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Water samples were collected from cold and warm karst springs for stable isotopes (δ18O and δD) and 3H from SE of Kashmir valley (western Himalayas) to distinguish the sources of recharge and infer their recharge areas. The spring water samples were most depleted in heavier isotopes in May (average δ18O: ?8.87‰ and δD: ?50.3‰) and enriched in September (average δ18O: ?7.58‰ and δD: ?48.1‰). The depleted 18O and 2H of spring waters bear the signatures of winter precipitation while as the enriched 18O and 2H of spring waters bear the signature of summer rainfall. D‐excess and 3H corroborate with the stable isotope results that the spring flow in spring season (May) and autumn (September) is dominantly controlled by the melting of winter snowmelt and summer rainfall, respectively. The results showed that unlike δD, the δ18O value in the karst spring waters decreases in January suggesting δ18O shift. The spring water samples also fall above the Local Meteoric Water Line and Global Meteoric Water Line indicating the δ18O shift due to interaction of groundwater with the host carbonate rocks during its traverse. The mean elevation of the recharge areas of the springs using δ18O and δD tracers was also estimated. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
利用BIOLOG ECO微平板法研究了喀斯特地区土壤微生物功能多样性对生态演替的响应情况。在研究区选取具有代表性的4个不同群落演替阶段:原生乔木林、次生乔灌混合林、灌丛、草坡,同时选择一个非喀斯特森林样地作为对照,对选取的不同生态系统土壤的微生物功能多样性进行研究。结果发现,随着乔木林逆向演替到灌丛的过程,微生物活性有逐渐降低的趋势,功能多样性对生态演替响应灵敏,土壤微生物在喀斯特地区比非喀斯特地区总体表现出更高的活性和丰富度,但群落均匀度较低,结构不稳定。主成分分析显示,演替使微生物的代谢模式产生了明显的分异,起主要分异作用的碳源是糖类、羧酸类和聚合物类。颜色变化率和主成分分析综合表明,演替进行到草坡阶段,较大的环境变化可能使土壤微生物采取了r-策略(r-strategistis)。根据逆向演替过程中土壤微生物功能多样性的变化,灌丛阶段可以视为岩溶生态系统整个演替阶段的阈值。  相似文献   
The effects of climate change and population growth in recent decades are leading us to consider their combined and potentially extreme consequences, particularly regarding hydrological processes, which can be modeled using a generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution. Most of the GEV models were based on a stationary assumption for hydrological processes, in contrast to the nonstationary reality due to climate change and human activities. In this paper, we present the nonstationary generalized extreme value (NSGEV) distribution and use it to investigate the risk of Niangziguan Springs discharge decreasing to zero. Rather than assuming the location, scale, and shape parameters to be constant as one might do for a stationary GEV distribution analysis, the NSGEV approach can reflect the dynamic processes by defining the GEV parameters as functions of time. Because most of the GEV model is designed to evaluate maxima (e.g. flooding, represented by positive numbers), and spring discharge cessation is a ?minima’, we deduced an NSGEV model for minima by applying opposite numbers, i.e. negative instead of positive numbers. The results of the model application to Niangziguan Springs showed that the probability of zero discharge at Niangziguan Springs will be 1/80 in 2025, and 1/10 in 2030. After 2025, the rate of decrease in spring discharge will accelerate, and the probability that Niangziguan Springs will cease flowing will dramatically increase. The NSGEV model is a robust method for analysing karst spring discharge. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
地质雷达电磁干扰分析及在隧洞岩溶探测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
将地质雷达用于千岛湖配水工程某隧洞岩溶探测,分析了倾斜状电磁干扰异常与溶洞雷达异常差异,通过雷达剖面及疑似异常区单道时间-频率谱的分析,推断了隧底岩溶的性质及空间分布特征,含水溶洞在雷达剖面反映为同相轴错断,强振幅及能量高衰减的特性,高频干扰波振幅幅值较异常区小且能量不满足随时间推移逐渐衰减的规律,雷达成果为隧洞安全施工提供了准确的参考。   相似文献   
以贵州北部一茶叶园区80个表层土壤样品为研究对象,对其Hg、As、Cd、Pb、Cr和Cu含量进行测定,在MATLAB中应用支持向量机构建土壤环境质量评价模型,并与模糊综合评价法和内梅罗综合污染指数法的评价结果对比分析,探究支持向量机模型在喀斯特山区土壤环境质量评价中的适用性,其结果表明:研究区土壤质量Ⅰ类与Ⅱ类样品比例为33∶7,土壤环境质量大多数为I类;支持向量机方法的评价结果与模糊综合评价法和内梅罗综合污染指数法结果的相同率分别达到82.5%和80.0%,并分析结果有差异的样品,发现支持向量机评价结果更符合实际情况,这说明该模型适用于土壤环境质量的评价。   相似文献   
This article presents a research study of complex limestone karst engineering-geological conditions in the municipality Valaská near Banská Bystrica in Slovakia. The aim of the study is to demonstrate the impossibility of spatial identification of cave spaces using surface geophysical methods due to the specific engineering-geological conditions of a thick surface layer of anthropogenic fill containing highly heterogeneous anthropogenic material. Its maximum thickness is 3 m. Another specificific condition of the study area is its location in the built-up area, due to which the applicability of geophysical methods was limited. The article contains methodological recommendations to be used in analogous geological conditions with karst structures topped with anthropogenic fill, which complicates the identification of cave spaces. The recommended solution herein is the identification of the cave system using underground mapping of the karst and its projection onto the surface for which surface geophysical methods have been combined.  相似文献   
为了深入认识济南岩溶泉水及地热水循环过程,本文以泰山北翼碳酸盐岩含水介质空间分布特征为研究出发点,分析其埋藏条件和连续性特征,并利用数理统计、空间插值、Piper三线图、概念模型等方法,结合水动力场、水化学场、水温度场和水年龄场“四场”分析,揭示区域地下水循环规律。结果表明:地表分水岭与齐广断裂、禹王山断裂、聊考断裂等深大断裂控制了泰山北翼地区岩溶含水介质空间展布,大致呈现由南向北埋藏深度逐渐增大的变化趋势,受马山断裂、东坞断裂、文祖断裂等次级断裂影响岩溶含水介质上下盘有不同错动,但东西展布仍具有较好连续性;区域地下水循环过程极其复杂,泰山岩群、寒武纪及奥陶纪各类含水岩组通过排泄 渗漏、断裂垂向径流、水平地下径流等形式发生水流交汇,并在山前局部地区与第四纪松散孔隙水产生水量交换,最终通过泉或人工开采形式排泄。区域地下水流具有统一的“四场”,并且呈现明显的水平与垂向分带特征,大致沿东阿断裂及其延长线—吴家堡—华山—章丘区—淄博磁村一线划分冷泉与地热水的分界线,以600 m、1000 m划分出浅、中、深循环深度分界线;冷泉以浅循环为主,中、深循环为辅,地下水矿化度、温度、年龄偏低,而地热水以中、深循环为主,浅循环为辅,地下水矿化度、温度、年龄偏大。不同含水介质水流具有一定内在关联,构成一个完整的岩溶水系统。  相似文献   
蒙吉军  王钧 《地理研究》2007,26(5):857-866
气候变化与植被变化的关系已经在全球和区域尺度上得到了研究证明。在前人研究的基础上,基于AVHRR GIMMS NDVI和AVHRR GloPEM NPP数据集,通过对逐个像元信息的提取和分析,研究了20世纪80年代以来,我国西南喀斯特地区植被变化对气候变化的响应。研究结果显示:(1)20世纪80年代以来,西南喀斯特地区植被覆盖度和净初级生产量总体均呈增加的趋势,但不显著。植被指数的年际变化存在着明显的区域差异;(2)植被指数年际变化与气候因子年际变化的相关系数区域分异比较明显;(3)不同的植被类型对气候变化有着不同的响应特征;在该研究区气温变化对植被变化的影响要高于降水量变化对其影响;(4)植被指数年际变化与气候因子年际变化的相关系数在不同气候条件下分布的规律性比较明显。本研究将会增进对影响喀斯特生态系统稳定性的自然过程的认识,同时也会为喀斯特生态系统的管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   
珠东区的轻中度石漠化主要由人为因素引起,强度以上石漠化则由人为因素和恶劣的自然条件共同造成;保基区的轻中度石漠化主要是人为因素引起,强度以上石漠化则由自然因素造成;红果区的自然条件好于其它两个研究区,石漠化尤其是强度石漠化主要是土地利用强度大造成的,坡耕地发生中度甚至极强度石漠化。喀斯特石漠化土地的成因类型与恢复治理模式密切相关,在确定石漠化土地的治理恢复模式和治理重点时,有必要考虑石漠化土地的土地利用成因和成因的地域差异性。  相似文献   
刘汉湖  杨武年  夏涛 《测绘科学》2007,32(5):111-113
本文对高精度卫星遥感图像(QucikBird)进行了图像预处理,图像融合,正射校正,并基于12∶000地形图上构建了DEM。在Erdas软件支持下,实现了遥感影像三维可视化。同时,针对岩溶地区工程初勘需要,应用ArcGIS实现了工程量计算、机场净空分析、岩溶漏斗信息自动提取、漏斗形态显示、地下溶洞网分析等,这为机场的进一步勘查提供了准确可靠的地质灾害信息,可为指导工程设计与施工提供参考。  相似文献   
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