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向源潜流侵蚀作用指在海(水)进环境中,由于盆地边缘岩溶斜坡带内陆区的潜水面上升后,潜水面以下地下潜流在相当长时间内仍然在原有的洞穴内流动,由此产生的连续向上(向着地下水流源头)侵蚀作用,其结果是在原有的洞穴层之上形成多旋回的具有`坍塌角砾- 暗河沉积’ 双层结构的塌积层序及纵向上呈加积方式产出的叠积洞穴层,以及由叠积洞穴与原有洞穴连成一体的复合洞穴层。本文以塔河油田早海西风化壳岩溶洞穴层为例,简要地介绍了古岩溶洞穴层的对比方法,展示了塔河地区早海西风化壳岩溶洞穴层对比成果,并通过典型井的洞穴层内部结构解剖分析,阐述了向源潜流侵蚀岩溶作用的成因机理,并探讨了一些相关的主要问题。   相似文献   
塔北与塔中地区奥陶系碳酸盐岩储层成因对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过储层发育层段、储层类型、沉积演化、岩溶作用等方面的对比,发现塔北与塔中地区奥陶系碳酸盐岩储层在发育层位、沉积演化及岩溶期次上既有相似性,也有差异性。在塔中地区的油气勘探中,应注意下奥陶统古风化壳岩溶发育与塔北地区的差异性,加强对上奥陶统礁滩储集体的勘探。  相似文献   
肖莎  高志前 《现代地质》2019,33(6):1208-1219
碳酸盐岩次生溶蚀孔洞是优质的储集空间,为油气的运聚提供条件。为研究溶洞发育的控制因素,选取广西东兰-凤山地区石炭纪-二叠纪碳酸盐岩溶蚀特征进行分析。镜下显示,研究区岩石类型为亮晶生屑灰岩、颗粒灰泥灰岩、含颗粒灰泥灰岩、晶粒灰岩和灰泥颗粒灰岩等,孔隙类型主要为粒间溶蚀孔、粒内溶蚀孔、晶间孔和微裂缝。研究发现,影响洞穴发育的主要因素有构造、岩组类型、流体性质、气候及岩溶古地貌。构造控制洞穴发育规模,在构造破碎带及其附近容易发育大规模洞穴;目的层大套灰岩是溶蚀的物质基础,力学强度较大的亮晶生屑灰岩易于形成大型洞穴,当岩石含较多灰泥或发生重结晶时,溶蚀难度增加;酸性流体、温暖潮湿气候和岩溶斜坡地貌,为洞穴发育的有利条件。其中,构造对洞穴发育的控制作用最大。  相似文献   
表生岩溶与埋藏溶蚀是碳酸盐岩储层发育的最重要成岩作用,两者受岩石等内在因素的影响基本相同,但所受的外部主控因素差异显著。表生岩溶受构造不整合面、古构造等影响较大;埋藏溶蚀主要受断裂与深部流体控制。表生岩溶主要表现为垂向分带性明显的复杂孔洞缝网络结构,而埋藏溶蚀主要呈受断裂—裂隙控制的“V”形洞穴样式或与断裂有关的阶梯状分布。表生岩溶发育一些标型特征,如钙质壳,古土壤,铝土矿,淡红色方解石晶体,溶蚀沟、坑、天坑,新月形状、悬垂和纤维状渗滤砂或胶结物,岩溶角砾及与地下暗河有关的机械流水沉积;埋藏溶蚀往往发育与中低温热液有关的异形铁白云石、萤石、闪锌矿、磁黄铁矿等密西西比河谷型矿物以及塌陷构造、裂隙结构、不规则的角砾(化)岩体等。塔里木盆地塔北地区主要发育表生岩溶作用;塔中地区西北部不具备发育大规模表生岩溶的地质条件,以发育埋藏溶蚀作用为主。  相似文献   
塔中地区奥陶系碳酸盐岩发育多种形式岩溶作用,其中埋藏溶蚀是形成有利储层的重要机制之一.录井岩心分析化验资料及宏观地质背景分析表明,塔中地区奥陶系碳酸盐岩主要发育4期埋藏溶蚀,其中Ⅰ、Ⅱ期溶蚀孔洞基本已被充填,Ⅲ期残留部分孔隙和Ⅳ期溶蚀孔洞为现今储层有效储集空间.上奥陶统良里塔格组现今未被充填的粒内溶孔及铸模孔可能主要形成于埋藏溶蚀,并非准同生溶蚀.埋藏溶蚀发生的流体介质主要为有机质演化过程中形成的有机酸和CO2,在更深部或经历更高热史经历的区域,H2S对储层的形成可能会有较大贡献,热水-热液溶蚀对储集空间贡献有限.初步分析表明,卡塔克隆起西北部埋藏溶蚀孔隙较发育,塔中南部台地边缘带可能是埋藏溶蚀另一相对较发育地区.  相似文献   
As viewed from space remote-sensing images (e.g. Google Earth images) of South Guizhou and North Guangxi, the authors found that macroscopic karst landscape on the Earth’s surface is strongly controlled by the Conjugated shear joint of “X” type. Joints of this kind constitute a huge infiltration network and act as channel-ways for the permeation of meteoric waters from the surface, thus, leading to the dissolution of carbonate rocks nearby. As a result, the karst landscape is formed, which is dominated by linear karst valleys. An “X” karst valley network structure appears in the area where horizontal strata are distributed, and a feather-like network structure appears in the area where vertical strata are distributed, respectively. When the water permeates downwards to the underground-water level, it will flow horizontally along the strike of “X” joints toward the local base level of erosion to form an “X” network system of underground conduits in the area where horizontal strata are distributed, but it is relatively complex, because of the joining of other joints. This is the first time we have made use of Google Earth images to study the karst environment. Therefore, it has been successful in research on the Earth’s geomorphology, which could only rely on aerial photos and satellite photos in the past. Google Earth images provide low-cost and applicable imaging materials for the study of Earth’s geomorphology and karst rocky desertification and its control.  相似文献   
通过找矿勘探,在那坡县龙合矿区发现一处大型规模的堆积铝土矿矿床,为广西区铝工业发展提供后备资源基地。堆积铝土矿赋存于岩溶洼地内更新世岩溶堆积红土层中,成矿物质来源于上二叠统合山组底部的古风化壳型铝土矿(岩)层,主要成矿时代为更新世,主导成矿作用为岩溶作用、红土化作用。矿化富集主要受矿源层、地层岩性、构造运动、气候和地貌等因素控制。  相似文献   
方雨  蒋忠诚  张卫  章程 《中国岩溶》2023,42(1):40-51
通过对前人试验装置的分析,以岩溶作用原理及其影响因素为基础,结合仪器使用单位的试验需求,研制岩溶作用仪。通过分析不同的CO2起源、岩溶发育深度、不同pH条件以及地下水循环深度的地质环境条件,提出了仪器的基本功能和适用条件,进行岩溶作用仪功能模块的论证设计和研制,并进行了验证性试验,且达到预期目标。得到如下成果:提出了四种岩溶作用模式,研制了五个岩溶作用功能模块,总结分析了功能模块与岩溶作用内在关系以及功能模块组合原则,提供不同地质环境条件下的岩溶作用试验。仪器可以实现:模拟地下水循环深度0~200 m,环境温度0~70 ℃,CO2起源:表生、内生起源Pco2=0.0~2.0 MPa,不同酸度背景条件:pH可控,不同水流速度条件下的沉积作用可控,岩溶裂隙张开度的沉积作用(可组合)。  相似文献   

The cave system is situated north of Lake Thun, in the Helvetic border chain. The overall geology is simple: the slightly dipping (15–25° towards the southeast) strata are interrupted by a NE-SW trending normal fault with a throw of 150 m in the NE and about 500 m in the SW. Since a part of the region is covered by flysch, the caves are the only way to observe the geological setting of the underlying Cretaceous and Eocene series. We show that observations in caves may yield valuable information about the onset of the tectonic movements: in particular, observations in the Barenkluft region clearly demonstrate that the beginning of préalpine extension had already begun in the Upper Cretaceous, and that this normal fault has been inverted later during Alpine compression. We also illustrate the influence of tectonic stress and strain upon karstification. The Alpine tectonic phases, with alternating compression and extension, contributed to the development of different karstogenetic levels. Tectonic strains opened and possibly closed some fractures, allowing (or preventing) water to flow through parts of the karst massive. The structural setting, defining the overall geometry of the limestone bed, played an important role in the development of the various phases of the system. Most of the conduits appear to belong to old, deep phreatic systems. Tectonics is only one of a number of factors controlling karstification. Together with lithology, it represents the geological control. Geomorphological factors (mainly spring and catchment positions, but also erosion of the flysch cover), as well as bioclimatical factors (quantity and physico-chemical characteristics of water), and hydrodynamics and transport processes can play a significant role on the genesis of karst systems. © 1999 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   
岩溶作用过程可形成碳汇是不争的事实,为进一步探索不同地质背景对岩溶作用的影响机制,选取典型北方岩溶泉域−济南趵突泉泉域补给区为研究区,采用标准溶蚀试片法进行野外现场试验。结果表明,下伏岩性为花岗岩、碳酸盐岩、黄土、页岩的各试点平均溶蚀速率分别为:3.49、0.26、0.11、0.09 mg·cm−2·a−1;碳酸盐岩、黄土、页岩分布区溶蚀速率大气 > 地表 > 壤中,且壤中部分呈随深度增加而降低的趋势,而在花岗岩分布区则呈完全相反。分析发现,土壤水与溶蚀速率相关性远高于CO2,是北方岩溶区岩溶作用进行的限制因子。本研究结果有助于认识半湿润气候条件下岩溶碳汇机制,为北方其他岩溶区乃至整个同类型岩溶区相关研究的开展积累了经验。  相似文献   
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