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Abstract A case of iron precipitation in glaciofluvial material from Lake Hämeenjärvi near Oulu, northern Finland is described. Special emphasis is placed on the elucidation of the geochemical regime, the Eh-pH conditions and the chemical composition of the groundwater and the precipitate. In the case studied, deposition of iron is a result of a rise of Eh from + 400 mV to + 560 mV at the top of the watertable. On an Eh-pH equilibrium diagram the process, however, operates entirely within the field specified theoretically for ferric hydroxide. The total annual rate of deposition has been calculated to be about 15 g Fe/m2 on the basis of an average annual rate of flow of 5 1 water/s in a discharge creek. The texture of the precipitate and the distribution of Fe, Mn, Si and Al in it have been studied using scanning electron microscope and EDS. X-ray diffractometry, TGA and DTA studies show that the precipitate is in an amorphous state and contains 17.90% water expelled below 880°C. 相似文献
Lei CHEN Kezhang QIN Jinxiang LI Bo XIAO Guangming LI Junxing ZHAO Xin FAN 《Resource Geology》2012,62(1):42-62
The Nuri Cu‐W‐Mo deposit is located in the southern subzone of the Cenozoic Gangdese Cu‐Mo metallogenic belt. The intrusive rocks exposed in the Nuri ore district consist of quartz diorite, granodiorite, monzogranite, granite porphyry, quartz diorite porphyrite and granodiorite porphyry, all of which intrude in the Cretaceous strata of the Bima Group. Owing to the intense metasomatism and hydrothermal alteration, carbonate rocks of the Bima Group form stratiform skarn and hornfels. The mineralization at the Nuri deposit is dominated by skarn, quartz vein and porphyry type. Ore minerals are chalcopyrite, pyrite, molybdenite, scheelite, bornite and tetrahedrite, etc. The oxidized orebodies contain malachite and covellite on the surface. The mineralization of the Nuri deposit is divided into skarn stage, retrograde stage, oxide stage, quartz‐polymetallic sulfide stage and quartz‐carbonate stage. Detailed petrographic observation on the fluid inclusions in garnet, scheelite and quartz from the different stages shows that there are four types of primary fluid inclusions: two‐phase aqueous inclusions, daughter mineral‐bearing multiphase inclusions, CO2‐rich inclusions and single‐phase inclusions. The homogenization temperature of the fluid inclusions are 280°C–386°C (skarn stage), 200°C–340°C (oxide stage), 140°C–375°C (quartz‐polymetallic sulfide stage) and 160°C–280°C (quartz‐carbonate stage), showing a temperature decreasing trend from the skarn stage to the quartz‐carbonate stage. The salinity of the corresponding stages are 2.9%–49.7 wt% (NaCl) equiv., 2.1%–7.2 wt% (NaCl) equiv., 2.6%–55.8 wt% (NaCl) equiv. and 1.2%–15.3 wt% (NaCl) equiv., respectively. The analyses of CO2‐rich inclusions suggest that the ore‐forming pressures are 22.1 M Pa–50.4 M Pa, corresponding to the depth of 0.9 km–2.2 km. The Laser Raman spectrum of the inclusions shows the fluid compositions are dominated in H2O, with some CO2 and very little CH4, N2, etc. δD values of garnet are between ?114.4‰ and ?108.7‰ and δ18OH2O between 5.9‰ and 6.7‰; δD of scheelite range from ?103.2‰ to ?101.29‰ and δ18OH2O values between 2.17‰ and 4.09‰; δD of quartz between ?110.2‰ and ?92.5‰ and δ18OH2O between ?3.5‰ and 4.3‰. The results indicate that the fluid came from a deep magmatic hydrothermal system, and the proportion of meteoric water increased during the migration of original fluid. The δ34S values of sulfides, concentrated in a rage between ?0.32‰ to 2.5‰, show that the sulfur has a homogeneous source with characteristics of magmatic sulfur. The characters of fluid inclusions, combined with hydrogen‐oxygen and sulfur isotopes data, show that the ore‐forming fluids of the Nuri deposit formed by a relatively high temperature, high salinity fluid originated from magma, which mixed with low temperature, low salinity meteoric water during the evolution. The fluid flow through wall carbonate rocks resulted in the formation of layered skarn and generated CO2 or other gases. During the reaction, the ore‐forming fluid boiled and produced fractures when the pressure exceeded the overburden pressure. Themeteoric water mixed with the ore‐forming fluid along the fractures. The boiling changed the pressure and temperature, oxygen fugacity, physical and chemical conditions of the whole mineralization system. The escape of CO2 from the fluid by boiling resulted in scheelite precipitation. The fluid mixing and boiling reduced the solubility of metal sulfides and led the precipitation of chalcopyrite, molybdenite, pyrite and other sulfide. 相似文献
对塔里木盆地柯坪地区蓬莱坝剖面中寒武统沙依里克组萨布哈白云岩及其溶孔中的多期次充填物进行了岩石学和地球化学分析,以对其沉淀时的流体环境进行恢复。孔洞中的环带状充填物可分为4期,由白云岩向内依次为:(1)乳白色粒状方解石;(2)铁质浸染的杂色柱状方解石;(3)无色透明的石英;(4)紫色粒状萤石。碳氧同位素、微量元素及稀土元素分析结果表明:白云岩具有高的Sr/Ba值5.47,低的U/Th值0.2954(明显小于0.7),高的Zr/Hf值36.86,相对高的稀土总量,相对高的 δ18O值-7.444‰,盐度指数Z值为120.56,表明它形成于相对低温、富氧和盐度相对较高的流体环境,进一步证实其是形成于蒸发环境的准同生白云岩。第1期方解石具有低的Sr/Ba值2.33,相对高的U/Th值1.3,低的Zr/Hf值20.857,相对居中的稀土总量,相对低的δ18O值-13.758‰,盐度指数Z值为105.35(小于120),表明它形成于温度相对较高、缺氧、盐度较低的流体条件下。第2期方解石具有具有相对低的Sr/Ba值2.77,相对高的U/Th值1,相对低的Zr/Hf值32.08,相对居中的稀土总量,相对低的 δ18O值-11.344‰,盐度指数Z值为116.51,表明其形成于温度相对较高、贫氧、盐度较低的流体条件下。萤石具有居中的Sr/Ba值3.15,相对高的U/Th值0.8666,相对低的Zr/Hf值31.875,相对低的稀土总量,其配分模式与岩浆成因萤石较为接近,表明其形成于温度相对较高、缺氧、低盐度的流体条件下。这些特征反映该套地层经历了准同生期白云岩化后的埋藏-抬升-再埋藏-最终抬升至地表的过程。 相似文献
Having recognized that it is the tropospheric temperature (TT) gradient rather than the land–ocean surface temperature gradient that drives the Indian monsoon, a new mechanism of El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) monsoon teleconnection has been unveiled in which the ENSO influences the Indian monsoon by modifying the TT gradient over the region. Here we show that equatorial Pacific coralline oxygen isotopes reflect TT gradient variability over the Indian monsoon region and are strongly correlated to monsoon precipitation as well as to the length of the rainy season. Using these relationships we have been able to reconstruct past Indian monsoon rainfall variability of the first half of the 20th century in agreement with the instrumental record. Additionally, an older coral oxygen isotope record has been used to reconstruct seasonally resolved summer monsoon rainfall variability of the latter half of the 17th century, indicating that the average annual rainfall during this period was similar to that during the 20th century. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
本文采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和电子探针对黑龙江省三道湾子金矿中Au-Ag-Te系列矿物碲银矿、碲金银矿、针碲金银矿、斜方碲金矿和碲金矿进行了详细的矿物学研究,本次研究还发现Au2Te的存在。碲化物矿物多呈粒状或脉状分布于石英或硫化物矿物的裂隙中。Au-Ag-Te系列矿物中,Au含量与Ag含量呈负相关性,与Te含量呈弱的负相关性。结合Au-Ag-Te成分共生图解及镜下特征对金银碲化物矿物共生组合进行分析表明Te优先与Ag结合形成碲银矿或碲金银矿,只有成矿流体中Ag被大量消耗后,Te才与Au结合形成针碲金银矿、斜方碲金矿、碲金矿,最后当成矿流体中Te也被大量消耗后,Au才会形成自然金。氦、氩同位素研究表明石英—黄铁矿阶段流体包裹体中3He/4He值为0.01~0.03Ra,金银碲化物阶段3He/4He值为0.08~1.04Ra,指示金银碲化物阶段有大量地幔物质参与。 相似文献
在长江中下游地区,与白垩纪陆相火山-侵入岩有关的铁多金属矿床在空间上绝大多数发育于白垩纪火山盆地,仅程潮和金山店出现于隆起区;成矿时间上分为两个时代,即133~130Ma和127~125Ma。按照成矿物质来源和成矿过程,鉴别出4个成矿系统:即在隆起区与石英闪长岩有关的矽卡岩铁矿(系统1);在火山盆地内,与大王山(或砖桥)旋回火山-次火山活动有关的铁多金属矿床(包括,磷灰石-磁铁矿型铁矿、类矽卡岩型铁矿、矿浆型铁矿、热液型硫铜金矿、热液型铅锌矿)(系统2)和与二长-正长岩有关的矽卡岩型铁矿(系统3);与娘娘山(或浮山)旋回火山-次火山活动有关的铜(金)矿和金铀矿(系统4)。盆地内和隆起区的矽卡岩型铁矿形成时间基本一致,略晚于与辉石闪长玢岩有关的铁多金属矿床(系统2), 但早于铜金铀为主的成矿系统4。前人以系统2中的磷灰石-磁铁矿型铁矿、类矽卡岩型铁矿和矿浆型铁矿为主,结合其他一些少见或不具工业意义的铁矿类型,提出一个具有广泛影响的玢岩铁矿成矿模式。此文以玢岩铁矿成矿模式为基础,结合4个成矿系统的基本特点,提出了白垩纪陆相火山-侵入岩有关的铁多金属矿床模型。以上这些具有成因联系的矿床系统和类型及其分带互为找矿标志。 相似文献
YANG Jiehu PENG Jiantang ZHAO Junhong FU Yazhou YANG Chen HONG Yinglong 《《地质学报》英文版》2012,86(1):131-152
Mesozoic granitic intrusions are widely distributed in the Nanling region,South China.Yanshanian granites are closely connected with the formation of tungsten deposits.The Xihuashan granite is a typica... 相似文献
采用野外观察、室内薄片鉴定及多项地球化学分析技术方法,对塔里木盆地柯坪地区上寒武统表生溶蚀型藻格架白云岩的特征及成因进行了研究。宏观上,藻格架白云岩呈丘状、透镜状夹于潮坪相白云岩层间,由于差异性溶蚀,发育了大量表生溶蚀孔。微观上,藻格架由富藻的泥粉晶白云石组成,而架间孔由浅色的亮晶白云石充填。藻格架泥粉晶白云石呈他形—半自形,镶嵌结构,具有暗红色—橙红色的阴极发光,较高的Na、K含量,较低的Fe含量;δ13C为-0.572‰~0.124‰、平均值-0.116‰,δ18O为-5.391‰~-4.983‰、平均值-5.240‰,表明其形成于准同生阶段盐度较高的相对氧化环境中。架间充填的亮晶白云石胶结物,呈半自形—自形中细晶,具有昏暗的阴极发光或者不发光,较低的Na、K含量,较高的Fe含量,δ13C值为-0.662‰~-0.251‰、平均值为-0.460‰;δ18O值为-6.639‰~-5.939‰、平均值-6.267‰,表明其形成于相对还原的埋藏环境。稀土元素分析结果表明,二者均具有LREE轻微富集、HREE亏损、Eu负异常特征,与海相泥晶灰岩稀土元素配分模式相似,揭示了其白云化流体均来自于原始的海水。在溶蚀作用方面,亮晶白云石胶结物相对泥粉晶白云石藻格架更易于溶蚀。前者在大气水表生溶蚀过程中,主量元素Ca、Mg丢失显著,Mg/Ca值由0.955降至0.007,微量元素Na、K丢失相对明显,Na/Ca值由原来的3.8×10-4降为1.9×10-4,K/Ca值由1.1×10-3降至检测限以下,而不改变稀土元素的配分模式。这些特征表明,表生溶蚀过程在元素特征上是一个去白云化的盐度降低过程,而这一过程中基本无稀土元素的带入带出。 相似文献
内蒙古西沙德盖钼矿床辉钼矿Re-Os同位素年龄及其地质意义 总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6
西沙德盖钼矿床是近年来在内蒙古中西部地区找到的一处中型钼矿床。钼矿化在西沙德盖斑状钾长花岗岩株及其与太古界乌拉山群变质岩接触带内呈浸染状和脉状产出,并且构成透镜状矿体。本次研究过程中,对9件代表性辉钼矿样品进行了Re-Os同位素年龄测定,Re-Os同位素模式年龄值变化范围为222.4~226.3 Ma,等时线年龄为(226.4±3.3) Ma,与赋矿围岩花岗斑岩的成岩年龄一致,由此认为西沙德盖钼矿床与斑状钾长花岗岩的形成时间均为晚三叠世,属印支晚期构造_岩浆活动的产物。结合矿区外围其他钼矿床同位素年龄数据,可以推测,内蒙古中西部大规模钼矿化发生的时间为印支晚期。古大陆内部张裂构造作用所诱发的岩浆活动是导致钼矿床形成的主导因素。 相似文献