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根据袁见齐教授“高山深盆”成盐模式,探讨新疆天山对第四纪盐类矿床的形成和控制作用,阐述了天山地貌、气候、水文特征与盐类矿产的分布规律和特征。认为“高山深盆”并非一定是四周环山的深盆,可以是某一高山与其间深盆或两侧盆地的有机组合。高山的屏障作用造成了垂直的气候分带,在潮湿多雨的山区利于成盐组份的析出并迁移到干旱少雨的闭流深盆中,形成盐类矿床。  相似文献   
Geluk  M.C.  Röhling  H.-G. 《Geologie en Mijnbouw》1997,76(3):227-246
Detailed log correlations of the largely fluvio-lacustrine Lower Triassic Buntsandstein (Late Permian-Early Anisian), carried out on 80 wells in the Dutch onshore and offshore areas, can be linked to northwest-German high-resolution sequence stratigraphy. The correlations show that cyclic sedimentation occurred in large parts of the basin. Seven 1st-order sequences are recognised, namely the Main Claystone, Rogenstein, Volpriehausen, Detfurth, Hardegsen, Solling and Lower Röt Sequences. They are overlain by the lower part of the Upper Röt–Lower Muschelkalk Sequence. Distinct sequence boundaries have been identified at the bases of four sequences: Volpriehausen, Detfurth, Solling and Upper Röt. The higher-order sequences consist of fining-upwards cycles with a thickness of up to tens of metres. The sequences are laterally persistent and have a characteristic expression on gamma-ray and sonic logs. In the Lower Buntsandstein, they display a uniform character throughout most of the area, with only minor differences in thickness or lithology. NNE-oriented lows and swells were formed during deposition of the Volpriehausen, Detfurth and Hardegsen Sequences. Uplift prior to the deposition of the Solling Sequence caused deep erosion on the swells in the basin and minor erosion in the lows. The high-resolution sequences probably represent alternating, relatively wet and dry climatic periods, with a periodicity of about 100 000 years. An analysis of the sequences suggests that their reduced thickness on the swells is mainly the effect of erosion. This is supported by analyses of the accumulation patterns and rates.  相似文献   
Sciara del Fuoco is the subaerial part of a partially filled sector-collapse scar that extends to 700 m below sea level on Stromboli volcano. The collapse occurred <5000 years ago, involved 1.81 km3 of rock and is the latest of a series of major collapses on the north-west flank of Stromboli. A north-east trending arc-axial fault system channels magmas into the volcano and has caused tilting and/or downthrow to the north-west. The slope of the partial cone constructed between the lateral walls of the collapse scar acts as a channelway to the sea for most eruptive products. From 700 m below sea level and extending to >2200 m and >10 km from the shore to the NNW, a fan-shaped mounded feature comprises debris avalanche deposits (>4 km3) from two or more sector collapses. Volcaniclastic density currents originating from Sciara del Fuoco follow the topographic margin of the debris avalanche deposits, although overbank currents and other unconfined currents widely cover the mounded feature with turbidites. Historical (recorded) eruptive activity in Sciara del Fuoco is considerably less than that which occurred earlier, and much of the partial fill may have formed from eruptions soon after the sector collapse. It is possible that a mass of eruptive products similar to that in the collapse scar is dispersed as volcanogenic sediment in deep water of the Tyrhennian basin. Evidence that the early post-collapse eruptive discharge was greater than the apparent recent flux (2kg/s) counters suggestions that a substantial part of Stromboli's growth has been endogenous. The partial fill of Sciaria del Fuoco is dominated by lava and spatter layers, rather than by the scoria and ash layers classically regarded as main constituents of Strombolian (cinder) cones. Much of the volcanic slope beneath the vents is steeper than the angle of repose of loose tephra, which is therefore rapidly transported to the sea. Delicate pyroclasts that record the magmatic explosivity are selectively destroyed and diluted during sedimentary transport, mainly in avalanches and by shoreline wave reworking, and thus the submarine deposits do not record well the extent and diversity of explosive activity and associated clast-forming processes. Considerable amounts of dense (non-vesicular) fine sand and silt grains are produced by breakage and rounding of fragments of lava and agglutinate. The submarine extension of the collapse scar, and the continuing topographic depression to >2200 m below sea level, are zones of considerable by-passing of fine sand and silt, which are transported in turbidity currents. Evidently, volcanogenic sediments dispersed around island volcanoes by density currents are unlikely to record well the true spectrum and relative importance of clast-forming processes that occurred during an eruption. Marine sedimentary evidence of magmatic explosivity is particularly susceptible to partial or complete obliteration, unless there is a high rate of discharge of pyroclastic material into the sea.  相似文献   
Four of the major plutons in the vicinity of the Candelaria mine (470 Mt at 0.95% Cu, 0.22 g/t Au, 3.1 g/t Ag) and a dike–sill system exposed in the Candelaria open pit have been dated with the U–Pb zircon method. The new geochronological data indicate that dacite magmatism around 123 Ma preceded the crystallization of hornblende diorite (Khd) at 118 ± 1 Ma, quartz–monzonite porphyry (Kqm) at 116.3 ± 0.4 Ma, monzodiorite (Kmd) at 115.5 ± 0.4 Ma, and tonalite (Kt) at 110.7 ± 0.4 Ma. The new ages of the plutons are consistent with field relationships regarding the relative timing of emplacement. Plutonism temporally overlaps with the iron oxide Cu–Au mineralization (Re–Os molybdenite ages at ∼115 Ma) and silicate alteration (ages mainly from 114 to 116 and 110 to 112 Ma) in the Candelaria–Punta del Cobre district. The dated dacite porphyry and hornblende diorite intrusions preceded the ore formation. A genetic link of the metallic mineralization with the quartz–monzonite porphyry and/or the monzodiorite is likely. Both of these metaluminous, shoshonitic (high-K) intrusions could have provided energy and contributed fluids, metals, and sulfur to the hydrothermal system that caused the iron oxide Cu–Au mineralization. The age of the tonalite at 110.7 Ma falls in the same range as the late alteration at 110 to 112 Ma. Tonalite emplacement may have sustained existing or driven newly developed hydrothermal cells that caused this late alteration or modified 40Ar/39Ar and K/Ar systematic in some areas.  相似文献   
滇西龙川江盆地铀矿化特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
龙川江盆地是滇西主要的铀矿赋矿盆地之一,现已探明一批砂岩型铀矿床。本文根据野外地质调查及室内系列编图,运用水成铀矿成矿理论,对龙川江盆地的基本特征及铀矿化特征进行了讨论,认为铀矿床主要分布于西部斜坡带,赋存于冲积扇沉积体系砂体中,且与潜水层间氧化带关系密切。  相似文献   
 以图像处理、GIS为平台,对哈萨克斯坦阿克纠宾地区的重、磁、电、遥感及地震资料进行了综合分析。指出,该地区重、磁力资料信息含量较高,对于确定盐下构造分布具有积极意义。使用遥感资料对小断层及裂隙发育状况进行研究,有助于裂隙孔隙型碳酸盐岩油藏开发注水效率的提高。同时可对扎纳若尔、阿里别克莫拉等油田的井网状况进行监控和地面设施进行调查。  相似文献   
阿尔金地区构造应力场及其对金属矿产分布的控制作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
构造应力场研究可以为区域矿产预测提供依据。主要根据节理、擦痕的测试分析,结合区域构造解析,确定阿尔金山东西向拉配泉--红柳沟构造带经历了三期不同方向的应力作用:印支期以前的南北向挤压作用,印支-燕山期的北西-南东向的挤压和中生代晚期-新生代北东东-南南西向的挤压;并利用有限元数值模拟前两期构造应力场的演变过程,进而讨论了区域构造应力场对内生金属矿产分布规律的控制作用指出了区域寻找大型内生金属矿产的有利地段。  相似文献   
应用流体包裹体滤液分析方法,测定了川滇7个MVT铅锌矿床成矿流体的Na,Cl,Br含量,结果表明成矿流体的x(Na/Br)和x(Cl/Br)的平均值分别为185和73,并与高度蒸发浓缩的残留海水的x(Na/Br)和x(Cl/Br)相近。成矿流体的Na,Cl含量呈正相关,在lgNa-lgCl图解中呈线性分布。根据这些事实以及矿床地质特征,认为原始成矿卤水起源于蒸发浓缩的残留海水,原始含矿卤水与富含有机质的大气降水混合导致矿质沉淀而成矿。  相似文献   
MVT型铅锌矿是西昆仑地区重要的铅锌矿床类型之一.为了探明西昆仑地区该类型矿床的成矿作用过程和成矿物质来源,本文以塔木矿床为例,在野外调研基础上,进行了光片鉴定、铅硫同位素、稀士元素和成矿元素研究,得到矿石中方铅矿的δ34SCDT为-5.04‰~+3.67‰,反映出油田卤水与深层卤水的混合特征;由铅同位素分析结果计算出表面年龄为461~481 Ma(早于泥盆纪438~410 Ma);由稀土元素分析数据得出岩(矿)石/球粒陨石标准化分配模式图表明,成矿物质主要来自地层.因而判定主要成矿物质可能来源于前泥盆系地层.喜马拉雅期逆冲推覆构造作用所引发的大规模热卤水运移、循环过程,导致矿质的进一步富集、沉淀.  相似文献   
Abstract: A series of super large‐scale and large‐scale Pb and Zn, and Au deposits are distributed in the Qinling orogenic belt, China. Gold deposits were generally ascribed to Carlin‐type originated from circular meteoric water. Visible and coarse‐grained gold (up to over 3mm in grain size) was recently identified in some gold deposits in the Fengxian‐Lixian area, Qinling. Au‐bearing quartz lodes related to magmatism were discovered in the Xiaogouli gold deposit. Two types of Au‐bearing quartz veins, i.e., NW‐trending quartz veins and NE‐trending quartz veins cutting strata are widely present in the Baguamiao gold deposit. Both are spatially associated with each other. The former is generally snake–like, S‐shape or zigzag, which was resulted from plastic deformation by ductile shearing, being generally cut by the latter. The latter is generally linear with widely developed bleaching alteration zones in its adjacent wall rocks, which symbolizes the superimposition of brittle deformation and filling and metasomatism of magmatic hydrothermal solution in ductile shear zones after uplifting of the shear zones near the surface. The NW‐trending quartz veins contain Au of lower than 3ppm. The NE‐trending quartz veins contain Au of more than 3 ppm, so that NE‐trending quartz veins and the adjoining altered rocks are important ores. The NW‐trending Au–bearing quartz vein was dated as 210.61.26 to 232.581.59 Ma by 40Ar–39Ar method, i.e., late Indosinian epoch (Triassic). The NE‐trending Au–bearing quartz vein was dated as 131.910.89 to 197.451.13 Ma by 40Ar–39Ar method, i.e., Yanshanian epoch (Jurassic). The 40Ar–39Ar age of the NW‐trending Au–bearing quartz veins represents the age of the ductile shear formation. The isotope data of the NE‐trending quartz veins indicate that gold mineralization was closely related to Indosinian and Yanshanian granite intrusives not only in time and space, but also in origin.  相似文献   
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