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宋绵  龚磊  王新峰  李甫成  马涛 《地球学报》2018,39(5):581-586
兴国县浅层地下水为各城镇和农村的主要饮用水源,浅层地下水中酸性地下水(p H6.5)分布范围占全区面积的1/2,区域地下水酸化现象较为明显,已成为该地区安全用水问题之一。中国地质调查局根据原国土资源部的统一部署,于2017年启动了兴国水文地质调查工作。基于768组地下水现场水质测试和80组相关水化学分析资料,本文研究了兴国县偏酸性地下水的分布特征及其影响因素。结果发现:pH6.5的偏酸性地下水分布普遍,主要分布于花岗岩类裂隙水中,地下水pH值受当地酸雨影响明显,与酸性土壤分布吻合,与含水介质类型密切相关,随地下水位埋深的增加,pH值增大。本研究对正确认识偏酸性地下水分布特征与影响因素,促进城镇农村居民安全用水,为预防地下水酸化污染具有重要意义。  相似文献   
利用2008—2010年杭州西溪湿地和馒头山空气负离子观测资料,分析了杭州市空气负离子的季、月和日变化特征,以及空气负离子与气象环境因子的相关关系。结果表明,湿地负离子浓度要好于市区;杭州市空气负离子浓度冬季最大,夏季最小;一日中早晨空气负离子浓度最高,15时左右最低;夜间高于白天。空气负离子浓度与温度、日照时数和空气污染物呈负相关,与相对湿度、风速、云量和降雨量呈正相关。  相似文献   
Based on the cost-income data of agricultural products and relevant statistical data, taking major grain crops and economic crops in the process of cultivated land use as study cases, we studied characteristics of the temporal variation of cultivated land use intensity and its composition in Shandong Province from 1980 to 2015, and then analyzed its main driving factors. The results showed that: (1) The total intensity of major crops in Shandong Province showed a rising trend from 919.73 Yuan ha-1 in 1980 to 3285.06 Yuan ha-1 in 2015, and the average annual intensity of economic crops was higher than that of grain crops. The labor cost and material cost of major crops both showed an increasing trend, but the material input was much higher than labor input for grain crops, while the labor input was much higher than material input for economic crops. (2) The labor intensity of major crops in Shandong Province showed a decreasing trend from 501.75 man-day ha-1 in 1980 to 161.93 man-day ha-1 in 2015. The labor intensity of grain crops was lower than that of economic crops and its decline rate was fast. On the contrary, the capital intensity showed an increasing trend from 518.33 Yuan ha-1 in 1980 to 1159.95 Yuan ha-1 in 2015. In the internal composition of capital intensity, the proportion of yield-increasing inputs such as seed, farmyard manure, fertilizer, pesticide and drainage and irrigation decreased gradually, while the proportion of labor-saving inputs such as agricultural machinery increased significantly. (3) The cultivated land use intensity in Shandong Province had significant negative correlations with the amount of agricultural labor and cultivated land area per capita. The primary direct driving factor was the net income per unit cost of major crops, but the time response lagged by 1-3 years. The main indirect driving factor was the reform of agricultural policy.  相似文献   
基坑变形影响因素与有限元数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基坑变形影响因素是其变形控制的重要内容之一,在自制深基坑工程变形控制优化设计及其有限元数值模拟系统(SDCDEFEM)的基础上,重点对影响基坑变形的各因素进行了有限元数值模拟分析,并对实测和计算的基坑周边最大沉降、支护结构最大水平位移和坑底最大隆起及其位置进行了统计分析,得出了简明估算基坑最大变形及其位置的统计关系式,提出了经济有效的变形控制对策。  相似文献   
利用薄片鉴定、扫描电镜、压汞实验及物性分析等资料,系统研究了马岭油田北三区延1021储层特征及其控制因素.结果表明,研究区延1021储集层以成分成熟度、结构成熟度中等或偏低的岩屑长石砂岩及长石石英砂岩为主,为典型的低孔、低渗储层;储层内部构型以泥质夹层为主.储集空间以粒间孔为主,孔隙结构微观非均质性强,较大喉道控制储层渗流能力.沉积相带的差异导致储层物性的差异,并影响成岩作用的类型和强度.压实、胶结作用是储层致密的主导因素,溶蚀作用在改善储集空间的同时,还增强了孔喉连通性.微观孔隙结构可有效反映储层品质特征.  相似文献   
总结了钨(W)在地球不同圈层、不同相以及不同集合体之间的分配行为,并据此来探讨与花岗岩有关的热液型钨矿床的某些成因机制,并将W矿化所需的较高的浓集系数归因于这一系列不均匀分配行为的累积。同时强调了W在溶液/熔体体系,尤其是富F体系中的分配行为是理解其成矿机理的关键。热液中W主要以钨酸(根)和碱性钨酸盐离子存在,后因流经理化条件(温度、盐度、p H值)骤变而沉淀成矿。  相似文献   
研究了地下水中铜元素迁移富集的主要控制因素及其分布规律。结果表明,地下水铜元素的迁移富集与含水介质及其上覆土层中的铜元素含量、地下水的酸碱度、地下水的径流条件和氧化还原环境等有密切的关系。  相似文献   
We monitored the concentrations of copper, lead and cadmium in seawater, in suspended particulate matter (SPM) and in bacteria, phyto- and zooplankton communities separated from abiogenic particles, over a one year cycle in two coupled Mediterranean coastal ecosystems (Little Bay (LiB) and Large Bay (LaB)). Metals were present in seawater in the order Cu > Pb > Cd in both bays and showed important variations within the same month than among months. In LiB, their concentrations were between 0.62 and 2.82 μg Cu l−1, 0.16 and 19 μg Pb l−1 and 0.007 and 0.14 μg Cd l−1, respectively, whereas in LaB, they were between 0.23 and 2.11 μg Cu l−1, 0.09 and 0.76 μg Pb l−1 and not detected and 0.65 μg Cd l−1. SPM play an important role on metal adsorption, especially for copper. Bioaccumulation factors showed that bacteria and phytoplankton accumulate metals whereas zooplankton tends to biodiminish them in the plankton food web.  相似文献   
长沙市是湖南省地质灾害的多发区之一。地质灾害不仅造成生命财产的巨大损失,而且对当地的投资环境乃至社会的持续发展都构成严重威胁。在介绍了长沙市的区域自然地理与地质环境,阐述了研究区内的滑坡、崩塌、不稳定斜坡、地面塌陷、泥石流等地质灾害的发育特征和形成条件的基础上,全面分析研究地质灾害的发展趋势,并结合当地经济条件与地质灾害现状,给出了较为切实可行的地质灾害防治对策,为长沙市的防灾、减灾和促进区域经济社会可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   
江苏非物质文化遗产的时空分布及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩顺法  徐鹏飞  马培龙 《地理科学》2021,41(9):1598-1605
以江苏为例,运用地理学相关方法将非遗的时空分布可视化,并探讨其分布的影响因素。研究表明:江苏非遗在时间上呈“迂回向南”发展轨迹,其数量和类型在不同阶段具有明显差异;在空间上呈聚集性分布,分别在苏州、扬州、南京、常州、镇江和南通形成6个高密度核心;通过地理探测器分析,得知河流水系、政策导向、历史文化和经济等因素对非遗的时空分布有较大影响。由此得出重视江苏大运河文化带建设、将非遗纳入文化生态系统内整体性保护、正视非遗与经济合理互动等启示。  相似文献   
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