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This article describes a unique flood hazard, produced by the dramatic expansion of wetlands in Nelson County, located within the North American Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota, USA. There has been an unprecedented increase in the number, average size, and permanence of prairie wetlands, and a significant increase in the size of a closed lake (Stump Lake) due to a decade-long wet spell that began in 1993 following a prolonged drying trend. Base-line land cover information from the 1992 USGS National Land Cover Characterization dataset, and a Landsat TM scene acquired 9 July 2001 are used to assess the growth of the closed lake and wetland pond surface areas, and to analyze the type and area of various land cover classes inundated between 1992 and 2001. The open water profile in Nelson County changed from one marked by relatively comparable coverage of closed lake and wetland pond areas in 1992, to one in which wetland open water accounted for the vast majority of total open water in 2001. The bulk of the wetland pond area expansion occurred by displacing existing wetland vegetation and agricultural cropland. Producers responded to the flood hazard by filing Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) claims and enrolling cropland in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), a federal land retirement program. Land taken out of agricultural production has had an enormous impact upon the agricultural sector that forms the economic base of the rural economy. In 2001 the land taken out of production due to CRP enrollment and preventive planting claims represented nearly 42% of Nelson County’s 205.2 K ha base agricultural land. The patterns obtained from this detailed study of Nelson County are likely to be the representative of the more publicized flood disaster occurring within the Devils Lake Basin of North Dakota.  相似文献   
Mass movements such as landslides in mountainous terrains are natural degradation processes and one of the most important landscape-building factors. Varunawat Parbat overlooking Uttarkashi town witnessed a series of landslides on 23 September 2003 and the debris slides and rock falls continued for 2 weeks. This landslide complex was triggered due to the incessant rainfall prior to the event, and its occurrence led to the blockage of the pilgrim route to Gangotri (source of the Ganges river) and evacuation of thousands of people to safer places. Though there was no loss of lives due to timely evacuation, heavy losses to the property were reported. High-resolution stereoscopic earth observation data were acquired after the incidence to study the landslide in detail with emphasis on the cause of the landslide and mode of failure. Areas along the road and below the Varunawat foothill region are mapped for landslide risk. It was found that the foothill region of the Varunawat Parbat was highly disturbed by man-made activities and houses are dangerously located below steep slopes. The potential zones for landslides along with the existing active and old landslides are mapped. These areas are critical and their treatment with priority is required in order to minimise further landslide occurrences.  相似文献   
气候变化对塔里木河来自天山的地表径流影响   总被引:21,自引:10,他引:11  
塔里木河水资源主要来自天山南坡两条源流,选择西段阿克苏河和中段开都河-孔雀河作为研究区.1956-2003年研究河源山区气温呈持续升温且降水波动增加的趋势,其中1995-2003年升温强劲,升温速率高出48 a期间平均的3倍以上;降水自1986年后持续增加,20世纪90年代较80年代增幅达18%,并显示出河源山区湿岛向塔里木盆地扩展.因高山缺少气象观测,出山径流过程变化可以综合反映中高山带的气候变化.塔里木河来自天山的地表径流在1986-2003年间持续增长,以冰川融水补给为主的库玛拉克河,1994年以来年径流量增加已在前期平均值基础上提升了一个台阶;开都河以降水径流补给为主,1986-2002年出现了观测记录以来的丰水期,并使1986年后博斯腾湖水位快速上升,恢复到1958年记录的最高水位以上.两河年径流变化趋势基本相似,但也显示有西、中段的气候变化局部差异,出现丰枯水期的不一致;然而,在近16 a升温过程中,年径流增长幅度和快慢相近.  相似文献   
在2005-2007年期间,先后3次对中国-俄罗斯原油管道漠河-大庆段沿线的冻土工程地质条件等进行科学考察,开展了冻土工程地质条件及其在气候变化和人类活动作用下的评价和预测研究.考察研究结果表明:管道沿线多年冻土在各类融区、季节冻土和水系等分隔作用下呈片状或岛状分布,沿线岛状、稀疏岛状及零星岛状占多年冻土区段的40%左右;管道沿线多年冻土随着气候的转暖和人类活动的影响不断退化.地形地貌单元、植被分布、地表水分条件的变化等局部因素对多年冻土的分布和地下冰的赋存产生重要的影响,管道沿线大约分布有50 km左右的沼泽湿地,其表层为腐殖质土及泥炭层,泥炭层下面分布着含土冰层或地下冰,是管道沿线最差的冻土工程地质地段;由于中俄原油管道沿线水系发育多,冻胀丘、冰椎和冰幔等不良冻土现象广泛分布.科学考察的成果为管道沿线冻土工程地质条件评价和预测、管道的稳定性影响分析以及后期的长期检测系统设置等研究奠定坚实的基础,进一步为即将开工的中俄原油管道漠河-大庆段工程的设计、施工提供科学依据.  相似文献   
The hydroelastic responses of a very-long floating structure (VLFS) placed behind a reverse T-shape freely floating breakwater with a built-in oscillating water column (OWC) chamber are analyzed in two dimensions. The Bernoulli–Euler beam equation is coupled with the equations of rigid and elastic motions of the breakwater and the VLFS. The interaction of waves between the floating rigid breakwater and the elastic VLFS is formulated in a consistent manner. It has been shown numerically that the structural deflections of the VLFS can be reduced significantly by a suitably designed reverse T-shape floating breakwater.  相似文献   
作者研究三维变系数抛物方程 Douglas交替方向隐格式的稳定性和收敛性。采用 H1能量估计方法 ,证明格式按离散 H1范数是绝对稳定的 ,并且收敛阶为 O(Δ t2 + h2 )  相似文献   
鲁中南隆起区第四纪晚期断裂活动特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
根据野外调查,并综合前人的研究资料,对鲁中南地区第四纪晚期断裂活动进行了分析,研究表明,鲁中南隆起区第四纪断裂活动具有时空不均匀性,主要表现为第四纪时期断层活动强度变化和断裂活动的群集性以及第四纪晚期断裂活动段分布的局限性上。对于鲁中南地区而言,活动断层可以分为中更新世中期(500kaBP)至晚更新世初期(90kaBP)活断层和晚更新世中、晚期至全新世早期活断层两类;其中前一类(主要是中更新世断裂)断裂数量较多,分布较为广泛,而晚更新世晚期以来的活动断裂段的数量较少,分布较局限。它们对地震的控制能力不同,前者可控制5.5级左右的地震,而后一类可控制6-7级地震的发生。  相似文献   
蓝东兆  方琦  顾海峰  李超 《台湾海峡》2004,23(4):453-457,i005
本工作通过分析厦门湾表层沉积物中的甲藻休眠孢囊,发现了1种有毒塔玛亚历山大藻(Alexandrium tamarense)休眠孢囊,及两种有害甲藻休眠孢囊:锥状斯氏藻(Scrippsiella trochoidea)、具刺膝沟藻(Gonyaulax spinifera).对塔玛亚历山大藻进行了培养。并初步研究了该藻的毒性及贝类对其毒素的积累.研究结果表明,厦门海域沉积物中的塔玛亚历山犬藻是有毒的.它的较适宜生长环境条件是:水温20~25℃.盐度为25~30,光照度为3000~50001x.塔玛亚历山大藻在每年的4月26日至6月10日、10月11日至11月20日可能会形成有害藻华,危害厦门海域的海洋生物并可能威胁到人类的健康和生命安全.  相似文献   
大黄鱼皮肤溃烂病病原的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从福建省厦门西海域某渔排养殖大黄鱼(Pseudosciaena cyogga)患皮肤溃烂病的肝脏、肌肉分离到2株优势菌。人工感染试验证实其中1株为致病菌。该菌的主要生理生化特性为革兰氏阴性,短杆状,极生单鞭毛,发酵葡萄糖,氧化酶阳性,赖氨酸脱羧酶、鸟氨酸脱羧酶阳性,精氨酸脱羧酶、水杨素、枸橼酸盐阴性,不产生H2S,利用葡萄糖、甘露醇产酸,对O/129(10μg)不敏感。在含0%,10%NaCl的普通培养基上不生长;在含2%,4%,6%,8%NaCl的普通培养基中生长;在温度30,35,40℃下生长良好,但4℃不生长。初步鉴定该病原菌为副溶血弧菌(Vibrio parahaemolyticus)。药敏试验表明,该菌对卡那霉素、复方新诺明、链霉素等10种药物敏感,对青霉素G、氨苄青霉素、利福平等6种药物不敏感。  相似文献   
The motion and the drift force of a floating OWC (oscillating water column) wave energy device in regular waves are studied taking account of the oscillating surface-pressure due to the pressure drop across the duct of the air chamber. The potential problem inside the chamber is formulated by making use of the Green integral equation associated with the Rankine-type Green function while the outer problem with the Kelvin-type Green function. The added mass, wave damping and excitation coefficients as well as the motion and drift force of the OWC device are calculated for various values of parameter related to the pressure drop.  相似文献   
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