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针对Aqua和Terra MODIS AOD数据利用线性回归算法拟合结果不够精确的问题,本文提出了二次多项式回归算法对其进行拟合,二次多项式是指这个多项式的项数超过1,且最高次方数为2。采用二次多项式回归和线性回归算法分别对2015年随机选择的一天和4-6月的AOD数据进行拟合,并将两种方法拟合的结果进行对比分析。研究结果显示,针对同一组Aqua和Terra MODIS AOD数据的拟合,二次多项式回归方法拟合得到的RMSE、MAE、R值比线性回归拟合方法得到的值精度都要高很多,说明二次多项式回归拟合方法在Aqua和Terra MODIS AOD数据的拟合方面优于线性回归方法的拟合,证明了二次多项式回归拟合方法适用于此方面的研究,而且能够提升Aqua和Terra MODIS AOD数据拟合结果的精度。  相似文献   
Oceanic current data in the warm pool region of the western equatorial Pacific measured by upward-looking moored Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers at two equatorial sites (147°E and 154°E) and two off-equatorial sites (2°N and 2°S, 156°E) during TOGA/COARE Intensive Observing Period (IOP) from November 1992 to February 1993 are used to examine short-term variabilities in the upper layer above 160–240 m. In time series of the zonal and meridional currents in many layers, spectral peaks are found at periods around 2 days and 4 days in addition to high energies in a period range longer than 10 days. The signal with the period of about 2 days has significantly high energies at all sites, and its magnitude is higher for the meridional current than for the zonal one. This signal is especially active in the first half of IOP from November to December in 1992. In this period, the quasi-2-day signal in the current field is coherent between northern (2°N) and southern (2°S) stations, but it has no evident relationship with that in the surface wind field around the stations. The quasi-4-day signal with the period of about 4 days has highest energies in layers above 160 m at the southern station, and is coherent between northern and southern stations. Besides, the signal at the station of 2°S has a significantly high coherence with that in the wind at the southern station, suggesting that it is a local phenomenon.  相似文献   
难浸金矿石电场强化电离—氰化提金试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑平 《岩矿测试》2000,19(3):228-231
对硫、砷、炭(泥)含量较高的难浸金矿石,采用电场强化电离-氰化提金新工艺进行试验,从理论上对方法原理者了讨论,并通过试验对比,证明该方法较规氰化提金方法提高了金浸出率(8%~80%),缩短了浸出周期(为原周期的1/4~2/3)。经野外堆浸试验,肯定了方法的可行性。  相似文献   
海坛海峡二维潮流场数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海坛海峡为南北狭长型海峡,海峡内潮波属于前进波.本文建立了平面二维浅水波数学方程,利用欧拉-拉格朗日差分方法得到数值解,模型采用随时间变化的动边界技术,成功地模拟了海坛海峡的前进波特征,并根据实测数据进行了验证.同时计算了同潮时线和等振幅线,不同时刻的潮流场和潮流平均流速分布.计算结果表明,北部湾口M2分潮高潮时间比南部湾口早约5~6min,等振幅线范围约为2.12~2.15m.海峡内流速分布呈南北强、中间弱的特点,最大流速1m/s左右.  相似文献   
黄岛电厂取水工程潮流泥沙数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李孟国  时钟 《海岸工程》2006,25(2):13-21
建立了基于不规则三角形网格的考虑波浪及其破碎作用的二维潮流场和泥沙场数学模型,对黄岛电厂取水海域的潮流场、泥沙场进行了数值模拟和分析,对电厂取水口的泥淤积强度进行了计算。计算结果表明,电厂取水口附近海区流弱水清,取水口泥沙淤积轻微,对电厂取水基本没有影响。  相似文献   
ATTEM系统中电流关断期间瞬变电磁场响应求解的研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
在瞬变电磁法中,由于发射电流关断时间不为零、接收线圈的谐振频率有限,早期瞬变电磁信号发生畸变,只能舍弃,因此存在着探测盲区. 针对这一问题,研究了瞬变电磁方法中发射电流关断期间总磁场的形成过程,论证了一次场、二次场和总瞬变场的关系,分析了接收线圈的频率特性和关断时间对瞬变电磁场的影响,提出从总磁场中剔除一次磁场影响的方法,从而获得电流关断期间和电流关断后的早期瞬变电磁场. 采用吉林大学自主研制的瞬变电磁测量系统(ATTEM)在长春市伊通河活断层进行勘探,进一步验证了算法的有效性,缩短了瞬变电磁法的勘探盲区,实现了近地表4 m以下的勘探,可以清晰地分辨近地表的低阻异常,提高了浅层探测精度和分辨率.  相似文献   
The varve data-set from a freeze-core taken in the deepest part of Baldeggersee was subjected to different multivariate statistical analyses in order to estimate the amount of variance in the varve thickness measures explicable by past climate and by the trophic state of the lake. A comparison of two different time-periods (1902 to1992 versus 1920 to 1980) revealed that the lake restoration programme since 1982 has had a significant impact on the formation of the seasonal layers. Results of the partitioning of the variance in the varve thickness measures showed that about two thirds of the variance are unexplained by a climate and trophic state model and that trophic state explains 6%, whereas climate accounts for about 28% of the variance before the effect of lake restoration had a strong impact on the varves. Among the climate parameters the amount of annual precipitation is a strong predictor for explaining the thickness of both dark layer and total couplet thickness, whereas summer precipitation is important for the thickness of the light layer.  相似文献   
区域可持续与高质量发展需定期监测并科学评估。综合指数评价是应用最为广泛、信息传输效率最高的评估方法。该方法将表征区域发展质量不同侧面的系列指标加权聚合为单个指数,其核心是采用或客观或主观的方式确权。客观确权基于指标的数值统计特性实现,故权重值随指标值而改变,实非“客观”;主观确权能反映决策者智慧,但指标过多时难以实现。学界新提出的基于耦合排序权和熵权法的综合指标法允许决策者确权时仅给出权重排序,但仅支持低维情况(限制为3个指标)。本文在其基础上,借助对偶线性规划推导,使其适用性不再受限于指标数(即实现高维排序权)。同时,对指标的聚合方式进行修改,扩大了算法的适用范围;对熵权法的使用进行修正,增强了算法结果的可解译性。基于推导结果,本文进一步发展出单排序、复排序、全排序3种不同模式下的综合指数计算方法,以满足决策者主观性强、弱、无等不同情况。最后,将算法用于全球可持续发展格局的时空评价分析。本文新发展的算法同时适用于高低不同维度的指数聚合、可兼顾决策者不同层次的主观参与度,具有较强的普适性。  相似文献   
高密度电法在电力工程勘测中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该文通过工程实例,分析了高密度电法在电力工程勘测中的应用前景、应用效果及发展方向。  相似文献   
Researches on breaking-induced currents by waves are summarized firstly in this paper. Then, a combined numerical model in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates is presented to simulate wave-induced current in areas with curved boundary or irregular coastline. The proposed wave-induced current model includes a nearshore current module established through orthogonal curvilinear transformation form of shallow water equations and a wave module based on the curvilinear parabolic approximation wave equation. The wave module actually serves as the driving force to provide the current module with required radiation stresses. The Crank-Nicolson finite difference scheme and the alternating directions implicit method are used to solve the wave and current module, respectively. The established surf zone currents model is validated by two numerical experiments about longshore currents and rip currents in basins with rip channel and breakwater. The numerical results are compared with the measured data and published numerical results.  相似文献   
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