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吉云平  王贵玲  赵华 《地学前缘》2016,23(3):178-185
位于河北省西北部的阳原盆地在第四纪期间长期被泥河湾古湖所占据,堆积了巨厚的第四纪河湖相地层,其中夹有多层化学沉积。文中对广泛分布于盆地西端河湖相地层顶部的白色化学沉积进行了深入研究,通过野外调查和年代测试、电子显微镜扫描观察、X射线粉晶衍射、常量和微量元素分析,以及硅藻和介形类化石鉴定等一系列实验手段,确认北梁地区地层中的灰白色化学沉积主要由文石组成,其年龄大致在270 ka前后,属中更新世晚期,是在当时比较温干的气候环境下,湖泊逐渐萎缩、湖水不断咸化、文石类矿物大量析出的结果。该地区的泥河湾古湖于中更新世晚期消亡。本研究首次发现了中更新世晚期的化学沉积,在时代上明显区别于以前发现的晚更新世晚期化学沉积。该化学沉积的发现为探讨泥河湾古湖消亡过程和原因提供了直接的沉积学证据,对于重建我国北方中更新世晚期的古环境也具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   
A sediment layer (43 cm thick) and surface sediments (5 cm thick) in a submarine limestone cave (31 m water depth) on the fore-reef slope of Ie Island, off Okinawa mainland, Japan, were examined by visual, mineralogical and geochemical means. Oxygen isotope analysis was performed on the cavernicolous micro-bivalve Carditella iejimensis from both cored sediments and surface sediments, and the water temperature within the cave was recorded for nearly one year. These data show that: (1) water temperature within the cave is equal to that at 30 m deep in the open sea; (2) the biotic and non-biotic environments within the cave have persisted for the past 2000 years; (3) mud-size carbonate detritus is a major constituent of the submarine-cave deposit, and may have come mainly from the suspended carbonate mud produced on the emergent Holocene reef flat over the past two millennia; (4) the δ18O-derived temperature (Tδ18O) of C. iejimensis suggests that the species grows between April and July; (5) the Tδ18O of C. iejimensis from cored sediments implies that there were two warmer intervals, at AD 340 ± 40 and AD 1000 ± 40, which correspond to the Roman Warm Period and Medieval Warm Period, respectively. These suggest that submarine-cave sediments provide unique information for Holocene reef development. In addition, oxygen isotope records of cavernicolous C. iejimensis are a useful tool to reconstruct century-scale climatic variability for the Okinawa Islands during the Holocene.  相似文献   
Core P1‐003MC was retrieved from 851 m water depth on the southern Norwegian continental margin, close to the boundary between the Norwegian Current (NC) and the underlying cold Norwegian Sea Deep Water. The core chronology was established by using 210Pb measurements and 14C dates, suggesting a sampling resolution of between 2 and 9 yr. Sea‐surface temperature (SST) variations in the NC are reconstructed from stable oxygen isotope measurements in two planktonic Foraminifera species, Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (d.) and Globigerina bulloides. The high temporal resolution of the SST proxy records allows direct comparison with instrumental ocean temperature measurements from Ocean Weather Ship (OWS) Mike in the Norwegian Sea and an air temperature record from the coastal island Ona, western Norway. The comparison of the instrumental and the proxy SST data suggests that N. pachyderma (d.) calcify during summer, whereas G. bulloides calcify during spring. The δ18O records of both species suggest that the past 70 yr have been the warmest throughout the past 600 yr. The spring and summer proxy temperature data suggest differences in the duration of the cold period of the Little Ice Age. The spring temperature was 1–3°C colder throughout most of the period between ca. AD 1400 and 1700, and the summer temperature was 1–2°C colder throughout most of the period between ca. AD 1400 and 1920. Fluctuations in the depth of the lower boundary of the NC have been investigated by examining grain size data and benthic foraminiferal assemblages. The data show that the transition depth of the lower boundary of the NC was deeper between ca. AD 1400 and 1650 than after ca. AD 1750 until present. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
赵书跃  郑全波  韩彦东 《地质通报》2016,35(7):1095-1105
依据近年来区域地质调查的成果,漠河逆冲推覆构造中段的典型构造为逆冲叠瓦状断层、紧闭尖棱褶皱、倒转褶皱及反冲断层形成的冲起构造和隔挡式褶皱。这些构造显示指向SSE的变形。结合同位素资料,认为漠河逆冲推覆构造形成的时代为晚侏罗世晚期—早白垩世早期。其形成与中亚蒙古-鄂霍茨克构造带晚期造山时代和动力学背景一致。  相似文献   
唐古拉岩浆岩带位于青藏高原中央隆起带附近,构成南北羌塘的构造界限,特殊的构造位置使得有必要对该套岩体进行深入的研究工作。本文对唐古拉岩浆岩带西段夏玛日晚三叠世花岗岩体进行了系统的野外工作和室内分析测试,获得2件二长花岗岩样品中锆石边部振荡环带的U-Pb年龄为231.0±1.4Ma、227.2±1.6Ma,可以确定岩浆侵位结晶时代为晚三叠世;Hf同位素测试结果显示,岩体具有负的Hf同位素初始比值εHf(t)且变化范围较小,两阶段地壳Hf模式年龄确定其源岩时代为元古代。核部继承锆石的U-Pb年龄较为分散,Hf同位素组成显示其成因复杂,且时代较老(1.2Ga,最高达3.0Ga),表明研究区存在前寒武纪结晶基底。岩石地球化学数据显示,岩体全碱含量(Na_2O+K_2O)在4.86~7.45之间,铝饱和指数A/CNK在1.15~1.82之间(1.1,为强过铝质),CIPW标准矿物组合全部含刚玉C分子(含量1%)。稀土配分曲线呈右倾缓倾斜型的特征,轻稀土富集而重稀土亏损;稀土元素总体分馏程度较高,且轻稀土分馏相对较强。大离子亲石元素、高场强元素含量均出现分化,K、Ti等元素强烈亏损,Nb、Ba、Ce及Sr等元素轻微亏损,而Ta、Pb等元素富集。夏玛日晚三叠世花岗岩应为壳源物质重熔的强过铝质S型花岗岩,其成因应与龙木错-双湖结合带的碰撞造山演化有关,在相对高温(800℃以上)且富含流体的条件下,由前寒武纪碎屑沉积物中硬砂岩成分部分熔融产生的熔浆在后期构造控制下上升侵位。  相似文献   
利用1980—2012年NCEP/NCAR逐6 h海平面气压再分析资料及定义的气旋客观识别方法,统计分析了春末夏初江淮地区气旋活动频数和强度的气候特征及其年际、年代际变化。结果表明:5—7月江淮地区存在明显的气旋活动高频中心,5、6月高频中心位于两湖盆地之间;7月北移,淮河以南频数较高。20世纪80—90年代江淮气旋活动频数偏少,强度偏弱;21世纪初期的10 a间气旋活动频数偏多,强度偏强。气旋活动频数多发年与少发年500 h Pa均出现稳定的长波环流结构,但仍存在显著差异。多发年两个南支槽向南伸展直达阿拉伯海和孟加拉湾地区,少发年仅出现孟加拉湾南支槽。多发年,对流层低层华南至江淮地区存在气旋式环流辐合异常中心,高层则出现辐散异常。西风带上的异常扰动沿着副热带急流向东亚地区传播能量,导致东部地区出现异常气旋式环流,为江淮气旋的发生提供了有利的环流背景。  相似文献   
丝绸之路国内段主要包括丝路东段(西安至敦煌)和丝路中段(新疆地区),是丝路文明演化的主体地段,也是古丝绸之路开通之前跨大陆交流的关键地段。丝路东段和中段降水的时空格局存在显著差异,人类活动历史也有明显区别。然而,6000 a B.P.("B.P."为"距今(1950 A.D.)年")左右丝路东段农业强化之后,至古丝绸之路开通(约2000 a B.P.)该地区人地关系演化的时空过程和动力尚不清晰。文章通过总结丝绸之路国内段沿线地区已发表的碳十四测年与植物考古资料,结合丝路东段和中段古气候记录的对比分析,探讨了该地区6000~2000 a B.P.人类活动的时空格局和影响因素。结果显示,丝路东段6000~4000 a B.P.的粟黍农业发展促进了农业人群的广泛扩张,人类活动强度还受到降水变化的影响;4000~2000 a B.P.该地区人类活动强度的主要影响因素是跨大陆交流带来的生业模式多样化、生产工具的革新和地缘政治形势变化,而不是气候变化。丝路中段6000~4000 a B.P.人类活动强度很低,4000~2000 a B.P.人类活动强度显著提升,与降水变化呈现较为一致的特征,青铜时代的降温则可能导致人类定居空间的南向移动。本研究显示丝绸之路国内段不同时间与空间人地关系演变过程和主导因素存在显著差异,有助于理解丝绸之路开通之前其核心区的人与环境相互作用变化过程和机制。  相似文献   
Through the re-investigation and understanding of the “mud crack-like sedimentary structure” in the Qiaotou Formation from late Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic in the eastern Liaoning, and by comparing with the contemporaneous microbial induced sedimentary structure (MISS) in other areas of the NCC, For the first time, the fractured sedimentary structure discovered in the Qiaotou Formation in Liaoning was identified as MISS.Results: The fissure structure found in the Qiaotou Formation is MISS, which is formed by the physical destruction of microbial mats.Conclusions: The MISS identified in the Qiaotou Formation has spindle-like, three-connected ornithoid and partially connected branched morphology, so it is speculated that the Qiaotou Formation was formed in the sedimentary environment of the upper part of the supratidal zone. This discovery provides basis for stratigraphic and sedimentological studies of the Qiaotou Formation, and is of great significance for studying the evolution of early life on earth and exploring the long-term impact of biota on the atmosphere and hydrosphere.  相似文献   
许晨  陈衍景  周振菊 《地质论评》2022,68(6):2053-2073
古元古代晚期的花岗岩类在华北克拉通南缘广泛分布,记录了区域岩石圈演化的重要信息。通过对小秦岭地区南部沿小河断裂出露的花岗岩类的锆石LA- ICP- MS U- Pb年代学、岩石地球化学和Nd—Hf同位素地球化学研究,为小秦岭地区古元古代晚期的地壳演化提供了依据。自西向东,小河中粗粒二长花岗岩、小河细粒二长花岗岩和贵家峪花岗闪长岩的结晶年龄分别为1831±32 Ma、1860±13 Ma和1811±10 Ma。3个花岗岩体均以富硅(67. 4%~76. 0%)和高碱(7. 47%~9. 33%)为特征,属于高碱钙碱性到钾玄岩类。地球化学特征表明两个小河花岗岩体属I型花岗岩,具有碰撞型花岗岩特征,其中形成年龄为1831 Ma花岗岩具有高的Sr/Y(26. 56~49. 52)和(La/Yb)N(31. 35~236. 71)值、Eu负异常(0. 42~0. 68),表明源区残留有石榴子石和少量的斜长石;贵家峪花岗闪长岩具有较高的FeOT/MgO值(17. 7~29. 2)和10000Ga/Al值(2. 95~3. 17),表现出造山后A2型花岗岩特征,与1831 Ma的地壳相比,地壳厚度明显减薄。3个岩体的岩浆锆石εHf(t)=-10. 5~-4. 5,两阶段模式年龄TDM2=2781~3122 Ma,全岩的εHf(t)=-7. 5~-4. 5,TDM2=2667~2888 Ma,均指示了其物质来源于中到新太古代古老基底的部分熔融。这期岩浆事件可能是小秦岭区域对1. 85 Ga吕梁运动的响应,反映了碰撞造山作用地壳增厚向碰撞后地壳伸展减薄这一演化过程。  相似文献   
野外构造解析和显微构造分析表明,五龙沟地区经历了长期构造演化,具有多层次多期构造作用产物叠生特点。可分为早印支期(240 Ma左右)及其以前的韧性变形;晚印支—早燕山期的(235~197 Ma)的脆韧性变形;晚燕山期以来,尤其早-中喜马拉雅期(51~21 Ma)的脆性变形。晚印支期—早燕山期的脆-韧性变形,与造山隆升相伴,表现为先存变质核杂岩构造北东翼构造岩类的褶皱、断裂,奠定了五龙沟地区北西西向的构造主线,即形式上的数条北西西向韧剪带平行展布,从韧性变形、韧-脆性变形到脆性变形的构造运动依次为左行正滑→左行逆冲→右行正滑。  相似文献   
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