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青藏高原渐新世晚期隆升的地质证据   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
国内外学者普遍认为,地壳缩短增厚是青藏高原隆升的主要原因,青藏高原隆升对环境变迁和东亚季风具有重要影响,但对青藏高原隆升时代存在不同认识。通过统计分析青藏高原中段新生代不同时期的地层倾角,表明区域褶皱变形主要发生于古近纪,中新世湖相沉积地层产状平缓,挤压构造变形微弱,说明地壳缩短增厚主要发生于中新世前。湖相沉积地层的孢粉分析结果表明,青藏地区热带亚热带阔叶林植被自始新世中期开始逐步减少,至中新世早期濒临消亡;暗针叶林植被自渐新世早中期开始逐步增加,至中新世早中期达到繁盛程度甚至居主导地位。根据这些地质证据,结合全球气候变化、古气温及年代学资料,综合推断青藏高原渐新世晚期隆升高度达到海拔4000m左右。  相似文献   
Overlapping gravity accumulation bodies were formed on the northwestern steep slope of the Shuangyang Formation in the Moliqing fault depression of northeast China. This study analyzed in detail the spatial distribution of the lithofacies and lithofacies associations of these accumulation bodies based on more than 600 m of core sections, and summarized 12 major types of lithofacies and three types of lithofacies associations: (1) the proximal zone consists of gravelly debris flows dominated by alluvial channel conglomerates; (2) the middle zone is dominated by various gravity flow deposits and traction flow deposits; and (3) the distal zone is dominated by mudstones with intercalations of sandy debris and turbidites. Combining with the grain size cumulative probability curves analysis, we determined the transformation of debris flows to sandy debris flows and to turbidity currents in the slope zone of the basin margin, and further proposed a lacustrine slope apron model that is characterized by (1) an inconstant multiple source (line source), (2) an alternation of gravity flow deposits and traction flow deposits dominated by periodical changes in a source flood flow system, and (3) the transformation of sandy debris flow deposits into distal turbidity current deposits. This sedimentary model may be applicable to other fault depressions for predicting reservoir distribution.  相似文献   
Oil and gas shows are rich in drilling wells in Kaiping sag,however,large oilfield was still not found in this area.For a long time,it is thought that source rocks were developed in the middle-deep lacustrine facies in the Eocene Wenchang Formation,while there is no source rocks that in middle-deep lacustrine facies have been found in well.Thickness of Wenchang Formation is big and reservoirs with good properties could be found in this formation.Distribution and scale of source rock are significant for further direction of petroleum exploration.Distribution characterization of middle-deep lacustrine facies is the base for source rock research.Based on the sedimentary background,fault activity rate,seismic response features,and seismic attributes were analyzed.No limited classification method and multi-attributes neural network deep learning method were used for predicting of source rock distribution in Wenchang Formation.It is found that during the deposition of lower Wenchang Formation,activity rate of main fault controlling the sub sag sedimentation was bigger than 100 m/Ma,which formed development background for middle-deep lacustrine facies.Compared with the seismic response of middle-deep lacustrine source rocks developed in Zhu I depression,those in Kaiping sag are characterized in low frequency and good continuity.Through RGB frequency decomposition,areas with low frequency are main distribution parts for middle-deep lacustrine facies.Dominant frequency,instantaneous frequency,and coherency attributes of seismic could be used in no limited classification method for further identification of middle-deep lacustrine facies.Based on the limitation of geology knowledge,multi-attributes of seismic were analyzed through neural network deep learning method.Distribution of middle-deep lacustrine facies in the fourth member of Wenchang Formation is oriented from west to east and is the largest.Square of the middle-deep lacustrine facies in that member is 154 km2and the volume is 50 km3.Achievements could be bases for hydrocarbon accumulation study and for exploration target optimization in Kaiping sag.  相似文献   
冰冻圈演化不仅与青藏高原水塔变化、地表侵蚀风化及荒漠化密切相关,还深刻影响着亚洲季风系统和全球气候,冰碛物的粒度组成可以为冰冻圈演化提供重要信息,但高原冰碛物的特征粒度组成及其形成机理仍不清楚,高原冰碛物与高原冷黄土及河湖沉积物的关系也不明确。为此,选择青藏高原最大的冰帽——古里雅冰帽的冰碛物及系列冰水沉积物,开展系统粒度组成研究。研究发现:自终碛到冰川前端冰水扇及下游河流冰水沉积均表现出特征的双峰模态,即1~3φ(500~125μm)的中细砂峰和6~8φ(16~4μm)的细粉砂峰,前者可能由冰川压碎、寒冻风化崩裂作用造成,后者由冰川研磨作用形成,并受到源区基岩岩性软弱和组成颗粒大小的影响。冰川磨蚀的细粉砂组分含量,从冰碛物经冰水扇、河流到湖滩沉积物整体呈现减小趋势,粗粉砂在湖滩沉积中几乎完全被风吹走,粗粉砂直接成为下游黄土的物源并富集其中成为黄土特征组分,水流分选在开口湖泊中产生粗、细粉砂的明显富集,这些证据揭示出,无论是与冰川发育相关的尾闾湖沉积还是近源、远源的青藏高原及周边黄土沉积,其粉砂组成和来源,均可为高原冰冻圈的形成演化提供重要信息。  相似文献   
The lacustrine sedimentary records of coal-burning atmospheric pollution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the acceleration of industrialization, coal- burning atmospheric pollution is getting more and more serious in many regions in China. However, there are only about ten odd years literature records about pollution in some large and mid-sized cities, where the atmosphere has perhaps been polluted for several decades, and therefore it is difficult to know the process and characteristic of pollution, and diffi-cult to evaluate its damage to environment. Lacustrine sediment, a natural record w…  相似文献   
古湖岸线是历史时期湖平面与古陆地的交线,是陆上和水下沉积的分界线。确定古湖岸线的位置对于油气勘探起着重要的指导作用。在利用泥岩颜色、泥岩X衍射分析以及自然伽马曲线特征等常规湖岸线识别方法的基础上,从有机岩石学分析的全新角度认识研究区盒8段沉积环境,确定了盒8期古湖岸线具体位置及湖岸线摆动区。沉积盆地中古湖岸线控制了优质储集层的形成与发育,由于砂岩粒度、软岩屑含量、填隙物组成的差异以及后期成岩作用导致水上沉积带砂岩物性要优于岸线摆动沉积带和水下沉积带砂岩。  相似文献   
毛乌素沙地北缘泊江海子剖面粒度特征及环境意义   总被引:4,自引:8,他引:4  
隆浩  王乃昂  李育  王晨华 《中国沙漠》2007,27(2):187-193
通过毛乌素沙地现代风成沙的粒度与泊江海子剖面沉积物粒度特征对比分析,确定了剖面中4个层位(290—210 cm、190—160 cm 、153.5—123.5 cm、50—40 cm)基本属于风成砂沉积,并且这些风成砂中间夹杂着三次湖相沉积,结合14C年代测定,我们认为此区域在4 000—5 000 a BP存在以下沉积(气候)旋回:至(4 958±84)a BP,沉积风成砂,反映该时期风沙活动强烈,气候干燥,冬季风强盛;(4 958±84)a BP前后,沉积物为灰绿色湖相层,表明这一时期存在短暂的湖面扩展,沙漠退缩;(4 958±84)—(4 793±74)a BP,沉积风成砂,反映了湖泊的退缩和沙漠的扩展;(4 793±74)—(4 536±70)a BP,湖相沉积物,反映了流域降水量的增多;(4 536±70)—(4 085±67)a BP沉积风成砂后,(4 085±67)a BP前后又出现了短暂的湖相沉积,之后又是风成砂沙沉积。  相似文献   
通过对西藏海拔最高、面积最大湖泊-纳木错周缘湖相沉积、湖岸堤的野外调查和湖岸阶地的水准测量,发现在纳木错沿岸拔湖48m以下,发育有6级湖岸阶地,拔湖48~139.2m发育有高位湖相沉积。湖相沉积物的同位素测年结果表明,纳木错湖泊发育与藏北高原东南部古大湖演化可划分为3个阶段:①116~37kaB.P.间的古大湖期;②37~30kaB.P.间的外流湖期;③30kaB.P.以来的纳木错期。根据纳木错晚更新世以来湖相沉积中粘土矿物的X光衍射分析结果,以及采用比值法、高岭石法和衍射峰法的研究,探讨了粘土矿物所显示的环境变化信息。粘土矿物成分变化表明,该区已具备了寒温带干旱、半干旱区的气候环境特征。为研究青藏高原的湖泊演化、气候变化、古地理变迁及其隆升过程等提供了新资料。   相似文献   
时伟  蒋汉朝 《古地理学报》2022,24(3):599-610
为探讨构造稳定地区(如黄土高原)和构造活跃地区(如青藏高原东缘)粉尘沉积物中磁化率(SUS)与粒度的相关性及其对环境事件的指示意义,本次研究分析了黄土高原蓝田剖面黄土—古土壤样品和青藏高原东缘湖相沉积样品的粒度和磁化率记录。黄土高原黄土—古土壤沉积SUS与2~10 μm粒度组分最强正相关,青藏高原东缘湖相沉积的SUS与2~10 μm粒度组分最强负相关,反映2~10 μm粒度组分为黄土高原和青藏高原乃至亚洲干旱—半干旱地区连续稳定敏感的背景沉积组分。黄土高原黄土—古土壤沉积的SUS与32~63 μm粒度组分最强负相关,青藏高原东缘湖相沉积的SUS与32~63 μm粒度组分最强正相关,反映32~63 μm粒度组分不仅是黄土高原尘暴事件沉积的敏感指标,也是青藏高原东缘湖相沉积记录的地震事件敏感指标。SUS与粒度组分的相关性在青藏高原东缘地区地震事件层开始部分高于结束部分,也较好地反映地震事件为研究区添加新鲜沉积物后随地形地貌恢复逐步减少的过程。SUS与粒度组分相关性也受当地物源的影响。  相似文献   
长期以来关于构造隆升、气候变化和大陆化学风化的相互关系存在诸多争议。在气候和构造相互作用典型区域建立高精度大陆化学风化序列是解决上述科学问题的有效途径之一。位于青藏高原东北缘长期封闭的柴达木盆地,其独特的位置和连续的沉积使其成为研究构造隆升、气候变化和大陆化学风化的理想场所。本文以柴达木盆地西部千米深钻SG-1钻孔高质量的连续细粒湖相岩芯为研究对象,使用盐类矿物的硫酸根和钾离子含量、碳酸盐锰含量和硅酸盐化学蚀变指数(CIA)和Nd同位素分析,重建该区第四纪以来湖泊流域气候变化过程和硅酸盐化学风化及可能的物源变化。结果表明柴达木盆地西部第四纪以来流域物源相对稳定,流域整体呈现出气候干旱化、流域硅酸盐风化强度减弱、湖水盐度增加和湖面降低的长期一致性演化过程;上述演化进程在2.2 Ma到2.0 Ma期间短暂加强,在约1.2 Ma和约0.6~0.5 Ma出现逐步加强趋势。过去60万年,柴达木盆地西部在冰期存在的相对高湖面时期与黄土高原粒度指标反映的冬季风减弱阶段可以很好对比。北大西洋海表温度反映的高纬过程是长时间尺度(>105年)驱动柴达木盆地西部气候变化和流域硅酸盐风化强度变化的主要因素;西伯利亚高压系统和西风系统的"跷跷板关系"可能是冰期-间冰期或者更短尺度影响柴达木盆地西部气候变化的主要因素。  相似文献   
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