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Deep fluids in a petroliferous basin generally come from the deep crust or mantle beneath the basin basement, and they transport deep substances(gases and aqueous solutions) as well as heat to sedimentary strata through deep faults. These deep fluids not only lead to large-scale accumulations of CO_2, CH_4, H_2, He and other gases, but also significantly impact hydrocarbon generation and accumulation through organic-inorganic interactions. With the development of deep faults and magmatic-volcanic activities in different periods, most Chinese petroliferous basins have experienced strong impacts associated with deep fluid activity. In the Songliao, Bohai Bay, Northern Jiangsu, Sanshui, Yinggehai and Pearl Mouth Basins in China, a series of CO_2 reservoirs have been discovered. The CO_2 content is up to 99%, with δ~(13)C_(CO2) values ranging from-4.1‰ to-0.37‰ and ~3He/~4He ratios of up to 5.5 Ra. The abiogenic hydrocarbon gas reservoirs with commercial reserves, such as the Changde, Wanjinta, Zhaozhou, and Chaoyanggou reservoirs, are mainly distributed in the Xujiaweizi faulted depression of the Songliao Basin. The δ~(13)CCH4 values of the abiogenic alkane gases are generally -30‰ and exhibit an inverse carbon isotope sequence of δ~(13)C_(CH4)δ~(13)C_(C2H6)δ~(13)C_(C3H8)δ~(13)C_(C4H10). According to laboratory experiments, introducing external H_2 can improve the rate of hydrocarbon generation by up to 147% through the kerogen hydrogenation process. During the migration from deep to shallow depth, CO_2 can significantly alter reservoir rocks. In clastic reservoirs, feldspar is easily altered by CO_2-rich fluids, leading to the formation of dawsonite, a typical mineral in high CO_2 partial pressure environments, as well as the creation of secondary porosity. In carbonate reservoirs, CO_2-rich fluids predominately cause dissolution or precipitation of carbonate minerals. The minerals, e.g., calcite and dolomite, show some typical features, such as higher homogenization temperatures than the burial temperature, relatively high concentrations of Fe and Mn, positive Eu anomalies, depletion of 18 O and enrichment of radiogenic ~(87)Sr. Due to CO_2-rich fluids, the development of high-quality carbonate reservoirs is extended to deep strata. For example, the Well TS1 in the northern Tarim Basin revealed a high-quality Cambrian dolomite reservoir with a porosity of 9.1% at 8408 m, and the Well ZS1 C in the central Tarim Basin revealed a large petroleum reserve in a Cambrian dolomite reservoir at ~6900 m. During the upward migration from deep to shallow basin strata, large volumes of supercritical CO_2 may extract petroleum components from hydrocarbon source rocks or deep reservoirs and facilitate their migration to shallow reservoirs, where the petroleum accumulates with the CO_2. Many reservoirs containing both supercritical CO_2 and petroleum have been discovered in the Songliao, Bohaiwan, Northern Jiangsu, Pearl River Mouth and Yinggehai Basins. The components of the petroleum trapped with CO_2 are dominated by low molecular weight saturated hydrocarbons.  相似文献   
南海海域海-气耦合模式及其数值模拟试验   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
在NCAR区域气候模式RegGM2和普林斯顿海洋模式POM基础上发展适用于区域海-气相互作用研究的区域海-气耦合模式,模式采用同步耦合、海洋模式将海表温度提供给大气模式,大气模式为海洋模式提供太阳短波辐射、感热能量、潜热通量。海洋与大气模式每15min交换一次通量。耦合过程没有使用通量校正。使用该模式对中国南海区域1995年5-7月大气和海洋进行了模拟试验,将模拟结果与COADS通量强迫的模拟结果  相似文献   
This work reports on a method using fuzzy membership functions to construct an aggregated interaction matrix in which the summation of variables is scaled according to the way rainfall and soil variables affect water availability to plants and hence influence rangeland productivity. Aggregation of the variables gives a comprehensive value which can be used to predict production. The model increases the predicability of production to 81% compared to models using rainfall alone and a multiplicative parametric one which give predictibilities of 61 and 76% respectively. The results showed that (1) the importance of rainfall in determining production was most important at lower rainfalls i.e. <350 mm; (2) soil texture and particularly slope were important through out the rainfall range (149–700 mm) investigated; and (3) soil depth was only important at the higher >350 mm rainfalls. The aggregated interaction matrix gives a measure of land productive capability.  相似文献   
全生态综合世界观和人地互动过程与复杂性的系统研究是时间地理学理论体系构建的核心,也是行为地理学关于空间—行为互动理论构建的关键问题。企划和活动的地方秩序嵌套是新时间地理学的最新发展。论文围绕企划—活动系统及其变化、企划交织下的活动系统与社会互动、企划实现过程中活动的地方秩序构建等3个方面对时间地理学理论发展和研究前沿进行综述,系统梳理时间地理学在交通出行、城市与区域规划、地理学、康复医疗与健康、资源能源利用等领域的跨学科应用。未来呼吁更多学者关注时间地理学,积极开展跨学科应用和时间地理学创新应用的国际比较研究,将时间地理学的最新研究进展与中国城市发展的现实问题相结合,创新并发展中国城市研究的行为范式,丰富和完善中国城市的空间—行为互动理论,为中国城市的高质量发展做出贡献。  相似文献   
陈彦光  刘继生 《地理研究》2002,21(6):742-752
空间相互作用是先于城市体系而存在的重要概念 ,引力模型是描述空间相互作用的基本函数之一 ,但引力模型的理论基础不明确而且实际应用有局限。本文首先从城市地理系统的广义分形假设出发 ,推导出引力模型的幂函数形式 ,使其从一个经验模型上升为理论模型 ;进而引入时变函数和时滞参数将引力模型推广为更为一般和更加实用的形式 ,为发展城市引力过程的空间互相关分析和功率谱分析方法奠定了理论基础。借助 194 9~ 1998年 5 0年的人口演化数据 ,以北京 -天津的空间相互作用为实例 ,对基于城市引力关系的空间作用进行了相关分析和波谱分析 ,从而提供了城市网络空间相互作用广义引力分析的典型范例。  相似文献   
地质条件的复杂性决定了地质剖面图完全自动连接的准确性较低。提出一种基于空间语义关系的空区域搜索算法,通过人机交互方式将专家知识应用于剖面连接过程,实现了融合人工编辑的剖面自动化连接方法。该算法通过读入交互结果获得专家知识,在此基础上对剖面地层进行自动化连接。通过语义分解的策略,可以针对实际情况任意组合需要的连接命令。  相似文献   
Two land surface schemes, SCAM and CSIRO9, were used to model the measured energy fluxes during the OASIS (Observations At Several Interacting Scales) field program. The measurements were taken at six sites along a 100 km rainfall gradient. Two types of simulations were conducted: (1) offline simulations forced with measured atmospheric input data at each of the six sites, and (2) regional simulations with the two land surface schemes coupled to the regional climate model DARLAM.The two land surface schemes employ two different canopy modelling concepts: in SCAM the vegetation is conceptually above the ground surface, while CSIRO9 employs the more commonly used `horizontally tiled' approach in which the vegetation cover is modelled by conceptually placing it beside bare ground. Both schemes utilize the same below-ground components (soil hydrological and thermal models) to reduce the comparison to canopy processes only. However, the ground heat flux, soil evaporation and evapotranspiration are parameterised by the two canopy treatments somewhat differently.Both canopy concepts reproduce the measured energy fluxes. SCAM has a slightly higher root-mean standard error in the model-measurement comparison for the ground heat flux. The mean surface radiative temperature simulated by SCAM is approximately 1K lower than in the CSIRO9 simulations. However, the soil and vegetation temperatures (which contribute to the radiative temperature) varied more in the CSIRO9 simulations. These larger variations are due to the absence of a representation of the aerodynamic interactions between vegetation and ground.  相似文献   
Based on 25-year(1987–2011) tropical cyclone(TC) best track data, a statistical study was carried out to investigate the basic features of upper-tropospheric TC–environment interactions over the western North Pacific. Interaction was defined as the absolute value of eddy momentum flux convergence(EFC) exceeding 10 m s~(-1)d~(-1). Based on this definition, it was found that 18% of all six-hourly TC samples experienced interaction. Extreme interaction cases showed that EFC can reach~120 m s~(-1)d~(-1) during the extratropical-cyclone(EC) stage, an order of magnitude larger than reported in previous studies.Composite analysis showed that positive interactions are characterized by a double-jet flow pattern, rather than the traditional trough pattern, because it is the jets that bring in large EFC from the upper-level environment to the TC center. The role of the outflow jet is also enhanced by relatively low inertial stability, as compared to the inflow jet. Among several environmental factors, it was found that extremely large EFC is usually accompanied by high inertial stability, low SST and strong vertical wind shear(VWS). Thus, the positive effect of EFC is cancelled by their negative effects. Only those samples during the EC stage, whose intensities were less dependent on VWS and the underlying SST, could survive in extremely large EFC environments, or even re-intensify. For classical TCs(not in the EC stage), it was found that environments with a moderate EFC value generally below ~25 m s~(-1)d~(-1) are more favorable for a TC's intensification than those with extremely large EFC.  相似文献   
In this study, turbulent heat flux data from two sites within the Baltic Sea are compared with estimates from two models. The main focus is on the latent heat flux. The measuring sites are located on small islands close to the islands of Bornholm and Gotland. Both sites have a wide wind direction sector with undisturbed over-water fetch. Mean parameters and direct fluxes were measured on masts during May to December 1998.The two models used in this study are the regional-scale atmospheric model HIRLAM and the ocean model PROBE-Baltic. It is shown that both models overestimate the sensible and latent heat fluxes. The overestimation can, to a large extent, be explained by errors in the air-water temperature and humidity differences. From comparing observed and modelled data, the estimated 8-month mean errors in temperature and humidity are up to 1 °C and 1 g kg-1, respectively. The mean errors in the sensible and latent heat fluxes for the same period are approximately 15 and 30 W m-2, respectively.Bulk transfer coefficients used for calculating heat and humidity fluxes at the surface were shown to agree rather well with the measurements, at least for the unstable data. For stable stratification, the scatter in data is generally large, and it appears that the bulk formulation chosen overestimates turbulent heat fluxes.  相似文献   
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