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基于小波变换和GALSSVM的边坡位移预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马文涛 《岩土力学》2009,30(Z2):394-398
边坡变形是一个受多种因素综合作用的复杂非线性动力学演化过程,用现有的物理模型来解决边坡变形的预测问题有很大难度。大量的研究工作表明,用实测的边坡位移时间序列来预测边坡未来变形更为准确,而将多种方法组合起来进行预测成为研究的主要趋势。在此基础上,建立了一种基于小波变换和进化最小二乘支持向量机(GALSSVM)的边坡位移预测模型。首先利用小波变换将边坡时间序列分解为低频分量和高频分量,然后利用互信息法和伪近邻法得到各分量的时间延迟和嵌入维数并进行相空间重构,再根据各个相空间的特点建立相应的GALSSVM预测模型,最后把各分量的预测结果进行小波重构,重构后的结果即为最终的边坡位移预测结果。对丹巴滑坡预测研究表明,这种新的预测模型具有较高的预测精度,可以应用于实际工程  相似文献   
This paper presents a finite‐element (FE) model for simulating injection well testing in unconsolidated oil sands reservoir. In injection well testing, the bottom‐hole pressure (BHP) is monitored during the injection and shut‐in period. The flow characteristics of a reservoir can be determined from transient BHP data using conventional reservoir or well‐testing analysis. However, conventional reservoir or well‐testing analysis does not consider geomechanics coupling effects. This simplified assumption has limitations when applied to unconsolidated (uncemented) oil sands reservoirs because oil sands deform and dilate subjected to pressure variation. In addition, hydraulic fracturing may occur in unconsolidated oil sands when high water injection rate is used. This research is motivated in numerical modeling of injection well testing in unconsolidated oil sands reservoir considering the geomechanics coupling effects including hydraulic fracturing. To simulate the strong anisotropy in mechanical and hydraulic behaviour of unconsolidated oil sands induced by fluid injection in injection well testing, a nonlinear stress‐dependent poro‐elasto‐plastic constitutive model together with a strain‐induced anisotropic permeability model are formulated and implemented into a 3D FE simulator. The 3D FE model is used to history match the BHP response measured from an injection well in an oil sands reservoir. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Assemblages and chemical compositions of ore minerals from the Yamato mine, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan, were investigated in detail to clarify its characteristics as a skarn deposit. Special attention was paid to silver‐, bismuth‐, cobalt‐, and tin‐bearing sulfide minerals and native gold at the mine, which are described here for the first time. Samples of arsenopyrite‐dominant massive ore, and garnet‐rich, clinopyroxene‐garnet‐rich, and wollastonite‐bearing skarn ores were collected from the mine dump. Arsenopyrite is the most abundant ore mineral (>80 vol.%) in the massive ore, in association with both As‐poor/free and As‐bearing pyrite. The major ore minerals in the skarn specimens are pyrite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, and sphalerite, along with minor argentite, Ag‐Pb‐Bi sulfate, matildite, bismuthinite, native bismuth, molybdenite, scheelite, stannite, stannoidite, cassiterite, cobaltite, gersdorffite, and Co‐rich violarite. In addition, native gold is observed in the interstices of gangue minerals. Based on the mineral assemblages and textures of the specimens examined, the major ore minerals formed in the early stage of mineralization, and the Bi‐, Ag‐, Co‐, Ni‐, As‐ and Sn‐mineralization occurred in the middle stage. Native gold was deposited in the late stage. The estimated formation temperature of the middle mineralization stage was 312±5 °C, according to iron and zinc partitioning between stannite and coexisting sphalerite. The mineralogical properties and mineralization process of the Yamato mine are consistent with those of common skarn‐ and vein‐type ore deposits associated with ilmenite‐series granitoids in the San‐yo and San‐in districts.  相似文献   
金大龙  袁大军 《岩土力学》2022,43(11):2952-2962
泥水盾构工法被广泛应用于高压富水复杂地质环境中修筑隧道,其中开挖面稳定控制是工程成败的关键,在盾构掘进时,由于刀盘不断旋转切削地层,开挖面上的泥膜处于“形成―破坏―再形成”的动态循环过程,泥膜透水性增强,这种动态泥膜作用下开挖面的稳定如何评价有待于进一步探索。对此,对泥水盾构掘进过程中的动态泥膜进行了分类,提出了考虑盾构运动和泥浆渗滤特征的动态泥膜理论。在此基础上,采用空间离散法将泥水压力引入旋转体模型,建立了考虑动态泥膜效应的开挖面稳定力学模型,提出了泥水盾构动态掘进过程中开挖面临界泥浆压力及泥浆支护效率评估方法,研究指出:当盾构在强渗透性地层中掘进时,在尽量提高泥浆成膜率的同时,应注重泥浆黏度调节,充分发挥渗透力支护作用,同时可适当提高盾构掘进速度并降低刀盘转速,有利于开挖面稳定控制。以泥浆成膜率、等效渗透系数为依据给出了泥浆支护效率设计图,研究工作对盾构掘进支护压力控制和泥浆配置有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
The cartography of erosion risk is mainly based on the development of models, which evaluate in a qualitative and quantitative manner the physical reproduction of the erosion processes (CORINE, EHU, INRA). These models are mainly semi‐quantitative but can be physically based and spatially distributed (the Pan‐European Soil Erosion Risk Assessment, PESERA). They are characterized by their simplicity and their applicability potential at large temporal and spatial scales. In developing our model SCALES (Spatialisation d'éChelle fine de l'ALéa Erosion des Sols/large‐scale assessment and mapping model of soil erosion hazard), we had in mind several objectives: (1) to map soil erosion at a regional scale with the guarantee of a large accuracy on the local level, (2) to envisage an applicability of the model in European oceanic areas, (3) to focus the erosion hazard estimation on the level of source areas (on‐site erosion), which are the agricultural parcels, (4) to take into account the weight of the temporality of agricultural practices (land‐use concept). Because of these objectives, the nature of variables, which characterize the erosion factors and because of its structure, SCALES differs from other models. Tested in Basse‐Normandie (Calvados 5500 km2) SCALES reveals a strong predisposition of the study area to the soil erosion which should require to be expressed in a wet year. Apart from an internal validation, we tried an intermediate one by comparing our results with those from INRA and PESERA. It appeared that these models under estimate medium erosion levels and differ in the spatial localization of areas with the highest erosion risks. SCALES underlines here the limitations in the use of pedo‐transfer functions and the interpolation of input data with a low resolution. One must not forget however that these models are mainly focused on an interregional comparative approach. Therefore the comparison of SCALES data with those of the INRA and PESERA models cannot result on a convincing validation of our model. For the moment the validation is based on the opinion of local experts, who agree with the qualitative indications delivered by our cartography. An external validation of SCALES is foreseen, which will be based on a thorough inventory of erosion signals in areas with different hazard levels. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
元素测井是非常规储层测井评价的主要测井方法之一.元素测井是以元素测量为基础,从矿物成分的角度提供地层信息,有效地将测井资料与地质信息结合起来.元素产额获取会受地层矿物和井眼环境的影响.为了提高元素产额计算的准确性,有必要对影响元素产额计算的因素进行分析.本文利用蒙特卡罗方法分析加权最小二乘逆矩阵法在地层矿物相对复杂的情况下求取元素产额时,地层减速作用、地层俘获作用、地层密度与井眼尺寸对元素产额计算精度的影响.研究结果表明,地层密度对元素产额计算的精度影响较大,地层密度越低,地层元素之间的相互影响越大,使得元素产额计算的误差变大,而元素产额计算受地层减速作用与地层俘获作用的影响较小,仅在地层减速能力较弱或地层俘获作用较强时对元素产额计算有一定影响,井眼尺寸对元素产额计算的精度影响取决于井内介质.  相似文献   
Topographic interactions generate multidirectional and unsteady air?ow that limits the application of velocity pro?le approaches for estimating sediment transport over dunes. Results are presented from a series of wind tunnel simulations using Irwin‐type surface‐mounted pressure sensors to measure shear stress variability directly at the surface over both isolated and closely spaced sharp‐crested model dunes. Findings complement existing theories on secondary air?ow effects on stoss transport dynamics and provide new information on the in?uence of lee‐side air?ow patterns on dune morphodynamics. For all speeds investigated, turbulent unsteadiness at the dune toe indicates a greater, more variable surface shear, despite a signi?cant drop in time‐averaged measurements of streamwise shear stress at this location. This effect is believed suf?cient to inhibit sediment deposition at the toe and may be responsible for documented intermittency in sand transport in the toe region. On the stoss slope, streamline compression and ?ow acceleration cause an increase in ?ow steadiness and shear stress to a maximum at the crest that is double that at the toe of the isolated dune and 60–70 per cent greater than at ?ow reattachment on the lower stoss of closely spaced dunes. Streamwise ?ow accelerations, rather than turbulence, have greater in?uence on stress generation on the stoss and this effect increases with stoss slope distance and with incident wind speed. Reversed ?ow within the separation cell generates signi?cant surface shear (30–40 per cent of maximum values) for both spacings. This supports ?eld studies that suggest reversed ?ow is competent enough to return sediment to the dune directly or in a de?ected direction. High variability in shear at reattachment indicates impact of a turbulent shear layer that, despite low values of time‐averaged streamwise stress in this region, would inhibit sediment accumulation. Downwind of reattachment, shear stress and ?ow steadiness increase within 6 h (h = dune height) of reattachment and approach upwind values by 25 h. A distance of at least 30 h is suggested for full boundary layer recovery, which is comparable to ?uvial estimates. The Irwin sensor used in this study provides a reliable means to measure skin friction force responsible for sand transport and its robust, simple, and cost‐effective design shows promise for validating these ?ndings in natural dune settings. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
长白山天池火山岩浆系统分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
针对外媒报道长白山天池火山在近2年内有可能喷发的言论,在长白山天池火山区布测了一条长度约为103 km的二维大地电磁测深观测剖面,对火山区深部电性结构进行探测研究.由于研究区内不明来源的电磁干扰非常强,对数据采用了远参考处理、Robust处理、Rhoplus分析、张量阻抗分解和基于一维层状介质电阻率与相位互算方法等先进处理技术,获取到一批在强干扰区质量较为可靠的电磁数据,利用数据计算分析了长白山天池火山区二维构造走向和感应矢量特征,采用NLCG二维反演技术对资料进行了二维反演解释,并将反演结果与前人探测结果进行了对比分析.探测结果表明:在天池火山口下方存在明显的直立型岩浆通道,岩浆通道在下方约5~8 km位置形成关闭;在火山口下方往北方向附近,在埋深位置约7 km深处存在一个明显的低阻异常体,电阻率小于10 Ωm,且与岩浆通道对接,推测其可能是地表浅部发育的岩浆囊;在长白山山门附近C07-C09号测点之间和C04-C05号测点之间,在埋深约7~17 km深处发现近直立型低阻带,低阻带与下方低阻体直接相连,推测低阻带内赋存有活动的岩浆;随着埋深的增加,从天池火山口南部约20 km位置往北方向,在埋深13~30 km之间壳内广泛发育明显的低阻异常体,推测其可能是活动的岩浆囊.反演结果与前人探测结果整体电性特征相似,但又局部不同.  相似文献   
通过矢量质子磁力仪FHD-1各分量北京时21点数据、日均值数据和室内记录的温度值作相关性分析,探讨温度对线圈和产出的数据是否有影响。  相似文献   
A variant type of tuned mass damper (TMD) termed as ‘non‐traditional TMD (NTTMD)’ is recently proposed. Mainly focusing on the employment of TMD for seismic response control, especially for base‐isolated or high‐rise structures, this paper aims to derive design formulae of NTTMDs based on two methodologies with different targets. One is the fixed points theory with the performance index set as the maximum magnitude of the frequency response function of the relative displacement of the primary structure with respect to the ground acceleration, and the other is the stability maximization criterion (SMC) to make the free vibration of the primary structure decay in the minimum duration. Such optimally designed NTTMDs are compared with traditional TMDs by conducting both numerical simulations and experiments. The optimum‐designed NTTMDs are demonstrated to be more effective than the optimum‐designed traditional TMDs, with smaller stroke length required. In particular, the effectiveness of the TMDs combined with a base‐isolated structure is investigated by small‐scale model experimental tests subjected to a time scaled long period impulsive excitation, and it is demonstrated that the SMC‐based NTTMD can suppress structural free vibration responses in the minimum duration and requires much smaller accommodation space. Additionally, a small‐scale shaking table experiment on a high‐rise bending model attached with a SMC‐based NTTMD is conducted. This study indicates that NTTMD has a high potential to apply to seismic response control or retrofit of structures such as base‐isolated or central column‐integrated high‐rise structures even if only a limited space is available for accommodating TMDs. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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