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随着我国煤炭资源去产能整合煤矿的增多,复采工作面临空窄煤柱采动失稳问题日益凸显,已严重制约矿井安全高效生产。为此,针对辛安煤矿复采1402工作面辅运巷道5号钻场临空窄煤柱稳定性控制的工程难题,运用数值模拟与理论分析相结合的方法,探究5号钻场临空窄煤柱稳定性采掘扰动响应特征,提出5号钻场临空窄煤柱动态注浆加固技术方案并开展现场应用和效果检验。研究结果表明:1402工作面辅运巷道掘进对5号钻场临空窄煤柱稳定性影响较小;在1402工作面回采期间,距5号钻场18~6 m范围,临空窄煤柱集中垂直应力由非对称马鞍形分布逐渐过渡为拱形分布;距5号钻场6 m时,临空窄煤柱承载叠加垂直应力超过煤体强度,塑性区完全贯通,极易破坏失稳;现场采用MP364型注浆材料及专用注浆设备对5号钻场临空窄煤柱前后5 m区域进行加固,动态注浆始终超前工作面10 m,通过深孔窥视和气体监测手段验证临空窄煤柱良好的封堵固化效果,保障了工作面安全回采,为我国整合矿井类似条件下煤柱稳定性控制提供借鉴和参考。移动阅读  相似文献   
根据姚楼井田地质勘探所取得的资料,分析了B煤开采上覆岩土层的水文地质结构及工程地质特征,对该井田厚松散层含水层下近露头带开采的防水煤岩柱尺寸作出了评价,为开采设计提供了初步依据。  相似文献   
采用最新研制的岩体应力、应变匹配传感器对西安立井煤柱开采引起的井筒附加应力特别是对井筒穿过断层附近产生的附加应力进行了较系统的观测,并对观测结果进行了分析和总结。  相似文献   
Should energy projects to extend the use of natural gas be considered for funding under public climate finance commitments? This article provides an overview of evidence for and against climate finance for natural gas projects. The argument focuses on a case study, the UK’s International Climate Fund (ICF). This synthesis concludes that gas-related projects will rarely be eligible for funding under public climate finance, save a few exceptions in which they provide energy access to households directly. Although gas power plants have generally lower emissions than those which use other fossil fuels such as coal, their impact will depend on the material constraints to calculate emissions reductions, the context of implementation, and the political economy of the target country. Three case studies demonstrate that energy access projects need to be understood as providing a whole range of sustainable benefits, from improving local health to reducing emissions. Overall, gas-related projects are complex interventions that require context-specific knowledge of both the effects of technology and the possible business models that can work in context.


This article investigates whether projects related to natural gas constitute an appropriate use of public climate finance, with a particular focus on the UK’s International Climate Fund. Policy makers in developed countries will decide in the coming years how to use public climate finance; that is, the fraction of overseas development assistance (ODA) for climate change mitigation and adaptation. In the UK, for example, the ICF is the most important instrument to provide climate finance for developing countries. In 2013, the UK set out a clear position ‘to end support for public financing of new coal-fired power plants overseas, except in rare circumstances.’ This ban has fostered debate about whether similar positions should follow for other fossil fuels such as natural gas, specifically in the context of ICF funding. Similar debates are taking place in other countries such as Germany and Norway, and are informing the implementation of international facilities such as the Green Climate Fund.  相似文献   
Summary This paper develops a rational approach for design of coal pillars under weak floor strata conditions considering ultimate bearing capacity (UBC) as well as pillar settlement. An approximate solution is presented for estimation of UBC for a shallow foundation on a two-layered rock system with consideration of both cohesion (c) and (ø) for both layers. Similarly, deformability underneath a full-size pillar is estimated from deformability calculated from plate loading tests. The effect of adjacent pillars on UBC and deformability of coal pillars in a panel is considered using foundation engineering analysis techniques. The design of pillars based on limiting settlements considers both differential settlements as well as mean settlement of pillar in a panel. An attempt is made to validate the proposed design approach based on field data and observations at an Illinois mine.  相似文献   
Located in northern Québec, the Lac Shortt Mine was a small gold mine consisting of a thin subvertical orebody which was mined in three main phases. High stress and rockbursting conditions were experienced when ore was extracted in the upper zone between the surface and a depth of 500 metres during the first two phases of mining. Severe rockbursts were experienced in late 1989 near the shaft and in the footwall development following a deepening of the mine shaft to a depth of 830 m and partial development of footwall drift access for the third phase of mining (the mining of the lower zone starting at a depth of 830 m moving upward toward a depth of 500 m). A 16-channel Electrolab MP250 microseismic system, with a Queen's University Full-Waveform piggy-back system, was installed underground at the site due to these problems.It was expected that the thinning sill would be subjected to an ever-increasing load as the thickness of the 500 m sill pillar decreased in the face of the mining excavation from below. A monitoring program consisting of the microseismic monitoring system, a range of conventional geomechanics monitoring tools as well as the undertaking of periodic seismic tomography surveys to assess the ongoing state of stress and rock mass condition within the sill was therefore warranted.The anomalously high-magnitude stress field and the brittle rockmass created a situation in which rockmass failure was common and violent. In the creation and thinning of the sill pillar, the location of banded microseismic activity was crucial in tracing rockmass failure and the associated ground control problems. Reliable source-location determination enabled the identification of areas of stress increase. The movement of the rockmass failure front could be followed, and was responsible for stope dilution, footwall and orebody development deterioration, and caving.Source-mechanism analyses gave accurate double-couple solutions for approximately forty percent of these events having at least ten recognizable polarities. Results suggested movement along vertical north-south striking or vertical east-west striking features. Underground observation of damaged access points showed that vertical north-south striking joints were experiencing failure.The microseismic activity, which was consistently concentrated close to the southwest and northeast corners of current production stopes, could be explained by a stress field oriented obliquely to the strike of the orebody, as measured prior to shrinkage of the sill pillar byin situ stress measurements and observed borehole overbreaks. The orientations of theP andT axes for the microseismic activity further confirmed that the stress field oriented obliquely to strike.While an increase in compressional-wave velocity of 2.3 percent, corresponding to a measured stress increase of approximately 10 MPa could be measured by repeated tomographic surveys, it was relatively small and only a factor of two or so above the velocity measured uncertainty. The relative insensitivity of thein situ rock mass modulus to the applied stress is believed to be largely due to the rockmass discontinuities being relatively closed prior to stress increase, as substantiated by the small deformations seen by the extensometer and borehole camera. This situation existed because of the very high pre-mining stress level.The experimental demonstration that the rock could not absorb substantially increased load through the mechanism of discontinuity closure or tightening (which would be reflected in the modulus) may be evidence in itself of potentially burst-prone ground, such as encountered at Lac Shortt.  相似文献   
基于CFD的地震液化研究新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄雨  郝亮 《岩土力学》2008,29(8):2231-2235
综述了近年来关于液化土体流体动力学特征的试验发展状况,以及基于计算流体动力学(简称CFD)的地震液化数值模拟现状,重点介绍了目前比较活跃的可以较高精度模拟液化土体流动状态的三次伪质点数值方法(简称CIP法)。通过对CFD和传统固体力学在地震液化研究中的应用比较,指出了应用CFD的三大优势,即土体大变形问题、液化土体参数分析以及液化土体中结构物的变形应用CFD分析,均可获得较好的结果。进一步提出,在地震液化应用中,未来CFD的发展应该考虑整合液化前的土体性状研究和地震液化中桩-土-结构物的综合分析。  相似文献   
The early Jurassic soft-sediment deformation occurring within lacustrine sandstone is distributed mainly in the Wuqia region of SW Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang, western China. Triggered by earthquakes, such deformation was found to occur in three beds overlying the lower Jurassic Kangsu Formation. The main styles of deformation structures comprise load cast, ball-and-pillow, droplet, cusps, homogeneous layer, and liquefied unconformity. The deformation layers reflect a series of three strong earthquakes at the end of early Jurassic in the Wuqia region. The differences of deformation mechanisms undergone might represent the varying magnitudes of the earthquake events. During the early Jurassic, the Wuqia region was located in a pull-apart basin controlled by the significant Talas-Ferghana strike-slip fault in central Asia, which initiated the soft-sediment deformation induced by earthquakes. Our research suggests that the paleoseismic magnitudes could have ranged from Ms 6.5 to 7.  相似文献   
李钊  孙雨  闫百泉  于利民  王鑫锐  刘如昊 《地质论评》2023,69(3):2023030002-2023030002
陆源碎屑细粒沉积岩收缩裂隙广泛发育(湖)海陆过渡相中,其成因机制对古环境研究具有重要指示意义,也是震积岩和微生物成因沉积构造领域的研究热点。通过调研国内外收缩裂隙的相关研究,系统总结了收缩裂隙的形态特征、成因机制及其研究的地质意义。结果表明:收缩裂隙主要发育在(湖)海陆过渡相粉砂岩与黏土岩互层的陆源碎屑细粒沉积岩中,通常发育在粉砂岩层的底面,向下逐渐尖灭于下部黏土岩层,呈肠状、脉状或蠕虫状的粉砂质充填,其层面形态可分为纺锤形裂隙、不规则裂隙、多边形裂隙等多种类型,反映了不同的沉积环境。收缩裂隙的成因包括与盐度变化相关的合气作用、地震作用、风暴作用、微生物席破裂作用等。收缩裂隙对沉积环境、事件性沉积、高频(湖)海退—(湖)海侵界面具有重要指示意义。根据收缩裂隙的形态特征及其组合可以指示沉积相带,根据收缩裂隙的发育特征及其伴生现象可以指示地震、风暴、重力流等事件性沉积;微生物成因的收缩裂隙具有沉积物暴露的指示作用,能够指示不同级次的(湖)海退—(湖)海侵界面及古(湖)海平面变化。  相似文献   
陆源碎屑细粒沉积岩收缩裂隙广泛发育(湖)海陆过渡相中,其成因机制对古环境研究具有重要指示意义,也是震积岩和微生物成因沉积构造领域的研究热点。通过调研国内外收缩裂隙的相关研究,系统总结了收缩裂隙的形态特征、成因机制及其研究的地质意义。结果表明:收缩裂隙主要发育在(湖)海陆过渡相粉砂岩与黏土岩互层的陆源碎屑细粒沉积岩中,通常发育在粉砂岩层的底面,向下逐渐尖灭于下部黏土岩层,呈肠状、脉状或蠕虫状的粉砂质充填,其层面形态可分为纺锤形裂隙、不规则裂隙、多边形裂隙等多种类型,反映了不同的沉积环境。收缩裂隙的成因包括与盐度变化相关的合气作用、地震作用、风暴作用、微生物席破裂作用等。收缩裂隙对沉积环境、事件性沉积、高频(湖)海退—(湖)海侵界面具有重要指示意义。根据收缩裂隙的形态特征及其组合可以指示沉积相带,根据收缩裂隙的发育特征及其伴生现象可以指示地震、风暴、重力流等事件性沉积;微生物成因的收缩裂隙具有沉积物暴露的指示作用,能够指示不同级次的(湖)海退—(湖)海侵界面及古(湖)海平面变化。  相似文献   
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