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An extensive, reprocessed two‐dimensional (2D) seismic data set was utilized together with available well data to study the Tiddlybanken Basin in the southeastern Norwegian Barents Sea, which is revealed to be an excellent example of base salt rift structures, evaporite accumulations and evolution of salt structures. Late Devonian–early Carboniferous NE‐SW regional extensional stress affected the study area and gave rise to three half‐grabens that are separated by a NW‐SE to NNW‐SSE trending horst and an affiliated interference transfer zone. The arcuate nature of the horst is believed to be the effect of pre‐existing Timanian basement grain, whereas the interference zone formed due to the combined effect of a Timanian (basement) lineament and the geometrical arrangement of the opposing master faults. The interference transfer zone acted as a physical barrier, controlling the facies distribution and sedimentary thickness of three‐layered evaporitic sequences (LES). During the late Triassic, the northwestern part of a salt wall was developed due to passive diapirism and its evolution was influenced by halite lithology between the three‐LES. The central and southeastern parts of the salt wall did not progress beyond the pedestal stage due to lack of halite in the deepest evaporitic sequence. During the Triassic–Jurassic transition, far‐field stresses from the Novaya Zemlya fold‐and‐thrust belt reactivated the pre‐salt Carboniferous rift structures. The reactivation led to the development of the Signalhorn Dome, rejuvenated the northwestern part of the salt wall and affected the sedimentation rates in the southeastern broad basin. The salt wall together with the Signalhorn Dome and the Carboniferous pre‐salt structures were again reactivated during post‐Early Cretaceous, in response to regional compressional stresses. During this main tectonic inversion phase, the northwestern and southeastern parts of the salt wall were rejuvenated; however, salt reactivation was minimized towards the interference transfer zone beneath the centre of the salt wall.  相似文献   
王启耀  蒋臻蔚  杨林德 《岩土力学》2006,27(7):1101-1104
在缓倾斜或水平层状岩体中开挖巷道时巷道顶底板弯曲变形和破坏的问题十分突出,巷道往往因这些部位发生过大变形而率先破坏,导致结构的整体失稳。根据层状岩体的特点,分析了其弯曲变形破坏的机理和条件,利用考虑偶应力的Cosserat介质理论,基于Matlab平台编制了相应的计算程序,对水平层状岩体巷道的变形特征及影响因素进行了模拟研究,结果表明Cosserat理论对层状岩体巷道的开挖模拟是适用的,而且简便。  相似文献   
青藏高原的现今地壳活动性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蔡厚维 《西北地质》2009,42(1):34-42
古近纪以来,印度板块与欧亚大陆的碰撞和持续的俯冲作用,造成了青藏高原强烈的陆内变形,引起了古造山带的复活;同时也使高原前陆盆地和内部的一些中小型盆地内数百米至数千米厚的新生代地层发生褶皱和冲断,遍布全区的逆冲推覆构造、走滑断裂和活动褶皱,在区域性的北东—南西向的构造应力作用下,导致高原地壳缩短加厚和整体向东滑移.高原的抬升是整体地、间歇性地、不均速地隆升.它经历了古近纪缓慢抬升—新近纪末至更新世快速抬升—全新世地壳振荡运动频繁的三个阶段.自7Ma至今,青藏高原累计抬高了3000~3500m,喜马拉雅山从古地中海崛起以来,至少上升了5000m.现代地热、地震发生,至今没有停止活动.  相似文献   
通过2009年西安Ni-Cu(Pt)岩浆矿床国际学术研讨会和近10年来的勘查研究现状,可以看出岩浆硫化物矿床勘查领域的发展趋势为:与大型层状岩体有关的铂族矿床仍然受到关注;Sudbury矿床的特殊性和不可参照性取得了共识;小岩体矿床是勘查研究的主流;通道成矿作用受到重视。以大型层状岩体Bushveld为例,介绍了其中的Merensky矿层、UG-2矿层和北翼接触带的Platreef矿床。由于中国没有发现这种大型层状岩体,因此应当重视那些中小型层状岩体中可能赋存的铂族矿床。迄今为止,除了Sudbury矿床这个特殊的实例之外,国内外所有具有经济意义的Ni-Cu矿床都寄生于小岩体中并自成一个成矿系统。这个小岩体成矿系统包含成矿背景、邻近深大断裂、原始岩浆、先导性岩浆成岩作用、继发性岩浆成矿作用以及深部熔离-分期贯入-终端岩浆房聚集成矿等。近10年的勘查实践进一步说明,这类小岩体矿床仍是中国今后的主要勘查研究方向。最后,介绍了Noril sk-Talnakh和Voisey s Bay矿床的深部熔离-通道成矿机制,这种机制增添了小岩体成矿作用的多样性;但是,其现存空间是开放性岩浆通道还是封闭性终端岩浆房,还有待更多的研究和实践。  相似文献   
吴志明  黄茂松 《岩土力学》2004,25(Z2):418-422
在考虑地基土分层的基础上,采用动力Winkler地基模型模拟桩土相互作用并运用传递矩阵,求解层状地基中的单桩和群桩的阻抗函数.在计算动力相互作用因子时考虑了被动桩与土的相互作用.最后将相互作用因子和群桩阻抗的本文解与精确解进行对比,验证了本文方法的有效性.  相似文献   
二维地基波阻板隔振分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文采用了以薄层法层状半空间基本解答作为格林函数的边界元法,对均质弹性半空间和层状半空间中二维波阻板隔振设计进行了详细的参数分析。分析结果表明,均质弹性半空间和层状半空间内采用波阻板隔振均可取得较好的隔振效果;应保证波阻板具有合理的宽度和较小的埋深,才能得到理想的隔振效果;同时增加波阻板的厚度和模量是提高隔振效果的最有效的2种措施;此外,分层性对波阻板隔振效果也具有一定的影响。  相似文献   
层状岩体的非均质性及各向异性导致其破裂方式及规律与均质岩体有显著不同。对层状岩体分别进行不同方式的单轴、双轴、三轴试验, 分析应力-应变曲线特征; 再利用ANSYS有限元软件进行数值模拟, 观察应力、应变在岩体上的分布, 通过曲线和图件的对比分析, 并结合岩石破裂理论, 总结不同应力状态下层状岩体的破裂方式、顺序及规律; 最后以富台地区为例, 对分析结果进行验证。研究结果表明, 不同受力方式对层状岩体破裂的影响体现在施加的载荷及约束与层面的方位。当应力方向与岩层面平行时, 强度大的石灰岩岩体发生集中应力, 首先破裂; 而应力与岩层面垂直时, 强度小的泥岩岩体首先破裂。岩石试验、数值模拟结果以及实例均成功验证了这个规律。   相似文献   
张艳飞 《地质与勘探》2009,45(5):549-557
辽东硼矿区层状混合岩为含硼岩系的一个重要组成部分,与各种变粒岩和浅粒岩呈整合接触而呈层状展布,在岩性上有过度现象。岩石中交代结构发育;与变质围岩相比,混合岩的SiO2、K2O、Na2O等组分均明显增加,而Fe2O3+FeO、CaO、MgO、MnO等组分明显减少,K2O/Na2O变化较复杂,岩石化学成分的变化与交代作用有关;微量元素具有与围岩相似的特征,稀土元素含量高于围岩,稀土元素配分模式与变粒岩一致,具有典型的重熔特征。这些特征表明层状混合岩是变质围岩经选择重熔交代而形成的。  相似文献   
Grignard regents have been applied extensively in chemical industry, especially in pharmacy. A mass of bromide-containing wastewater was produced after reaction, and ozonation of these organic contaminants can produce bromate and other brominated pollutants. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established a maximum contaminant level of 10 μg/L for bromate in finished water. Therefore, it is necessary and significant to remove the DBP (disinfection by-products) precursor - bromide. On the other hand, since the bromine is a valuable element, recovery of it from wastewater is significant. Bromide removal is important to control DBP (disinfection by-products) contaminant and an ion exchange process is one of several treatment processes for this purpose. Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) are useful as adsorbents for bromide removal because of theft ion exchange properties. In this study, the adsorption properties of LDHs for bromide and the method of regeneration of this material were examined. It has been found that the LDHs with Mg/Al molar ratio of 2 represented the highest capacity to remove bromide ion from aqueous solution at pH 6.0. The equilibrium isotherms of uptake of bromide by CLDH were well fitted by the Langmuir equation. Bromide adsorbed on the LDHs was effectively desorbed at 30% Na2CO3 solution and the LDHs were regenerated at the same time. The regenerated LDHs could be reused repeatedly for the bromide removal. Bromide in the exhausted desorption solution was recovered as bromine by oxidation using Cl2.  相似文献   
沈纪苹  陈蕾 《岩土力学》2016,37(10):2810-2816
在考虑土体分层特性的基础上,分别建立了管桩桩周土体和桩芯土体的水平振动控制方程。通过引入势函数并考虑桩周土和桩芯土径向位移和环向位移的边界条件及其奇偶性,求得了管桩-土动力相互作用的刚度系数和阻尼系数。将土体模拟为连续分布的弹簧-阻尼器,并考虑桩芯土和桩周土的作用,建立了层状土中管桩的水平振动方程。借助初参数法和传递矩阵法求解了管桩的水平振动,得到了管桩桩顶的水平动力阻抗。通过数值分析,得到了土层剪切模量、管桩壁厚、桩周土和桩芯土剪切模量比、土层厚度等对管桩桩顶动力阻抗的影响规律。土层剪切模量、管桩壁厚、桩周土和桩芯土剪切模量比对层状土中管桩水平振动的影响主要在低频处,土层厚度在较宽的频率范围内对管桩水平振动有影响;管桩壁越厚,桩周土的剪切模量越大时,管桩水平动力阻抗的绝对值越大。  相似文献   
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