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戎嘉余  黄冰 《地质学报》2019,93(3):509-527
奥陶纪末生物大灭绝与冈瓦纳大陆冰盖的形成与消融密切关联的认识已被广泛接受;同时,赫南特贝腕足动物群(Hirnantia Fauna)常被视作这次大灭绝的肇端标志。本文通过对扬子区-全球环境巨变的一个缩影-相关层段的腕足类的研究,改变了后一认识。上扬子区五峰组(笔石页岩相)与观音桥层(介壳相)之间,以及下扬子区新开岭层之中的"混合相地层"(既产笔石,又产介壳相生物),代表奥陶纪最晚期沉积-生物-环境发生重大变化的过渡阶段,记录了南方大陆冰盖的形成对华南各地影响的开始;只因厚度小、研究少,该段地层及其所含化石群长期未被重视。根据半个世纪积累的材料,本文系统记述了该混合相地层的优势化石腕足类稀少贝(Manosia);根据保存腕螺构造的珍贵标本,证实它是无洞贝目的成员,暂归于无洞贝科;通过识别稀少贝组合(Manosia Assemblage)的基本特征和时空分布,探讨它的群落生态、环境及其标志意义。奥陶纪末的华南板块处于一个相对孤立的古地理位置,且稀少贝幼虫的漂浮能力不强,故未能"飘洋过海"离开华南板块一步;尽管如此,东西向从滇东北到苏南,南北向从陕南到黔北,它成为一个机遇泛滥属种,遍布于整个扬子海域,栖居于深水、低能、贫氧的底域(BA4-5)。稀少贝组合的地层历程从上奥陶统凯迪阶顶部(Diceratograptus mirus亚带)到赫南特阶下部(Normalograptus extraordinarius带中下部);其短暂的历程反映全球气候和海洋环境扰动对扬子海域不同地区造成的影响之开始。这里有一个"先浅水、后深水"的穿时过程:①在上扬子区浅水海域,它仅限于凯迪末期,几乎同时迁移到较深水域并延续到赫南特初期;②侵入到下扬子深水海域则是到赫南特早期并在中期灭绝。因此,华南奥陶纪末大灭绝的起步标志不是赫南特贝动物群本身,而是稀少贝组合的出现;大灭绝的肇端并非始于赫南特初期,而是凯迪末期。同时可能也指示大陆冰盖的形成对世界其他板块不同水深海域的影响也不是等时的。赫南特早中期扬子海域生物群分布状况演变得非常复杂。奥陶纪末生物大灭绝与全球气候和海洋环境的剧变相伴发生,是显生宙唯一一次与冰川活动有密切关联的特大事件。  相似文献   
The abundance curves derived from area proportions of brachiopods and Girvanella in the thin sections from the Yangdi section, South China, exhibits complex relationships during the Late Devonian Frasnian-Famennian transition. The living activity of brachiopods such as grazing and borrowing did great damage to the growth of Girvanella. However, there was more to just a mere a survival competing relationship between them, Girvanella actually improved marine environments by oxygenating the dysoxic ambient sea-water through photosynthesis in the lower Kellwasser Horizon. Profited from this improvement brachiopods’ abundance increased subsequently and suppressed Girvanella again. Nonetheless, without Girvanella’s photosynthesis, brachiopods were wiped out by the farther anoxic environments in the upper Kellwasser Horizon. The complex relationships between Girvanella and brachiopods may be a key to unlocking the relationships between geomicrobes and metazoans in the geological overturn periods. Supported by NSFC Innovation Research Group Program (Grant No. 40621002), MOE Innovative Research Team Program (Grant No. IRT0546), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40472020, 40730209, 40802005 and 40872001) and SINOPEC Project (Grant No. G0800-06-ZS-319)  相似文献   
中国及邻区石炭纪构造古地理及生物古地理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文包括3部分:(1)扼要回顾了中国及邻区晚海西阶段的地质构造背景和构造古地理特征。根据全球构造活动论和地壳发展阶段论的观点,把中国及邻区晚海西阶段的大地构造单元分为4个构造域,10个亚构造域。(2)论述中国和世界石炭纪生物古地理分区。根据四射珊瑚和腕足动物群分析,把全球早石炭世生物古地理区系分为两个生物大区、6个生物区和8个生物亚区。在中国境内对生物亚区内部生物地方中心的分异作了进一步划分。(3)简述中国石炭纪古地理和某些有关的沉积矿产。中国石炭系矿产除了重要的煤以外,还有石膏矿、铝土矿和不同类型的铁矿。这些沉积矿产的分布主要受到古气候、古地理和构造条件的控制。  相似文献   
贵州断杉剖面长兴阶上部发现的腕足类化石包括:Paracrurithyris pigmaea,Attenuatella mengi,Neochonetes (Huangichonetes) substrophomenoides,Spinomarginifera kueichowensis,Anidanthus mucronata,? Hustedia orbicostata,Pygmochonetes sp.,Crurithyris sp.和Martinia sp..通过对该腕足动物群的分析以及和其他地区同时期的腕足动物群的对比,认为断杉剖面腕足动物群是深水分子与浅水分子混生的动物群,同时也是暖水分子与凉水分子混生的动物群.深水分子与浅水分子混生的特征与长兴期晚期断杉剖面位于深水盆地相的边缘,并且离浅水碳酸盐岩台地较近的古地理位置一致;暖水分子与凉水分子混生暗示扬子海盆当时可能存在洋流活动.  相似文献   
Fossil assemblages of the Ordovician to Devonian successions of Japan suggest complex temporal, environmental and geographical controls on their biogeographical signature. Thus, limited similarity at the species‐level between the trilobite, brachiopod and ostracod faunas of the South Kitakami, Hida‐Gaien and Kurosegawa terranes in part reflects the sporadic stratigraphic distribution of shelly fauna within these terranes. As a result, and with the exception of corals and pan‐tropical radiolarians, species‐level similarities are greater with other regions of East Asia and Australia than amongst the Japanese terranes. The Silurian faunas of the South Kitakami Terrane have affinities with North America, Europe, Central Asia and Australia, but there is no overriding signature to support proximity either to South China or Gondwana. Notably, brachiopod and trilobite faunas of the Middle Devonian suggest strong connections with North China. Trilobite, coral and ostracod faunas of the Hida‐Gaien Terrane show affinity, including at species level, with Siluro‐Devonian faunas from westerly‐situated palaeocontinents, especially those of Central Asian and European affinity, suggesting a continuation of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, or of its associated lithofacies. Greater diversity of groups such as ostracods and trilobites in this terrane may signal closer links with continental shelf faunas of East Asia. The dominant biogeographical signature of the Kurosegawa Terrane is from corals and trilobites, suggesting links with the Siluro‐Devonian of Central Asia, Australia and South China. The variable biogeographic signal of the Japanese faunas may reflect the lifestyles of organisms with different physiologies and larval dispersal mechanisms, as well as the relative incompleteness of the Japanese fossil record. The present state of knowledge of the faunas cautions against placing Japan in relative proximity to the North or South China plates, or of presenting the Japanese terranes as a unified island arc to the north of the South China Plate during the Early Palaeozoic.  相似文献   
长江源各拉丹冬地区晚二叠世乌丽群的腕足类生物组合   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在长江源区各拉丹冬一带晚二叠世地层中建立了2个腕足类生物组合,下部为Spinomarginifera cf.kueichowensis-Tschernyschewia cf.sinensis-Tyloplecta cf.yangtzeensis组合,见于乌丽群下部的那益雄组;上部为Leptodus nobilis-Perigeyerella costellata-Enteletes subequivalis组合,见于乌丽群上部的拉卜查日组.两个组合生物群属于特提斯动物群,均可与华南地区同期地层中的生物群相对比.  相似文献   
广西玉林早泥盆世早期腕足动物生物地层研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在广西玉林樟木地区早泥盆世北均塘组、良合塘组、樟木组35属48种腕足动物演化和地层分布特征研究的基础上,建立了6个腕足动物生物带(自下而上):1.Quadrithyrinaexpansa-Prodavidsoniamirabilis带;2.Grayinamagnificaguangxiesis-Schizophoriasulcatina带;3.Reticulariopsiscostatus带;4.Grayinamagnificasinica带;5.Quadrithyrisrobusta-Boucotia带;6.Qrientospiriferwangi带。依据国际对比和与笔石的层位关系认为:第1-3带为晚洛赫柯夫期,并且1、2、3带很可能分别相当晚洛赫柯夫早、中、晚期;第4带为早布拉格早期;第5、6带分别相当中、晚布拉格期。  相似文献   
A thick sequence of late Dinantian (Asbian–Brigantian) carbonates crop out in the Buttevant area, North Co. Cork, Ireland. A mud-mound unit of early Asbian age (the Hazelwood Formation) is the oldest unit described in this work. This formation is partly laterally equivalent to, and is overlain by, over 500 m of bedded platform carbonates which belong to the Ballyclogh and Liscarroll Limestone Formations. Four new lithostratigraphic units are described within the platform carbonates: (i) the early Asbian Cecilstown Member and (ii) the late Asbian Dromdowney Member in the Ballyclogh Limestone Formation; (iii) the Brigantian Templemary Member and (iv) the Coolbane Member in the Liscarroll Limestone Formation. The Cecilstown Member consists of cherty packstones and wackestones that are inferred to have been deposited below fair-weather wavebase. This unit overlies and is laterally equivalent to the mud-mound build-up facies of the Hazelwood Formation. The Dromdowney Member is typified by cyclic-bedded kamaenid-rich limestones possessing shell bands, capped by palaeokarst surfaces, with alveolar textures below and shales above these surfaces. The carbonates of this unit were deposited at or just below fair-weather wavebase, the top of each cycle culminated in subaerial emergence. The Templemary Member consists of cyclic alternations of subtidal crinoidal limestones capped by subtidal lagoonal crinoid-poor, peloidal limestones possessing coral thickets. Intraclastic cherty packstones and wackestones characterize the Coolbane Member, which is inferred to have been deposited below fair-weather wavebase but above storm wavebase. The early Asbian Cecilstown Member has a relatively sparse micro- and macrofauna, typified by scattered Siphonodendron thickets, archaediscids at angulatus stage and common Vissariotaxis. Conversely, macro- and microfauna is abundant in the late Asbian Dromdowney Member. Typical late Asbian macrofossils include the coral Dibunophyllum bipartitum and the brachiopod Davidsonina septosa. The base of the late Asbian (Cf6γ Subzone) is recognized by the first appearance of the foraminifers Cribrostomum lecompteii, Koskinobigenerina and the alga Ungdarella. The Cf6γ Subzone can be subdivided into two biostratigraphic divisions, Cf6γ1 and Cf6γ2, that can be correlated throughout Ireland. Relatively common gigantoproductid brachiopods and the coral Lonsdaleia duplicata occur in the Brigantian units. The base of the Brigantian stage (Cf6δ Subzone) is marked by an increase in the abundance of stellate archaediscids, the presence of Saccamminopsis-rich horizons, Loeblichia paraammonoides, Howchinia bradyana and the rarity of Koninckopora species. Changes in facies at the Cecilstown/Dromdowney Member and the Ballyclogh/Liscarroll Formation boundaries coincide closely with the changes in fossil assemblages that correspond to the early/late Asbian and the Asbian/Brigantian boundaries. These facies changes are believed to reflect major changes in relative sea-level on the Irish platforms. The sea-level variations that are inferred to have caused the facies changes at lithostratigraphic boundaries also brought in the new taxa that define biostratigraphic boundaries. Moreover, many of the Dinantian stage boundaries that are defined biostratigraphically in Great Britain, Belgium and the Russian Platform also coincide with major facies boundaries caused by regressive and transgressive episodes. The integration of detailed biostratigraphic analyses with facies studies will lead to better stratigraphic correlations of Dinantian rocks in northwest Europe. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
文中描述了产自广西桂林地区下石炭统黄金组下部的颅形贝属一新种,桂林颅形贝(Cranaena guilinensis)。新种以平直的前结合缘和背壳上发育中槽为特征。在4枚标本上发现保存有放射状的彩色条带,表明该种当时生活在温暖海域的浅水环境。对该属70个种的地质地理分布和生物多样性变化的初步分析表明,该属可能起源于早泥盆世欧美大陆西北缘的老世界区,之后的地理分布和生物多样性发展以北美地区为中心,经历了中泥盆世—晚泥盆世早期和早石炭世2次比较明显的辐射演化、迁移扩散高峰和晚泥盆世晚期的1次严重衰退。第1次高峰是中泥盆世—晚泥盆世早期,该属的生物多样性达到巅峰,生物地理分布范围扩大到欧美大陆之外的西伯利亚板块、哈萨克斯坦板块和华南板块等;第2次高峰是早石炭世,该属的生物多样性虽不及前一次,但获得了最广泛的地理分布,不仅在北方大陆有分布,而且已进入到冈瓦纳大陆边缘。晚泥盆世晚期该属的1次严重衰退显然与F/F灭绝事件有关。早石炭世之后,该属进入衰退阶段,最终在二叠纪初灭绝。  相似文献   
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