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给出了数字化地震记录P波初始部分平均出射角和方位角的分析处理方法,研究了山西大同ML=6.1级地震以及唐山ML=5.6级地震前出射角与方位角出现的异常变化,并对地震前地震波动力学特征的这一类前兆异常现象进行了初步讨论。  相似文献   
对不同水泥掺加量固化淤泥进行了固结不排水(CU)三轴剪切试验,对固化淤泥的破坏模式和抗剪强度参数进行了分析。试验结果表明:应力-应变曲线随着水泥量增加由理想弹塑性向应变软化型转变;当水泥量为50 kg/m3时,随固结压力的增加应力-应变曲线有理想弹塑性、应变软化和应变硬化三种类型;当水泥量高于100 kg/m3时,试样都呈脆性破坏模式。淤泥经水泥改良后成为一种结构性土,固结压力在小于试样结构屈服应力时对抗压强度影响不大。有效粘聚力随水泥量的增加呈较大的增长趋势,而有效内摩擦角分布在32o~42o,表明水泥固化淤泥的作用主要是提高土颗粒间的胶结,而填充孔隙的作用较弱。  相似文献   
The Cocos plate subducts beneath North America at the Mexico trench. The northernmost segment of this trench, between the Orozco and Rivera fracture zones, has ruptured in a sequence of five large earthquakes from 1973 to 1985; the Jan. 30, 1973 Colima event (M s 7.5) at the northern end of the segment near Rivera fracture zone; the Mar. 14, 1979 Petatlan event (M s 7.6) at the southern end of the segment on the Orozco fracture zone; the Oct. 25, 1981 Playa Azul event (M s 7.3) in the middle of the Michoacan gap; the Sept. 19, 1985 Michoacan mainshock (M s 8.1); and the Sept. 21, 1985 Michoacan aftershock (M s 7.6) that reruptured part of the Petatlan zone. Body wave inversion for the rupture process of these earthquakes finds the best: earthquake depth; focal mechanism; overall source time function; and seismic moment, for each earthquake. In addition, we have determined spatial concentrations of seismic moment release for the Colima earthquake, and the Michoacan mainshock and aftershock. These spatial concentrations of slip are interpreted as asperities; and the resultant asperity distribution for Mexico is compared to other subduction zones. The body wave inversion technique also determines theMoment Tensor Rate Functions; but there is no evidence for statistically significant changes in the moment tensor during rupture for any of the five earthquakes. An appendix describes theMoment Tensor Rate Functions methodology in detail.The systematic bias between global and regional determinations of epicentral locations in Mexico must be resolved to enable plotting of asperities with aftershocks and geographic features. We have spatially shifted all of our results to regional determinations of epicenters. The best point source depths for the five earthquakes are all above 30 km, consistent with the idea that the down-dip edge of the seismogenic plate interface in Mexico is shallow compared to other subduction zones. Consideration of uncertainties in the focal mechanisms allows us to state that all five earthquakes occurred on fault planes with the same strike (N65°W to N70°W) and dip (15±3°), except for the smaller Playa Azul event at the down-dip edge which has a steeper dip angle of 20 to 25°. However, the Petatlan earthquake does prefer a fault plane that is rotated to a more east-west orientation—one explanation may be that this earthquake is located near the crest of the subducting Orozco fracture zone. The slip vectors of all five earthquakes are similar and generally consistent with the NUVEL-predicted Cocos-North America convergence direction of N33°E for this segment. The most important deviation is the more northerly slip direction for the Petatlan earthquake. Also, the slip vectors from the Harvard CMT solutions for large and small events in this segment prefer an overall convergence direction of about N20°E to N25°E.All five earthquakes share a common feature in the rupture process: each earthquake has a small initial precursory arrival followed by a large pulse of moment release with a distinct onset. The delay time varies from 4 s for the Playa Azul event to 8 s for the Colima event. While there is some evidence of spatial concentration of moment release for each event, our overall asperity distribution for the northern Mexico segment consists of one clear asperity, in the epicentral region of the 1973 Colima earthquake, and then a scattering of diffuse and overlapping regions of high moment release for the remainder of the segment. This character is directly displayed in the overlapping of rupture zones between the 1979 Petatlan event and the 1985 Michoacan aftershock. This character of the asperity distribution is in contrast to the widely spaced distinct asperities in the northern Japan-Kuriles Islands subduction zone, but is somewhat similar to the asperity distributions found in the central Peru and Santa Cruz Islands subduction zones. Subduction of the Orozco fracture zone may strongly affect the seismogenic character as the overlapping rupture zones are located on the crest of the subducted fracture zone. There is also a distinct change in the physiography of the upper plate that coincides with the subducting fracture zone, and the Guerrero seismic gap to the south of the Petatlan earthquake is in the wake of the Orozco fracture zone. At the northern end, the Rivera fracture zone in the subducting plate and the Colima graben in the upper plate coincide with the northernmost extent of the Colima rupture zone.  相似文献   
宏观震中与微观震中不仅是概念上的差别,在实际观测结果中也存在不容忽视的差距。宏观震中还可代表震源区和地震波能量辐射的中心。宏观震中在抗震救灾、震害预测、地震地质和工程地震研究等方面,具有无可替代的重要作用。在灾害性地震发生后,可由余震分布来快速估定重灾区范围和宏观震中,将有助于提高抗震救灾效率。  相似文献   
2008年5月12日汶川MS8.0地震发生在龙门山断裂带.本文基于龙门山断裂带的地质与地球物理研究结果,以及高精度的地形数据、大地热流测量数据,建立了以龙门山断裂带为主要研究对象的有限元模型;以GPS观测数据、构造应力场和震源破裂过程研究结果为约束,研究了此次强烈地震的动力学背景.模拟实验结果显示:在考虑青藏高原物质向东挤压流动的同时,青藏高原与四川盆地的地形差异和流变强度差异、断层摩擦强度差异和断层产状形式均对地震起始破裂的发生位置和断层错动形式有着重要影响.本文利用地球动力学的有限元软件模拟了汶川地震地表破裂在龙门山断裂带上传播的过程.  相似文献   
随着生态平衡和环保日益得到公众的认同和重视,工程边坡的生态修复与防护技术得到发达国家的重视,生态防护成为边坡灾害防治和水土流失控制的首选方案,代表着边坡防护的发展方向。本文采用等应变直剪仪对两种种植在低液限粉质黏土边坡上的抗旱耐瘠植物的根-土复合土体及素土进行室内剪切试验,探讨不同根系密度和含水量对抗剪强度的影响,结果表明:随着垂直压力的增加,土体抗剪强度随之增加;根系能显著增加土体抵抗剪切破坏能力,其中沙打旺提高土体抗剪强度的效果较锦鸡儿明显;随着根系密度的增加,抗剪强度随之增加;随着土体的含水率增加,根-土复合体抵抗剪切能力先增加后减小;植物根系对土体的内摩擦角影响不大,但对黏聚力影响较大,根-土复合土体抵抗剪切破坏的能力主要由黏聚力的提高决定。本文研究成果对华北地区低液限粉质黏土公路边坡生态防护技术及采煤矿区环境生态治理工程中的植物选择和配置,均具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
土壤铅含量高光谱遥感反演中波段选择方法研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用高光谱遥感数据进行了南京郊外土壤重金属元素铅的含量反演,由于高光谱数据波段众多,波段选择或变换至关重要。比较了基于次贪婪的前向选择模型的最小角度拟合和基于遗传算法进行波段选择的最小二乘和偏最小二乘拟合,结果发现基于遗传算法的偏最小二乘反演结果优于全波段的偏最小二乘,表明波段选择在高光谱反演重金属中是有益的。尽管采取了波段选择后的各方法在反演时均能达到70%以上的训练精度,但因遗传算法搜索的解空间范围更宽广,使得基于遗传算法的偏最小二乘优于前向选择模型的最小角度拟合。最后还比较了基于遗传算法的普通最小二乘和偏最小二乘拟合,结果表明偏最小二乘更优,因此在高光谱反演重金属含量当中,偏最小二乘精度较高,而在波段选择方法中,遗传算法更优。  相似文献   
运用强度参数的改变对边坡破坏面形迹影响不明显这一特点,在数值模拟过程中通过改变岩体强度参数,有效地获取潜在滑动面的位置和形态,较好地解决了滑动面搜索的难题。将该法应用于广州科学城某人工高边坡稳定性的研究,在三维数值模拟过程中,将强度参数大幅度折减,计算后获得各剖面的剪应变增量图,从这些图中可获得潜在滑动面。这与人们通常将此类边坡的中风化面作为滑动面存在较大差别。将该滑动面运用极限平衡法进行计算,计算结果显示各剖面的安全系数基本都大于1.2,边坡稳定但仍需要加固处理,与三维数值模拟结果相一致。由此认为用这种分析法确定出的潜在滑动面合理、计算结果可靠,可作为搜索边坡潜在滑动面并计算安全系数的方法之一。  相似文献   
卢坤林  朱大勇  杨扬 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z1):370-0375
改进了水平层分析法,用于计算任意位移模式的土压力分布。对不同位移模式下水平微分单元进行受力分析,认为位移模式只影响了层间等效内摩擦角。根据前人提出的内摩擦角逐渐发挥的概念,将层间等效内摩擦角与挡土墙位移模式联系起来,并应用到水平层分析法中,实现了能够定量反映位移模式的土压力计算方法。分析表明:随位移模式变化,土压力合力大小始终保持不变且与库仑理论计算结果相一致,土压力分布和合力作用点则变化显著。试验数据验证了方法的合理性和可靠性。研究成果可供刚性挡土墙土压力计算参考  相似文献   
安骏勇  蒋刚  王钊 《岩土力学》2007,28(12):2649-2651
介绍了非饱和土强度理论的研究现状,总结了FREDLUND提出的吸力内摩擦角 的性质与规律研究,根据FREDLUND非饱和土强度理论和吸力内摩擦角 的计算方法,利用原状膨胀土的平面应变等应力比卸荷试验,分析得到土样破坏时应力状态下得到的吸力内摩擦角 > ,与FREDLUND提出的吸力内摩擦角 的变化规律不一致,分析认为,是由于卸荷试验过程导致微裂隙的张开,引起基质吸力的降低,有待于继续深入研究。  相似文献   
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