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The construction period in cold regions is very short due to problems related to excavation and use of frozen soils in embankment construction, which leads to excessive deformations upon thawing. Also, handling of compaction water is critical due to freezing temperatures. Coalburning thermal power plants are very common in cold regions to supply electricity. The inorganic part of the pulverized coal after burning produces fly ash, which is available in large volumes. Due to excavation difficulties and the poor engineering behavior of frozen soils in cold regions, the utilization of fly ash when it is readily available must be promoted. Any construction technique which utilizes alternative materials like fly ash and minimizes water consumption has a potential to extend the short construction season and even allow service and maintenance during extreme weather conditions. This paper presents two potential techniques to solve the moisture affinity of silt-sized materials like fly ash. One technique involves in-plant production of fly ash pellets using cold-bonding pelletization to manufacture aggregates of up to 40,000-μm diameter from 15- to 60-μm-diameter fly ash grains. Large disc pelletizers have annual production capacities of up to one million ton at a reasonable cost. The product has adequate strength for embankment construction even when no water is used and no compaction is applied. The second technique is an in situ mixing technique which uses snow instead of compaction water for fly ash. The snow is the main element in this technique to compact the embankment. Water is needed for the hydration reactions to form cementitious minerals in fly ash. The slower the hydration reaction, the greater the crystal growth of cementitious minerals. In the proposed technique, in situ snow is mixed with fly ash and is compacted on-site. The temperature increase due to the hydration reaction of fly ash upon contact with snow crystals provides water for continued long-term hydration, which results in high strength, a high void ratio, light weight, and high thermal insulation capability. The presented techniques have the potential to extend the short construction season in cold regions and will provide fill material, decreasing the need for excavation. Both techniques are well documented under laboratory conditions, the research results have been published, and the techniques are ready for field trials to assess implementability.  相似文献   
何峰  陈征  周宏伟 《热带地理》2016,36(4):580-590
以湘南地区为地理单元,在分析该地自然地理条件和历史文化环境的基础上,探索该地传统村落人居环境的选址思想和营建模式。从选址思想来看,基于安全防御、农业生产、经济营建和风水观念的考虑,湘南传统村落多选址于地域环境相对独立或封闭的丘陵坡地或台地上;从营建模式来看,湘南传统村落人居环境追求“天人合一”的哲学思想,布局遵循传统礼制,实行自主互助并秉承经济实用的原则,发展体现区位择优的生长规律。  相似文献   
我国西部生态退化的社会经济分析--以川西为例   总被引:9,自引:11,他引:9  
陈国阶 《地理科学》2002,22(4):390-396
导致川西生态退化主要原因是经济发展水平低,人口超过环境容量,农村生产方式和生活方式落后,以柴、粪为薪、天然放牧,陡坡垦殖,砍伐森林等导致植被破坏,草场退化,水土流失,据此,对川西的区域资源优势,川西较低密度人口,川西资源开发和支柱产业选择应重新评价和定位。进行川西生态建设,实施可持续发展战略,必须营造开放的社会-经济-自然复合系统的耗散结构,构造社会、经济发展与生态建设协调的有序结构和机制。同时,较彻底地改造农林牧生态系统,开创与生态协调的农业结构,生产模式,种植模式和管理模式,进行农牧区社区建设,根除刀耕火种,陡坡垦殖,游牧的社会基础。  相似文献   
公路建设对甘南草原生态环境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据甘肃甘南藏族自治区的自然环境特征、国道G213线的工程建设特点,分析了G213线改扩建工程对甘南州草原生态环境的影响。结果表明,公路建设施工期对沿线植被的负面影响较剧烈,局部土壤环境受到较大扰动,被扰动的土体侵蚀类型主要是水蚀,扰动后可能造成水土流失量为68866.7 t,新增水土流失量为63 060.5 t。针对项目可能存在的主要生态环境问题(植被破坏、水土流失等),提出了建议措施。  相似文献   
Within the German Tropospheric Research Programme (TFS) numerous kinetic and mechanistic studies on the tropospheric reaction/degradation of the following reactants were carried out: oxygenated VOC, aromatic VOC, biogenic VOC, short-lived intermediates, such as alkoxy and alkylperoxy radicals.At the conception of the projects these selected groups were classes of VOC or intermediates for which the atmospheric oxidation mechanisms were either poorly characterised or totally unknown. The motivation for these studies was the attainment of significant improvements in our understanding of the atmospheric chemical oxidation processes of these compounds, particularly with respect to their involvement in photooxidant formation in the troposphere. In the present paper the types of experimental investigations performed and the results obtained within the various projects are briefly summarised. The major achievements are highlighted and discussed in terms of their contribution to improving our understanding of the chemical processes controlling photosmog formation in the troposphere.  相似文献   
旅游对古镇地方性的影响研究——基于周庄的多案例考察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
姜辽  苏勤 《地理科学》2016,36(5):766-771
综合运用倾听、照相、参与式观察、访谈、笔记等多种调研方法,选择能代表周庄旅游发展不同阶段、不同类型的游憩场所,收集田野调查数据,游客、居民、旅游从业者、旅游管理者的访谈数据,分析周庄古镇地方性多样化建构的过程。研究发现资本权力是空间生产的主要动力,是地方性形成的物质基础;文化知识影响社会空间的氛围,通过对社会秩序和关系的再生产影响地方性,文化中的艺术扮演了营造氛围的重要角色,间接培育地方性;民俗生活属于社会文化层面的软实力,发自内心的民俗活动促进了睦邻友好和相互交流,当地居民日常生活对权力和资本规训进行诗意的抵制,增加了地方的日常生活性。  相似文献   
Racism has become a fact of life in Australia over the past decade or so, yet there are relatively few studies of its nature or extent, and still fewer on its geography. Using a social constructivist approach, this study draws on a survey of 5056 respondents to investigate attitudes to racism and cultural diversity in New South Wales and Queensland, and of perceptions of out-groups as instances of ‘strangers in our midst’. On racism, results show the presence of a continuum of attitudes ranging from generally tolerant to generally intolerant, a presence which cuts across compositional (social or aspatial) characteristics to emphasise the existence of a distinctive geography, an everywhere different nature to racist and non-racist attitudes which transcends urban–rural and traditional social layers. On the other hand, perceptions of out-groups are not uniformly correlated with presence or absence of cultural diversity. In many cases, the ability to make judgements about significant ‘others’ or out-groups has been shown to relate more to abstract notions of self and national identity, reproduced in public by mainstream news media and political leaders. In particular, it may reflect an Anglo (or Anglo-Celtic) view on nationalism, which is a hallmark of the ‘new racism’: an assimilationist or ethnocultural view of Australian society which is different from the ‘civic nation’ ideal envisaged by multiculturalism. That the geography of attitudes and perceptions people have towards and about different cultural groups is so ‘everywhere different’ has important implications for attempts to address and redress issues of intolerance in Australia.  相似文献   
笔者研究了国内外社区建设的理论及经验,认为中国社区发展的自立障碍是普遍的问题,而提高社区能力,发挥社区资源潜力,才能实现社区建设的意义.通过深入的考察泉州先行发展的“全国社区建设示范区”-鲤城区,总结已取得的主要成就,提出存在问题的核心是社区自立障碍.本文还阐述社区自立建设使社区朝良性循环的思路.  相似文献   
石羊河下游地区近年来由于河水注入量的持续减少,使得依赖河水补给的地下水相应减少,造成区域性地下水位的下降,从而出现了一系列的生态环境问题。石羊河流域下游的民勤绿洲面临严重的生态危机,如何抢救和保护民勤绿洲,引起了社会各界的广泛关注。为了恢复和重建受损的生态系统,实施了下游调水工程——甘肃省景泰川电力提灌二期向民勤调水工程,该工程是国内第一个长距离穿越沙漠的跨流域调水工程,线路经过腾格里沙漠流动沙丘区,无水无路,施工条件非常艰苦;经过试验研究,提出了以当地材料为主的沙漠区施工道路的设计与施工方案。工程施工和运行实践表明,该方案施工简便,费省效宏。  相似文献   
陶伟  蔡浩辉  廖健豪 《地理科学》2020,40(4):637-645
选取元阳哈尼梯田稻作系统为研究对象,基于粮食地理学的农产品生产-消费网络理论,通过深度访谈等方法分析多元主体在本土农业生产消费领域中的策略及行为,解读其中的社会建构现象。研究发现:农业生产领域中多元参与特征显著,优质稻种的人为筛选、种养品种的多样化以及土地流转的推广均为政府、村民和外来企业为实现各自利益而共同协商达成的策略,不同行动者共同利用与改造着农业生产的各种要素;农产品消费领域中,政府和企业逐步承担了农产品商品化的后续工序,国有资本完成农产品的收购、加工与包装,外来商业资本负责建构商品品牌,满足目标消费者的市场需求是他们的共同目标。  相似文献   
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