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This paper constructs a comprehensive evaluation index system for the urbanization level in China in terms of four aspects of urbanization connotation: population, economy, society, and land. A comprehensive measurement is carried out for the Chinese urbanization between 1981 and 2006 based on the Entropy method. The results show that the comprehensive level of urbanization in China has a continuous increase with the major features of economic growth and a rapid evolution of the geographical landscape, followed by population urbanization and then social urbanization of health care standard; the distinguished evolutional characteristics can also be found in each of the subsystems. The integrated evolution of urbanization has a profound effect on the resources, energy and the environment, making the land resources and energy security situation under severe pressure. The environment pressure is also increased further.  相似文献   
The authors reflect on knowledge-generating and communication processes involved in the recently developed Norwegian Nature Index, particularly the communication process among experts involved in providing the required biodiversity knowledge. Eliciting a comprehensive overview of biodiversity is a complex process involving choices of approaches and methods in order to reach a common understanding of uncertainties and values as a basis for quantification. Part of the complexity is the establishment of dialogue between experts from research institutions with different research traditions and approaches. The authors discuss how the index was developed through communication processes, challenging involved experts to provide not only biodiversity data for the current situation, but also forecasts of future trends, assessments of uncertainty, and evaluations of the urgency of biodiversity loss and possibility of implementing policy and management measures. The Nature Index framework has potential for informing the biodiversity policy debate by involving stakeholders beyond the science-policy community and enhancing deliberations about biodiversity policy in a wider context of sustainable development. As a policy tool, the Nature Index may develop through a process of practical application, which in turn may have an impact on the selection of narratives, definition of management targets, and technical concepts such as reference states.  相似文献   
2002年12月25日20时57分,新疆维吾尔自治区克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州乌恰县境内发生5.7级地震。阿图什市、喀什市强烈有感。乌恰县城、黑孜苇水泥厂、康苏镇等地感受地震强烈。房屋建筑物遭受一定程度的破坏。本次地震没有造成人员死亡,轻伤1人,部分房屋结构受损,总经济损失为3045.85万元,属轻微破坏性地震。  相似文献   
洪增林  徐通  薛旭平 《中国岩溶》2019,38(2):276-280
汉中天坑群是在中国32°~33°N湿润热带—亚热带岩溶地貌区北界首次发现的岩溶地质遗迹。为了科学地评价汉中天坑群地质遗迹旅游资源,为下一步旅游规划与开发提供科学依据,本文从生态旅游资源条件、生态环境条件、生态旅游开发条件等3个方面选取资源景观价值、资源科学与文化价值、生态环境质量、环境安全条件、区位与交通条件和社会经济条件等作为主要评价指标,建立多层层次结构模型,运用层次分析法对其进行地质遗迹旅游资源综合评价,得出汉中天坑群地质遗迹旅游资源综合评价得分为90.67分。本文研究表明,汉中天坑群具有五级生态旅游资源的禀赋,具有较高的开发利用价值。   相似文献   
李飞 《地质与勘探》2020,56(3):566-579
本文依据江苏如东滩涂区综合地球物理调查工作,对小洋口地区断裂构造空间展布进行了解译,分析了解译断裂与栟茶河断裂的关系。解译结果主要参考实测无人机航磁资料,辅以浅层地震和电磁法资料。综合两个子测区的断裂构造解译结果,同时参考华东地区航磁和重力资料,对栟茶河断裂的空间展布位置进行了推断,认为其是近EW向大型断裂,延伸距离长,同时控制测区其他断裂的展布。实测数据未发现金坛—如皋断裂在测区范围内存在的地球物理证据,分析认为其未发育至栟茶河断裂以北。  相似文献   
川西北天井山构造泥盆系油砂成矿条件与资源评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对四川盆地油砂资源的全面调查与评价,首次在川西北地区天井山构造下泥盆统平驿铺组的石英砂岩中发现了油砂矿体。根据石油地质及成矿理论对该矿点的成矿条件进行了分析,认为该油砂矿形成过程中可能的烃源岩为早寒武世和早志留世的黑色泥页岩;当进入印支期,烃源岩开始大规模生成液态烃,液态烃通过该期运动形成的逆断层运移至下泥盆统平驿铺组圈闭富集成藏;进入喜山运动,早先形成的油藏抬升暴露、剥蚀而最终形成了目前的油砂矿体。天井山构造泥盆系埋深500 m以上的油砂资源量为5 356.4×104 t。  相似文献   
对安徽玉屏山、梅家洼1:5万区域金异常,开展了以Hg测量圈定异常区的构造格架,以Au的野外快速分析方法追踪评价异常的工作。迅速查明了区内断裂构造布局,Au的浓集地段。经探槽工程揭露发现了Au的矿化体,证明Au,Hg野外方法配合评价金异常,寻找金矿的技术是有效的。  相似文献   
焉耆盆地侏罗系低渗透储层敏感性评价   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
焉耆盆地侏罗系具近物源沉积特点,储层成分成熟度和结构成熟度均较低,粘土矿物含量高,物性较差,属低渗透储层。“五敏”实验结果表明,储层均表现为强水敏特征,物性相对较好的储层还表现出强盐敏和中等偏弱速敏、碱敏等敏感性特征,盐酸对储层具有一定程度的改善,并进一步探讨钻探施工过程中油层保护的措施及应用效果。  相似文献   
中国煤层气有利区带综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
煤层气含气区带综合评价是一个多因素、多层次、多目标的决策过程,其评价过程受到诸多因素的影响,需要选择科学、简捷、实用的数学模型来分析处理这些繁杂因素。因此,根据煤层气含气区带综合评价涉及的各种因素建立评价指标体系,并结合层次分析法和灰聚类分析各自的优点,建立煤层气含气区带综合评价模型。应用层次分析法确定各指标的权系数,然后通过灰聚类分析法来进行综合评价,较好地保证了权系数的客观性和准确性,定性、定量地对煤层气含气区带进行综合评价。可以为整个煤层气行业的资源综合评价奠定基础,同时通过评价案例进行了验证。评价结果表明,全国121个煤层气含气区带中,最有利区带是沁水盆地和鄂尔多斯盆地东缘,有利区带为鄂尔多斯盆地南缘、宁武、安阳-鹤壁和松藻地区。  相似文献   
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