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The Likelihood Ratio (LR) Model has been applied as an improvement upon the Frequency Ratio (FR) that computes the ratio of the percentage of the landslide pixels to the percentage of the non-landslide pixels instead of the total number of pixels used in the denominator as in case of the FR. The comparative assessment of the two techniques is made through spatial modelling of GIS vector data using the ArcGIS software. Two different Landslide Information Values were computed for each polygon element of the study area employing the two FR techniques that categorized the study area into five classes of vulnerability using natural breaks (Jenks) technique. Subsequently, vulnerability zonation maps were prepared showing the different levels of landslide vulnerability. The LR technique yielded significantly higher vulnerability assessment accuracy (77%) as compared to the standard FR (71%).  相似文献   
为探测汶川震后龙门山主断裂带两侧滑坡灾害的空间分布特征,使用雨期前后的两幅超短基线PALSAR影像开展雷达干涉测量,提出三维空间因子SAR大气长波相位建模方法,利用雷达视线方向形变阈值扣除大气短波相位,联合地形坡度因子综合提取主断裂带两侧强降雨期的滑坡空间分布。计算结果表明,震后滑坡灾害基本沿映秀-北川主断裂带两侧呈条带状密集分布,其中90%滑坡分布于高程为(1000~3000)m区间,地形坡度因子则集中于(15~35)°范围,多数滑坡距离发震断层约为(3~15)km,70%滑坡分布于断层上盘区,上下盘滑坡数量和面积存在明显差异,表明震后滑坡受发震断层上盘逆冲运动特性的滞后效应较为显著。  相似文献   
This paper is focused primarily on how to represent landslide scarp areas, how to analyze results achieved by the application of specific strategies of representation and how to compare the outcomes derived by different tests, within a general framework related to landslide susceptibility assessment. These topics are analyzed taking into account the scale of data survey (1:10,000) and the role of a landslide susceptibility map into projects targeted toward the definition of prediction, prevention, and mitigation measures, in a wider context of civil protection planning. These aims are achieved by using ArcSDM (Arc Spatial Data Modeler), a software extension to ArcView GIS useful for developing spatial prediction models using regional datasets. This extension requires a representation by points of the investigated problems (landslide susceptibility, aquifer vulnerability, detection of mineral deposits, identification of natural habitats of animals, and plants, etc.). Maps of spatial evidence from regional geological and geomorphological datasets were used to generate maps showing susceptibility to slope failures in two different study areas, located in the northern Apennines and in the central Alps (Italy), respectively. The final susceptibility maps for both study areas were derived by the application of the weights-of-evidence (WofE) modeling technique. By this method a series of subjective decisions were required, strongly dependent on an understanding of the natural processes under study, supported by statistical analysis of the spatial associations between known landslides and evidential themes. Except for maps of attitude, permeability, and structure, that were not available for both study areas, the other data were the same and comprised geological, land use, slope, and internal relief maps. The paper illustrates how different representations of scarp areas by points (in terms of different number of points) did not greatly influence the final response map, considering the scale of this work. On the contrary, some differences were observed in the capability of the model to describe the relations between predictor variables and landslides. In effect, a representation of the scarp areas using one point every 50 m led to a more efficient model able to better define relationships of this type. It avoided both problems of redundancy of information, deriving by the use of too many points, and problems related to a random positioning of the centroid. Moreover, it permitted to minimize the uncertainty related with identification and mapping of landslides.  相似文献   
2013-04-20芦山县发生7.0级地震,震源深度13 km.截至4月29日地震共造成196人遇难,21人失踪,13484人受伤,200余万人受灾.地震发生后,我们立即开展了地震次生山地灾害的遥感解译、实地调查及危险性评估工作.作者定义了地震次生山地灾害,分析了次生山地灾害的活动特征、形成机制与模式以及发展趋势,并与汶川地震次生山地灾害进行了对比.初步查明芦山地震诱发了1460余处崩塌和滑坡,大量落石和4处堰塞湖.次生山地灾害具有规模小、群发性和高位破坏的特征.崩塌和落石成群发育于坚硬岩石形成的陡坡上,主要发育区段有:芦山县的宝盛乡金鸡峡、双石镇大岩峡以及省道S210线K317路段和灵关镇以北小关子段,对沿河公路及救援生命通道影响严重.滑坡数量较少,以中小规模为主,主要发生于砂岩、页岩和松散堆积层中,仅发现一处大型滑坡并转化为碎屑流.堰塞湖主要由崩塌、滑坡形成,均为低危险性小型堰塞湖.芦山地震次生灾害的主控因素为构造、岩性、结构面和地形,崩塌破坏主要表现为顺层滑动破坏型、切层倾倒破坏型和结构面控制破坏型3种模式.芦山地震诱发崩塌、滑坡的数量、分布范围和规模比汶川地震小得多,其数量仅为汶川地震的5.53%,造成的地表破坏面积(3.06 km2)仅为0.57%.芦山地震区两次地震扰动的叠加效应,大大降低坡体的稳定性,震后崩塌、滑坡和泥石流的活动性增加,增幅有限,活跃期也相对较短,但震区山地灾害的隐伏性和隐蔽性强,给隐患排查带来困难.  相似文献   
Defining the possible scenario of earthquake-induced landslides, Arias intensity is frequently used as a shaking parameter, being considered the most suitable for characterising earthquake impact, while Newmark׳s sliding-block model is widely used to predict the performance of natural slopes during earthquake shaking. In the present study we aim at providing tools for the assessment of the hazard related to earthquake-induced landslides at regional scale, by means of new empirical equations for the prediction of Arias intensity along with an empirical estimator of coseismic landslide displacements based on Newmark׳s model. The regression data, consisting of 205 strong motion recordings relative to 98 earthquakes, were subdivided into a training dataset, used to calculate equation parameters, and a validation dataset, used to compare the prediction performance among different possible functional forms and with equations derived from previous studies carried out for other regions using global and/or regional datasets. Equations predicting Arias intensities expected in Greece at known distances from seismic sources of defined magnitude proved to provide more accurate estimates if site condition and focal mechanism influence can be taken into account. Concerning the empirical estimator of Newmark displacements, we conducted rigorous Newmark analysis on 267 one-component records yielding a dataset containing 507 Newmark displacements, with the aim of developing a regression equation that is more suitable and effective for the seismotectonic environment of Greece and could be used for regional-scale seismic landslide hazard mapping. The regression analysis showed a noticeable higher goodness of fit of the proposed relations compared to formulas derived from worldwide data, suggesting a significant improvement of the empirical relation effectiveness from the use of a regionally-specific strong-motion dataset.  相似文献   
This study constructs a preliminary inventory of landslides triggered by the MS 6.8 Luding earthquake based on field investigation and human-computer interaction visual interpretation on optical satellite images. The results show that this earthquake triggered at least 5 007 landslides, with a total landslide area of 17.36 ?km2, of which the smallest landslide area is 65 ?m2 and the largest landslide area reaches 120 747 ?m2, with an average landslide area of about 3 500 ?m2. The obtained landslides are concentrated in the IX intensity zone and the northeast side of the seismogenic fault, and the area density and point density of landslides are 13.8%, and 35.73 ?km?2 peaks with 2 ?km as the search radius. It should be noted that the number of landslides obtained in this paper will be lower than the actual situation because some areas are covered by clouds and there are no available post-earthquake remote sensing images. Based on the available post-earthquake remote sensing images, the number of landslides triggered by this earthquake is roughly estimated to be up to 10 000. This study can be used to support further research on the distribution pattern and risk evaluation of the coseismic landslides in the region, and the prevention and control of landslide hazards in the seismic area.  相似文献   
如何预测地震滑坡道路可通行性空间分布是快速评估中的一个难题,为解决这一问题,本文提出一种基于MDT的地震滑坡道路可通行性空间分布快速评估方法。该方法包括3个步骤:(1)定制路段单元,将路段作为地震滑坡道路可通行性评估的基本单元,利用GIS将评估区内的道路划分成路段,制作每条路段两侧180m的缓冲区;(2)对路段进行地震滑坡属性赋值,统计各缓冲区范围内不同地震滑坡敏感性水平的像元数量,将统计结果作为对应路段的地震滑坡属性;(3)路段可通行性空间分布推断,利用MDT模型计算道路可通行性,最后进行地震滑坡道路可通行性空间分布制图。利用该方法对我国2008年汶川MS8.0、2014年鲁甸MS6.5和2012年彝良MS5.6、MS5.7地震灾区进行研究。其中,汶川地震灾区用来进行地震滑坡道路可通行性空间分布快速评估方法的建立和方法有效性的评价,鲁甸地震灾区和彝良地震灾区则用来对所建立方法在相似区域可移植性的评价。通过计算P值来检验模型的统计学显著性,并通过计算kappa值来评价模型反演结果与实际情况的一致性。...  相似文献   
Edifices of stratocones and domes are often situated eccentrically above shallow silicic magma reservoirs. Evacuation of such reservoirs forms collapse calderas commonly surrounded by remnants of one or several volcanic cones that appear variously affected and destabilized. We studied morphologies of six calderas in Kamchatka, Russia, with diameters of 4 to 12 km. Edifices affected by caldera subsidence have residual heights of 250–800 m, and typical amphitheater-like depressions opening toward the calderas. The amphitheaters closely resemble horseshoe-shaped craters formed by large-scale flank failures of volcanoes with development of debris avalanches. Where caldera boundaries intersect such cones, the caldera margins have notable outward embayments. We therefore hypothesize that in the process of caldera formation, these eccentrically situated edifices were partly displaced and destabilized, causing large-scale landslides. The landslide masses are then transformed into debris avalanches and emplaced inside the developing caldera basins. To test this hypothesis, we carried out sand-box analogue experiments, in which caldera formation (modeled by evacuation of a rubber balloon) was simulated. The deformation of volcanic cones was studied by placing sand-cones in the vicinity of the expected caldera rim. At the initial stage of the modeled subsidence, the propagating ring fault of the caldera bifurcates within the affected cone into two faults, the outermost of which is notably curved outward off the caldera center. The two faults dissect the cone into three parts: (1) a stable outer part, (2) a highly unstable and subsiding intracaldera part, and (3) a subsiding graben structure between parts (1) and (2). Further progression of the caldera subsidence is likely to cause failure of parts (2) and (3) with failed material sliding into the caldera basin and with formation of an amphitheater-like depression oriented toward the developing caldera. The mass of material which is liable to slide into the caldera basin, and the shape of the resulted amphitheater are a function of the relative position of the caldera ring fault and the base of the cone. A cone situated mostly outside the ring fault is affected to a minor degree by caldera subsidence and collapses with formation of a narrow amphitheater deeply incised into the cone, having a small opening angle. Accordingly, the caldera exhibits a prominent outward embayment. By contrast, collapse of a cone initially situated mostly inside the caldera results in a broad amphitheater with a large opening angle, i.e. the embayment of the caldera rim is negligible. The relationships between the relative position of an edifice above the caldera fault and the opening angle of the formed amphitheater are similar for the modeled and the natural cases of caldera/cone interactions. Thus, our experiments support the hypothesis that volcanic edifices affected by caldera subsidence can experience large-scale failures with formation of indicative amphitheaters oriented toward the caldera basins. More generally, the scalloped appearance of boundaries of calderas in contact with pre-caldera topographic highs can be explained by the gravitational influence of topography on the process of caldera formation.Editorial responsibility: J. Stix  相似文献   
越来越多的地震滑坡相对于地震断层的不对称分布震例让人们意识到断层上盘效应的存在。 然而,目前有关断裂运动方式与滑坡空间分布关系的研究还不够充分和深入。在收集大量地震滑坡震例资料并获得其分布规律的基础上,建立了一个简化的断层模型,以地震波在地表与断层面之间反射传播特性为基础,探讨断层倾角改变对地表地震动强度的影响。进而,以汶川地震触发的大型滑坡为例,研究了断层的几何特征和运动方式对诱发滑坡空间分布的影响。结果表明,断层的倾角对滑坡空间分布范围具有控制作用,随着倾角的增加,垂直断层走向的滑坡分布范围逐渐减小;并且,大型滑坡的初始坡面受到断裂运动方向的影响,与断裂运动方向一致的坡面更容易发生滑坡。所获结果不仅有助于提高区域性地震滑坡危险区域的预测精度,而且对认识大型滑坡的滑动机制、主控因素以及可能的滑动规模、滑距等也起到促进作用。通过对滑坡崩塌的认识来辅助提高对地质构造、地震断层等的认识,应是地震诱发滑坡崩塌研究的新的意义所在。  相似文献   
Summary statistics derived from the frequency–area distribution (FAD) of inventories of triggered landslides allows for direct comparison of landslides triggered by one event (e.g. earthquake, rainstorm) with another. Such comparisons are vital to understand links between the landslide‐event and the environmental characteristics of the area affected. This could lead to methods for rapid estimation of landslide‐event magnitude, which in turn could lead to estimates of the total triggered landslide area. Previous studies proposed that the FAD of landslides follows an inverse power‐law, which provides the basis to model the size distribution of landslides and to estimate landslide‐event magnitude (mLS), which quantifies the severity of the event. In this study, we use a much larger collection of earthquake‐induced landslide (EQIL) inventories (n=45) than previous studies to show that size distributions are much more variable than previously assumed. We present an updated model and propose a method for estimating mLS and its uncertainty that better fits the observations and is more reproducible, robust, and consistent than existing methods. We validate our model by computing mLS for all of the inventories in our dataset and comparing that with the total landslide areas of the inventories. We show that our method is able to estimate the total landslide area of the events in this larger inventory dataset more successfully than the existing methods. © 2018 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
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