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The Dujiangyan Project, located at the junction of the upstream of the Minjiang River and Chengdu Plain, Sichuan Province, China, is an irrigation system project as important as the Great Wall in the history of China. Without dam structures, this project has been continuously playing its crucial role in diverting water for irrigation, separating sediments, and controlling flood for 2275 years. In this study, the predicaments of the Dujiangyan Project under the background of rapid urbanization and social economic development were summarized by conducting the field research and using the Indicators of Hydrological alteration (IHA) method: excessive diversion of water, disruption of hydrological pulses, erosion and deposition imbalance and conflicts between power generation and water supply. These contradictions have led to the weakening of the function of automatic water diversion and sand removal in the Dujiangyan Project. Considering the influence of climate change and strong human activities, we pointed out the challenges faced by the millennium ancient weir in balancing human and environmental water usage and project operation and management based on the simulation results of the hydrological model. The corresponding suggestions about strengthening agricultural water saving, generating artificial flood peak were provided to protect and continue to maintain the function of the Dujiangyan Project.  相似文献   
提出了一种基于矢栅协同的地表覆盖变化信息提取方法,并详细分析了其关键技术。在变化检测指标设计中,提出顾及遥感指数量化范围拉伸的变化发现算法;通过选取试验区,利用统计计算与空间叠置分析,提取出地表覆盖变化发生区域与变化类型信息,对方法的可行性进行了验证。研究表明,该方法以地理国情普查成果本底数据作为基础,可获得高精度的地表覆盖变化信息,能够为地理国情监测提供一种适用而有效的、基于高分辨率遥感影像的变化信息提取模式。  相似文献   
生态系统脆弱性是表征人地关系系统响应环境变化的重要属性,基于遥感与地理信息技术,利用多因素主导分析法对若尔盖县2010年、2014年的生态系统脆弱性进行了监测分析。研究结果表明,若尔盖县生态系统脆弱性主要受沙漠化与土壤侵蚀影响;2010-2014年,其生态系统脆弱性减小,脆弱区域占比较小,且主要分布于若尔盖县北部与东南部区域;生态系统脆弱性随海拔升高先降后升,随坡度增大而增加,未利用地的生态系统最为脆弱。  相似文献   
相关分析在气象科研和业务中具有广泛应用,是定量分析气象变量之间关系的重要工具。首先系统综述了气象科研与业务中不同计算形式的相关分析算法,然后重点阐述了相关分析在气象领域应用的最新进展,特别是全窗口滑动相关和相关系数的扫描式多尺度突变检测算法。接着介绍了大数据研究领域中新发展的相关分析算法,简析了其对气象相关分析的启示。最后分析了气象相关分析中存在的问题,并且对相关分析在气象领域未来的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   
三峡大坝蓄水过程对邻近区域气候的影响一直是国内外学术界广泛关注的热点问题。三峡大坝从2003年投入使用至今,水位从66 m上升至175 m,经历了3个蓄水阶段,为观测水库水位与库区降雨量相关性提供了极佳的窗口期。为了精准分辨两者在多周期多尺度的相互影响,基于三峡库区的4个国家气象观测站的历史逐日降雨数据和三峡蓄排水过程水位变化数据,进行交叉小波分析,提取能量谱、凝聚谱和相位谱,展现两类数据时频域多尺度的相关细节。结果表明,三峡大坝蓄排水过程对库区降雨有影响,第一期蓄水期最明显,表现为库区降雨年周期性相对减弱,高频模式增强;历史数据表明库区降雨主要表现为1.0 a主周期和2.0 a、4.0 a等多个次长周期;三期蓄水之后,库区降雨量的1.0 a主周期没有改变,而多个次长周期特征变化明显。交叉小波相位谱揭示水库蓄排水过程对库区降雨的人工调节和自然调节影响,前者表现为水位变化与降雨1.0 a主周期的完全反相,明显不同于蓄水之前的同相特征;后者表现为高频分量(1/128~1/32 a)的反相特征,其规模效应随大坝建成而增强。值得关注的现象是巴东站与荆州站的降雨存在3.5 a次长周期的反相特征,可能是大坝蓄水后改变了水循环的范围。  相似文献   
To improve our knowledge of glacier change in the Tanggula Mountains located in the northeast of the Tibetan Plateau, we delineated outlines of the glaciers in 1991 and 2015 using Landsat TM/OLI images and compared them with the reported glacier data in the First Chinese Glacier Inventory in 1969 and the Second Chinese Glacier Inventory in 2007. These comparisons showed that the glacier area and ice volume decreased by 524.8 km 2 and 37 km 3, respectively. The majority of the glacier area loss was concentrated in the area class of 1–5 km 2, between 5300 m and 5500 m in elevation, on north and east facing slopes and in the Dam Qu River basin. These glacier changes exhibited spatial and temporal differences. The glacier retreat rate gradually increased from 1969 to 2015, and the rate in the east was higher than that in the west. From 1969 to 2015, the warming rate in the Tanggula Mountains was 0.38℃/10a, while the annual precipitation only increased by 0.4%. The slight increase in the amount of precipitation made a limited contribution to glacier change, while the change in temperature led to noticeable shrinkage of the glaciers. Contrary to the retreat or stagnation of most glaciers in the study area, there were 10 glaciers that experienced clear advance in 1986–2015 with noticeable increases in both area and length. Whether or not these 10 glaciers are surge glaciers requires further study.  相似文献   
Ecosystem services (ES) are highly impacted by human-induced land-use change. Progressive urbanization and agricultural land abandonment in Western Europe necessitate assessments of future land-change impacts on ES to ensure sustainable service management. The present study aims at evaluating future demand and supply of three key services (flood protection, nearby recreation and biodiversity) in the mountainous region of Vorarlberg, Austria. We mapped the ES for the referenced time step 2016 and two scenarios for 2050, assuming the continuation of current land-change trends and pressure on landscape development. Results for the referenced landscape in 2016 show the highest ES supply for intermediate levels, while ES supply was low in the lowlands and valley bottoms and in high-elevation areas. We found a high positive correlation of ES with the distribution of forested areas. In contrast, service demand was highest in low-elevation areas and decreased with increasing elevation. This indicates that densely settled and intensively used agricultural areas currently suffer from ES undersupply. The projected future development of land use showed an increase in both supply and demand of the selected ES. The overall service supply increased more than the respective demand due to some reforestation of open land. As forests were found to be important synergistic areas for overall service provision, we expect decreasing demand on related services. Locally, demand was found to exceed the supply of ES, especially in the densely populated Rhine valley- requiring further policy interventions. Such ES-related information may contribute to regional policy making and ensure the long-term provision of ESs for future generations.  相似文献   
动载作用下混凝土随应力变化的系列CT图像完整地记录了混凝土内部破损过程,在CT图像中能直接观察到细观裂纹时混凝土往往已发生宏观破坏,挖掘混凝土材料损伤的细观信息是混凝土细观力学分析的核心。本文基于混凝土单轴动态压缩CT试验,获得不同应力阶段的横断面CT图像,分别应用图像分割技术和灰度共生矩阵法提取孔隙率和4个特征值,研究孔隙率和4个特征值随应力的变化规律。结果表明孔隙率随应力的增加显示出单调增加的总趋势,个别部位在应力水平较小时孔隙率随应力增加变化不大,反映出混凝土的压密效应。受压密效应影响,对比度在低应力水平时随应力增加有升有降,能量对应力变化不够敏感,相关性和同质性随应力的增加单调增加,对应力变化较为敏感,能反映混凝土整体损伤过程。对混凝土CT图像进行分区后再研究孔隙率、同质性和相关性随应力的变化,可以更好地反映动载作用下混凝土的细观损伤过程。  相似文献   
四川省青川县滑坡灾害群发,点多面广,区域滑坡灾害预警是有效防灾减灾的重要手段,预警模型是成功预警的核心。由于研究区滑坡诱发机理复杂、调查监测大数据及分析方法不足等原因,传统区域地质灾害预警模型存在预警精度有限、精细化不足等问题。文章在青川县地质灾害调查监测和降水监测成果集成整理与数据清洗基础上,构建了青川县区域滑坡灾害训练样本集,样本集包括地质环境、降雨等27个输入特征属性和1个输出特征属性,涵盖了青川县近9年(2010—2018年)全部样本,数量达1 826个(其中,正样本613个,负样本1 213个)。基于逻辑回归算法,对样本集进行5折交叉验证学习训练,采用贝叶斯优化算法进行模型优化,采用精确度、ROC曲线和AUC值等指标校验模型准确度和模型泛化能力。其中,ROC曲线也称为“受试者工作特征”曲线;AUC值表示ROC曲线下的面积。校验结果显示,基于逻辑回归算法的模型训练结果准确率和泛化能力均较好(准确率94.3%,AUC为0.980)。开展区域滑坡实际预警时,按训练样本特征属性格式,输入研究区各预警单元27个特征属性,调用预先学习训练好的模型,输出滑坡灾害发生概率,根据输出概率分段确定滑坡灾害预警等级。当输出概率P≥40%且P<60%时,发布黄色预警;当输出概率P≥60%且P<80%时,发布橙色预警;当输出概率P≥80%时,发布红色预警。  相似文献   
根据精密补偿器水准仪受地球磁场影响的检测统计,证实了磁场对不同型号的补偿器水准仪有不同程度的影响。分析了受磁影响的主要原因,并提出防磁措施及应注意的一些问题。  相似文献   
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