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There is a correspondence between flow in a reservoir and large scale permeability trends. This correspondence can be derived by constraining reservoir models using observed production data. One of the challenges in deriving the permeability distribution of a field using production data involves determination of the scale of resolution of the permeability. The Adaptive Multiscale Estimation (AME) seeks to overcome the problems related to choosing the resolution of the permeability field by a dynamic parameterisation selection. The standard AME uses a gradient algorithm in solving several optimisation problems with increasing permeability resolution. This paper presents a hybrid algorithm which combines a gradient search and a stochastic algorithm to improve the robustness of the dynamic parameterisation selection. At low dimension, we use the stochastic algorithm to generate several optimised models. We use information from all these produced models to find new optimal refinements, and start out new optimisations with several unequally suggested parameterisations. At higher dimensions we change to a gradient-type optimiser, where the initial solution is chosen from the ensemble of models suggested by the stochastic algorithm. The selection is based on a predefined criterion. We demonstrate the robustness of the hybrid algorithm on sample synthetic cases, which most of them were considered insolvable using the standard AME algorithm.  相似文献   
A quality investigation of global vertical datum connection   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The relative amplitude method(RAM) is more suitable for source inversion of low magnitude earthquakes because it avoids the modeling of short-period waveforms.We introduced an improved relative amplitude method(IRAM) which is more robust in practical cases.The IRAM uses a certain function to quantify the fitness between the observed and the predicted relative amplitudes among direct P wave,surface reflected pP and sP waves for a given focal mechanism.Using the IRAM,we got the fault-plane solutions of two ea...  相似文献   
以地质统计学为基础的三维地质建模技术已成为当今储层精细描述中的一项关键技术,但该项技术存在着一个最大的限制就是对硬数据的密度要求十分苛刻,因而多用于井网密度大的已开发区的储层精细描述。而在勘探区块,多采用地震属性资料作为软约束,来弥补资料不足的缺陷。本文以我国海上某油田为例,探讨了应用地震反演资料约束三维储层建模的几种方法,并提出"多条件、多级约束"的建模策略。研究表明,有效地应用包括地震信息在内的多学科信息进行岩相随机建模,能有效地弥补井间信息不足的缺陷,降低地质模型的不确定性,所建立的模型能很好地综合井资料的纵向高精度和地震资料的横向高精度信息,可以成功地应用三维随机建模技术解决勘探开发阶段的储层精细描述问题。  相似文献   
2D多尺度混合优化地球物理反演方法及其应用(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
局部优化和全局优化方法广泛应用到地球物理反演,但是两者各有其优缺点。将两类方法结合起来可以取长补短。将退火遗传算法(SAGA)和单纯形算法相结合,得到了一种高效、健全的2D非线性混合地震走时反演方法。首先,利用SAGA进行大范围的全局搜索,然后由单纯形方法进行快速局部搜索。为了降低层析成像的多解性,我们采用了多尺度逐次逼近的技巧。把速度场划分为不同的空间尺度,定义网格节点上的速度作为待反演参数,采用双三次样条函数模型参数化,正问题采用有限差分走时计算方法,反问题采用多尺度混合反演方法。一个低速度异常体的数值模拟试验和抗走时扰动试验表明该方法是有效和健全的。我们将该方法应用到青藏高原东北缘阿尼玛卿rlet,Meyer,Marr,缝合带东段上部地壳速度结构研究中。数字模型试验和实际资料的应用表明了方法的有效性和健全性。  相似文献   
用远震接收函数研究滇西地区的深部结构   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
滇西地区地处欧亚板块碰撞或俯冲的边界地带,曾受到多期构造运动的影响,其地质环境和构造背景十分复杂,是我国地震活动比较活跃的地区之一. 本文选用国家、地方和流动数字台网的16个台站的远震记录. 其中PASSCAL甚宽频带流动地震台站4个,提取有效接收函数近2 000条. 两条测线的直线距离分别为650 km和450 km, 横切了滇西地区的一些主要构造单元. 研究表明,怒江断裂可能是一条具有俯冲性质的缝合线. 川滇菱形块体东西两侧的分界线¾红河断裂和小江断裂可能是直立的缝合线或碰撞带. 攀西构造带仍具有大陆裂谷的特征,即地表凹陷、上地幔隆起. 滇西地区的构造格局具有一定的规律性,造山带与缝合线相间分布. 滇西地区由北向南地壳厚度渐次减薄,S波速度整体偏低.  相似文献   
采用震源位置和速度结构的联合反演方法确定2003年大姚6.2级、6.1级地震序列的分布和震源区的速度结构.该方法首先确定研究区的速度结构,然后在该速度结构的基础上对地震重新定位.结果表明:① 大姚6.2级地震序列明显分为地震较密集的东南段和地震较稀疏的北西段,而且这两段存在一定的错动,速度结构也显示出高、低速交界带在错动处具有转折特点;② 大姚6.2级地震序列在深度上呈"V"字形分布,这与该地区呈倒三角形分布的低速体相对应,即余震主要分布在高、低速交界带附近;③ 大姚6.2级、6.1级地震的破裂区都位于倒三角形低速体的东南侧,6.2级地震沿高、低速交界带往下破裂,而6.1级地震沿高、低速交界带往上破裂;④ 6 km深度的速度分布显示震源区具有高、低速度体交替呈四象限分布特征,而且余震主要沿北西向的高低速交界带分布;⑤ 大姚6.2级主震的东南侧的高、低速交界带处的低速体速度值较北西侧低速值高,其对6.2级地震往东南方向破裂具有阻碍作用,即东南侧处于能量积累状态,有利于6.1级地震的发生.  相似文献   
民勤大气边界层特征与沙尘天气的气候学关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 为了更好地理解西北干旱区大气混合层(ML)厚度的变化特征及其对当地沙尘气候形成的影响, 利用民勤2006—2008年3—6月逐日08时和20时探空资料、降水和日最高气温,计算和分析了最大混合层厚度、逆温层特征和垂直风场及其对沙尘气候形成的影响。结果表明,民勤沙尘天气的大气边界层有显著的昼夜变化,白天厚、逆温强而多;沙尘天气的最大混合层厚度在2 600 m左右,介于无降水与有降水天气之间;扬沙主要由锋面中的冷空气引起,而沙尘暴主要由低层风场的剧烈扰动和500 m以上高层冷锋入侵引起。沙尘暴发生前近地面风场有明显的扰动,沙尘暴发生时在500 hPa以下有显著的冷空气活动,白天较强。能见度小于100 m的强沙尘暴夜间风速大,冷空气较强。  相似文献   
The northern Fossa Magna (NFM) basin is a Miocene rift system produced in the final stages of the opening of the Sea of Japan. It divides the major structure of Japan into two regions, with north-trending geological structures to the NE of the basin and EW trending structures to the west of the basin. The Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line (ISTL) bounds the western part of the northern Fossa Magna and forms an active fault system that displays one of the largest slip rates (4–9 mm/year) in the Japanese islands. Deep seismic reflection and refraction/wide-angle reflection profiling were undertaken in 2002 across the northern part of ISTL in order to delineate structures in the crust, and the deep geometry of the active fault systems. The seismic images are interpreted based on the pattern of reflectors, the surface geology and velocities derived from refraction analysis. The 68-km-long seismic section suggests that the Miocene NFM basin was formed by an east dipping normal fault with a shallow flat segment to 6 km depth and a deeper ramp penetrating to 15 km depth. This low-angle normal fault originated as a comparatively shallow brittle/ductile detachment in a high thermal regime present in the Miocene. The NFM basin was filled by a thick (>6 km) accumulation of sediments. Shortening since the late Neogene is accommodated along NS to NE–SE trending thrust faults that previously accommodated extension and produce fault-related folds on their hanging wall. Based on our balanced geologic cross-section, the total amount of Miocene extension is ca. 42 km and the total amount of late Neogene to Quaternary shortening is ca. 23 km.  相似文献   
川中南充盐盆是四川盆地最大的次一级含盐盆地,区域内钾盐具有成盐厚度大、分布范围广、埋藏深度深、岩性复杂等特点,目前尚未建立一套适用于研究区的钾盐地球物理评价方法。以地球物理勘探原理为基础,结合测井、录井、地质、地震等资料,分析和总结出不同岩性的测井响应特征以及分布范围,根据杂卤石"三高一低"的特点,建立杂卤石测井识别方法。在此基础上,优选伽马和声波速度作为敏感参数,建立了杂卤石的地质—测井—地震三位一体井约束地震反演识别方法,并以广参1井为例,预测杂卤石的空间展布情况。最后结合地震反演结果圈定出广安地区为杂卤石沉积的最有利区域。在实际应用中总结出一套适用于研究区的杂卤石预测方法,为研究区后续勘探开发提供了借鉴与参考,具有一定的推广应用价值。  相似文献   
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