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Satellite-tracked Lagrangian drifters are used to investigate the transport pathways of near-surface water around the Luzon Strait. Particular attention is paid to the intrusion of Pacific water into the South China Sea(SCS).Results from drifter observations suggest that except for the Kuroshio water, other Pacific water that carried by zonal jets, Ekman currents or eddies, can also intrude into the SCS. Motivated by this origin problem of the intrusion water, numerous simulated trajectories are constructed by altimeter-based velocities. Quantitative estimates from simulated trajectories suggest that the contribution of other Pacific water to the total intrusion flux in the Luzon Strait is approximately 13% on average, much smaller than that of Kuroshio water. Even so, over multiple years and many individual intrusion events, the contribution from other Pacific water is quite considerable. The interannual signal in the intrusion flux of these Pacific water might be closely related to variations in a wintertime westward current and eddy activities east of the Luzon Strait. We also found that Ekman drift could significantly contribute to the intrusion of Pacific water and could affect the spreading of intrusion water in the SCS. A case study of an eddy-related intrusion is presented to show the detailed processes of the intrusion of Pacific water and the eddy-Kuroshio interaction.  相似文献   
Geochemistry of chlorine and fluorine in apatites, micas, and amphiboles in rocks from eight intrusive complexes of the Siberian Platform has been first studied on the basis of new factual and analytical data (more than 1000 analyses). The main attention is focused on minerals from layered intrusions. Most apatites show F > Cl; the maximum contents of halogens are specific to chlorapatite (6.97 wt.% Cl) and fluorapatite (6.04 wt.% F). The total f value (f = Fe/(Fe + Mg), at.%) of femic minerals varies from 2 to 98 at.% in micas and from 22 to 95 at.% in amphiboles. The Cl-f and F-f trends show an increase in the Cl content and a decrease in the F content in the minerals with increasing f. Chlorine clearly exhibits ferrophilic properties, and fluorine has magnesiophilic properties. The halogen-richest minerals are fluorophlogopite (F = 7.06 wt.%, f = 7 at.%), chlorannite (Cl = 6.30 wt.%, f = 89 at.%), and chloroferrihastingsite (Cl = 5.22 wt.%, f = 90 at.%). Coexisting micas and amphiboles in the rocks are close in f value, but the micas are richer in Cl than the amphiboles. We assume that the halogen-containing minerals crystallized at the high pressure of halogen-hydrocarbon fluids at the levels of the MW, IW, and QIF buffers. The reducing conditions of the magmatism process are also evidenced by the presence of graphite and native metals in the rocks. The similarity of the Cl-f and F-f trends of micas and amphiboles from different intrusive complexes indicates the same mechanisms of the melt differentiation and mineral crystallization.  相似文献   
中国岩浆硫化物矿床新分类与小岩体成矿作用   总被引:20,自引:7,他引:20  
中国镍(铜、钴)、铂族等许多重要金属矿产都产出于岩浆硫化物矿床,该类矿床是矿床地质研究的热点之一。笔者综合构造背景、侵入方式、岩体规模、矿床模式、主成矿元素等因素,对中国岩浆硫化物矿床提出了新的分类:①古大陆内的小侵入体矿床;②与大陆溢流玄武岩有关的侵入体矿床;③造山带内小侵入体矿床;④蛇绿岩型矿床。认为小侵入体(小岩体)岩浆矿床是中国主要的矿床类型,并在此基础上,从小岩体矿床的相关概念、3种地质背景、3种火山岩_岩体_矿床组合形式以及成矿的主要因素等方面详细阐述了小岩体成矿作用。结合国内外勘查实践指出,小岩体岩浆矿床仍具有很大的找矿潜力,是中国应继续重点研究的主要矿床类型。最后,还讨论了小岩体矿床不仅在基性_超基性岩体中广泛发育,而且在中酸性岩体中也具有重要的经济价值和研究意义。  相似文献   
柴达木盆地西北缘牛鼻子梁铜镍矿矿床特征及其发现意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
牛鼻子梁铜镍矿产于柴达木盆地西北缘古陆块上,其成矿与基性-超基性层状杂岩体有关。共发现3个岩体,其中以Ⅰ号岩体规模较大,出露面积近7km2,其余2个岩体较小。岩体岩石堆晶结构明显,具层状和纹层状构造。Ⅰ号岩体出露岩性以层状淡色辉长岩、闪长岩为主,局部夹超基性岩,代表层状杂岩体上部层序。Ⅱ、Ⅲ岩体以超基性岩石为主,代表层状杂岩体下部层序,是主要的含矿层位。通过槽、钻探验证,在Ⅱ、Ⅲ岩体已发现硫化物铜镍矿体9条,其中,一条矿体的视厚度达41.1m,Ni平均品位为0.5%,最高1.57%。其矿石矿物主要为磁黄铁矿、镍黄铁矿和黄铜矿等,属岩浆熔离改造型矿床,有后期热液叠加。该类型矿床是在柴达木地块周缘首次发现,具有重要的现实意义,其为今后在柴达木盆地周缘寻找与基性-超基性岩有关的铜镍硫化物矿床提供了依据。  相似文献   
张先伟  孔令伟 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z2):134-142
近海地区黏土的微观结构单元--黏土畴中含有大量的粒内孔隙,其孔径小至纳米级,这部分孔隙对黏土的物理指标、水稳性、膨胀性、收缩性等具有重要影响,一般方法很难准确地描述其孔隙特征。试验利用扫描电镜、压汞法、氮气吸附法对湛江黏土的微观孔隙特征及其孔隙发育的控制因素分析,建立微观结构与物理指标、力学行为的相互关系与灵敏性分析。结果表明,湛江黏土具有不良物理性质和良好力学特性指标的异常组合,是一种高灵敏性的强胶结结构性黏性土,其机制主要是:湛江黏土的微观结构为带有胶质联结特性的、定向性无序的开放式絮凝结构,孔隙结构为具有较高的强度和空间稳定性的边-面-角联结的空间网架系统。由于特殊的孔隙网架结构以及“墨水瓶”型孔隙的存在,导致退汞过程出现滞留现象及产生吸附回线。研究表明,联合扫描电镜、压汞法、氮气吸附法能够准确、完整地对近海地区黏土孔隙体系特征进行定性与定量的评价。  相似文献   
新疆北山地区罗东镁铁质-超镁铁质层状岩体岩石成因   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
罗东镁铁质-超镁铁质岩体位于塔里木板块东北部的新疆北山地区,岩体平面形态为眼球状,出露面积约2.1 km2.由纯橄岩、单辉橄榄岩、斜长二辉橄榄岩、橄榄二辉岩、方辉辉石岩、橄长岩、橄榄辉长岩、辉长岩、苏长辉长岩和淡色辉长岩组成,堆晶结构和堆晶韵律发育,属于层状岩体.岩浆演化过程中主要分离结晶/堆晶相是橄榄石和单斜辉石,此...  相似文献   
层状侵入体的韵律层理是一种特殊的岩石构造,长期以来其成因倍受关注,成因假说很多。本文在综合这些观点关于岩浆物理,化学性质的研究,尤其是在岩浆房地对流特征研究成果的基础上,提出了新的成因解释,认为固化带前锋处矿物的结晶,熔浆组分的扩散及固化带前锋本身的推进等3个因素的相互耦合是形成韵律层理的主要机制,这个过程是发生在一定过冷却条件下的,在这种定性认识基础上,笔者提出了旨在对韵律层理形成过程进行模拟计  相似文献   
对云南因民铁铜矿区深部辉长岩类中金红石、黑云母、碳酸盐和绿泥石的矿物地球化学特征进行研究,以探讨赋存于辉长岩类中的铁氧化物铜金型矿(化)体的成岩成矿环境。金红石由岩浆结晶和多期蚀变作用形成,其结晶温度为820~1 082 ℃,多期蚀变温度为444~730 ℃,金红石与黑云母密切共生;黑云母可划分为原生高钛镁质黑云母、热液蚀变镁质黑云母和铁质黑云母,形成温度分别为653~750 ℃、525~619 ℃和551~577 ℃,氧逸度均位于Ni NiO缓冲剂附近,表明黑云母形成于高温强氧化环境,有利于金红石化;铁白云石-菱铁矿化揭示了强还原环境,交代蚀变金红石;绿泥石多由铁镁矿物蚀变形成,形成于中低温(174~243 ℃)、低氧逸度(-4468~-5142)和高硫逸度(-1442~-1976)的强还原环境,有利于金属硫化物形成。本区岩浆结晶演化和黑云母-金红石化蚀变具有高温强氧化地球化学岩相学特征,有利于钛、铁矿化,后期叠加中低温强还原地球化学岩相,为IOCG矿床成矿的有利地球化学岩相学类型。  相似文献   
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