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Major and trace element concentrations, as well as Sr and U isotope ratios, were measured in rainwater samples collected in three different locations in Alsace (East of France) and Luxembourg: a mid-altitude mountain site (Aubure Environment HydroGeochemical Observatory), an urban site (Strasbourg) and a peri-urban site located in an area of well developed industrial activity (Esch-sur-Alzette in Luxembourg). Results highlight the quite high spatial and temporal variability of the chemical and isotopic characteristics of rainwater at the regional scale. They also suggest a quite systematic contribution of a local component in the chemical composition of rainwater. In urban and peri-urban sites, the local component is certainly linked to human activities, as it is well illustrated in this study with the Esch-sur-Alzette samples. On the other hand, for the Aubure site, i.e. a small forested watershed of mid-altitude mountain, data presented in this study demonstrate the influence of the vegetation on the chemical composition of rainwater for alkali and calc-alkali elements, as well as for the Sr isotope ratios. Such a result questions the reliability of the method classically used to estimate the rainwater contribution on the river chemical budget. In addition, data of the present study confirm the very low content of uranium in rainwater and demonstrate, especially through the U isotope analysis of Aubure rainwater, the negligible effect of rainwater on U budget of river waters. This work thus outlines the property of U to be a geochemical tracer specific of weathering fluxes carried by rivers. To cite this article: F. Chabaux et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
通过对腾格里沙漠东南缘沙坡头人工固沙区油蒿和柠条叶片稳定碳同位素分辨率(△)和N 含量的测定,研究了不同种植方式下油蒿和柠条叶片△ 和 N 含量的季节变化及其关系。结果表明:在不同种植方式下,两种植物的△ 与 N 含量在不同月份之间均存在显著差异。油蒿叶片 △ 极显著高于柠条的:在不同种植方式下,油蒿单种下 △ 显著高于混种,柠条则反之。 油蒿叶片 N 含量极显著低于柠条的:不同种植方式下柠条叶片 N 含量无显著差异,而单种油蒿叶片 N 含量则显著低于混种。在 △ 与 N 含量的关系中,柠条叶片 △ 与 N 在两种生境、单种和混种下均极显著正相关,雨明柠条叶片 N 含量可以作为其 △ 与 N 含量的季节变化及其关系在不同微生境有所差异。  相似文献   
Mount Bangou, an Eocene volcano (40K–40Ar ages between 44.7 and 43.1 ± 1 Ma) is the oldest dated volcano of the Cameroon Line. In this region, two magmatic series, evolving by fractional crystallization, show transitional affinities that are exceptionally known in this sector. Mineral compositions of basaltic rocks (scarce modal olivine and occurrence of normative hypersthene) as well as geochemical characteristics (low Ba, La, Ta contents and high Y/Nb ratios) are in agreement with this trend. The succession of magmas evolving in time from transitional to more typical alkaline compositions is evidenced in a continental setting. To cite this article: J. Fosso et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
IPCC reports provide a synthesis of the state of the science in order to inform the international policy process. This task is made difficult by the presence of deep uncertainty in the climate problem that results from long time scales and complexity. This paper focuses on how deep uncertainty can be effectively communicated. We argue that existing schemes do an inadequate job of communicating deep uncertainty and propose a simple approach that distinguishes between various levels of subjective understanding in a systematic manner. We illustrate our approach with two examples. To cite this article: M. Kandlikar et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
Resume. Les fouilles archéologiques réalisées de 1998 à 2002 sur le site néolithique de Marin-Les Piécettes sur la rive nord-ouest du lac de Neuchatel ont offert l’opportunité d’observer deux séquences sédimentaires intéressantes pour la reconstitution des variations holocènes du niveau du lac, en particulier au cours de la période correspondant au changement de cours de l’Aar en direction du nord-est, vers 5650–5500 cal BP. La géométrie des corps sédimentaires et les changements lithologiques permettent de reconna?tre plusieurs phases majeures de bas niveaux relatifs du plan d’eau vers 6870, 5660, 5060–3990, 3580, 2280, 1640 et 1170 cal BP. Le site néolithique de Marin-Les Piécettes s’est développé vers 5454–5433 cal BP à la faveur d’un court épisode de bas niveau du lac qui a interrompu une importante phase de haut niveau au début du Subboréal. Les événements paléohydrologiques identifiés à Marin-Les Piécettes apparaissent cohérents avec ceux reconstitués sur le site de Montilier au bord du lac de Morat, ainsi qu’avec les variations paléohydrologiques reconstituées à partir des lacs du Jura, du Plateau suisse et des Préalpes du Nord fran?aises. Ceci suggère qu’ils témoignent d’un signal climatique. La séquence sédimentaire de Marin-Les Piécettes met enfin en évidence la formation d’un cordon littoral sur la rive nord-ouest du lac juste après 5660 cal BP. Manuscrit re?u le 22 septembre 2004 Révision acceptée le 11 mars 2005  相似文献   
Mechanisms of fractional crystallization with simultaneous crustalassimilation (AFC) are examined for the Kutsugata and Tanetomilavas, an alkali basalt–dacite suite erupted sequentiallyfrom Rishiri Volcano, northern Japan. The major element variationswithin the suite can be explained by boundary layer fractionation;that is, mixing of a magma in the main part of the magma bodywith a fractionated interstitial melt transported from the mushyboundary layer at the floor. Systematic variations in SiO2 correlatewith variations in the Pb, Sr and Nd isotopic compositions ofthe lavas. The geochemical variations of the lavas are explainedby a constant and relatively low ratio of assimilated mass tocrystallized mass (‘r value’). In the magma chamberin which the Kutsugata and Tanetomi magmas evolved, a strongthermal gradient was present and it is suggested that the marginalpart of the reservoir was completely solidified. The assimilantwas transported by crack flow from the partially fused floorcrust to the partially crystallized floor mush zone throughfractures in the solidified margin, formed mainly by thermalstresses resulting from cooling of the solidified margin andheating of the crust. The crustal melt was then mixed with thefractionated interstitial melt in the mushy zone, and the mixedmelt was further transported by compositional convection tothe main magma, causing its geochemical evolution to be characteristicof AFC. The volume flux of the assimilant from the crust tothe magma chamber is suggested to have decreased progressivelywith time (proportional to t–1/2), and was about 3 x 10–2m/year at t = 10 years and 1 x 10–2 m/year at t = 100years. It has been commonly considered that the heat balancebetween magmas and the surrounding crust controls the couplingof assimilation and fractional crystallization processes (i.e.absolute value of r). However, it is inferred from this studythat the ratio of assimilated mass to crystallized mass canbe controlled by the transport process of the assimilant fromthe crust to magma chambers. KEY WORDS: assimilation and fractional crystallization; mass balance model; magma chamber; melt transport; Pb isotope  相似文献   
青藏高原腹地植物碳同位素组成对环境条件的响应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
现代植物碳同位素组成是特定环境影响的结果,通过对植物碳同位素组成的研究可以揭示植物生长期环境信息。针对青藏高原腹地高寒草甸~高寒草原过渡区植被碳同位素组成进行研究;该区高山嵩草样δ13C值在-25.63‰~-27.95‰间,平均值-26.63‰;高寒草原区混合样δ13C值于-26.29‰~-27.73‰间,平均值-27.04‰。高山嵩草样δ13C值总体呈现由南东往北西方向正偏趋势,研究区北部高寒草原区混合植物样也呈现出由南向北富重碳同位素趋势。这些变化规律被认为是主要受降水环境影响的结果,而区域内降水条件的展布规律则是受高原夏季风运移方式的控制。对植物δ13C值与地理位置的回归分析表明,该区植被碳同位素组成与地理位置相关,高山嵩草样(r=0.44603,n=29,p<0.05)和混合样(r=0.8112,n=5,p<0.1)均表现出对区域降水环境条件的良好响应。据此,以该区植物δ13C值为背景,进行合理推算,拟定了研究区内干旱区和湿润区界限的位置。  相似文献   
用基于Urey模型的量子化学从头计算,揭示Fe在FeCN63-和FeCN46-中的不同“自旋态”对同位素分馏行为的巨大影响,说明了只考虑“价态”的做法是不正确的,修正了关于“重同位素倾向于富集在高价化合物中”的这个广泛被接受的基本原理。并首次指出在压力导致自旋态变化的地质过程中,必定存在同位素分馏反常的复杂状况,是值得进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   
以峡东地区南华纪、震旦纪和寒武纪标准地层泥岩、冰碛泥岩、砂岩、灰岩和白云质灰岩及对应的风化土壤为研究对象, 分析了地层风化成土过程中不同元素的迁移行为, 根据剖面样品的Sr-Nd同位素组成变化, 探讨了其同位素体系的封闭性特征与应用意义.结果表明: (1) 不同岩性基岩在成土过程中的蚀变强度有明显的差异, 在相似地表条件下, 碳酸岩风化剖面的风化程度高于泥质岩和砂岩; (2) 通过对比稳定高场强Ti元素在基岩和风化剖面中的含量变化, 计算出土壤样品在风化过程中体积相对基岩发生的改变量, 进而计算出不同岩性基岩在风化过程中微量元素的绝对含量变化以探讨这些元素的活动规律.结果表明, 灰岩和白云质灰岩的风化剖面元素含量变化明显, 而在泥质岩风化过程中大多数元素保持了相对稳定, 说明沉积岩风化过程中元素的活动性特征明显地受到了原岩矿物组成的制约.风化过程中, 不同性质的元素的活动性差异明显, 其中亲硫元素(Cu、Zn、Pb、Mo) 和大离子亲石元素(Rb、K、Sr、Ba) 在不同岩性的风化剖面中均表现出明显的元素含量变化, 而高场强元素(Zr、Hf、Nb、Ta) 含量则相对稳定; (3) 泥质岩风化形成的土壤层REE含量变化较小, 而碳酸岩风化土壤层REE含量发生了明显下降, 且其风化形成的土壤表现出LREE和HREE相对于MREE的富集.无论是碳酸岩或泥质岩风化形成的土壤, 均出现了明显的Eu负异常和Ce的正异常, 但在其原岩中这些异常并不存在或不明显; (4) 基岩与土壤剖面间Sr同位素组成和Rb/Sr比值存在明显差异, Rb-Sr同位素组成发生了明显的开放.所形成土壤层的Sr同位素组成受到2种因素的约束: 原岩性质和外来组成的Sr同位素比值.因此在总体上, 风化土壤的Sr同位素组成已不能代表基岩的Sr同位素组成; (5) 沉积岩风化过程中, 碳酸岩和泥质岩形成的风化土壤基本保持了原岩的Sm-Nd同位素组成特点, 由其组成所获得的Nd同位素亏损地幔模式年龄等能反映其原岩信息, 而近源沉积形成的砂岩和含砾冰碛泥岩所形成的土壤, 其Nd同位素组成则存在不同程度的改变.   相似文献   
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