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The NW–SE Irtysh Shear Zone is a major tectonic boundary in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), which supposedly records the amalgamation history between the peri-Siberian orogenic system and the Kazakhstan/south Mongolia orogenic system. However, the tectonic evolution of the Irtysh Shear Zone is not fully understood. Here we present new structural and geochronological data, which together with other constraints on the timing of deformation suggests that the Irtysh Shear Zone was subjected to three phases of deformation in the late Paleozoic. D1 is locally recognized as folded foliations in low strain areas and as an internal fabric within garnet porphyroblasts. D2 is represented by a shallowly dipping fabric and related ∼ NW–SE stretching lineations oriented sub-parallel to the strike of the orogen. D2 foliations are folded by ∼ NW–SE folds (F3) that are bounded by a series of mylonite zones with evidence for sinistral/reverse kinematics. These fold and shear structures are kinematically compatible, and thus interpreted to result from a transpressional deformation phase (D3). Two samples of mica schists yielded youngest detrital zircon peaks at ∼322 Ma, placing a maximum constraint on the timing of D1–D3 deformation. A ∼ NE–SW granitic dyke swarm (∼252 Ma) crosscuts D3 fold structures and mylonitic fabrics in the central part of the shear zone, but is displaced by a mylonite zone that represents the southern boundary of the Irtysh Shear Zone. This observation indicates that the major phase of D3 transpressional deformation took place prior to ∼252 Ma, although later phases of reactivation in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic are likely. The late Paleozoic deformation (D1–D3 at ∼322–252 Ma) overlaps in time with the collision between the Chinese Altai and the intra-oceanic arc system of the East Junggar. We therefore interpret that three episodes of late Paleozoic deformation represent orogenic thickening (D1), collapse (D2), and transpressional deformation (D3) during the convergence between the Chinese Altai and the East Junggar. On a larger scale, late Paleozoic sinistral shearing (D3), together with dextral shearing farther south, accommodated the eastward migration of internal segments of the western CAOB, possibly associated with the amalgamation of multiple arc systems and continental blocks during the late Paleozoic.  相似文献   
地壳根、造山热与岩浆作用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
简要讨论了近年来造山带及其岩浆作用研究的主要进展。造山带流变学结构与造山热和岩浆作用有着密切的耦合关系。年轻的山带往往存在地壳根,但古老的山带地壳根是否存在,取决于造山带的热状态和榴辉岩化的强度,只有缺乏流体和冷的造山带才保留有地壳根,例如古生代的南乌拉尔山和北美前寒武纪的南Trans-Hudson造山带。造山带的伸展塌陷往往伴随着幔源岩浆底侵、地壳软化、隆升和强烈岩浆作用。由于地幔浮力和造山热的作用,一些山带具有高的海拔和薄而热的地壳,属于具有长期活动性的构造带。研究表明,这些具有长期活动性的构造带,是建立在以前形成的热的、软化了的弧后区内。中国昆仑—秦岭—大别造山系北缘,古生代时期发育了与俯冲有关的弧岩浆带,而南缘发育了相近时代的与弧后伸展有关的双峰式岩浆带,构成古生代双岩浆带。该造山系早中生代的造山作用,就是在南缘的古生代弧后岩浆带基础上发展起来的。因此,该双岩浆带提供了造山热控制复合造山作用的实例。  相似文献   
拉脊山构造带南东端磨沟地区出露一套变安山岩夹片理化变玄武岩组合,其原岩分别为亚碱性拉斑系列安山岩和玄武岩。研究表明,变安山岩锆石U-Pb年龄为503.1±6.6Ma,形成于中寒武世。玄武岩稀土元素总量为93.40×10~(-6)~135.39×10~(-6),(La/Yb)_N值为2.76~3.64,δEu为0.87~1.00,微量元素蛛网图具有不相容元素富集特征,没有明显的Nb、Ta负异常,与板内火山岩特征相似。安山岩稀土元素总量低于玄武岩,而微量元素蛛网图具有富集大离子亲石元素Cs、Rb、Ba等,亏损高场强元素Nb、Ta、Ti等特征。岩石成因研究表明,玄武岩没有经历显著的地壳混染,为软流圈地幔石榴子石+尖晶石二辉橄榄岩低程度部分熔融的产物,而安山岩为地壳部分熔融的产物。构造环境判别表明,深沟组火山岩形成于大陆裂谷环境,表明祁连地块中部的拉脊山构造带南东端可能没有发育成熟的洋盆系统,随后在南祁连洋早古生代俯冲消减过程中以裂谷型岩石圈碎片的方式构造侵位于中祁连地块南缘。  相似文献   
金龙山金矿床位于南秦岭造山带的复理石褶冲带中,赋矿围岩为碎屑岩-碳酸盐建造,矿化明显受地层岩性与韧-脆性构造发育程度的控制。矿床稀土元素地球化学研究表明,地层岩石、矿石和热液矿物的轻重稀土分异程度和特征参数基本一致,表明成矿流体应主要来自于赋矿地层。铅同位素研究表明,地层岩石、矿石和热液矿物均具有较高的放射性成因的铅同位素组成,且均落入南秦岭造山带的泥盆系范围内,暗示铅也主要来自赋矿地层。对前人已有的碳-氧-硫-氢同位素组成和流体包裹体数据综合分析表明,碳和氧应主要来自海相碳酸盐的溶解作用,硫主要来自海相硫酸盐的热化学还原反应;从成矿早阶段到晚阶段,成矿流体的δ18O及δD值向大气降水线"漂移",指示成矿流体以盆地建造水和变质水为主,在晚阶段有大气降水加入。金龙山金矿床与卡林型金矿床的矿床地质-地球化学特征相似,应属于卡林型金矿床,其形成于秦岭造山带陆内造山作用过程中,多层次陆壳叠置加厚的地球动力学背景,是陆内碰撞造山作用的产物。  相似文献   
Medium‐temperature ultrahigh pressure (MT‐UHP) eclogites from the south Dabie orogen, as represented by samples from the Jinheqiao, Shuanghe and Bixiling areas, consist of garnet, omphacite, phengite, epidote, hornblendic amphibole, quartz/coesite and rutile with or without kyanite and talc. Garnet is mostly anhedral and unzoned, but a few porphyroblasts are weakly zoned with core–mantle increasing grossular (Xgr) and decreasing pyrope (Xpy) contents. Garnet compositions are closely correlated with the bulk compositions. For instance, the Xpy and Xgr contents are positively correlated with the bulk MgO and CaO contents. Phengite is occasionally zoned with core–rim deceasing Si content, and phengite grains as inclusions in garnet show higher Si than in the matrix, suggesting differently resetting during post‐peak stages. The maximum Si contents are mostly 3.60–3.63 p.f.u. for the three areas. Pseudosections calculated using THERMOCALC suggest that the MT‐UHP eclogites should have a peak assemblage of garnet + omphacite + lawsonite + phengite + coesite in most rocks of higher MgO content. In this assemblage, the Xpy in garnet mostly depends on bulk compositions, whereas the Xgr in garnet and the Si contents in phengite regularly increase, respectively, as temperature and as pressure rise, and thus, can provide robust thermobarometric constraints. Using the Xgr and Si isopleths in pseudosections, the peak P–T conditions were estimated to be 40 kbar/730 °C for the Jinheqiao, 41 kbar/726 °C for the Shuanghe, and 37–52 kbar and 700–830 °C for the Bixiling eclogites. Some eclogites with higher FeO are predicted to have a peak assemblage of garnet + omphacite + coesite ± phengite without lawsonite, where the garnet and phengite compositions highly depend on bulk compositions and generally cannot give available thermobarometric constraints. Decompression of the eclogites with lawsonite in the peak stage is inferred to be accompanied with cooling and involves two stages: an early‐stage decompression is dominated by lawsonite dehydration, resulting in increase in the mode of anhydrous minerals, or further eclogitization, and formation of epidote porphyroblasts and kyanite‐bearing quartz veins in eclogite. As lawsonite dehydration can facilitate evolution of assemblages under fluid‐present conditions, it is difficult to recover real peak P–T conditions for UHP eclogites with lawsonite. This may be a reason why the P–T conditions estimated for eclogites using thermobarometers are mostly lower than those estimated for the coherent ultramafic rocks, and lower than those suggested from the inclusion assemblages in zircon from marble. A late‐stage decompression is dominated by formation of hornblendic amphibole and plagioclase with fluid infiltration. The lawsonite‐absent MT‐UHP eclogites have only experienced a decompression metamorphism corresponding to the later stage and generally lack the epidote overprinting.  相似文献   
鄣源基性岩呈北东-南西向分布于皖赣相邻区鄣公山北坡瑶里-鄣源-江潭一带,以构造砰块或砰片形式严于新元古代火山-陆缘细碎屑岩组成的复理石基质中,总体显示构造混杂岩带特征.基性岩残块包括蚀变枕状-块状基性熔岩、辉长岩、辉绿岩等,它们在空间上紧密相伴,形成于新元古代.通过对鄣源基性岩地质及岩石地球化学特征等的分析,认为其形成...  相似文献   
高喜马拉雅的三维挤出模式   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
作为喜马拉雅造山带变质核的高喜马拉雅杂岩带,是以高级变质岩石、普遍的深熔反应以及高温韧性变形为主要特征的热碰撞造山带.在高喜马拉雅平行造山的韧性伸展构造发现的基础上,建立高喜马拉雅挤出的3-D构造模式,并提出了挤出的动力学过程:(1)造成高喜马拉雅中弱和热物质产生的局部熔融阶段(46~35 Ma),(2)平行造山的韧性伸展和重力裂陷阶段(28~26 Ma开始),(3)韧性逆冲型剪切带形成阶段(>626~23 Ma),(4) MCT和STD的形成造成的高喜马拉雅挤出阶段(23~17 Ma).  相似文献   
大同西岩体出露于西昆仑造山带西段,主要岩性为高钾钙碱性的石英闪长岩和石英二长岩-二长花岗岩。石英闪长岩中普遍发育椭球形或卵形暗色镁铁质包体,包体岩性主要为闪长岩,石英闪长岩的SiO2的含量为56.6%~65.3%,Mg#为0.45~0.46,包体SiO2的含量为52.9%左右,Mg#为0.48。相对于石英闪长岩,石英二长岩-二长花岗岩具有较高SiO2的含量(SiO2=65.0%~73.3%)和较低Mg# (Mg#=0.36~0.44)。微量元素分析数据表明,石英闪长岩与暗色包体的REE球粒陨石标准化图呈右倾型,Eu负异常不明显,富集大离子亲石元素,亏损高场强元素。石英二长岩-二长花岗岩具有明显的Eu负异常,强烈亏损Nb-Ta、Ti等元素。温压计算显示石英闪长岩为相对低温(638~768℃)的中-深成岩体(平均深度为8.8km),石英二长岩-二长花岗岩具有相对高的结晶温度(752~771℃)。锆石U-Pb年代学研究表明,石英二长岩形成年龄为470±1.2Ma,略晚于前人报道的石英闪长岩侵位年龄。石英二长岩-二长花岗岩与石英闪长岩来源于不同的岩浆,二者之间不存在分异关系。结合区域构造演化历史,早期的石英闪长岩为大洋板片俯冲过程中地幔楔部分熔融岩浆的分异产物,晚期的石英二长岩-花岗岩则来源于碰撞后伸展阶段由于软流圈地幔物质上涌加热导致变泥质岩石熔融的结果。大同西复式岩体的成因指示了西昆仑造山带在早奥陶纪经历了由俯冲向碰撞后伸展的构造体制转换。  相似文献   
吴跃东 《安徽地质》2013,23(1):17-20,25
结合对大别造山带地质构造的认识,并从盆山关系统一观点出发,侧重研究沉积盆地的形成、演化、属性及其特征,论证了大别造山带与沿江中新生代沉积盆地的盆山耦合过程。将大别造山带与沿江中新生代盆地从中三叠世至新近纪划分出五个耦合过程,反映了从同碰撞挤压逆冲造山相耦合过程至挤压―压扭造山隆升的耦合过程。  相似文献   
青海省祁连县武松塔拉一带发育奥陶纪抠门子组,以构造岩片形式与周围地层呈断层或不整合接触,在抠门子组下段发育一套岩浆喷发序列组成的中-基性火山岩建造,岩石类型以安山岩、玄武岩为主,其次为英安质、安山质及玄武质火山碎屑岩.经过野外调查和岩石化学分析表明:安山岩总体为高铝富钠的碱性火山岩系列,其微量元素和稀土元素分配型式具有岛弧玄武岩特征 (VAB);玄武岩总体为次铝富钠碱性火山岩系列,其微量元素和稀土元素分配型式和混染的大洋玄武岩(MORB)特征相似.抠门子组火山岩具有2种截然不同的岩石地球化学特征,构造环境分析具有混染的大洋盆地和岛弧双重属性,这些大洋玄武岩及岛弧火山岩的出现标志着中—晚奥陶世北祁连洋壳的俯冲消减事件,该火山活动为北祁连早古生代构造演化研究提供了依据.  相似文献   
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