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新疆喀拉通克铜镍矿床综合信息找矿模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
喀拉通克铜镍矿床为产出于造山带且远离克拉通的岩浆熔离型铜镍矿。通过系统研究矿床的地质、地球物理及地球化学特征,提出深大断裂控制基性岩产出,含矿基性岩浆侵位后熔离-结晶分异和矿浆依次贯入的成矿模式,总结出找矿的地质、地球物理及地球化学标志,最后给出了综合信息找矿模型。  相似文献   
在地面车载组合导航GNSS/OD/SINS中,全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)信号容易受到环境的干扰甚至发生中断,将非完整性约束(NHC)应用于里程计(OD)/捷联惯性导航系统(SINS)组合,可以有效抑制GNSS信号中断期间组合导航系统的误差发散。通常NHC的噪声设定基于固定的经验值,然而在实际运动过程中,车辆运行轨迹复杂多变,其运动状态不能完全满足NHC前提假设,经验给定的噪声无法准确反映车辆实际运动情况。为此,本文分析了NHC噪声与车辆运动状态的关系,构建了一种基于车辆运动状态的NHC噪声自适应方法。通过所选场景的实测数据验证表明:采用噪声自适应的NHC/OD/SINS组合导航结果相比于固定噪声的NHC/OD/SINS组合,在GNSS信号中断110 s、车辆连续转弯的情况下,最大水平位置误差减小了68.4%;在GNSS信号中断74 s、车辆直线行驶的情况下,最大水平位置误差减小了87.3%;能较好地抑制GNSS中断期间组合导航系统的误差发散。  相似文献   
The Lower Murrumbidgee alluvial fan at the eastern edge of the Murray Basin is comprised of high‐yielding coarse‐grained aquifers and interlayered fine‐grained deposits that exert an important control on recharge and vertical leakage of contaminants such as salt. Concerns over increasingly saline shallow groundwater, particularly in irrigation areas, has focused investigations on the depositional origin and spatial distribution of these fine‐grained deposits (aquitard units), which may constitute both a source of leachable salt and a barrier to leakage. Detailed laboratory analysis of a minimally disturbed core to 83m depth, obtained from a drillhole adjacent to an irrigation bore, was augmented with geophysical investigations from this and other boreholes near the apex of the alluvial fan. Previously mapped clay units (aquitards) are redefined as clayey silts based on clay content variation between 10% and 30%. Mineralogical and lithostratigraphic evidence for three clayey silt units is presented: a lower unit (75–83m), a middle unit (45–64m) and an upper unit (0–16m). Electrical image surveys indicate that the upper unit is discontinuous, interrupted by large palaeodrainage features probably containing sands and gravels. These palaeodrainage channels are buried beneath a veneer of clay and significantly increase recharge and leakage. Some evidence suggests an aeolian component near the surface and within the middle clayey silt unit. However, mixing with fluvial deposits and subsequent weathering has also occurred. The clayey silt units are extensively weathered and oxidised, with the degree of oxidation increasing towards the surface and adjacent to aquifers saturated with oxygenated groundwater. Post‐depositional weathering of the middle and lower units may also have been associated with leaching of salts. No salt remains in the middle and lower units, but 10.2kg/m2 is stored within 15m of the surface at the Tubbo site. The upper clayey silt unit is a significant source of leachable salt, which is associated with increasing shallow groundwater salinity at some sites.  相似文献   
Alternative, established models for the deglaciation of the midlands of Ireland are tested against an interpretation of a suite of deglacial sediments covering an area of 600 km2 in the east central midland area. Interpretation of the sediments is based on geomorphological mapping, lithostratigraphic characterization of exposures and geotechnical data supported by electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and ground penetrating radar (GPR). GPR depicted small‐scale sedimentological and deformational structures within low‐conductivity soft sediments, such as cross‐bedding, planar bedding, channel‐like features and faulting planes, and revealed the internal architecture of eskers, glaciodeltas, subaqueous fans and raised bogs. ERT data permitted the detection of depth to bedrock and the lithological characterization of unconsolidated sediments. The ten sites presented were surveyed by traditional mapping methods and/or geophysical techniques. This allowed the construction of a local model of the deglaciation of the area which recognized five main stages. An ice sheet covering most of Ireland withdrew as a single body as far as the midlands. At this stage, two main directions of ice retreat are identified from the spatial distribution of meltwater/overflow channels, esker and morainic ridges, and ice‐marginal glaciolacustrine deposits. A pattern of deglacial sedimentation into an expanding ice‐marginal glacial lake is depicted. The glacial lake was dammed to the west by two ice dome fronts, one decaying to the north‐west and another to the south‐west, and by the Shannon Basin watershed to the east. Glacial lake outlets identified along the watershed and the altitude of the topset/foreset interface zone depicted in glaciodeltaic deposits allowed the identification of three lake water levels. The highest level is at 87–89 m Ordnance Datum (OD), the second lake level at 84 m OD and the third at 78 m OD. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Traditional characterization of hyporheic processes relies upon modelling observed in‐stream and subsurface breakthrough curves to estimate hyporheic zone size and infer exchange rates. Solute data integrate upstream behaviour and lack spatial coverage, limiting our ability to accurately quantify spatially heterogeneous exchange dynamics. Here, we demonstrate the application of near‐surface electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) methods, coupled with experiments using an electrically conductive stream tracer (dissolved NaCl), to provide in situ imaging of spatial and temporal dynamics of hyporheic exchange. Tracer‐labelled water in the stream enters the hyporheic zone, reducing electrical resistivity in the subsurface (to which subsurface ERI is sensitive). Comparison of background measurements with those recording tracer presence provides distributed characterization of hyporheic area (in this application, ∼0·5 m2). Results demonstrate the first application of ERI for two‐dimensional imaging of stream‐aquifer exchange and hyporheic extent. Future application of this technique will greatly enhance our ability to quantify processes controlling solute transport and fate in hyporheic zones, and provide data necessary to inform more complete numerical models. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Christian Onof 《水文研究》2013,27(11):1600-1614
Under future climate scenarios, possible changes of drought patterns pose new challenges for water resources management. For quantifying and qualifying drought characteristics in the UK, the drought severity indices of six catchments are investigated and modelled by two stochastic methods: autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models and the generalized linear model (GLM) approach. From the ARIMA models, autocorrelation structures are first identified for the drought index series, and the unexplained variance of the series is used to establish empirical relationships between drought and climate variables. Based on the ARIMA results, mean sea level pressure and possibly the North Atlantic Oscillation index are found to be significant climate variables for seasonal drought forecasting. Using the GLM approach, occurrences and amounts of rainfall are simulated with conditioning on climate variables. From the GLM‐simulated rainfall for the 1980s and 2080s, the probabilistic characteristics of the drought severity are derived and assessed. Results indicate that the drought pattern in the 2080s is less certain than for the 1961–1990 period, based on the Shannon entropy, but that droughts are expected to be more clustered and intermittent. The 10th and 50th quantiles of drought are likely higher in the 2080s scenarios, but there is no evidence showing the changes in the 90th quantile extreme droughts. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
An integrated vertical-slantwise convective parameterization scheme,based on the vertical Kuo-Anthes and the slantwise Nordeng convective parameterization schemes,is introduced into the MM5 model.By employing the MM5 model with the proposed scheme,numerical simulations of a snowstorm event that occurred over southern China on 28 29 January 2008 and of Typhoon Haitang (2005) are conducted.The results indicate that during the snowstorm event,the atmosphere was convectively stable in the vertical direction but with conditional symmetric instability (CSI) in the lower troposphere,and when the area of CSI developed and extended to upper levels,strong rising motion occurred and triggered the release of large amount of energy,producing enhanced convective precipitation with the total precipitation much closer to the observation.The development and strengthening of CSI corresponded to changes in the intensity of snowfall,convergence,and ascending motions of air,revealing that CSI was responsible for the initiation and growth of the snowstorm.The results from a 72-h explicit simulation of Typhoon Haitang indicate that CSI occurred mainly at lower levels with a well-defined spiral structure,and it tended to have a larger impact on the intensity of typhoon than on its track.The minimum pressure at the typhoon center for the 72-h runs with the integrated vertical-slantwise convective parameterization scheme was on average 3 hPa (maximum 8 hPa) lower than that from the runs with only the vertical cumulus parameterization scheme.Introducing the influence of CSI into the model has improved the warm core structure at the middle and upper levels of the typhoon,with stronger and persistent upward motions causing increased precipitation,and the latent heat released through convection in turn made the typhoon develop further.  相似文献   
结合区域地质背景概述亳州市区域重力、航磁、地电异常特征,综合邻区矿床分布分析,认为蒙城移村地区等具有找变质铁矿前景,涡阳牌坊、龙山地区等具有找岩浆型铁铜金矿前景,而涡阳新兴南部、高炉东北部、利辛胡集东部地区等具有寻找大中型煤矿前景。  相似文献   
以利用物探资料寻找隐伏铁矿的工作为例,通过对某地区重磁电十字剖面资料的推断解释,总结了减少物探异常解释多解性的思路与做法,提出在布置外业工作和收集资料时,就应考虑为减少多解性取全取准所需的各类用作约束的资料,认为采用逐一判断—排除的方法是可选途径。  相似文献   
王雁宾 《地学前缘》2006,13(2):1-36
大体积压机(large-volume press,简称为LVP)与金刚石对顶砧(diamond-anvil cell,简称为DAC)是两种相辅相成的、在高压研究中不可或缺的重要技术。大体积压机在温压范围上较金刚石对顶砧小,但它具有更加均匀的温压环境以及高于金刚石对顶砧几千以至百万倍的试样体积。这些特色使大体积压机成为精确测量试样整体物性和系统研究复杂材料系列的理想工具。在过去的20年里,高压和同步辐射技术方面的进展使大体积高压研究取得了革命性的突破。文中选择近期地学界的一些重要科研成果和技术突破作为例子,力图对同步辐射和大体积高压技术在高温高压研究中的近期进展作综合评述,最后简略讨论了LVP的发展前景。  相似文献   
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