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镉和汞两种重金属离子对四角蛤蜊的急性毒性   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
王晓宇  王清  杨红生 《海洋科学》2009,33(12):24-29
采用毒理学实验方法,比较研究了Cd~(2+)和Hg~(2+)对四角蛤蜊(Mactra veneriformis Reeve)急性毒性效应的差异,以期为进一步评价重金属离子对四角蛤蜊的毒性效应和作用机理等提供理论依据.死亡概率单位和实验液浓度对数的线性回归分析表明,Cd~(2+)对四角蛤蜊在24、48和96 h的半致死浓度(LC_(50))分别为15.961、5.149和2.383 mg/L,Hg~(2+)的LC_(50)分别为3.714、0.607和0.207 mg/L;Cd~(2+) 和Hg~(2+) 对四角蛤蜊的安全质量浓度分别为0.023 8 mg/L和0.002 1 mg/L,分别是我国渔业水质标准(GB11607-89)限定量的4.76倍和4.02倍.  相似文献   
基于Multisim X的计算机辅助电子电路设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学好<电子线路>这门课程,不仪需要有扎实的电路分析和信号与系统等专业基础知识,还需要在学习过程中加入单元或系统电路的实验环节,这样才能完成整个电路的设计.介绍如何在电路的理论没计基础之上,以Multisim X这一仿真软件为实验平台,仿照硬件环境来完成电路的最终设计的.  相似文献   
我国农村饮水安全问题探讨与对策   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
根据《我国饮水安全与北方缺水地区农业水资源高效利用战略研究》及《全国农村饮水安全现状调查评估》中的调查资料,统计分析了我国农村饮水不安全人口总体分布特征及 不同类型的空间分布特点。按照中部、东部和西部划分,饮水不安全人口在数量上中部多东部少,中部为1.4 亿人,东部为0.7 亿人;在饮水不安全人口占农村总人口比例上,西部多东部少,西部为40%,东部为27%。饮用高氟、苦咸水、污染地表水、污染地下水以及水量缺乏等不同类型的饮水不安全人口分布特点各不相同,高氟水主要在华北地区,在天津饮用高 氟水人口占不安全人口的70%;饮用污染地表水主要分布在淮河以南、青海西藏以东大部分区域。进一步分析讨论了不同饮水安全问题(高氟、高砷、污染水、水量缺乏等) 的成因及影响农村饮水安全的主要因素,最后提出严格防治点源污染、面源污染,加强水源地保护,加 强雨水集蓄利用以及制定应急机制和预案等一系列解决农村饮水安全问题、保障饮水安全的 对策和措施。  相似文献   
Surface measurements of the atmospheric electrical parameters like Maxwell current, electric field and conductivity studied at the Indian station, Maitri (70.75° S, 11.75° E, 117 m above mean sea level), Antarctica, during austral summer have been analyzed for the years 2001 to 2004. A total of 69 days were selected which satisfied the ‘fairweather’ conditions, i.e., days with absence of high winds, drifting or falling snow, clouds, and fog effects. The diurnal variation curve of electric field and vertical current averaged for 69 fairweather days is a single periodic with a minimum at 03:00 UT and a maximum near 19:00 UT, which is very similar to the Carnegie curve. The correlation coefficient between these measured parameters has a high value (more than 0.9) for all the days. During fairweather days the measured current and field variations are similar and hence it is clear that the conductivity is more or less stable. During magnetically disturbed days, the dawn-dusk potential drop has clear influences on the diurnal variation and it modifies the conductivity. Apart from the day-to-day variation in low latitude thunderstorm activity, there are diurnal, seasonal, inter-annual variations in the electric potential and the currents, as well as solar influences on the measured parameters. This study will help us to examine the impact of solar and geophysical phenomena like solar flares, geomagnetic storms and substorms on the global electric circuit.  相似文献   
详细叙述了利用普通收音机在短周期测震记录仪上打授时台秒号的接口,它的设计原理、安装与使用。经实践、成本不高,性能确可满足需要。  相似文献   
范俊智 《测绘学报》1999,28(3):263-268
本文叙述了 T L1 本安型陀螺罗盘的陀螺马达选型及设计中的几个问题,介绍仪器样机的测试情况。测试结果表明,仪器性能稳定,陀螺方位角一次测量中误差≤±30′,可以替代磁罗盘,进行低精度的定向测量。  相似文献   
随着第五代移动通信技术(5G)逐步向毫米波频段(FR2)部署,以及目前无人驾驶技术对毫米波雷达技术的需求,高性能的毫米波收发前端集成电路成为了目前研究的热点.与此同时,硅基器件工艺的快速发展,极大地提高了晶体管的截止频率,为低成本、高性能的硅基毫米波集成电路设计提供了基础.本文对近年来的毫米波通信和雷达的硅基收发前端集成电路的研究现状和发展趋势进行了综述.  相似文献   
刘旭 《北京测绘》2020,(5):610-613
针对地下管网隐患数据管理的应用需求,本文基于三维平台设计实现了地下管网健康档案管理平台,在三维场景加载地上精细模型和地下管网数据,以三维可视化的手段对管网各类隐患问题进行信息管理,结合二维GIS操作,实现了净距分析、覆土分析、占压分析等管线隐患分析功能,通过本平台建立的地下管网健康档案数据库,方便用户对各类管网隐患数据进行信息管理和统计,为管道病害修复、管网改造提升提供数据支撑,保证地下管网的安全运行。  相似文献   
Volcanic lightning, perhaps the most spectacular consequence of the electrification of volcanic plumes, has been implicated in the origin of life on Earth, and may also exist in other planetary atmospheres. Recent years have seen volcanic lightning detection used as part of a portfolio of developing techniques to monitor volcanic eruptions. Remote sensing measurement techniques have been used to monitor volcanic lightning, but surface observations of the atmospheric electric Potential Gradient (PG) and the charge carried on volcanic ash also show that many volcanic plumes, whilst not sufficiently electrified to produce lightning, have detectable electrification exceeding that of their surrounding environment. Electrification has only been observed associated with ash-rich explosive plumes, but there is little evidence that the composition of the ash is critical to its occurrence. Different conceptual theories for charge generation and separation in volcanic plumes have been developed to explain the disparate observations obtained, but the ash fragmentation mechanism appears to be a key parameter. It is unclear which mechanisms or combinations of electrification mechanisms dominate in different circumstances. Electrostatic forces play an important role in modulating the dry fall-out of ash from a volcanic plume. Beyond the local electrification of plumes, the higher stratospheric particle concentrations following a large explosive eruption may affect the global atmospheric electrical circuit. It is possible that this might present another, if minor, way by which large volcanic eruptions affect global climate. The direct hazard of volcanic lightning to communities is generally low compared to other aspects of volcanic activity.  相似文献   
Atmospheric electrification is not a purely terrestrial phenomenon: all Solar System planetary atmospheres become slightly electrified by cosmic ray ionisation. There is evidence for lightning on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, and it is possible on Mars, Venus and Titan. Controversy surrounds the role of atmospheric electricity in physical climate processes on Earth; here, a comparative approach is employed to review the role of electrification in the atmospheres of other planets and their moons. This paper reviews the theory, and, where available, measurements, of planetary atmospheric electricity which is taken to include ion production and ion–aerosol interactions. The conditions necessary for a planetary atmospheric electric circuit similar to Earth’s, and the likelihood of meeting these conditions in other planetary atmospheres, are briefly discussed. Atmospheric electrification could be important throughout the solar system, particularly at the outer planets which receive little solar radiation, increasing the relative significance of electrical forces. Nucleation onto atmospheric ions has been predicted to affect the evolution and lifetime of haze layers on Titan, Neptune and Triton. Atmospheric electrical processes on Titan, before the arrival of the Huygens probe, are summarised. For planets closer to Earth, heating from solar radiation dominates atmospheric circulations. However, Mars may have a global circuit analogous to the terrestrial model, but based on electrical discharges from dust storms. There is an increasing need for direct measurements of planetary atmospheric electrification, in particular on Mars, to assess the risk for future unmanned and manned missions. Theoretical understanding could be increased by cross-disciplinary work to modify and update models and parameterisations initially developed for a specific atmosphere, to make them more broadly applicable to other planetary atmospheres.  相似文献   
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