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鞍山齐大山铁矿王家堡子采区产出鞍山式沉积变质型铁矿,铁矿石多以磁铁贫矿为主,局部产出富铁矿,目前钻探工程控制标高为-600 m,采区深部的资源潜力是急待解决的问题,为此对采区进行音频大地电磁测量和研究工作。齐大山铁矿的电性变化复杂,通过先期的实验剖面确定了矿区铁矿体的3种不同电阻率特征,然后对王家堡子采区的3760线、4050线、4500线进行音频大地电磁测量、数据处理和断面反演分析。推测3760线的低阻由磁铁贫矿引起,局部高阻为假象赤铁贫矿引起;推测4050线和4500线浅部的低阻由磁铁贫矿引起,深部的高阻为假象赤铁贫矿及磁铁贫矿引起。同时预测3760线、4050线和4500线西侧深部均有低电阻率显示,反映出隐伏铁矿床的存在特征,推测在-1 000 m标高以下仍存在有隐伏的富矿体或板状磁铁贫矿。经过钻探验证,获得了预期的找矿效果。  相似文献   
The potential of the load-unload response ratio (LURR) method for medium-term earthquake prediction is studied for Sakhalin Island as an example. An approach to the generation of predicted conditions and assessment of their implementation in real time is considered. The results of a retrospective analysis of other large Sakhalin earthquakes are used for generalization. It is shown that deviations of prediction parameters from specified values are satisfactory for this method. It is recommended that this method be used to compile summaries of medium-term predictions for Sakhalin provided that catalogs are filled as soon as possible.  相似文献   
在建立页岩岩石物理模型的基础上,根据等效自相容近似(SCA)岩石物理模型,构建出岩石的纵波速度、横波速度与岩石密度、组分和孔隙度等的定量关系,得出使理论纵波速度和实际纵波速度最接近的孔隙纵横比,进而将该孔隙纵横比作为约束条件来实现横波速度预测。反演算法利用人工鱼群算法来计算最佳孔隙纵横比,并将预测的横波速度与实际测得的横波速度对比,证明了人工鱼群算法的有效性。  相似文献   
A convective and stratiform cloud classification method for weather radar is proposed based on the density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) algorithm. To identify convective and stratiform clouds in different developmental phases, two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) models are proposed by applying reflectivity factors at 0.5° and at 0.5°, 1.5°, and 2.4° elevation angles, respectively. According to the thresholds of the algorithm, which include echo intensity, the echo top height of 35 dBZ (ET), density threshold, and ε neighborhood, cloud clusters can be marked into four types: deep-convective cloud (DCC), shallow-convective cloud (SCC), hybrid convective-stratiform cloud (HCS), and stratiform cloud (SFC) types. Each cloud cluster type is further identified as a core area and boundary area, which can provide more abundant cloud structure information. The algorithm is verified using the volume scan data observed with new-generation S-band weather radars in Nanjing, Xuzhou, and Qingdao. The results show that cloud clusters can be intuitively identified as core and boundary points, which change in area continuously during the process of convective evolution, by the improved DBSCAN algorithm. Therefore, the occurrence and disappearance of convective weather can be estimated in advance by observing the changes of the classification. Because density thresholds are different and multiple elevations are utilized in the 3D model, the identified echo types and areas are dissimilar between the 2D and 3D models. The 3D model identifies larger convective and stratiform clouds than the 2D model. However, the developing convective clouds of small areas at lower heights cannot be identified with the 3D model because they are covered by thick stratiform clouds. In addition, the 3D model can avoid the influence of the melting layer and better suggest convective clouds in the developmental stage.  相似文献   
This study depicts the sub-seasonal prediction of the South China Sea summer monsoon onset(SCSSMO) and investigates the associated oceanic and atmospheric processes, utilizing the hindcasts of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction(NCEP) Climate Forecast System version 2(CFSv2). Typically, the SCSSMO is accompanied by an eastward retreat of the western North Pacific subtropical high(WNPSH), development of the cross-equatorial flow, and an increase in the east-west sea surface temperat...  相似文献   
孙转  杨风丽  张娜  王仔轩  王文艳 《地质论评》2012,58(6):1133-1143
三联点(Triple Junction)是指3个板块边界(离散型、聚敛型和剪切型)的交汇处.三联点最早的认识是源于板块构造,由于其构造的特殊性,三联点的研究为我们提供了一个很好的研究板块构造的窗口.不同的三联点形状或类型指示着不同的大地构造环境及运动历史,同时它对油气的资源效应也产生了较大影响.本文论述了三联点概念的演变、类型、识别、演化过程、定量描述与模拟方面的进展,并对三联点产生的油气资源效应也进行了分析,最后对三联点的研究发展方向进行了展望.  相似文献   
全国铀矿资源潜力评价工作进展与主要成果   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
全国铀矿资源潜力评价属于国情调查的一项重要内容,是在集成核地质系统几十年成果资料的基础上,充分借鉴国内外相关的地质研究成果,全过程使用GIS技术,全国范围内圈定铀矿预测区329个,预测铀资源量200余万t。在铀矿床类型、成矿区带划分、地物化遥综合信息及铀成矿规律研究等方面取得了创新性成果,首次实现了铀矿资源潜力的数字化和信息化评价,为制定铀矿地质勘查中长期规划提供了重要依据,为我国铀矿资源的常态化动态评价奠定了很好的基础。  相似文献   
以ETM+数据为信息源,对典型矿床—朱拉扎嘎金矿的成矿地质特征和遥感解译特征进行详细研究。矿体赋存于渣尔泰山群阿古鲁沟组一段浅变质含钙质碎屑岩中。利用目视综合解译法进行了线性构造信息的提取;利用主成份分析法有效提取了铁染蚀变异常和羟基蚀变异常信息,并利用光谱角法对蚀变异常进行了优化处理;利用GIS技术将以上提取的成矿信息进行叠加分析。确定该区寻找铜金矿床的找矿标志为:(1)渣尔泰山群阿古鲁沟组一段;(2)线性构造发育;(3)铁染蚀变异常和羟基蚀变异常存在且二者套合好;(4)有较强的化探异常,且异常浓集中心套合好。并利用找矿标志在区内圈定出朱拉扎嘎北侧、西侧等6个找矿靶区。  相似文献   
建南地区侏罗系下统自流井组东岳庙段泥页岩发育,邻井多口井在该段普遍见良好的油气显示。页岩气储层为自生自储型油气藏,属于泥岩性质储层,具有低孔隙、超低渗透率的特点,文章通过对建南构造自流井组东岳庙段页岩气储层岩性、物性、电性、含气性特征及储层“四性”关系的研究,结合岩心、气测录井、试气等资料统计分析出页岩气储层的物性和电性下限值,进一步建立有效厚度解释图版,定量得出页岩气层的解释下限标准,为页岩气的评价解释提供了参考。  相似文献   
秦植海  秦鹏 《岩土力学》2012,33(6):1747-1753
海堤工后沉降分析预测对工程维护和灾害防治具有重要意义。以海堤工后初期监测资料为基础,运用分层总和法和太沙基一维固结理论反演了土层固结系数,并通过对固结系数变化规律的分析,提出采用改进变维分形预测模型对具有较强趋势性的固结系数进行预测,进而对海堤工后可能发生的长期沉降进行预测。以浙江省洞头县北岙后二期东围堤工程的海堤监测数据作为研究对象进行了验证计算,结果表明,该方法反映了实际土体的固结沉降机制,能够较好地预测海堤工后沉降趋势,具有一定的工程实用意义。  相似文献   
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