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Manisa Fault is a geomorphologically distinct normal dip-slip fault, which oversees the southern edge of the Manisa Graben that is a continuum of the Gediz Graben towards the west. This study aims to determine the neotectonic activity of the Manisa Fault and the most recent time of the change in its stress condition through age-dating data obtained by using 230Th/234U dating methodology applied on the calcite coating that develops over hanging-wall of the Manisa Fault and the calcite veins that occur as fracture fillings. The age of the calcite precipitations associated with the Manisa Fault was determined to be between 307?±?203 and 444?±?101?ka by using the 230Th/234U dating method. Evaluation of the carbonate precipitations on the Manisa Fault along with the age data and the kinematic indicators ascertained that the Manisa Fault switched to a dip-slip normal faulting character from Middle Pleistocene onwards and that the region was under the effect of a NE–SW directional extensional regime. In addition, the opening rate was attempted to be determined using the roll-over anticline structure that advanced depending upon the movement of the fault on the upper horizontal strata of colluviums, which developed in association with the Manisa Fault. Along with the evaluation of the rise in the horizontal stratification in colluvium and the obtained age data, opening rate of the Manisa Fault was determined as 0.01?mm?y?1.  相似文献   
The Menderes Massif is a major polymetamorphic complex in Western Turkey. The late Neoproterozoic basement consists of partially migmatized paragneisses and metapelites in association with orthogneiss intrusions. Pelitic granulite, paragneiss and orthopyroxene-bearing orthogneiss (charnockite) of the basement series form the main granulite-facies lithologies. Charnockitic metagranodiorite and metatonalite are magnesian in composition and show calc-alkalic to alkali-calcic affinities. Nd and Sr isotope systematics indicate homogeneous crustal contamination. The zircons in charnockites contain featureless overgrowth and rim textures representing metamorphic growth on magmatic cores and inherited grains. Charnockites yield crytallization age of ~590 Ma for protoliths and they record granulite-facies overprint at ~ 580 Ma. These data indicate that the Menderes Massif records late Neoproterozoic magmatic and granulite-facies metamorphic events. Furthermore, the basement rocks have been overprinted by Eocene Barrovian-type Alpine metamorphism at ~42 Ma. The geochronological data and inferred latest Neoproterozoic–early Cambrian palaeogeographic setting for the Menderes Massif to the north of present-day Arabia indicate that the granulite-facies metamorphism in the Menderes Massif can be attributed to the Kuunga Orogen (600–500 Ma) causing the final amalgamation processes for northern part of the Gondwana.  相似文献   
对广泛分布于伊通地堑边界断裂的新生代玄武岩稀土元素组成进行了岩石圈厚度反演,得到了新生代岩石圈厚度变化情况,并结合该区构造演化特征综合分析得出晚白垩世至更新世发生两期深部熔岩上涌:第一期发生于晚白垩世至古新世,软流圈上涌强度大,上涌至约50km,直接导致伊通盆地的断陷和沉降;第二期发生于中新世11.5~11.0Ma,持续时间短,软流圈上涌强度较弱,表现为隆起构造,对盆地断陷后期起改造作用,控制着莫里青地区尖山构造带的形成以及该地区沉降中心的迁移。  相似文献   
Active faults at a range in scales are observed in different directions (E-W, N-S and NE-SW) in the extensional tectonic regime of the Aegean region, western Turkey. However, mechanisms and types of faults in the Gulf of Izmir have not been investigated properly. Tectonic setting in the gulf together with the origin and characteristics of faults were studied in this study by integrating interpretation from various very high resolution acoustic data (multibeam bathymetry and CHIRP very high resolution seismic) acquired in the Gulf of Izmir.The Gulf of Izmir has thick, unconsolidated, stratified sediment cover. The water depth increases from the inner part (SE) to the outer part (NW) of the gulf with complex sea floor morphology. However, northeastern part of the coastal region is very shallow because of the sedimentary influx transported by the Gediz River. The western margin and the southern part of the gulf were formed under the influence of Uzunada (Uzun Island) and Izmir Faults, respectively. In the southern offshore, there is only one, E-W directional normal fault dipping through the north and corresponding to the offshore segment of the Izmir Fault Zone to the west. The acoustic data enable identification of the Uzunada Fault Zone extending as a simple lineament from near Guzelbahce in the south but bifurcating toward the NE of the Cicek Archipelago and terminating with left-lateral slip in the E-NE of the Hekim Island. After the sinistral strike-slip, the fault re-extends in the NW direction untill the mid of Uzunada as a single fault segment. Then, the fault is observed as a bunch of many active fault segments (like horse-tail splays) to the east of Uzunada with N-NW elongation through the outer gulf. These segments were chronologically succeeded from the east to the west. This progradational pattern is attributed to westward extension of the Gulf of Izmir with anti-clockwise rotational escape of the Anatolian Plate. In addition, progradation of faults was controlled by the NE-SW directional tear faults which may have played a key role in the shoreline extension and general pattern of the outer gulf islands. A very young graben in the central part of the gulf, also dislocated by the tear faults was observed parallel to the Uzunada Fault Zone as another indicator of ongoing fan-shaped opening of the gulf. These tectonic elements are consistent with earlier interpretation of GPS-based observations indicating a four-wheel gear system of rigid-body rotations. Additionally, a new fault extending from the far offshore of Foca to Suzbeyli village to the south was identified in this study. Its NW-SE extension is angular to the previous tectonic elements. All these elements apparently project at least 10 km farther northward, in the offshore Foca where the earthquake epicenters cluster.  相似文献   
According to the national key research and development program of China “Evolution, integrating treatment and technological demonstration of rocky desertification in karst graben basin”, the task of “ecological, environmental and geological differentiation of rocky desertification and its driving mechanism in karst graben basin” was to reveal the migration of carbon, nitrogen, calcium and water, as well as evolution process and driving mechanism of ecosystem succession and rocky desertification. In this respect, the factors of lithology, topography, ecology, hydrology, vegetation, socio-economy, meteorology, soil, etc. were studied in the demonstration areas of Mengzi and Luxi rocky desertification control. Moreover, the interaction between vegetation and hydrological processes in the typical watershed was established, and the critical period and water requirement of the ecological water demand in the watershed were established. The ecological and hydrological process of the vegetation, as well as nitrogen, calcium and water cycling, and the carbon sequestration ability of ecosystems were used to predict the evolution of ecosystem succession and rocky desertification. The results provided the theoretical basis for the rational allocation of ecological water resources and ecological restoration in rocky desertification area.  相似文献   
通过循环三轴试验,研究了k0固结饱和粘土在0.5 Hz、0.1 Hz与0.01 Hz循环应力作用下,循环强度与土样破坏时最终累积孔压的变化。结果表明,当循环频率从0.1 Hz减少至0.01 Hz时,若循环应力作用下三轴土样发生应力反向,k0固结饱和粘土循环强度大约降低3%左右;若没有应力反向,且当循环破坏次数从10变化至1 000时,循环强度的降低不超过1%,若循环破坏次数大于1 000时,循环频率的改变对循环强度基本没有影响。对于有应力反向情况,循环频率减小将导致最终累积孔压比增加;对于无应力反向情况,循环频率改变对最终累积孔压比的影响并不显著。循环频率对最终累积孔压比的影响与其对循环强度的影响一致。  相似文献   
概述渭河地堑的形成发育和邻区的耦合关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将秦岭造山带、渭河地堑和鄂尔多斯盆地作为相互联系的动力学系统,研究造山带-盆地系统中,渭河地堑的发生、发育过程和造山带隆升以及鄂尔多斯盆地构造变动之间的关系。将渭河地堑的发育过程分为:晚白垩世-古新世(1(2-E1),始新世-上新世(E2-N2),第四系(Qp,Qh)三个阶段。20±(2-4)MaBP是青藏高原演化的转折期,青藏高原开始对周围邻区产生整体影响和远程效应,渭河地堑的沉积可以与青藏运动、昆黄运动、共和运动相对应起来,为渭河地堑对青藏高原演化的远程响应。  相似文献   
周笑天  褚希  姚志平 《气象》2012,38(10):1295-1300
针对当前实时气温质量控制存在的问题,提出了一种基于k-means聚类的动态控制算法。算法首先用k-means方法将区域内各测温点划分为若干气温相似的聚类,然后分别对各聚类内的点进行离群率和离群速度的判别,以确定各点的质,量。与传统气温质量控制方法相比,该算法采用单点气温与整体气温相比较的思想,不需要预先设置气温参考极值,因而更具有实用性和科学性。而且,算法的复杂度较低,适合较大气温输入数据集的计算。  相似文献   
本文对1976年巴音木仁Ms62级地震序列进行了分析,剖析其前震序列的测震学指标异常及余震序列特征,判定了序列类型,得出一些有预报意义的结果。  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of high-resolution reflection seismic surveys carried out between 1989 and 1996 along rivers and canals in northern Belgium. The seismic data penetrate down to 900 m in the sedimentary cover or to the Paleozoic basement. The reflection response of the acoustic basement provides clear indications with regard to the top of the Paleozoic: crystalline basement and Lower Paleozoic metasediments and volcanics of the London-Brabant Massif and NE-dipping Devonian and Carboniferous strata. The subhorizontal Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary cover comprises 20 unconformity-bound seismic units: 5 in the Cretaceous and 15 in the Cenozoic. Based on borehole information, these units are correlated with lithostratigraphically defined formations or groups. Some of the unit-bounding unconformities are of regional importance. They are attributed i) to eustatic sea-level changes causing regional flooding during the Late Cretaceous or incision of deep valleys during the Late Oligocene and Late Miocene, ii) to regional tectonic tilting between Late Eocene and Early Oligocene, or iii) to a combination of eustasy and tectonics causing valley incisions during the Lutetian. Faults of the Roer Valley Graben have offset different stratigraphic levels by sometimes considerable amounts (up to 230 m in the Oligocene to Quaternary succession). Although the main tectonic phase took place during the Miocene, the activity has varied considerably through time, and also from fault to fault. Most faults seem to have a 10 to 30-m displacement since the Late Pliocene.  相似文献   
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