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珠江口两岸耕地景观破碎化定量分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在GIS技术的支持下,利用景观格局分析软件FRAGSTATS3.0对珠江口两岸耕地资源进行景观破碎化定量分析。研究结果表明,两岸耕地资源碎化程度存在明显的区域差异,珠江口东岸高于西岸,深圳最高,番禺耕地地块数量破碎化与珠海耕地地块形状破碎化程度最低;地貌结构是两岸耕地资源破碎化差异的主要内在因素;快速城市化与工业化占用大量耕地资源同时.在一定程度上影响到两岸耕地资源空间分布特征与耕地资源的完整性。  相似文献   
基于SINMAP模型的区域滑坡危险性定量评估及模型验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用稳定态水文学理论与无限斜坡稳定性模型,构建分布式斜坡稳定性定量评估模型SINMAP,以坡体滑塌十分发育的陕西省略阳县为试验区,利用Grid DEM提取坡度、流向、地形湿度指数和有效汇水面积等流域地形水文数据,将GIS专题图、遥感数据等作为模型输入数据,获得地表斜坡稳定性分级专题图,实现滑坡危险性定量评估;将模型模拟结果与目前国内最具有权威性的中国县(市)地质灾害调查结果进行对比分析,发现两者在稳定性分级标准划分、滑坡点定性评价、滑坡危险性分区等方面都具有很好的相似性和可比性,说明模型的模拟结果能够客观反映研究区地表滑坡危险性,对可能出现的滑坡具有一定的预测精度。因此,该模型的研究有望为定量分析区域滑坡与环境因子的关系、区域滑坡预测等工作奠定基础。  相似文献   
We initially estimated the cropland area at county level using local historical documents for the Songnen Plain (SNP) in the 1910s and 1930s. We then allocated this cropland area to grid cells with a size of 1 km × 1 km, using a range of cultivation possibilities from high to low; this was based on topography and minimum distances to rivers, settlements, and traffic lines. Cropland areas for the 1950s were obtained from the Land Use Map of Northeast China, and map vectorization was performed with ArcGIS technology. Cropland areas for the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, and 2010s were retrieved from Landsat images. We found that the cropland areas were 4.92 × 104 km2 and 7.60 × 104 km2, accounting for 22.8% and 35.2% of the total area of the SNP in the 1910s and 1930s, respectively, which increased to 13.14 × 104 km2, accounting for 60.9% in the 2010s. The cropland increased at a rate of 1.18 × 104 km2 per decade from the 1910s to 1970s while it was merely 0.285 × 104 km2 per decade from the 1970s to 2010s. From the 1910s to 1930s, new cultivation mainly occurred in the central SNP while, from the 1930s to 1970s, it was mainly over the western and northern parts. This spatially explicit reconstruction could be offered as primary data for studying the effects of changes in human-induced land cover based on climate change over the last century.  相似文献   
社会主义市场经济条件下的土地储备及其模式选择   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
社会主义市场经济建设的逐步完善,要求我们必须改变传统的土地管理思路,土地储备作为政府经营城市的一种重要手段,能够使政府在土地管理的实践中实现资源与资产并重的目标。在阐述土地储备的涵义、起源及其在我国的产生与发展的基础上,分析了土地储备的运行机制与最终目标,归纳了我国土地储备的基本做法,首次提出了城市土地储备的直接储备模式和间接土地储备模式概念,并提出了地方政府构建城市土地储备模式的基本原则和具体操作思路。  相似文献   
介绍了在湖泊浅滩及养殖区密集的浅水系地表条件下开展三维地震勘探的主要特点和难点,并提出了具有针对性的技术措施,从而保证了野外数据采集和资料处理的质量。通过对三维地震勘探的野外数据采集、资料处理的总结和地质成果的验证,说明了三维地震在湖泊和鱼塘密集区等地表为浅水系地区取得较好勘探效果,并为今后地表复杂地区的三维地震勘探工作提供了借鉴经验。  相似文献   
本文利用2009年6月至2010年5月日本宇宙航空研究开发机构(JAXA)、日本环境署(MOE)与日本环境研究(NIES)所等联合开发的全球首颗专用温室气体观测卫星“呼吸号”(GOSAT)上的被动红外探测器(TANSO)官方反演的近地面975hPa左右的CO2浓度L4B数据产品,采用ArcGIS地统计分析方法,对比瓦里关全球大气本底站地面观测数据进行真实性检验,分析中国区域近地面CO2浓度分布的时空变化特征。结果表明:中国区域近地面CO2浓度空间分布集中,东高西低,差异显著;CO2浓度具有明显的季节变化特征,月平均浓度4月份(春季)升至最高,7月份(夏季)降至最低。结合“中国统计年鉴2012”中的2009年人口密度、能源消费总量(煤)和GDP等辅助数据对比发现:导致中国近地面CO2浓度空间分布规律的原因多种多样,不可轻易定论是人为或自然使然,需进一步深入研究。  相似文献   
基于支持向量机的京津冀城市群热环境时空形态模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市群热环境作为区域生态重要组成部分,已成为近年来的研究热点。而如何选择针对城市群这种复杂地地貌特征的热环境量化工具一直是亟待解决的技术难点,基于此本研究提出了一种解决多样本、非线性、非平稳及高维函数拟合的计算方法,并建立了基于支持向量机(SVM)的京津冀城市群热环境曲面模型来揭示城市群热环境的时空形态变化。研究结果表明:① SVM模型在刻画多核心、多种土地利用类型城市群热环境的空间分布方面具有理论与实践可行性,能够根据热环境的整体空间布局通过高斯核函数进行局部优化差值,最大限度减少缺省值对模型拟合结果的影响。相比于对照方法可以模拟出更高精度的复杂地貌特征城市群热岛空间分布格局;② 在SVM模型曲面拟合的过程中,拟合精度和拟合时间是衡量拟合结果的重要指标,而原始影像的分辨率则是影响该指标的决定性因素;③ 2003-2013年区域内北京市与天津市的城市热岛效应变化最为明显,热岛面积分别增加7091 km2与4196 km2,空间上呈现出逐年接近连片发展趋势,热岛重心移动轨迹具有明显的时空分异性。北京城市热岛特征为东南部地区异速增长,西部地区缓慢增长;天津城市热岛特征为以城市中心为圆心向周围扩展。本研究进一步丰富了城市群热环境评测的定量方法,可以在实践上对城市群的城市规划、城市建设、环境保护和区域可持续发展等提供定量化、可视化的决策支持。  相似文献   
A global atmospheric general circulation model (L9R15 AGCMs) forced by COADS SST was integrated from 1945 to 1993. Interannual and interdecadal variability of the simulated surface wind over the tropical Pacific was analyzed and shown to agree vey well with observation. Simulation of surface wind over the central-western equatorial Pacific was more successful than that over the eastern Pacific. Zonal propagating feature of interannual variability of the tropical Pacific wind anomalies and its decadal difference were also simulated successfully. The close agreement between simulation and observation on the existence of obvious interdecadal variability of tropical Pacific surface wind attested to the high simulation capability of AGCM.  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTIONWiththerecentmodernizationandurbanizationofChi-na,urbanareashavegreatlyincreased, andgiantbuild-ings,especiallythosetallerthan100m,havebeendomi-nantincities,whichhave resultedinthegreatincreaseintheproportionofbuilding'sexternalsurfacetototalurbanarea.Thedifferencesofthermalpropertiesmain-lyinducedbysolarradiationbetweenbuilding'sexter-nalsurfacesareobviousfordifferentexposures,whichcaninevitablyinfluencethedistributionsofairtempera-turenearby,eventheverticaldistributionsofurb…  相似文献   
IntroductionNever before hasit beensotrue than now,thatlandis ali mitedresource.Population growth and as-sociated human activities,especially agricultureacross the world have not only led to land degrada-tion,but soil loss at rates that have pushed arablesoils to frontier thresholds.In the absence of arablesoil,the human environment would cease to groworeven demise(Ramet al.,2006).Studies haveshownthat in many regions of the world,runoff andsoil erosion differ withland-use type.Judson(1965)re…  相似文献   
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