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刘洋 《测绘工程》2015,(10):71-76
以广州市利通广场第三方测量为研究对象,运用超高层建筑精密工程测量知识,综合采用GPS、测量机器人、激光垂准仪等多种先进设备,制定严密的超高层建筑控制网竖向传递复测方案,确立方便可行的轴线检测、高程检测及核心筒垂直度测量方法,为超高层建筑第三方测量提供新思路,对类似工程具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   
主要阐述了江川盆地澄江砂岩(Zac)的紫色砂岩与灰色砂岩、铀矿化蚀变岩微量元素及稀土元素地球化学特征。通过判别与对比,澄江砂岩(Zac)物质来源于活动大陆边缘,虽然铀矿化主要分布在灰色砂岩中,但灰色砂岩并不是控制铀矿化的主要因素,在铀矿化时有深部流体物质的影响。微量元素地球化学特征对探索该区砂岩型铀矿化以及寻找不整合面型铀矿床提供了可能,具有重要的指示意义。  相似文献   
长时间序列的区域空间结构的演化规律, 一直是空间结构模式分析中的薄弱环节, 而历史过程的长时段分析, 有助于对区域空间结构现状研判和对未来优化提供科学支撑。本文从结节区的视角, 对江苏省域地区过去2800 年间发展轴线产生、发展、主导、跃迁的全过程进行系统解析。选取春秋、隋、元、今4 个时点作点-轴、双核型空间结构的横向比较, 认为存在4 个发展阶段:春秋至南北朝、隋至南宋、元至清、民国至今;其中, 元至清和民国至今阶段, 分别发现区域发展中存在双核共振轴、港城共振轴现象。共振轴结构模式指区域中心城市(或市区)轴与门户港城(或港口县域)轴及其交通链接所形成的一种空间结构现象, 存在于过渡型区域发展背景下的沿江与沿海区域。最后, 从城市职能的变迁、点-轴型发展轴的跃迁、现代交通线的布局、相邻区域(上海)4 方面对江苏省区域空间结构的演化机理进行分析。  相似文献   
沿黄河地带——我国国土开发布局轴线   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
沿黄河地带是我国重要能源和金属资源富集区,发挥组合资源优势,强化以水资源为特色的复合轴线的作用,发展多元主导工业部门,构成大范围线状分布和小范围点状集中相结合的点轴系统,进一步完善我国沿海、沿江、沿黄三大经济开发轴线的互补格局。  相似文献   
中国石油大厦复合土钉支护现场监测与分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
桩锚与土钉复合支护在国内得到广泛地应用,但其分析理论和设计方法尚欠不足,实践远超过理论。结合北京中国石油大厦深基坑支护工程,介绍了桩锚-土钉复合支护内力的监测方案。通过对复合土钉支护中桩、锚杆、土钉受力的现场测试和分析,研究了桩锚-土钉复合支护各部分的受力机理,对深入认识桩锚-土钉复合支护的受力机理和桩锚-土钉复合支护结构的优化设计提供参考。  相似文献   
弹性各向异性介质岩石体波相速度计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述弹性波相速度计算的若干严格数值方法和近似解析方法,对数值算例及对不同方法作了比较.结果显示,不同数值方法得到结果一致,其适用于计算任意复杂各向异性介质岩石的相速度,但不便从物理意义的角度去分析物理参数对速度的影响;而近似解析解虽然精确程度各有不同,但是便于从物理意义的角度去进行速度分析,并在此基础上解析求取群速度这...  相似文献   
<正>Ground motion records are often used to develop ground motion prediction equations(GMPEs) for a randomly oriented horizontal component,and to assess the principal directions of ground motions based on the Arias intensity tensor or the orientation of the major response axis.The former is needed for seismic hazard assessment,whereas the latter can be important for assessing structural responses under multi-directional excitations.However,a comprehensive investigation of the pseudo-spectral acceleration(PSA) and of GMPEs conditioned on different axes is currently lacking.This study investigates the principal directions of strong ground motions and their relation to the orientation of the major response axis, statistics of the PSA along the principal directions on the horizontal plane,and correlation of the PSA along the principal directions on the horizontal plane.For these,three sets of strong ground motion records,including intraplate California earthquakes,inslab Mexican earthquakes,and interface Mexican earthquakes,are used.The results indicate that one of the principal directions could be considered as quasi-vertical.By focusing on seismic excitations on the horizontal plane,the statistics of the angles between the major response axis and the major principal axis are obtained;GMPEs along the principal axes are provided and compared with those obtained for a randomly oriented horizontal component;and statistical analysis of residuals associated with GMPEs along the principal directions is carried out.  相似文献   
Natural seismicity and induced seismic events are discussed in the context of the seismotectonic deformation method through the example of earthquakes in the Toktogul Reservoir region in the Central Tien Shan, Kirghizia. The parameters of seismotectonic deformation of various sites in the Toktogul Reservoir region are described, based on a statistical study of focal mechanisms. The relationship of induced seismicity to changes of water level in the reservoir is reviewed. The temporal stress-strain characteristics are investigated. Average focal mechanisms for the entire region, as well as areas in the immediate vicinity of Toktogul Dam are analyzed. The vertical component of seismotectonic deformation varies in time from compression to extension-opposite to what is expected from the influence of the reservoir load; strike-slip motions become oblique thrusts. Changes in the orientation of focal mechanisms coincide with the time of maximum rate of the filling of the reservoir.  相似文献   
生长激素/胰岛素样生长因子-I轴(Growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor-I axis,GH/IGF-I轴)是调控鱼类生长的主要内分泌轴线,许多外源化学物质能够影响鱼类的生长,并且能够干扰GH/IGF-I轴。本文介绍了鱼类GH/IGF-I轴的组成、功能及其对鱼类生长的调控模式,并从GH/IGF-I轴角度探究外源化学物质影响鱼类生长的内分泌作用机制,展望了该领域的发展方向。  相似文献   
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