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Simulation of multigaussian stochastic fields can be made after a Karhunen-Loéve expansion of a given covariance function. This method is also called simulation by Empirical Orthogonal Functions. The simulations are made by drawing stochastic coefficients from a random generator. These numbers are multiplied with eigenfunctions and eigenvalues derived from the predefined covariance model. The number of eigenfunctions necessary to reproduce the stochastic process within a predefined variance error, turns out to be a cardinal question. Some ordinary analytical covariance functions are used to evaluate how quickly the series of eigenfunctions can be truncated. This analysis demonstrates extremely quick convergence to 99.5% of total variance for the 2nd order exponential (‘gaussian’) covariance function, while the opposite is true for the 1st order exponential covariance function. Due to these convergence characteristics, the Karhunen-Loéve method is most suitable for simulating smooth fields with ‘gaussian’ shaped covariance functions. Practical applications of Karhunen-Loéve simulations can be improved by spatial interpolation of the eigenfunctions. In this paper, we suggest interpolation by kriging and limits for reproduction of the predefined covariance functions are evaluated.  相似文献   
A major difficulty in remote sensing is handling the many data from sensors aboard aircraft and satellites. In this paper we identify an optimal procedure for sampling remotely sensed data before their storage or on their retrieval. The procedure depends on spatial correlation in the scene and uses kriging to estimate values that have been lost. An example in which data from an airborne multispectral scanner could be diminished to only about one tenth without serious loss of precision illustrates the method.  相似文献   
张生元  武强  成秋明  葛咏 《地球科学》2006,31(3):389-393
为了使在地理信息系统中被广泛用于点事件预测的证据权方法能对面事件进行评价和预测, 提出了一种新的基于模糊训练层的证据权方法.它是一种更广泛的证据权方法, 与普通证据权方法所不同的是, 它的训练层是模糊集合, 其取值是它的隶属度.通过适当的变换也可以把点训练层转换为模糊集合.因此, 该方法可以对面事件、点事件和线事件进行评价和预测.该方法可以处理训练层和证据层均为模糊集合的情况, 被称为双重模糊证据权方法.作为该方法的一个应用实例, 本文介绍毛乌素沙漠边缘的晋陕蒙地区土地沙漠化评价的应用实例.   相似文献   
Geoscientific Information Systems (GIS) provide tools to quantitatively analyze and integrate spatially referenced information from geological, geophysical, and geochemical surveys for decision-making processes. Excellent coverage of well-documented, precise and good quality data enables testing of variable exploration models in an efficient and cost effective way with GIS tools. Digital geoscientific data from the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) are being used widely as spatial evidence in exploration targeting, that is ranking areas based on their exploration importance. In the last few years, spatial analysis techniques including weights-of-evidence, logistic regression, and fuzzy logic, have been increasingly used in GTK’s mineral exploration and geological mapping projects. Special emphasis has been put into the exploration for gold because of the excellent data coverage within the prospective volcanic belts and because of the increased activity in gold exploration in Finland during recent years. In this paper, we describe some successful case histories of using the weights-of-evidence method for the Au-potential mapping. These projects have shown that, by using spatial modeling techniques, exploration targets can be generated by quantitatively analyzing extensive amounts of data from various sources and to rank these target areas based on their exploration potential.  相似文献   
The patterns of spatial variation of diatom assemblages from surface sediments in Lake Lama were quantified using a combined approach of ordination and geostatistics. The aims were (i) to estimate the amount of variation between diatom assemblages within the lake, (ii) to model the spatial variability of the diatom assemblages and their diversity, and (iii) to map the diatom distributions in the lake. A correspondence analysis (CA) separated the diatom assemblages into a planktonic and a periphytic group. Rheophilic taxa were found within the periphytic group. Variogram analysis showed that only the sample scores of the first CA axis and the Shannon diversity index were spatially structured. The range of spatial correlation was estimated to be 55 km for both variables. The diversity and, to a lesser extent, the sample scores had considerable small-scale variability of about 20 and 3%, respectively. Estimates of the first component of the CA and the Shannon index were derived using block-kriging. The maps of the estimates provided a basis for partitioning Lake Lama according to the spatial structures into an eastern and a western basin, a north–south connection between the basins, and a north–south directed tip at the far eastern end. It was shown that variation in diatom assemblages is mainly spatially structured at the catchment scale and that there is a considerable amount of variation at smaller scales. According to the modeled spatial distribution, the assemblages are most likely affected by the lake size, morphology, and the water and nutrient input introduced by rivers. This has to be taken into account when paleolimnological interpretations are drawn from records of complex lake systems like Lake Lama.  相似文献   
本文运用德尔菲方法对水库鱼产力综合评价中指标权重的合理分配问题作了专家调查,并采用灰色统计法对调查结果进行归纳处理,从而确立了一个水库鱼产力影响因素诸层次各方面的评价指标权重体系,可供今后的评价工作参考使用。  相似文献   
针对东海渔区的海洋渔业应用,以中国东海渔区(121°~124°E,29°~32°N)NOAA level-2B SST反演数据为例,通过不同空间内插方法的对比分析,得到最优内插模型,继而获取海表温度图像和海温等值线图,为海洋渔业提供必要的基础资料.  相似文献   
The feasibility of linear and nonlinear geostatistical estimation techniques for optimal merging of rainfall data from raingage and radar observations is investigated in this study by use of controlled numerical experiments. Synthetic radar and raingage data are generated with their hypothetical error structures that explicitly account for sampling characteristics of the two sensors. Numerically simulated rainfall fields considered to be ground-truth fields on 4×4 km grids are used in the generation of radar and raingage observations. Ground-truth rainfall fields consist of generated rainfall fields with various climatic characteristics that preserve the space-time covariance function of rainfall events in extratropical cyclonic storms. Optimal mean areal precipitation estimates are obtained based on the minimum variance, unbiased property of kriging techniques under the second order homogeneity assumption of rainfall fields. The evaluation of estimated rainfall fields is done based on the refinement of spatial predictability over what would be provided from each sensor individually. Attention is mainly given to removal of measurement error and bias that are synthetically introduced to radar measurements. The influence of raingage network density on estimated rainfall fields is also examined.  相似文献   
在分析澳大利亚伊尔岗地块金矿床成矿特征的基础上,建立了区域金矿找矿模型,提取各类找矿信息,在GIS中构成了与成矿有关的容矿岩石、构造、岩浆岩、物探、化探异常等6个证据图层。用证据权法统计综合证据图层生成研究区成矿后验概率图。按照后验概率的相对大小划分出3级成矿远景区,共圈定3个I级成矿远景区,为澳大利亚的金矿预测提供了有效方法。  相似文献   
潘常周  靳平  肖卫国 《地震学报》2007,29(6):625-634
针对中国的乌鲁木齐台(WMQ)和哈萨克斯坦的马坎奇台(MAK),采用贝叶斯克里金技术建立了新疆及附近地区地震事件的震相幅值比的校正曲面,并分析了校正曲面与地震波传播路径的关系,以及校正曲面对于改善震相幅值比判据识别效果的有效性.分析结果表明,建立的校正曲面基本合理,结合传播路径差异和地震波传播规律,能够较好地解释校正曲面的起伏特征. 而且,在传播路径差异较大,使得震相幅值比经震中距校正后离散度仍然较高的情况下,利用校正曲面修正震相幅值比,可以进一步降低其离散度,从而改善判据的识别效果.经校正曲面修正后,对天然地震的误识率由16.3%下降为5.2%.  相似文献   
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