龙箐段与红井哨段为假整合关系,故生物带发育不完整;(2)双龙潭组与西王庙组应为同时异相沉积体;(3)双龙潭组顶部时限,以SB2i为标志,应与娄山关组底部边界对比,故可能上延至晚寒武世早期  相似文献   
中国畜禽养殖的空间分析及分区研究(英文)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The capacity of livestock breeding in China has increased rapidly since 1949, and the total output of meat, poultry and eggs maintains the world’s top first in recent 20 years. Livestock emissions and pollution is closely associated with its population and spatial distribution. This paper aims to investigate the spatial patterns of livestock and poultry breeding in China. Using statistical yearbook and agricultural survey in 2007, the county-level populations of livestock and poultry are estimated as equivalent standardized pig index (ESP), per cultivated land pig index (PCLP) and per capita pig index (PCP). With the help of spatial data analysis (ESDA) tools in Geoda and ArcGIS software, especially the Moran’s I and LISA statistics, the nationwide global and local clustering trends of the three indicators are examined respectively. The Moran’s I and LISA analysis shows that ESP and PCP are significantly clustering both globally and locally. However, PCLP is clustering locally but not significant globally. Furthermore, the thematic map series (TMS) and related gravity centers curve (GCC) are introduced to explore the spatial patterns of livestock and poultry in China. The indicators are classified into 16 levels, and the GCCs for the three indicators from level 1 to 16 are discussed in detail. For districting purpose, each interval between gravity centers of near levels for all the three indicators is calculated, and the districting types of each indicator are obtained by merging adjacent levels. The districting analysis for the three indicators shows that there exists a potential uniform districting scheme for China’s livestock and poultry breeding. As a result, the China’s livestock and poultry breeding would be classified into eight types: extremely sparse region, sparse region, relatively sparse region, normally sparse region, normal region, relatively concentrated region, concentrated region and highly concentrated region. It is also found that there exists a clear demarcation line between the concentrated and the sparse regions. The line starts from the county boundary between Xin Barag Left Banner and Xin Barag Right Banner, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to the west coast of Dongfang County, Hainan Province.  相似文献   
本文以九寨沟及比较风景区为例,以游客距离衰减模式和多种距离累计曲线揭示了观光旅游地客源市场空间结构整体特征和空间距离分异特征。论文论证了九寨沟游客距离衰减曲线以Pareto模型为最佳,并推算了不同市场范围及不同模式的距离误差指数;通过多种距离累计曲线有效地揭示游客群入游行为及相关市场潜力等背景的空间结构特征。  相似文献   
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