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泌阳凹陷核桃园组微量元素演化特征及其古气候意义   总被引:31,自引:6,他引:31  
泌阳凹陷下第三系核桃园组总体上表现为一个大的湖退体系,而其中的微量元素含量及有关元素比值却呈现出细微而明显的旋回变化特征。本文依据泥岩、页岩和碳酸盐岩中Ti、Sr、Ba等十六种微量元素含量及Sr/Ba、Fe/Mn、Sr/Cu等七种比值的变化特征,结合古盐度及岩相资料,对核桃园组沉积时的古气候作了系统的研究,基本上分出了温暖潮湿、干湿交替、炎热干旱、温热半干旱四类较为特征的古气候类型,以期为油气勘探提供依据。  相似文献   
鹤岗盆地晚侏罗世石头河子组沉积环境及幕式聚煤作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鹤岗盆地是一中-新生代内陆盆地,主要含煤地层上侏罗统石头河子组是一套非海相含煤地层,充填于盆地底部,自下而上可划分为三个岩性段,五个亚段和26个含煤旋回。底部第一亚段沉积期以冲积扇、辫状河环境为主;第二亚段以河流环境为主;第三亚段以河流-三角洲-湖泊环境为主;第四亚段演化为河流环境;第五亚段则以河流、冲积扇环境为主。垂向上五个亚段对应于盆地的填平补齐-扩张-稳定沉降-差异沉降-收缩五个演化阶段。富煤带位于同沉积中心的侧翼,一般含砂率60%~70%的区域含煤性最好。含煤旋回受控于盆地周期性地快-慢沉降,聚煤作用发育于每期幕式沉降的缓慢稳定沉降阶段。厚-特厚煤层都与湖泊三角洲冲积平原大面积沼泽化有关。  相似文献   
It is a worldwide challenge to explore the deeply buried deposits. Deep-penetrating geochemical exploration methods were developed to solve the problems of how to get the information of the buried deposits in the covered layer. The methods were successfully used to indicate some buried deposits, but not all kinds of deposits. What is more, a method cannot be used in all kinds of landscapes. In this paper, theories and case studies of deep-penetrating geochemical exploration methods, including mobile metal ions, enzyme leach, leaching of mobile forms of metals in overburden, electro-geochemical extraction method, biogeochemical exploration, nano-metal in geogas were reviewed. Elements migration, unloading mechanism and anomaly models are the most important parts for deep-penetrating geochemistry and need to be further investigated. From the perspective of economic efficiency and applicability, sampling and analyzing procedures should be simplified to improve the stability of all methods.  相似文献   
Mud volcanoes can provide important information about the underlying strata, hydrocarbon accumulation, and recent neotectonic movements in an area. The fluids erupting from mud volcanoes provide important information about their formation and evolution. The ion concentration and the hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of the fluids that were erupted from the three mud volcano groups, Baiyanggou, Aiqigou, and Dushanzi, and nearby rivers in the southern margin of the Junggar basin, northwestern China, are studied. The concentrations of Na and Cl in mud volcano fluids are clearly elevated, displayed as the Na-Cl type. The δD and δ18O values of the fluids are similar between the Baiyanggou and Dushanzi mud volcanoes, which are mainly from ancient sedimentary pore water. However, the Aiqigou mud volcano is depleted in dissolved Cl and shows lower δ18O values with mixed sources, including deep pore and local meteoric water. Two types of mud volcanoes are proposed in this study. One type is low-energy mud volcanoes with a low volume of fluid of deep origin on the hillcrest, which display as mud pool/pie/hole. The other type is high-energy mud volcanoes having mixed fluid origin in the valley and formed in the shape of a mud cone (dome).  相似文献   
在鄂西清江中游建始、巴东地区、上游利川地区的野外地质调查中,发现多处残留的高海拔河流相砾石层,其特征指示砾石层可能为NNE向古水系残留的"高阶地"。对高海拔砾石层进行了ESR测年,清江中游建始、巴东地区高海拔砾石层形成于早更新世末中更新世初(677±67)789±78ka,上游利川地区高海拔砾石层形成于中更新世中期(371±37)551±55ka,说明早更新世末中更新世初,清江中游地区尚发育NNE向古水系,而直至中更新世中期,清江上游利川地区仍发育NNE向古水系。这可能指示清江袭夺中游水系发生于早、中更新世之交,袭夺上游水系发生于中更新世中期,现代清江水系形成于中更新世中期之后。由于清江贯通、长江贯通三峡都与青藏高原末次快速隆升有密切关系,从而指示长江贯通三峡的方式总体上可能也是自东向西的不断袭夺,而贯通时间则可能要稍早于清江。  相似文献   
谢庆宾  高霞  夏秋君  舒萍  杨双玲  徐岩  李娜 《地质学报》2012,86(8):1217-1226
松辽盆地昌德地区火山岩储层以酸性岩为主,主要岩石类型为熔结凝灰岩和凝灰岩,与国内其他含油气盆地的火山岩储层明显不同。宏观上岩性较致密,岩心观察仅见构造裂缝和溶蚀孔,局部见溶蚀洞,显微镜下观察储集空间类型多样,发育粒内溶孔、晶内熔孔、晶间微孔、构造微裂缝、炸裂缝和收缩缝等。火山岩厚度普遍较薄,其中芳深9井区火山岩厚度最大,最厚仅为75m。从岩相类型看,芳深9井附近为爆发相,其他地区为溢流相。研究区火山岩为低孔低渗储层,岩性和岩相与物性关系密切,同时控制着原生孔隙的形成。后期的成岩改造,包括构造活动、溶蚀作用等决定了次生孔隙的发育程度,构造运动产生的裂缝是该区储层得以改善的主要因素,而后期充填作用破坏了储层的储集性能。火山口附近爆发相与溢流相的叠合区是天然气勘探的有利目标。  相似文献   
西藏察雅分布有两处地下热水,其中娘曲热水流量达23 356 m 3/d,温度达36 ℃,掌握其成因以及地下水循环模式对铁路隧道的规划建设具有重要意义。为查明地下热水水化学特征及其成因模式,采用同位素水文地球化学方法进行研究。结果表明:两处地下热水主要阳离子为Ca 2+和Mg 2+,主要阴离子为SO42-和HCO3-,溶解性总固体含量为1 255~2 051 mg/L,水化学类型分别为SO4·HCO3-Ca·Mg型和SO4-Ca·Mg型。氢氧同位素分析结果表明,地下热水补给来源主要为大气降水,并具有 18O漂移现象,反映了热水与围岩的氧同位素交换效应。地下热水的补给高程为4 146~4 185 m,热储温度为53.1~61.0 ℃,循环深度为1 409~2 020 m。其成因模式为:地下水在东北部高山区接收大气降水入渗补给,沿岩溶裂隙管道径流,经深循环获得大地热流加热,受构造及岩层阻水影响沿断层上升,在上升过程中与份额达0.79~0.91的浅层地下水混合,于沟谷等地势切割处出露成泉。综合水文地质条件与隧道位置分析,隧道穿越的两处岩溶富水条带,东部岩溶富水区对隧道突涌水威胁较小;西部岩溶富水区对隧道存在构造岩溶水高压突涌水风险,后期应注意防范。  相似文献   
Clays generally crack upon drying and the cracks gradually close up because of expansion of the clays induced by rainfall infiltration. Based on the concept of air drainage ratio, we introduce an improved simplified consolidation theory for unsaturated soils and apply it to solve the crack formation problem. We present initial conditions, special consideration, and finite-element (FEM) formulations for simulation of cracks under axisymmetric conditions. Similar to finding solutions for sand-well consolidation problems, a prism of clays surrounded by polygonal distributed cracks is simplified as a cylinder. Numerical simulations using the FEM formulations are performed on the processes of crack occurrence, propagation, and closure during drying and wetting. To investigate the influence of air drainage ratio distribution, three different schemes are adopted for computation. It is found that the behaviour of cracks in clays during drying and wetting can be well represented using the approach proposed in the paper. The simplified consolidation theory used in the paper for unsaturated soils is more suitable for crack analysis than the general consolidation theory currently applied.  相似文献   
2012年底在云南省泸西县东山镇地区中三叠统关岭组中发现大规模典型台地边缘鲕粒浅滩和生物礁,同时在向阳乡方摆村附近发现典型台地前缘斜坡相泥晶灰岩,滑塌构造发育.台缘生物礁垂向3分结构明显,礁基为浅滩相鲕粒灰岩、豆粒灰岩;礁核为粘结海绵-水螅骨架岩,蓝绿藻粘结结构和亮晶栉壳状胶结结构发育;礁盖为台缘斜坡相深灰色薄层泥晶灰岩和泥质灰岩.生物礁横向展布也具有3个明显特征:礁后为碳酸盐台地相灰岩,礁核为粘结海绵-水螅骨架岩,礁前为台缘斜坡相薄层灰岩和泥岩,局部发育滑塌构造和滑塌角砾岩.该发现可为滇东南地区继续寻找油气资源开辟新的勘探方向.  相似文献   
南梁西区位于鄂尔多斯盆地陕北斜坡的西南部.长6油层组作为其主要的勘探目标层位,在研究区东北部发育三角洲前缘亚相、南部发育深湖浊流亚相.砂岩储层主要由长石砂岩及岩屑长石砂岩组成.研究区砂岩中胶结物类型有方解石、伊利石、绿泥石和硅质胶结物,使得砂岩孔隙物性降低.通过对储层孔渗参数的研究,得出长6油层组主要为低孔超低渗储层.根据毛细管压力曲线的形态认为,研究区目的层的孔喉结构为Ⅱ类,孔喉分选中等偏差,并提出成岩作用是影响其储集性能的主要因素.  相似文献   
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