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容丽  王世杰  刘宁  杨龙 《山地学报》2005,23(1):35-42
通过研究贵州西南部典型喀斯特植被退化区花江峡谷植被现状,选取具一定经济价值和推广价值的先锋植物,采用生物显微制片技术与数理统计方法相结合,报导了6科10种分属不同生活型的植物叶片的解剖结构特征,并进行了比较和解剖因子分析。结果表明研究区喀斯特先锋植物叶片在不同种类之间具有明显差异,这些差异除受遗传因子控制外,环境因子(主要为光照和水分)也有重要作用;生活型不同对先锋植物叶片特征有一定影响,但未表现出规律性。根据叶片适应特征的差异,10种先锋植物可分为3种类型,即旱生或阳生叶类型的构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)、火棘(pyracantha fortuneana)、刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)、白三叶(Trifolium repens);偏中生叶类型(香椿的Toona sirensis)、顶坛花椒(Zanthaxylum pinum var.dingtanensis)、黔滇木蓝(In-digofera esquirolii)、忍冬(Lomicera japonica)、紫云英(Astragalus sinicus);偏阴生叶类型的繁缕(Stellaria media)。  相似文献   
Comparison of a database of interpreted sinkholes made using airborne laser swath mapping (ALSM) with databases of sinkholes made from interpretation of aerial photographs reveals substantial disagreement. The discrepancies involve the location, number, areas, and circularity of interpreted sinkholes. Methodological factors that contribute to the discrepancies include blockage of ALSM laser returns in thick vegetation, multi-path reflections, and misrepresentation of the true extent of sinkholes. Comparison of two ALSM-derived databases made (1) independently from versus (2) in combination with earlier air photo analysis in undeveloped regions had the following result: one-fourth of the sinkholes interpreted by using the composite method were missed by the independent analysis, and one-third of the sinkholes that were interpreted from the independent analysis were not interpreted as sinkholes using the composite method. Subjective interpretation leads to a high level of uncertainty such that the results of the remote sensing studies are suspect, if not invalid.  相似文献   
Groundwater resources are typically the main fresh water source in arid and semi‐arid regions. Natural recharge of aquifers is mainly based on precipitation; however, only heavy precipitation events (HPEs) are expected to produce appreciable aquifer recharge in these environments. In this work, we used daily precipitation and monthly water level time series from different locations over a Mediterranean region of Southeastern Spain to identify the critical threshold value to define HPEs that lead to appreciable aquifer recharge in this region. Wavelet and trend analyses were used to study the changes in the temporal distribution of the chosen HPEs (≥20 mm day?1) over the observed period 1953–2012 and its projected evolution by using 18 downscaled climate projections over the projected period 2040–2099. The used precipitation time series were grouped in 10 clusters according to similarities between them assessed by using Pearson correlations. Results showed that the critical HPE threshold for the study area is 20 mm day?1. Wavelet analysis showed that observed significant seasonal and annual peaks in global wavelet spectrum in the first sub‐period (1953–1982) are no longer significant in the second sub‐period (1983–2012) in the major part of the ten clusters. This change is because of the reduction of the mean HPEs number, which showed a negative trend over the observed period in nine clusters and was significant in five of them. However, the mean size of HPEs showed a positive trend in six clusters. A similar tendency of change is expected over the projected period. The expected reduction of the mean HPEs number is two times higher under the high climate scenario (RCP8.5) than under the moderate scenario (RCP4.5). The mean size of these events is expected to increase under the two scenarios. The groundwater availability will be affected by the reduction of HPE number which will increase the length of no aquifer recharge periods (NARP) accentuating the groundwater drought in the region. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
利用1989、2003、2018年的Landsat影像对安顺市西秀区的地表温度进行反演,分析研究区在30年发展中的热岛时空变化及其成因。使用基于影像的反演算法,结合分类回归树算法进行地表温度的反演,用气象站数据对反演结果进行精度验证,并建立缓冲区对研究区进行相关性分析等定量分析。结果表明:研究区受喀斯特地貌的影响,除主城区外,郊区也存在大量高温区;近30年研究区热效应与不透水面、绿地的面积有极显著相关;1989-2003年研究区城市热岛面积随城市扩张逐渐增大,但2018年主城区城市热岛现象几乎完全消失,排除气象因素和城市形态因子影响的可能后,发现这与安顺市城市绿化的大力进行有密切关系。  相似文献   
灰岩分布区易发生岩溶塌陷等地质灾害,高密度电阻率法是岩溶地质调查的重要手段。以某一段穿越岩溶发育区的公路为例,应用高密度电法对区内暗河、槽谷型岩溶塘、落水洞等灾害地质体进行了探测,结果显示拟建路段覆盖层厚度大约为2~20 m,基岩内岩溶极发育,岩石地表起伏大,溶沟、溶槽、岩溶塌陷、落水洞发育;岩石中溶蚀裂隙、溶洞发育。表明高密度电阻率法能够有效地判定岩溶的发育情况,可以为地质灾害评估提供科学客观的依据。  相似文献   
中国城市地质调查中的岩溶地质调查及评价方法处于探索阶段,目前尚缺技术规范与工作指南.笔者基于杭州城市的岩溶地质特征和杭州经济社会对岩溶地质调查的需求,以基本查明城区岩溶地质特征、岩溶塌陷重点区的稳定性评价为目标,采用充分利用前人资料、补充调查、重点解剖的工作思路,地质、物探及钻探、模糊层次分析评价相结合的工作方法,较大地提高了本区岩溶地质特征、岩溶塌陷预测的研究程度.并在开展调查及评价实践的同时,对工作方法进行了积极探索与初步研究.  相似文献   
ConfinedaquiferaswaveguideanditsresponsestogeoacousticwavesWENBINJIAN1)(简文彬)BAORENCHEN2)(陈葆仁)HUAFULU2)(卢华复)1)Department...  相似文献   
宁夏南部“南北古脊梁”岩溶裂隙水流系统分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用构造控水分析、水化学同位素等方法,对宁南“南北古脊梁”岩溶裂隙水系统进行了深入的分析与讨论。该区储水空间以岩溶裂隙为主,岩溶水的空间分布明显受SN向大型断裂构造控制。岩溶地下水以大气降水起源为主,并表现为多元水混合而成。水质分布呈现南优北劣的分带特征,北部水一岩相互作用形式为溶滤一蒸发浓缩型,呈高矿化咸水,南部为溶滤一混合型,呈低矿化淡水。根据水动力场和水化学场特征,划分了3个相对独立的岩溶水子系统。  相似文献   
与碎屑岩地区相比,特殊的岩溶水文地质结构,导致岩溶区存在不同的水土流失过程和特点,尤以峰丛洼地区最具代表性。通过广西平果县果化岩溶峰丛洼地土壤地表侵蚀和地下漏失的调查研究显示:洼地不同地貌部位水土流失差异较大,从山峰、垭口、山坡、山麓到洼地底部,土壤地下漏失模数分别为49.09 t/(km2·a)、212.06 t/(km2·a)、727.71 t/(km2·a)、1104.03 t/(km2·a)、909.11 t/(km2·a),分别占该点年均总土壤侵蚀模数的92.43%、96.24%、78.57%、70.88%和38.68%;不同土地利用方式下的土壤侵蚀存在差异,其土壤侵蚀模数大小依次为坡耕地苦丁茶地苏木林地灌草坡牧草地。通过对该地区水土流失防治及石漠化综合治理,山峰主要涵养水源林、山坡主要发展生态产业防治水土漏失、洼地修建排水系统工程得到良好的效果,治理区土壤侵蚀模数从2003年到2010年下降了65%。  相似文献   
贵州喀斯特地区生态环境恶化的人为因素分析   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
贵州是喀斯特强烈发育的省区。由于人类活动的影响,近年来贵州喀斯特地区的生态环境出现了日益恶化的趋势,严重影响可持续发展甚至西部大开发战略的顺利实施。本阐述了喀斯地区生态环境恶化的现状,深入探讨了人为因素对喀斯特地区生态环境恶化的影响,为防止喀斯特地区生态环境进一步恶化提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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