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给出了载体状态方程的严密公式和常用近似公式,详细讨论了两者之间的区别。在高精度GPS动态定位中的应用证明,常用近似公式对载体速度和加速度有显著的影响。  相似文献   
论述了建立海洋界面测量学这一新学科支的背景,对海洋界面测量学的定义及其研究内容进行了探讨,同时论述了它与相关学科的联系,并由此对海洋测量学乃至整个测量学做了进一步思考,提出了一些新的看法。  相似文献   
软粘土的各向异性和小应变条件下的本构模型(ASM)   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
以能量方程为基础推导出各向异性和小应变条件下弹塑性的本构方程,并将屈服面与修正桥模型和试验测得的屈服面进行了对比,表明新的屈服面比修正剑桥模型更接近试验结果,采用从初始应力到状态边界面的距离为参数的系数来修正硬化准则以模拟土体小应谱条件下的应力-应变特征。将新的本构模型编入有限元程序,对小应变试验进行了计算分析,计算结果表明,新的模型比修正剑桥模型能更好地反映土体的主要力学特性。  相似文献   
以层序地层学理论为指导,利用岩心、测井、地震资料相结合的分析手段,建立了苏德尔特构造带贝14块兴安岭群的层序地层等时格架,将兴安岭群划分为3个三级层序和短期中期基准面旋回。分析了个层序的主要构型及其成因,认为盆地由断陷向凹陷转化,沉积速率也随之降低,盆地各层序的厚度由厚变薄。兴安岭群内部层序界面多为沉积间断,不同沉积时期的岩性、物性以及沉积物叠置关系具有明显的韵律性变化。层序发育明显受构造活动的控制,幕式构造活动是构成层序主要构型的成因。  相似文献   
In this study, on the basis of the Floquet transform method, a numerical model for the simulation of the vibration isolation via multiple periodic pile rows with infinite number of piles is established. By means of the fictitious pile method due to Muki and Sternberg, the second kind of Fredholm integral equations for the pile rows are developed by using the fundamental solutions for the half‐space and the compatibility conditions between the piles and half‐space. Employing the Floquet transform method, integral equations for the pile rows in the wavenumber domain are then derived. Solution of the integral equations yields the wavenumber domain solution for the pile rows. The space domain solution can then be retrieved by inversion of the Floquet transform. Numerical results show that the proposed model with the Floquet transform method is in a good agreement with those of the conventional direct superposition method. On the basis of the new model, influences of the spacing between neighboring piles, the Young's modulus of the piles, and the pile length on the vibration isolation effect of the pile rows are investigated. Numerical simulations conducted in this study show that compared with the direct superposition method, the efficiency of the proposed model for simulation of the vibration isolation via pile rows is very high. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
对基于理想弹塑性理论框架、屈服准则为Mohr-Coulomb准则、采用非关联流动法则的无厚度接触面单元的本构积分算法进行了探讨,引入非关联的伪屈服函数和伪势函数,提出了将超出屈服面、处于角点应力区的试应力双向返回到屈服面的本构积分算法。据此编制了ABAQUS用户单元子程序,进行了算例验证。结果表明,提出的算法可以较好地实现土与结构物共同作用的有限元数值模拟。  相似文献   
龚辉  姜挺  江刚武  张锐  贾博 《测绘学报》2012,41(3):0-416
基于测绘和地理信息产业发展背景,针对日益增长的数据融合、实时共享、深度处理和个性化的需求,对数字城市中测绘服务特征进行分析,重点介绍符合云计算模型的开放式计算环境、多路径数据更新、多源数据一体化集成、全尺度城市编码、自适应空间数据处理和动态在线制图等理论、方法与关键技术。在此基础上,研制开发了开放式空间基础信息平台,并成功应用于数字深圳的建设中。  相似文献   
基于扩展SQL的GIS模糊查询的表达与实现   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
模糊查询通常包含模糊单词和3种算子——语气算子、模糊化算子和判定化算子。通过模糊集合论,可表示这些模糊概念。在此基础上,介绍了一种扩展SQL表达模糊查询,并将其转化为标准SQL加以实现的方法。  相似文献   
建立了光学转像变倍微分方程,并应用于军械瞄准具无焦系统连续变倍过程的分析,给出两个数字例子的高斯光学设计结果。  相似文献   
By using numerical analysis methods to simulate the deep excavation, a lot of analyses are established on the basis of two-dimensional plane strain, ignoring the fact that foundation pit possesses three dimensions. For soil constitutive relation, people always take linear and nonlinear model, without considering the plastic behavior of soil. Using plastic-elastic hardening model to simulate constitutive relation of soil characteristics, the authors carried out mechanical analysis for pit excavation and support. The results show that the analysis for the stress state of pile anchor system is an effective way which provides theoretical basis for calculation of soil displacement.  相似文献   
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