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岩石微区激光探针质谱40Ar/39Ar定年研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用连续激光40Ar/39Ar测年技术,在岩石光片上成功地对贵州绿豆岩、南极地区3块火山岩及江西德兴钠长花岗岩进行了多点微区等时年龄测定;消除了过剩Ar的影响,部分样品作了40Ar/39Ar坪年龄谱测定,取得了满意的结果。  相似文献   
同时定位与地图构建(SLAM)系统在机器人、自动驾驶和移动测量等领域有广泛的应用,但目前系统精度的测试方法尚不完善。针对SLAM系统精度测试的实际需求,本文提出了一种SLAM高精度测试场的建立方法。首先建立三维控制网,然后利用三维激光扫描技术对环境信息进行采集,最终构建出用于测试SLAM系统精度的高精度三维点云特征库。试验结果表明,建立的三维点云特征库包含丰富的特征信息,具有真实地理坐标,精度达到毫米级,可以较好地满足SLAM精度测试的需求。  相似文献   
运用扫描电镜、核磁共振和计算机断层扫描3种孔隙结构研究方法对页岩进行了实验分析。研究结果表明:(1)扫描电镜对于页岩样品的局部观察能力较强,能够直观地反映页岩样品的微观孔隙类型和形态等信息,经氩离子抛光后还可观察到样品的有机质纳米级孔隙,但扫描电镜对样品的总体情况反映能力不够完善;(2)核磁共振受岩石骨架的影响小,可以更精确地测定页岩的孔隙度,进行孔隙大小分布、孔隙连通性和可动流体分析,得到样品的总体特征,但对样品细节的反映较欠缺;(3)CT扫描能够定量分析页岩组分,通过三维重构技术建立页岩样品孔隙和高密度物质分布状况的三维模型,从宏观角度反映孔隙的形态和空间配置特征,其主要不足在于三维重构时CT数阀值的选择对结果具有一定影响。综合运用3种方法,才能更准确地对页岩储层孔隙结构进行研究,以得到更加完善的储层孔隙结构资料。  相似文献   
有机质孔隙是页岩储集空间的重要组成部分,具有强烈的非均质性,阻碍对页岩储层质量的正确认识和评价,其本质是受有机显微组分类型及其在生烃过程中孔隙演化的影响。本文采用场发射扫描电镜和荧光显微镜定位观察手段实现特定显微组分孔隙发育特征的表征,结合Image J图像处理技术,对不同演化阶段的显微组分进行定量化统计,总结不同有机显微组分的孔隙演化规律。研究结果表明:固体沥青孔隙度随着成熟度的升高呈现先增加后减小的趋势,在固体沥青反射率SBR_O介于1.6%~2.0%时,固体沥青孔隙最为发育,而以SBR_O=2.0%为界,固体沥青孔隙度开始减小。镜质体和惰质体的孔隙发育规律相似,随着成熟度增加,总体表现出先减小而后微弱增加的趋势。在生油窗阶段,镜质体和惰质体孔隙度最小,无机矿物和固体沥青的充填使胞腔孔隙损失达90%以上,而进入高成熟阶段,固体沥青孔隙的发育使原始胞腔孔隙得到一定程度的恢复,成为镜质体和惰质体残余孔隙的主要贡献者,贡献率达56.73%和100%,可见固体沥青孔隙对页岩储层储集空间的重要性。综合沉积成岩作用和生烃作用,页岩储层在未成熟阶段和高成熟阶段晚期孔隙最为发育,前者有机质以原始胞腔孔隙为主,后者以固体量孔隙为主。明确有机显微组分孔隙演化规律为页岩有利储层预测和页岩气生产开发储层改造提供参考。  相似文献   
窄线宽激光器在铯原子喷泉钟、光钟以及时间频率传递等方面有着重要的作用。主要介绍中国科学院国家授时中心开展的工作波长为698 nm窄线宽激光器的研究进展。实验中采用两级稳频方法将激光锁到初稳腔和高稳腔。通过第一级稳频,激光线宽为1.1 kHz;目前已初步实现了第二级稳频。通过逐渐优化第二级稳频,可以实现Hz量级线宽激光。  相似文献   
The hydrocarbon migration and accumulation of the Suqiao deep buried-hill zone, in the Jizhong Subbasin, the Bohai Bay Basin, eastern China, was investigated from the perspective of paleo-fluid evidence by using fluid inclusions, quantitative fluorescence techniques (QGF), total scanning fluorescence method (TSF) and organic geochemical analysis. Results show that the current condensate oil-gas reservoirs in the study area once were paleo-oil reservoirs. In addition, the reservoirs have experienced at least two stages of hydrocarbon charge from different sources and/or maturities. During the deposition of the Oligocene Dongying Formation (Ed), the deep Ordovician reservoirs were first charged by mature oils sourced from the lacustrine shale source rocks in the fourth member of Shahejie and Kongdian Formations (Es4+Ek), and then adjusted at the end of Ed period subsequently by virtue of the tectonic movement. Since the deposition of the Neogene Minghuazhen Formation (Nm), the reservoirs were mainly charged by the gas that consisted of moderate to high-maturity condensate and wet gas sourced from the Es4+Ek lacustrine shale source rocks and mature coal-derived gas sourced from the Carboniferous-Permian (C-P) coal-bearing source rocks. Meanwhile, the early charged oil was subjected to gas flushing and deasphalting by the late intrusion of gas. The widely distributed hydrocarbon inclusions, the higher QGF Index, and FOI (the frequency of oil inclusions) values in both gas-oil and water zone, are indicative of early oil charge. In addition, combined with the homogenization temperatures of the fluid inclusions (<160 °C) and the existence of solid-bitumen bearing inclusions, significant loss of the n-alkanes with low carbon numbers, enrichments of heavier components in crude oils, and the precipitation of asphaltene in the residual pores suggest that gas flushing may have played an important role in the reservoir formation.  相似文献   
We have studied melt and fluid inclusions in minerals from alkali basalts, mantle xenoliths, and dawsonite-bearing sandstones from the Shuangliao volcanic field in southern Songliao Basin, Northeast China. The inclusions have been investigated using petrographic, geochemical, and laser Raman spectroscopic techniques. Volcanic rocks of the Shuangliao field are predominantly alkali olivine basalts that contain rare mantle xenoliths. Silicate melt and fluid inclusions are common in both olivine phenocrysts and the mantle xenoliths. The fluid inclusions are mainly composed of CO2 with small amounts of CO, CH4, N2, and H2O, which is consistent with an upper mantle origin. CO2 gas reservoirs in the southern Songliao Basin are mostly derived from a mantle–magmatic source. Coeval fluid-inclusion homogenization temperatures, coupled with the thermal burial history, show that the CO2 gas reservoirs in the southern Songliao Basin are Cenozoic (40–63 Ma) and coeval with the magmatism in the Shuangliao volcanic field. Despite the relatively small scale of this volcanic activity, it released large amounts of CO2. Much of the magma was not erupted, and CO2- and H2O-rich magma was probably intruded into the basin along deep faults, acting as a major source of inorganic CO2 gas in the southern Songliao Basin.  相似文献   
船基激光法波浪测量仪器的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了船基激光法波浪测量仪器研制的可行性。船载激光测波是利用舰船作测量平台,在水面上方设置激光测距装置,以一定的频率测量探头与水面的垂直距离,分析所测距离信号的变化规律,可以得出波浪高度、周期等信息,描述出波浪的形态和变化规律。文章提出了测量原理,分析了可能遇到的测量误差,给出了相应的解决措施,得出了研究开发船基激光法波浪测量仪器的可行性结论。  相似文献   
中国地震报告数据处理系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地震观测报告是一份具有广泛使用价值的地震基础资料。中国地震报告数据处理系统是提高中国地震报告质量的关键一环。其主要水平反映在:数据采集和处理自动化;采用最先进的数值计算方法;采用最先进的激光照排技术;用磁介质进行数据传递。  相似文献   
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