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以中国甘肃省张掖地区为研究区,获取了2018年3月—10月间该地区的晴天GF-4卫星数据、7月30日的哨兵二号卫星数据以及该地区的SRTMDEM(digitalelevationmodel)数据,研究探讨基于多源数据的全特征土地分类方法。结果表明,全特征的多源数据能够较好地实现土地覆盖分类,本研究区的分类精度达90.22%,并具有较好的可信度。所提出的多源数据的全特征土地分类方法为后续高分系列卫星的综合应用提供了重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
Mountains are biodiversity hotspots, and due to their unique microclimatic circumstances, they host a vast range of endemic species. There are two main hypotheses, the Rapoport and the mid-domain effect hypotheses, which explain how elevation and species richness are linked. The current study was conducted in the Al-Hada escarpment, which is a unique area in the world. It is located on the border of Eurasia and Africa, where there are a lot of plant species from both places. The study aimed to detect the effect of elevation on the floristic composition of the study area. The obtained results showed that the Al-Hada escarpment flora consists of 297 species belonging to 194 genera and fifty-seven distinct families. Only two families, Poaceae and Asteracae, had 22% of the whole recorded species. The obtained results showed that with increasing elevation, the numbers of species, genera, and families increased, in accordance with the Rapoport hypothesis. The numbers of families increased by 62% from the lowest elevation to the highest one, while the numbers of both species and genera increased by more than two-folds. Therophytes exhibited the maximum number, which was 44%, and Chamaephytes came in second with 25%. Phanerophytes and hemicryptophytes made up 13% and 11% of all life forms, respectively, while geophytes made up just 7%. Monoregional elements represented 33.2% of the total recorded species, where Saharo-Sindian species had the most monoregional species, accounting for around 13% of the total species. At the highest elevation, succulents accounted for 7.6% of the research area, whereas N-fixing plants accounted for 6.2%. At the highest elevation, they had the lowest value, and at the middle elevation, they had the highest value. With the rise in elevation, the neotropical, endemic, and Mediterranean elements rose. Succulents and N-fixing species did not show a clear relationship with the elevation but exhibited the lowest value at the highest elevation, and vice versa. Therophytes and geophytes increased while the number of hemicryptophytes decreased with elevation. Surprisingly, phanerophytes did not show any relationship with elevation, while, with the rise in elevation, the pan-tropical, endemic, and Mediterranean elements rose. Neotropical and Saharo-Sindian elements decreased with the rise in elevation. Considering our results, we can conclude that the relationship of taxa diversity with the different altitude of the arid subtropical regions' mountains, whose elevation does not exceed 2000 m (without human disturbance), confirms the Rapoport hypothesis.  相似文献   
灰色系统在地面沉降分析中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该文将灰色系统理论引入地面沉降的研究之中。根据上海地面沉降的历史数据建立了上海地面沉降发展的GM(1,1)模型以及地面沉降与地下水位变化的映射GM(1,2)模型,最后运用所建立的模型对地面沉降的发展态势进行了预测。  相似文献   
天津市地面沉降的特征及其危害   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
天津是我国北方地面沉降最严重的城市之一,40余年的持续沉降不仅直接造成对安全高程、市政基础设施、房屋等建筑物的破坏,而且还通过安全高程的损失加剧了其他自然灾害的发生,使社会经济遭受严重损失.正确认识天津市地面沉降的特点及其危害,有利于控沉部门制定科学而有效的地面沉降减灾防灾政策和措施.基于对地面沉降所造成的危害分析和阐述,认为不合理开发地下流体资源是导致天津市地面沉降的主要原因,并提出相应预防和治理地面沉降的对策.  相似文献   
做好土地资源数量管控,加强耕地质量管理和生态管护是当前的一项非常重要的工作。选择吉林省大安市东南区域为研究对象,进行土地质量地球化学评估,并融合污染元素进行农用地分等研究。结果表明研究区内评定为三等及以上的土壤占全区总面积的72.61%,研究区土地质量总体较好,优质和优良土地分布面积较大,主要为黑钙土,差等的土地主要为盐碱土或盐化草甸土。尝试性地将农用地分等成果中的产能评价和土地质量地球化学评估中的元素含量评价结合,开展了绿色产能评价。  相似文献   
北京平原区快速发展的地面沉降对高速铁路的发展构成了威胁,地面沉降与过量开采地下水造成的水位下降关系密切,为此有针对性地开展基于高速铁路的地下水动态与地面沉降相关关系研究对于高铁安全运行意义重大,特别是对于制定高铁沿线地下水开采方案、地面沉降减缓措施和工程措施至关重要。基于其对高速铁路的影响模式,本文将地面沉降分为区域沉降和局部沉降两种类型。针对区域沉降,利用Logistic方程,使用天竺、望京及王四营分层地面沉降和地下水位数据,构建了不同层位地下水水位变化与地面沉降之间的相关关系模型,通过ABAQUS计算局部地区,对于6m高路堤和15m CFG桩处理深度的地基而言,当渗透系数k=2m/d,距离线路边缘25m处浅层地下水下降10m将产生约61—85mm的沉降。  相似文献   
砂土层在地面沉降过程中呈现一定的蠕变特性。文章采用一维压缩试验对4 MPa 下砂土的变形特征进行了研究,并 采用改进的试验装置对砂土的微观结构进行了提取。通过对8 组不同级配砂土样的蠕变特性和微观结构分析,得到如下结 论:粒径单一的砂土在蠕变过程中更容易出现突变,砂粒受力后更容易发生破碎,产生滑移错动;砂土蠕变的蠕变量与砂 粒级配密切相关,砂土的粒径越单一且粒径越大时,砂土的蠕变量也越大;采用表征砂土颗粒形状复杂程度的形状系数, 从微观上定量分析了砂土在蠕变过程中发生破碎的情况和蠕变量大小,且形状系数越小,表明该种砂土形状越复杂,在蠕 变过程中砂土的破碎性越高,蠕变量越大。  相似文献   
The leading edge of the ENE-trending Himalayan thrust front in Pakistan exhibits along-strike changes in deformational style, ranging from fault-bend to fault-propagation folds. Although the structural geometry is very gently deformed throughout the Salt Range, it becomes progressively more complex to the east as the leading edge of the emergent Salt Range Thrust becomes blind. Surface geology, seismic reflection, petroleum well, and chronostratigraphic data are synthesized to produce a 3-D kinematic model that reconciles the contrasting structural geometries along this part of the Himalayan thrust front. We propose a model whereby displacement was transferred, across a newly-identified lateral ramp, from a fault-bend fold in the west to fault-propagation folds in the east and comparable shortening was synchronously accommodated by two fundamentally different mechanisms: translation vs. telescoping. However, substantially different shortening distribution patterns within these structurally contrasting segments require a tear fault, which later is reactivated as a thrust fault. The present geometry of this S-shaped displacement transfer zone is a combined result of the NW–SE compression of the lateral culmination wall and associated tear fault, and their subsequent modification due to mobilization of underlying ductile salt.  相似文献   
西安市城市地质环境与土地工程能力评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
李显忠 《地球科学》2000,25(6):638-641
从城市地学资料入手, 详细研究了西安市的地质环境主题, 采用了相应的模型, 对土地工程能力进行了综合评价, 为制定城市土地利用工程控制措施提供了科学依据.   相似文献   
高寒植被生态系统变化对土壤物理化学性状的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
在黄河源区选择典型样地,对土壤有机质(SOM)、全氮(N)等化学性状及土壤机械组成、容重和土壤导水率等物理特性进行分析.结果表明,植被退化导致土壤物理化学性状显著退化.灌丛草甸草地土壤表层有机质(SOM)从179.58 g·kg-1降到49.48 g·kg-1,表层碱解N流失率为30%,退化嵩草草甸表层有机质SOM减少53%,碱解N损失率为28.4%.沼泽地有机质SOM减少了15.11 g·kg-1.退化后的土壤土层厚度变薄,土壤颗粒变粗,土壤水分分布和含量出现变化,土壤出现沙化,土壤容重增大,土壤导水率与植被盖度有很好的相关性.研究表明,高寒植被生态系统的变化引起了土壤理化特性的强烈变化,高寒土壤环境出现退化.  相似文献   
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