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徐国辉  梁俭  刘鹏  梅冬 《探矿工程》2015,42(10):42-44,54
介绍了CSD1800A型全液压动力头式钻机在青藏高原矿区内的应用效果,并对该型钻机在实际应用中的优点进行了分析;通过与国内外其它钻机的应用效果进行对比,认为CSD1800A型钻机是一款经济实用的中深孔钻机。  相似文献   
宋珪  张海丰 《探矿工程》2015,42(12):44-47
常州润华环球中心基坑工程一区开挖深度达18 m,采用钻孔灌注排桩和内支撑作为支护结构。基坑施工过程中对基坑顶部的沉降位移和水平位移进行了监测。基坑工程施工结束后基坑顶部的沉降位移和水平位移达到稳定值(分别为25 mm和40 mm),整体支护效果显著。但在基坑第三次开挖结束后第二道支撑构筑完成之前,基坑顶部的沉降位移和水平位移速率突然增大,直至第二道支撑构筑完成后增速才缓慢降低。提高第二道支撑的标高有利于降低基坑的变形,提高支护效果。  相似文献   
The Fenghuangshan skarn-type Cu deposit, Tongling Ore Cluster, Anhui Province, is an important component in the Middle–Lower Yangtze River ore-forming belt. To better understand magmatism and its relationship to mineralization, we investigated geochemical features, ore-forming fluids, and geochronology of the Xinwuli intrusion and the related Fenghuangshan Cu deposit. Lithogeochemical characteristics show that the Xinwuli quartz monzodiorite is formed by mixing magma derived from upper mantle alkaline basalt that has been contaminated by crust materials. C, H and O isotopes indicate that ore-forming fluids mainly come from the magma, with minor amounts of meteoric fluids involved at the late stage. S and Pb isotopic components indicate that ore-forming materials are derived from the mantle. Molybdenite Re–Os isotopic dating yields Re–Os model ages ranging from 139.1±2.4 Ma to 142.0±2.2 Ma, with an isochronal age of 141.1±1.4 Ma, which is consistent with sensitive, high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) zircon U–Pb ages of quartz monzodiorite and granodiorite in the mining area. Dating analysis yields ages from 136.0±2.0 Ma to 143.0±2.4 Ma for the quartz monzodiorite (a weighted average of 139.4±1.2 Ma) and ages from 136.7±2.0 Ma to 145.3±2.4 Ma for granodiorite (a weighted average of 141.0±1.1 Ma).  相似文献   
Abstract: Dextral-slip thrust movement of the Songpan-Garzê terrain over the Sichuan block caused the Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake of May 12, 2008 and offset the Central Longmenshan Fault (CLF) along a distance of ~250 km. Displacement along the CLF changes from Yingxiu to Qingchuan. The total oblique slip of up to 7.6 m in Yingxiu near the epicenter of the earthquake, decreases northeastward to 5.3 m, 6.6 m, 4.4 m, 2.5 m and 1.1 m in Hongkou, Beichuan, Pingtong, Nanba and Qingchuan, respectively. This offset apparently occurred during a sequence of four reported seismic events, EQ1–EQ4, which were identified by seismic inversion of the source mechanism. These events occurred in rapid succession as the fault break propagated northeastward during the earthquake. Variations in the plunge of slickensides along the CLF appear to match these events. The Mw 7.5 EQ1 event occurred during the first 0–10 s along the Yingxiu-Hongkou section of the CLF and is characterized by 1.7 m vertical slip and vertical slickensides. The Mw 8.0 EQ2 event, which occurred during the next 10–42 s along the Yingxiu-Yanziyan section of the CLF, is marked by major dextral-slip with minor thrust and slickensides plunging 25°–35° southwestward. The Mw 7.5 EQ3 event occurred during the following 42–60 s and resulted in dextral-slip and slickensides plunging 10° southwestward in Beichuan and plunging 73° southwestward in Hongkou. The Mw 7.7 EQ4 event, which occurred during the final 60–95 s along the Beichuan-Qingchuan section of the CLF, is characterized by nearly equal values of dextral and vertical slips with slickensides plunging 45°–50° southwestward. These seismic events match and evidently controlled the concentrations of landslide dams caused by the Wenchuan earthquake in Longmenshan Mountains.  相似文献   
马增福 《探矿工程》2013,40(4):36-38
介绍了一种新型双缸互助折叠钻塔的设计思路及要点。双缸互助折叠钻塔是为履带立轴式塔机一体岩心钻机配置的一组部件。钻塔折叠后满足运输长度,展开后满足施工高度。用双缸互助,将塔的上段翻转180?,实现塔的展开或塔的折叠。打钻前的展开、插销、起塔、塔的滑移着地,进入打钻状态,打钻结束后,塔的拆销,折叠,滑移,收、落塔,全过程的动作均为全液压驱动。达到整机方便移孔、方便运输、减少劳动力及辅助成本的目的。  相似文献   
Previous studies have obtained some petrogenetic and metallogenic chronological data with SHRIMP (sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe) zircon U-Pb, zircon LA-ICPMS (laser-ablation–inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy) U-Pb, molybdenite Re-Os isochron and muscovite Ar-Ar methods in southern Jiangxi Province and its adjacent areas. Based on these, the purpose of this paper is to study the petrogenetic and metallogenic ages and their time gap for different genetic types of W-Sn deposits, and thus to research their numerous episodes, zonal arrangement and their geodynamic background. The result shows that the large-scale W-Sn mineralization in southern Jiangxi Province occurred in the middle to late Jurassic (170–150 Ma), the skarn W-Sn-polymetallic deposits formed much earlier (170–161 Ma), and all of the wolframite – quartz vein type, greisen type, altered granite type and fractured zone type tungsten deposits formed in the late Jurassic (160–150 Ma). In one ore field or ore district, greisen type tungsten deposits formed earlier than quartz vein type ones hosted in the endo- or exo-contact zone; and quartz vein type hosted in the endocontact zone formed earlier than that of exocontact zone. There is no significant time difference between tungsten-tin mineralization and its intimately associated parent granite emplacement (1–6 Ma). They all formed in the same rock-forming and ore-forming system and under the same geodynamic setting. Regionally, rock-forming and ore-forming processes of the W-Sn deposits in the Nanling region (include southern Jiangxi Province, southern Hunan Province, northern Guangdong Province and eastern Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region) exhibit numerous episodes. The mineralization in the Nanling region mainly occurred at (240–210) Ma, (170–150) Ma and (130–90) Ma. The tungsten-tin deposits in this region are centered by the largest scale in southern Jiangxi Province and southern Hunan Province, and become small in the east, west, south and north directions. This displays a zonal arrangement and temporal and spatial distribution regularity. Integrated with the latest research results, it is concluded that the W-Sn mineralization in southern Jiangxi Province and its adjacent areas corresponds to the second large-scale mineralization in South China. The Indosinian W-Sn mineralization formed under the extensional tectonic regime between collisional compressional stages, while the Yanshanian large-scale petrogenetic and metallogenic processes occurred in the Jurassic intraplate extensional geodynamic setting of lithosphere extension.  相似文献   
The ability to predict bedform migration in rivers is critical for estimating bed material load, yet there is no relation for predicting bedform migration (downstream translation) that covers the full range of conditions under which subcritical bedforms develop. Here, the relation between bedform migration rates and transport stage is explored using a field and several flume data sets. Transport stage is defined as the non‐dimensional Shields stress divided by its value at the threshold for sediment entrainment. Statistically significant positive correlations between both ripple and dune migration rates and transport stage are found. Stratification of the data by the flow depth to grain‐size ratio improved the amount of variability in migration rates that was explained by transport stage to ca 70%. As transport stage increases for a given depth to grain‐size ratio, migration rates increase. For a given transport stage, the migration rate increases as the flow depth to grain‐size ratio gets smaller. In coarser sediment, bedforms move faster than in finer sediment at the same transport stage. Normalization of dune migration rates by the settling velocity of bed sediment partially collapses the data. Given the large amount of variability that arises from combining data sets from different sources, using different equipment, the partial collapse is remarkable and warrants further testing in the laboratory and field.  相似文献   
Late‐glacial environmental and climatic implications are inferred from an insect fauna from organic sediments infilling a palaeochannel on the banks of the River Têt, eastern Pyrénées, France. A pine cone in association with the insect fauna has been radiocarbon dated to 10 920 ± 60 yr BP, namely close to the Allerød – Younger Dryas boundary. Two distinct insect associations appear to be recognisable here. One is an assemblage typical of the high altitude forest and a second is characteristic of an alpine grassland. The close coexistence of these two assemblages is attributed to the climatic cooling towards the start of the Younger Dryas Stadial, when the forest cover broke up into remnant patches interspersed by alpine grassland. It is suggested that in a region of such high relief a mosaic of habitats may have been caused by patchy differences in insolation aspect, especially during a period of climatic deterioration. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
抗差估计中几种选权迭代法常数选取的探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李浩军  唐诗华  黄杰 《测绘科学》2006,31(6):70-71,76
常规抗差估计中采用选权迭代法时常数的取值是否合理直接关系到平差过程能否顺利进行和平差结果的优劣,本文通过对目前几种选权迭代法中常数的选取进行研究;得出:常数按K1=m ax(|(v1-l1)|)、C=m ax(|(vi-li)|)取值时,能有效解决常规取值方法(K1=3.0~8.0或K1=3.0~6.0,C=8)在粗差较大时出现秩亏、法方程系数矩阵奇异的现象,导致平差不能进行或者平差结果出现严重扭曲的问题,同时本文论述了在确保有解的情况下得到最优解的处理方法。  相似文献   
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