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The scope of this study is to evaluate the parameters of the gypsum–anhydrite strata karstification under the influence of the quarry exploitation of Jaziv sulphur field (West Ukraine) accompanying by drainage. The quarry drainage provoked the enormous depression cone forming with 100 km2 in area and the corresponding intensification of chemical denudation of the gypsum–anhydrite strata. The gypsum karstification rate for the 29-year period of the quarry drainage was 0.06% with the dissolved rock volume of 1,328,507 m3 that is about 80 times higher than in natural conditions. For the drainage period (29 years) the karst denudation rate was 17,952 m3/km2 against the natural background of 231.3 m3/km2. The absolute value of artificial denudation for the studied massif area is 1.79 cm for 29 years or 0.062 mm/year while the denudation rate under natural conditions would be 0.231 cm for 29 years or 0.0008 mm/year. The forecasted volumes of the surface-evident collapses are evaluated using the relationship between the calculated amount of dissolved sulphate rocks and volumes of the current surface-evident collapses. According to this evaluation, the current collapses correspond to about 34% only from the dissolved rocks volume calculated for the drainage period.  相似文献   
The Jiweishan landslide illustrates the failure pattern of an apparent dip slide of an oblique thick-bedded rockslide. Centrifugal modeling was performed using a model slope consisting of four sets of joints to investigate the landslide initiation mechanism. Crack strain gauges pasted between the slide blocks and the base failed in sequence from the rear to the front as the centrifugal acceleration increased. When the acceleration reached 16.3g, the instantaneous failure of the key block in the front triggered the apparent dip slide of all blocks. The physical modeling results and previous studies suggest that the strength reduction in the weak layer and the failure of the key block are the main reasons for the Jiweishan landslide. The centrifuge experiment validated the previously proposed driving-blocks–key-block model of apparent dip slide in oblique with inclined bedding rock slopes. In addition, the results from limit equilibrium method and centrifuge test suggest that even though the failure of the key block in the front is instantaneous, a progressive stable–unstable transition exists.  相似文献   

The cave system is situated north of Lake Thun, in the Helvetic border chain. The overall geology is simple: the slightly dipping (15–25° towards the southeast) strata are interrupted by a NE-SW trending normal fault with a throw of 150 m in the NE and about 500 m in the SW. Since a part of the region is covered by flysch, the caves are the only way to observe the geological setting of the underlying Cretaceous and Eocene series. We show that observations in caves may yield valuable information about the onset of the tectonic movements: in particular, observations in the Barenkluft region clearly demonstrate that the beginning of préalpine extension had already begun in the Upper Cretaceous, and that this normal fault has been inverted later during Alpine compression. We also illustrate the influence of tectonic stress and strain upon karstification. The Alpine tectonic phases, with alternating compression and extension, contributed to the development of different karstogenetic levels. Tectonic strains opened and possibly closed some fractures, allowing (or preventing) water to flow through parts of the karst massive. The structural setting, defining the overall geometry of the limestone bed, played an important role in the development of the various phases of the system. Most of the conduits appear to belong to old, deep phreatic systems. Tectonics is only one of a number of factors controlling karstification. Together with lithology, it represents the geological control. Geomorphological factors (mainly spring and catchment positions, but also erosion of the flysch cover), as well as bioclimatical factors (quantity and physico-chemical characteristics of water), and hydrodynamics and transport processes can play a significant role on the genesis of karst systems. © 1999 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   
为了研究不同土壤CO2浓度和不同土壤水化学条件下的岩溶作用发生程度,文章对广西桂林地区的土壤CO2浓度、土壤水和石灰岩试片溶蚀速率进行了监测,结果表明:1)该地区土壤CO2浓度具有明显的季节性变化特征,总体上夏季是其他季节的3~5倍,最大值时达到60 899.64 mg/m2,而最小值时仅为5 587.21 mg/m2;2)就相同深度的土壤CO2浓度来说,洼地大于坡地,夏季时洼地比坡地高近20 000 mg/m2,且深层土CO2浓度大于表层土,其平均值比表层土高4 353.54 mg/m2;3)坡地和洼地土壤水水化学指标平均值分别是:pH为7.49和6.41、电导率为300和78 μS/cm、Ca2+为60和15.43 mg/L、 为2.78和0.44 mg/L,坡地处的pH、电导率、Ca2+和 均高于洼地;4)从溶蚀试验说明该地区的岩溶作用发生程度非常明显,说明土壤CO2和土壤水能驱动岩溶作用的发生。  相似文献   
岩溶作用过程可形成碳汇是不争的事实,为进一步探索不同地质背景对岩溶作用的影响机制,选取典型北方岩溶泉域−济南趵突泉泉域补给区为研究区,采用标准溶蚀试片法进行野外现场试验。结果表明,下伏岩性为花岗岩、碳酸盐岩、黄土、页岩的各试点平均溶蚀速率分别为:3.49、0.26、0.11、0.09 mg·cm−2·a−1;碳酸盐岩、黄土、页岩分布区溶蚀速率大气 > 地表 > 壤中,且壤中部分呈随深度增加而降低的趋势,而在花岗岩分布区则呈完全相反。分析发现,土壤水与溶蚀速率相关性远高于CO2,是北方岩溶区岩溶作用进行的限制因子。本研究结果有助于认识半湿润气候条件下岩溶碳汇机制,为北方其他岩溶区乃至整个同类型岩溶区相关研究的开展积累了经验。  相似文献   
岩溶地区的碳循环是地质作用和生物作用最好的结合点,系统研究农田生态系统中石灰岩溶蚀作用强度对精确估算岩溶作用的碳汇效应具有重要意义。通过在重庆南川市三泉镇选择菜地、旱地、冬水田、两季田、草地、未利用地等样地类型进行以一个水文年为周期的标准溶蚀试片溶蚀试验、土壤剖面与植被样方观测以及土壤、标准溶蚀试片样品分析,探讨了农田...  相似文献   
中1井是一口在塔中西北部的奥陶系碳酸盐岩中取得工业油气流突破的重要发现井。对中1井岩心观察、过井的地震剖面、古生物分析和溶蚀-胶结作用成因的矿物学、岩石学及地球化学研究表明中1井T70(相当于志留系底)、T74(相当于上奥陶统底)存在两至三个构造削截-沉积间断面,与加里东中晚期岩溶有关;奥陶系碳酸盐岩储层方解石充填物的铁、锰、锶和钡含量相对较低、δ18OPDB为-6.4‰~-4.5‰,δ13OPDB为-1.4‰~0.5‰,87Sr/86Sr平均为0.7092;而石炭系巴楚组膏岩、东河砂岩、志留系碎屑岩中的方解石胶结物δ18OPDB为-10.5‰~-16.1‰、平均为-13.9‰,δ13OPDB为-1.5‰~-9.6‰、平均为-4.8‰;87Sr/86Sr为0.7090(志留系)、0.7091(石炭系);研究表明奥陶系碳酸盐岩具有准同生期、浅埋条件下混合水以及较短暴露期下大气淡水下的表生溶蚀的多种复合成因,而志留系和石炭系具有大气淡水溶蚀-充填或埋藏成岩作用特征,海西晚期发生了热液-热水交代有关的溶蚀作用;87Sr/86Sr均低于0.7100,表明中1井区经历的大气淡水条件下暴露期相对较短,陆源物质影响较小,因而不具备沙雅隆起海西早期发生的大规模表生岩溶地质条件。  相似文献   
四川黄龙钙华藻类及其生物岩溶作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从探索黄龙钙华的生物成因角度出发,对黄龙钙华藻类进行了采集、鉴定和分析,并对钙华藻类的生物岩溶作用做了初步探讨。研究得出黄龙钙华藻类分属于4门19属86种,优势种属为Tolypothrix属、Gloeocapsa属和Cymbella属。黄龙景区不同环境区域的优势藻类有所不同,藻类参与的碳酸盐沉积在不同岩溶景观中所起作用也有所差异。其中蓝藻参与的碳酸盐沉积主要表现于黄龙钙华坝景观的形成过程中,由硅藻参与碳酸盐沉积主要表现于斜坡滩华景观的形成过程中。藻类既能在钙华形成过程中发挥作用,藻类的生长也能侵蚀破坏钙华景观,在长期缺乏岩溶水补给的条件下,藻类对钙华景观的破坏性尤为突出。   相似文献   
详细的钻井地质学、地球物理和地球化学研究表明,塔河油田南部奥陶系内部和顶部发育多幕次的加里东期岩溶作用,主要表现在奥陶系内部牙形石带缺失、钻井放空和泥浆漏失、地震剖面上奥陶统反射波组底部上超和顶部削截,以及溶洞充填方解石的Sr同位素特征等方面。加里东期岩溶储层主要受不整合面、断裂、岩性和古地貌等因素控制,表现出明显的断控和层控特征。由此预测该储层发育区位于古风化壳剥蚀区、加里东期断裂发育区和滩相储层发育区的叠合部位,主要位于阿克库勒凸起的轴部倾没端和塔河西南部、东南部的北东向、近南北向断裂发育区。  相似文献   
塔中西部地区下奥陶统一上奥陶统良里塔格组.发育了巨厚的、多种岩性的海相碳酸盐岩地层.根据对该区钻井岩芯、测井和地质化验分析资料综合研究结果,奥陶系存在同生岩溶、风化壳岩溶、埋藏岩溶等三种不同的岩溶作用类型.同生岩溶沿上奥陶统良里塔格组台地边缘相带分布,大气成岩透镜体发育频繁,但规模较小;风化壳岩溶主要分布于中奥陶世中1低隆起及塔中Ⅱ号构造带;埋藏岩溶主要存在3期,在断裂构造带及火成岩区较为发育.岩相和沉积相、岩溶作用、构造裂缝等是奥陶系岩溶储层发育的主要控制因素,制约了不同层段、不同部位岩溶储层发育.  相似文献   
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