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李小强  王嘉伟 《地质通报》2016,35(9):1497-1505
对塔里木盆地西南缘皮亚曼—布雅一带阿孜干组和塔哈奇组的岩性组合特征及其中的腕足类化石进行了研究。共鉴定出腕足类化石11属15种,分属于石燕贝目、长身贝目、扭月贝目和小嘴贝目。基于岩性组合和腕足类化石的特征,推测皮亚曼—布雅一带在晚石炭世中晚期的环境比较温暖,水体动荡、较浅,属于碳酸盐台地沉积环境;期间发生2次海退,其沉积记录分别位于阿孜干组上部与塔哈奇组顶部。  相似文献   
Sedimentary environment and distribution of brachiopods during the Changhsingian in Xingwen, Si-chuan Province of the upper Yangtze region, are statistically analyzed. Changing regularity in diversity of brachiopod is synthetically investigated based on qualitative and quantitative analysis of transgres-sion-regression cycles. The results show that the diversity of brachiopods in this region in the trans-gression (aggradation) sequence is higher than that in the regression (progradation) sequence. The brachiopods in this area began to diversify in the early Changhsingian. And the species diversity had four peak stages which are respectively in the middle Early Changhsingian, late Early Changhsingian, early Late Changhsingian and late Late Changhsingian. The species diversity reached its highest in the late Late Changhsingian but this is followed by a sharp decrease at the end-hanghsingian, indicating the mass extinction of most brachiopod species which were prosperous in the Late Paleozoic.  相似文献   
腕足动物是寒武纪冠轮动物分支的重要类群,在寒武纪大爆发期间海洋底栖动物群落结构构建中发挥着重要作用。研究表明华南最早的腕足动物出现在寒武系第二统。通过大量酸蚀处理和系统分析,发现华南寒武纪第二世碳酸盐岩相中赋存的腕足动物可分为8属12种和3个未定属种,都属于磷酸钙质舌形贝型,揭示了寒武纪早期磷酸钙质壳腕足动物的多样性及其形态差异。通过全球对比,力求探索寒武纪最早腕足动物的起源、多样性、分布与辐射。通过个体发育研究,揭示了异时发育在乳孔贝形态多样性中发挥的重要作用,同时表明寒武纪舌形贝型腕足动物发育中普遍存在滤食型浮游幼虫和变态发育的过程。因此变态发育的浮游幼虫可能是腕足动物的祖先特征。这与现代舌形贝明显不同,现代舌形贝的浮游幼虫为次级幼虫,演变为直接发育。此外,对比全球不同大陆腕足动物的首现,认为舌形贝型亚门腕足动物可能在寒武纪第二世初起源于东冈瓦纳与华南板块,随后开始向全球扩散。对寒武纪早期腕足动物多样性、个体发育与生物地层的深入研究,有助于增进对关键动物门类的早期起源与系统演化的认识,同时也将推动全球和区域寒武纪生物地层的划分与对比。  相似文献   
The biogenic carbonate hard parts of fossil bivalves, cephalopods and brachiopods are among the most widely exploited marine archives of Phanerozoic environmental and climate dynamics research. The advent of novel analytical tools has led many workers to explore non‐traditional geochemical and petrographic proxies, and work performed in neighbouring disciplines sheds light on the complex biomineralization strategies applied by these organisms. These considerations form a strong motivation to review the potential and problems related to the compilation and interpretation of proxy data from bivalve, cephalopod and brachiopod hard parts from the viewpoint of the sedimentologist and palaeoceanographer. Specific focus is on the complex biomineralization pathways of a given dissolved ion or food particle from its aquatic environment via the digestion and biomineralization apparatus in molluscs and brachiopods and its incorporation into a biomineral. Given that molluscs and brachiopods do not secrete their hard parts from seawater but rather from their mantle and periostracum, this paper evaluates differences and similarities of seawater versus that of body fluids. Cephalopods, bivalves and brachiopods exert a strong biological control on biomineralization that, to some degree, may buffer their shell geochemistry against secular changes in seawater chemistry. Disordered (amorphous) calcium carbonate precursor phases, later transformed to crystalline biominerals, may be significant in carbonate archive research due to expected geochemical offset relative to the direct precipitation of stable phases. A reasonable level of understanding of the related mechanisms is thus crucial for those who use these skeletal hard parts as archives of the palaeo‐environment. The impact of what is commonly referred to as ‘biological factors’ on the geochemistry of mollusc and brachiopod hard parts is explored for conventional isotope systems such as carbon, oxygen, strontium and traditionally used element to calcium ratios. In particular, the often used δ13Ccarb or the Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca elemental proxies are fraught with problems. An interesting new research field represents the analysis, calibration and application of non‐traditional proxies to mollusc and brachiopod hard parts. Examples include the carbonate clumped isotope (Δ47) approach and the analysis of the isotopes of Ca, Mg, N, Li, S or element to Ca ratios such as Li/Ca or B/Ca and rare earth elements. Based on considerations discussed here, a series of “do's and don'ts” in mollusc and brachiopod archive research are proposed and suggestions for future work are presented. In essence, the suggestions proposed here include experimental work (also field experiments) making use of recent archive organisms or, where possible, a reasonable recent analogue in the case of extinct groups. Moreover, the detailed understanding of the architecture of mollusc and brachiopod hard parts and their ultra‐structures must guide sampling strategies for geochemical analyses. Where feasible, a detailed understanding of the diagenetic pathways and the application of multi‐proxy and multi‐archive approaches should form the foundation of fossil carbonate archive research. The uncritical compilation of large data sets from various carbonate‐shelled organisms collected at different locations is not encouraged.  相似文献   
相对海平面的升降变化引起的相对水深及相关生态条件的改变对腕足动物群具有影响。相对海平面变化的速度和幅度是引起腕足动物群面貌变化的重要因素。相对海平面的持续缓慢上升有利于腕足动物丰度的增加和分异度的提高,海平面的大幅度快速变化对腕足动物群落则是一个不利的因素,是造成腕足动物物种丰度下降、新种增加量减少乃至彻底死亡的重要原因。吐哈盆地北缘晚石炭世发育的5个腕足动物群落全部与相对海平面上升期有关。在海平面的持续缓慢上升期,腕足动物的丰度不断增加,分异度迅速提高;而在相对海平面下降期,本区陆源粗碎屑物大量注入,不适合腕足动物的生存。  相似文献   
修水地区志留系殿背组和坟头组腕足类化石自下而上分为:Merciela Zygospiraela组合;Nalivkina Strispirifer组合;Xinanospiriger Valdaria组合,与川鄂等地志留纪腕足类生物地层带能很好地对比。通过对腕足类生态分异、共生分子及沉积相的研究,识别出4种腕足类生态类型,确认两组为一套中陆架—内陆架沉积。  相似文献   
本文通过对Cleiothyridina obmaxima在同一化石点产出的大量个体的统计研究,讨论了该种个体发育的阶段及其种群动力学特征,并做出了相应的解释。同时根据该种个体形态的特征及其在个体发育不同阶段的变化,结合其所赋存的群落及其围岩特征,讨论了其个体生态学及其环境意义,进而探讨了该种的演化途径。  相似文献   
The abundance curves derived from area proportions of brachiopods and Girvanella in the thin sections from the Yangdi section, South China, exhibits complex relationships during the Late Devonian Frasnian-Famennian transition. The living activity of brachiopods such as grazing and borrowing did great damage to the growth of Girvanella. However, there was more to just a mere a survival competing relationship between them, Girvanella actually improved marine environments by oxygenating the dysoxic ambient sea-water through photosynthesis in the lower Kellwasser Horizon. Profited from this improvement brachiopods' abundance increased subsequently and suppressed Girvanella again. Nonetheless, without Girvanella's photosynthesis, brachiopods were wiped out by the farther anoxic environments in the upper Kellwasser Horizon. The complex relationships between Girvanella and brachiopods may be a key to unlocking the relationships between geomicrobes and metazoans in the geological overturn periods.  相似文献   
Since the recognition of the Cambrian Evolutionary Fauna, Paleozoic Evolutionary Fauna and Modern Evolutionary Fauna[1—3], more and more paleontolo-gists have paid attention to the great Ordovician bio-diversification event which was critical to the forma-tion of the Paleozoic Evolutionary Fauna, and during which the marine organisms experienced one of the most profound evolutionary radiations of the Phan-erozoic[4]. Three biodiversity maxima have been rec-ognized on a global scale[5] wi…  相似文献   
通过对本溪牛毛岭本溪组底栖生物群落的组成结构和个体生态研究,详细探讨了各群落的古环境意义,结合剖面沉积相和沉积旋回分析,探讨了相对海平面变化对群落取代的影响。本溪组上、下段沉积时期主要受潮汐作用影响,而中段沉积时期河流作用明显。辽宁本溪地区本溪期底栖生物群落的生态位主要集中在BA1-BA3之间,即潮间、潮上带到潮下浅海环境,沉积最大水深一般不超过60 m。古水深是控制各环境因素变化的重要原因,也是控制群落取代的根本原因。在水深变化不大的情况下,底质环境、海水含盐度、水动力强度等对群落的内部演替和群落之间的相互取代都具有重要影响。底栖生物群落生态位变化和剖面沉积相分析所揭示的海水深度的垂向变化规律,显示该区石炭纪本溪期经历了四次明显的三级相对海平面变化旋回。与华北其他地区相比,本区本溪期多了一次海平面变化旋回,显示该区本溪期海侵较早,该区下部旋回发育时,华北其他地区尚未接受沉积。  相似文献   
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