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西华山钨矿的花岗岩组成及与成矿的关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
西华山钨矿田成矿花岗岩为一复式岩体,该复式岩体由燕山时期第二阶段西华山杂岩体、花岗斑岩单一侵入体组成.与两期三个阶段花岗岩有关,相应具有3次钨的成矿作用,形成了以西华山钨矿为代表的一毓不同规模的钨矿床,成为我国花岗岩区多阶段成岩多次成矿的典型范例.  相似文献   
As gravity field,magnetic field,electric field and seismic wave field are all physical fields,their object function,reverse function and compound function are certainly infinite contiuously differentiable func-tions which can be expanded into Taylor (Fourier) series within domain of definition and be further reduced in-to solving stochastic distribution function of series and statistic inference of optimal approximation,This is the basis of combined gravity-magnetic-electric-seismic inversion built on the basis of separation of field and source gravity-magnetic difference-value(D-value)trend surface,taking distribution-independent fault sys-tem as its unit,depths of seismic and electric interfaces of interests as its corresponding bivariate compound re-verse function of gravity-magnetic anomalies and using high order polynomial(high order trigonometric func-tion)approximating to its series distribution,The difference from current dominant inversion techniques is that,first,it does not respectively create gravity-seismic,magnetic-seismic deterministic inversion model from theoretical model,but combines gravity-magnetic-electric-seismic stochastic inversion model from stochastic model;second,after the concept of equivalent geological body being introduced,using feature of independent variable of gravity-magnetic field functions,taking density and susceptibility related to gravity-magnetic func-tion as default parameters of model,the deterministic model is established owing to better solution to the con-tradictioc of difficulty in identifying strata and less test analytical data for density and susceptibility in newly explored area;third,under assumption of independent parent distribution,a real modeling by strata,the prob-lem of difficult plane closure arising in profile modeling is avoided,This technology has richer and more detailed fault and strata information than sparse pattern seismic data in newly explored area,successfully inverses and plots structural map of Indosinian discontinuty in Hefei basin with combined gravity-magnetic-electric-seismic inversion,With development of high precision gravity-magnetic and overall geophysical technology,it is certain for introducing new methods of stochastic modeling and computational intelligence and promoting the develop-ment of combined gravity-magnetic-electric-seismic inversion to open a new substantial and promoting the develop-ment of combined gravity-magnetic-electric-seismic inversion to open a new substantial path.  相似文献   
实验检测了不同光照条件1200,600,01x下,海带体内多酚类化合物、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、叶绿素a、类胡萝卜素等的含量及其光合作用和呼吸作用的变化。实验结果表明,随着光照强度的减弱,海带体内多酚类化合物、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白等的含量及其光合作用和呼吸作用均呈现下降的趋势,而叶绿素a和类胡萝卜素的含量则呈现出上升的趋势。  相似文献   
新疆天格尔金矿成矿带矿物包裹体研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天格尔金矿成矿带矿物包裹体的均一温度、爆裂温度、成矿压力、气相成分及物理化学条件的研究表明,金矿化可分为两个成矿阶段,矿化深度1~1.5km,成矿热液具有酸性还原特性,金是以金硫络合物形式迁移沉淀的。  相似文献   
CFG短桩复合地基技术用于高层建筑地基处理的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
阐述了CFG短桩复事地基技术的特点及应用范围,并列举了2个具体的工程实例,经过实践验证该技术是一项省钱、施工质量容易得到保证且能满足复合地基承载力及最终沉降量要求的新技术。探讨了CFG短桩复合地基设计中的几个理论问题,产提出了该项技术的进一步研究方向。  相似文献   
The Helegangnaren feldspar granite exposed in the eastern part of East Kunlun, is characterized by high concentrations of SiO2 and alkaline, low abundances of Fe, Mg and Ca, metaluminous-weak peraluminous. Trace elements analysis shows that the granite is depleted extremely in Ba, Sr and Eu, and rich in some large-ion lithophile elements and high field strength elements. Besides, the granite has high Ga contents, the values of 104(Ga/Al) vary from 2.50 to 2.77, which is mainly greater than the lower limit of A-type granites (2.6), and is higher than the I- and S-type granites’ average (2.1 and 2.28, respectively). Rare earth element (REE) is characterized by relatively high fractionations of light REE (LREE) and heavy REE (HREE) (LREE/HREE=9.3–13.60, (La/Yb)N=10.92–18.02), pronounced negative Eu anomalies (δEu=0.08–0.13), and exhibits right-dipping gull pattern. Major elements, rare elements and trace elements features show the granite is ascribed to A-type granite and A2 subtype in tectonic genetic type. They are plotted into post-collision or within-plate area in a variety of tectonic discriminations. Geological and geochemical data comprehensively suggest that the granite is formed in a post-collision extensive tectonic setting. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) zircon U-Pb dating yields a weighted mean age of 425?Ma, belonging to Middle Silurian, which is similar to the age of the post-collision geological events in the region. The differences of magmatic rocks in formation age, rocks assemblage and rocks series systematically indicate that the regional tectonic stress regime in the East Kunlun orogenic belt experienced a major transformation from compress to extension in Middle Silurianin, and the Helegangnaren feldspar granite intruded in the early stage of tectonic transformation.  相似文献   
大气复合污染是我国目前面临的主要大气环境问题。科学减排对大气复合污染形成起主要作用的一次污染物和二次污染的前体物,是治理大气复合污染的有效手段。本文提出了一种新的区域大气复合污染多目标优化模型,并结合多目标进化算法和基于决策者偏好的多属性决策技术,寻找治理大气污染的最优控制策略。与传统的单目标优化控制技术相比,本文提出的方法在保证环境达标的前提下,同时兼顾治理成本和行业可持续性发展这两种在一定程度上互斥的目标,并融入了决策者从当地实际情况出发对目标重要性的权衡,更加符合管理实践的需求,可为科学治理区域大气复合污染提供借鉴。  相似文献   
近年来,极端天气气候事件频繁发生,且常常表现为多种事件交织形成的复合型极端事件。为了更好地认识复合型极端事件,IPCC AR6基于现有的新证据评估了复合型极端事件的最新研究成果,并取得一些新认识:扩展了有关复合型极端事件的定义,重点围绕高温干旱复合型极端事件、复合洪水和野火,评估了复合型极端事件的变化特征,探讨了复合型极端事件多因子之间的依赖性,对人类活动的影响进行了归因分析并给出了未来可能的变化。这些评估结果丰富了对复合型极端事件的基本认识。但根据现有的评估可以发现,目前在复合型极端事件发生发展机理认识方面还存在不足;同时,未来仍需进一步完善跨学科跨部门跨区域研究,加强对复合型极端事件形成机理、预估及其对生态系统,经济社会影响风险的评估,提高对区域气候变化的适应能力。  相似文献   
The results obtained in this paper indicate that carbazole-type compounds have high thermal stability and also show stability in oxidation and bio-degradation. This kind of compounds still has a high concentration and complete distribution in the analyzed dry asphalt samples, showing that they are particularly useful in studying petroleum migration of paleo-pool. During the basin's first-stage of oil-gas pool formation in the Silurian in Tazhong and Tabei areas of Tarim Basin (at the end of Silurian period) and the second-stage in the Awati area (in Permian), the petroleum experienced a long-distance migration. During the formation of the Silurian paleo-pools in Tazhong Uplift at the end of Silurian, the petroleum mainly came from the lower and middle Cambrian source rocks in the Manjiaer sag. The petroleum migrated towards the southwest-south entering the Silurian reservoir beds in Tazhong first. Then, it further migrated within Silurian from northwest to southeast along the highs of the Structural Belts to the region of the Silurian pinchout boundary in Tazhong. In Tabei Uplift, during the first-stage of pool formation, the petroleum was also from the lower and middle Cambrian source rocks in the Manjiaer sag. It migrated northwest entering the Silurian reservoir beds in the Tabei Uplift firstly, and then the migration continued in the same direction within the Silurian reservoirs and finally the petroleum was trapped in higher positions. During the second-stage pool formation in the Silurian beds in the areas around Awati sag, the petroleum mainly came from the lower-middle Cambrian source rocks in the Awati sag. The petroleum migrated from the generation center to Silurian reservoirs in all directions around the sag through major paths, and the petroleum was finally trapped in higher locations.  相似文献   
王凯  金樱华  李晨  闵红  屠虹 《岩矿测试》2012,31(1):142-146
样品经硝酸微波消解,以镓为内标,采用全反射X射线荧光光谱法(TXRF)同时测定复混肥料中的钒、铬、锰、铁、镍、铜、锌、铅,方法检出限从铅的1.0μg/g到钒的7.0μg/g,精密度(RSD)铬为2.5%,铅为16%,除铅以外,其余元素的RSD均小于10%;方法回收率为80%~120%,Pb的回收率略低主要是由于化肥中As Kα谱线对Pb Lα谱线的干扰导致测定结果偏低。用TXRF和电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-AES)测定不同复混肥料中各元素的含量,经统计检验,两种方法测定结果在95%置信区间内无显著性差异。对于金属元素含量较高的样品,TXRF法测定结果的相对标准偏差小于ICP-AES法。对于不同的复混肥料,在微量、痕量元素检测范围内,TXRF法具有较高的准确度和适用性,仪器使用和维护成本低,方法快速准确。  相似文献   
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