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激光共振电离光谱技术是痕量分析中的重要手段之一。本文以速率方程理论为基础 ,对钙原子的激光共振电离过程进行分析 ,通过编程对该原子的二步单色三光子和三步三色三光子非饱和激发电离过程进行模拟 ,得到了相应的电离效率与激光的能量、作用时间之间的关系曲线 ,并对这 2种电离方案进行了比较。  相似文献   
质谱成像是一种以质谱分析为基础的新兴分子影像技术,无须复杂的前处理过程即可对样品中多种被测分子的空间分布进行检测.目前,该技术已被广泛应用于医学、药学、微生物学、食品科学等诸多领域,其在海洋生物领域的应用也逐渐受到关注,为海洋科学基础研究提供了新机遇.本文在对不同质谱成像技术原理和特点进行简述的基础上,从海洋生物所产天然产物、关键代谢元素与体内污染物监测等方面,对近年来质谱成像技术在海洋生物中的研究应用进行了系统综述.  相似文献   
Based on numerical simulations, we show that the oscillatory propagation of a plane-parallel ionization-shock front is possible for a typical dependence of the interstellar-medium cooling function on density and temperature. In this case, the oscillation amplitude of the shock position in the presence of an ionization front can be several times larger than its value for a single shock wave. The variations in neutral and ionized gas velocities attributable to oscillations are comparable in order of magnitude and agree with the random velocities observed in H II regions.  相似文献   
矿物-氨基酸水溶液的表面离子化及溶解作用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李国武  董发勤  万朴 《矿物学报》2001,21(3):330-334
在矿物-氨基酸-水组成的多相体系中,矿物在氨基酸中的溶解作用是一个复杂的过程,其矿物的成分、结构和表面离子化是影响矿物溶解和络合的重要因素。水镁石、纤蛇纹石、硅灰石由于表面羟基化,在氨基酸水溶液中有较高的溶解度,溶解以配合作用为主;坡缕石、海泡石层状硅酸盐矿物表面羟基化作用较弱,与氨基酸的作用为配合作用和吸附作用并存,以后者为主;沸石矿物则以吸附作用为主。在中性氨基酸水溶液中,矿物的溶解度大小为:水镁石>纤蛇纹石>硅灰石>海泡石>坡缕石>斜发沸石。  相似文献   
何学贤  杨淳  刘敦一 《地学前缘》2003,10(2):335-340
热电离质谱铀系定年技术具有明显的优势 ,如样品用量少 ,测年精度高 ,测年范围宽 ,是中更新世以来有效的测年技术之一 ,可为全球环境变化、新构造运动、古人类的演化等课题研究提供高精度、高分辨率的时间标尺 ,有广阔的应用前景。文中系统地介绍这种技术的原理和实验方法 ,并探讨该技术应用的最新进展。  相似文献   
矿物纤维粉尘的电化学特性研究及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要测定了6对矿物粉尘的电导率和pH值,对比分析了形态、粒度、温度、时间对粉尘电化学特征的影响。研究结果表明,矿物在水介质中的pH值/电导率比值与其粒度细度成正相关关系,电导率对温度的变化较为敏感,其最大值出现在60℃左右,在80℃以后所有样品的电导率均出现大幅下降拐点。多数样品的pH值表现出逐渐上升的趋势,8小时以后所有样品均接近平衡时的稳定值,具阳离子交换性质的矿尘的溶解、电离、导电模式是  相似文献   
高精度热电离质谱法测定氯同位素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文首次建立了基于Cs_2Cl~+离子的高精度正热电离质谱测定氯同位素的方法,发现石墨的存在能大大增强Cs_2Cl~+离子的发射强度和稳定性。实验中对影响测定精度的各种因素,如样品液的pH值、涂样量、样品蒸干条件、分馏效应等进行了较为详细的研究,测定了光谱纯HCl试剂中的~(37)Cl/~(35)Cl同位素比值,精度为0.034%(95%置信水平),用此法还初步研究了盐湖卤水中的氟同位素组成。  相似文献   
A commercial (Setaram C80) calorimeter has been modified to measure the heat capacities of highly caustic solutions at temperatures up to 300 °C and pressures up to 20 MPa. The improvements have allowed more accurate determination of the isobaric volumetric heat capacities of chemically aggressive liquids at high temperatures. Test measurements with aqueous solutions of sodium chloride showed a reproducibility of about ±0.1%, with an accuracy of ∼0.3% or better, over the whole temperature range. Heat capacities of aqueous solutions of sodium hydroxide at concentrations from 0.5 to 8 mol/kg were measured at temperatures from 50 to 300 °C and a pressure of 10 MPa. Apparent molar isobaric heat capacities of NaOH(aq) were calculated using densities determined previously for the same solutions by vibrating-tube densimetry. Standard state (infinite dilution) partial molar isobaric heat capacities of NaOH(aq) were obtained by extrapolation using an extended Redlich-Meyer equation. Values of the standard heat capacity change for the ionization of water up to 300 °C were derived by combining the present results with the literature data for HCl(aq) and NaCl(aq).  相似文献   
利用Triton XT型热电离质谱仪,对1个碳酸锶同位素标准物质SRM 987和4个岩石标准物质BCR2、BHVO2、JLs1和GBW07127进行了锶(Sr)同位素比值的测试,测试时采用指数律和88Sr/86Sr=8.375209进行质量分馏校正,87Rb/85Rb=0.385041进行同质异位素干扰扣除。测得SRM 987:87Sr/86Sr比值为0.710252±0.000011(n=40,2SD),BCR2:87Sr/86Sr比值为0.705016±0.000011(n=10,2SD)、BHVO2:87Sr/86Sr比值为0.703471±0.000011(n=10,2SD),JLs1:87Sr/86Sr比值为:0.707825±0.000014(n=10,2SD),与推荐值及前人文献报道值在误差范围内一致。此外,本研究测定的碳酸盐岩标准物质GBW07127的87Sr/86Sr比值为0.708971±0.000023(n=20,2SD),这一数据丰富了目前国家标准物质的锶同位素数据库,可为地球化学的分析研究提供重要的数据参照。  相似文献   
Five aromatic hydrocarbons – benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, p-xylene and 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene – were selected to investigate the laser desorption/ionization mass spectra of secondary organic aerosols (SOA) resulting from OH-initiated photooxidation of aromatic compounds. The experiments were conducted by irradiating aromatic hydrocarbon/CH3ONO/NO X mixtures in a home-made smog chamber. The aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometer (ATOFMS) was used to measure the aerodynamic size and chemical composition of individual secondary organic aerosol particles in real-time. Experimental results showed that aerosol created by aromatics photooxidation is predominantly in the form of fine particles, which have diameters less than 2.5 μm (i.e. PM2.5), and different aromatic hydrocarbons SOA mass spectra have eight same positive laser desorption/ionization mass spectra peaks: m/z = 18, 29, 43, 44, 46, 57, 67, 77. These mass spectra peaks may come from the fragment ions of the SOA products: oxo-carboxylic acids, aldehydes and ketones, nitrogenated organic compounds, furanoid and aromatic compounds. The possible reaction mechanisms leading to these products were also discussed.  相似文献   
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